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Updated: 03/17/20 12:37 AM
File Info
Updated:03/17/20 12:37 AM
Created:05/18/16 06:19 PM
Monthly downloads:278
Total downloads:45,196
Categories:Buff, Debuff, Spell, Combat Mods, Info, Plug-in Bars, Raid Mods
Auramastery  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.20
by: Letho [More]
Addon not maintained anymore
With Update 26 I decided to leave Elder Scrolls Online. I am an endgame player and beyond progression raiding there is nothing that I further do in MMOs. This addon will not be maintained anymore until I decide to come back. If you want to create a fork of it please ask for permission via PM.


What is AuraMastery?

The addon's main purpose is providing players a tool to display important and user defined information in a structured, highly customizable and easy to see way on players' screens (look at the screenshot displaying the state of two important buffs).
This is achieved by using a two step configuration:

1. Display options
This contains all customizable information about what to display: An icon, a statusbar or plain text. Customize the icon's size, position, transparency, border size,etc. You can display every single icon ingame.

2. Condition/trigger settings
This step contains all information about when to display those things specified during the first step based on simple user defined conditions working as display triggers. Currently
Auramastery only supports aura information as conditions (e.g. "display the specified icon once buff/debuff xyz's duration is > 0" => the icon will be displayed as soon as the specified
aura is active on the specified unit, e.g. "player"). It's also possible to combine several conditions related to different buffs/debuffs.

To get an idea of it's current features take a look at the acreenshots attached to this overview.

The addon strictly works on a whitelist base: It will only display things that the user specified to serve it's main purpose! Although it can be used as a buff/debuff tracker I still recommend using an ordinary buff/debuff addon such as Srendarr to get a display of every single effect currently active on your character.

List of configuration fields:

1. Display settings:
Name: A personal identifier for a specific aura
Width/height [pixels]: Here you can specify the icon's size in pixels.
PosX/PosY [screen coordinates in pixels]: The icon's position on your screen (the icon's top left corner will be used as an anchor with 0,0 pointing at the top left position of your screen)
Transparency [0-1]: 0 = invisible, 1 = zero transparency, 0.5 = semi transparent
Font size/Font color: Font size and font color for all text to be displayed on the aura.
Border size/Border color [pixels]: Same as font size/font color.
Critical Time [seconds]: As soon as the duration of the abilities specified in the condition tab exceed this threshold, bring the icon to 100% visibility, display the cooldown with higher precision (using tenths of seconds) and color the cooldown text red.
Enabled: You can unload the aura without having to delete it by setting this to true.
Duration Source: Now this is a bit hard to explain. Imagine you have an aura of type "Icon", that you configured to be displayed as soon as a specific buff on your character with a full duration of 30 seconds has less than 20 seconds AND more than 10 seconds left (no idea why ppl should do that, but its a good example). As soon as the aura gets displayed, it will start a cooldown animation. This setting handles what the cooldown will look like:
* Aura: As soon as the aura gets displayed, a cooldown will start at 0 and run for 10 seconds (remaining aura display time).

* Trigger n: The cooldown animation won't last for the remaining display time, but as soon as the aura gets displayed, it will check for the duration of the ability specified within trigger 1, ignoring all other triggers. In our example this ability has a duration of 30 seconds. The aura will display as soon as the ability has 20s left. The cooldown spiral will not start at 0, but it will already have travelled 1/3 (20 of 30 seconds) and travel for another 1/3 of the icon (10s) before the icon fades.
I sugget you play around with this setting a bit to get an understanding of how it works.
Icon Source:
* Trigger n: Automatically take the ability icon of the ability that has been specified in Trigger n.
* Manual: Select the icon manually.
2. Display conditions:
The display conditions work as follows: Each condition, represented by a so called "trigger" is check individually to be true or false. If all conditions provided are met, the Icon specified is displayed - as soon as one or more conditions are not met anymore, the icon is hidden. The following fields are available for specifying the condition's logic:

Trigger Type: This specifies what the current trigger is checking.
* (De-)Buff checks a buff or debuff on the target specified below.

* Ability used is for checking ground effects: Let's take the Inferno Staff's elemental blockade ability as an example - the ground effect has a duration, but it is not treated as a buff or debuff on you or a target. So the game has to check if you just used an ability matching the ability ID specified below. If that ability has a duration, display the aura for that time.

*Combat Event is for checking for buffs and debuffs using the combatlog. There are some effects ingame that can be put on you without being recognized to be a buff/debuff by the game client. An example would be the 2nd boss on Maw of Lorkaj: As u might know, the boss puts an effect on you, that makes you either being on the "light" or on the "shadow" side. Those effects are not displayed as a debuff (and hence not detected by srendarr and other buff/debuff trackers). But you can workaround that by checking the combat events and simulate a buff/debuff. This Setting is for professional users only, as you will have to pick the effect IDs from the combatlog.
Ability ID: A numeric value that identifies a specific buff, debuff, effect or ability (which one is looked up is contextual to the selected trigger type).
Source Unit:
* player: Check for the ability specified above on your character.
* target: Check for the ability specified above on your current target.
Check all Ability Ids: All abilities consist of one base ability and two potential morphs (using different names) with 4 ranks each. That results in 12 ability IDs for one ability. Let's say you want to track a debuff on you. Due to the fact that you never know an attacker's ability rank you would normally have to create one condition for every ability ID. This can be avoided by simply entering one of the four ability IDs for the desired aura and switching this control to "true". WARNING: Due to Zenimax not having properly localized all ability names, this might sometimes not work.
Operator, Value:
This is best explained by giving an example:

Ability-ID = 63302 (proximity detonation rank IV)
Operator = ">"
Value = "0"
This translates into
"Display the specified icon as soon as proximity detonation's buff on the player is active (duration > 0)"
As soon as the buff fades (= detonation goes off), the icon will be hidden again. You can add as many
conditions as you like, but watch out that they make sense! Contradicting conditions will cause the icon never to be displayed!
Invert Logic: Inverts the trigger logic (when conditions specified above are true, they will be treated like they were false, if this button is set to "true")
Selfcast only: If this is set to "true", only effects that have been cast by you will be taken into consideration.

Usage (Slash commands list):
The addon is configured via so called slash commands. Those commands are typed directly into the chat with a '/' infront of them.
  • "/am": Display the configuration menu.
  • "/am unlock": Make every aura movable.
  • "/am lock": Make all auras unmovable and lock them to their current position.

Since you need some information on abilities or effects to set the addon properly up, there are some commands to get the information needed in a more or less convenient way: The addon's tracking module. Here are the commands needed in order to make use of it:
  • "/am track": Enables or disables the tracking module (needs to be typed first after every (re)load before using any of the commands provided below:
  • "/am abilities": Enable this to display information on every ability the player uses.
  • "/am effects": Enable this to display information on all effects that are casted on or by the player (Warning: Your chat window will get flooded when using this populated areas!)
  • "/am combat": Enable this to display information on all combat events that are casted by the player, other players or NPCs that are near to the player (Warning: Your chat window will get heavily flooded when using this in populated areas!)

Thank you for testing, please report any bugs you encounter using the comment system.
ESO 5.3.6 (Update 25: Harrowstorm)
- fixed a bug threw a lua error when creating a new aura or renaming an existing one


ESO 5.3.5 (Update 25: Harrowstorm)
- fixed a bug that prevented the stack count functionality from working properly
- added necromancer abilities and passives to the icon library
- added new functionality: during the main menu scene specific auras can now be hidden/shown by clicking on the stealth symbol next to the aura name in the main menu's auras scrolllist (Please note that hidden auras will not "save" their state, so everything will be reset when the menu is closed and reopened. I decided not to save the menu state as this functionality is only QoL and not crucial, so no need to bloat the saved variables...)


ESO 5.3.4 (Update 25: Harrowstorm)
- version increment


ESO 5.1.5 (Update 24: Dragonhold)
- fixed a bug that prevented saving animation data


ESO 5.1.5 (Update 23: Scalebreaker)
- fixed an issue with aura groups: they should now display their correct name in main menu and aura menu


ESO 5.0.11 (Update 22: Elsweyr)
- fixed some bugs that occured when older aura svars were updated to the current version (introduced defaults.lua as template)
- progress bars now work properly if an aura's duration info source is set to "aura"


ESO 5.0.10 (Update 22: Elsweyr)
- fixed a bug that occurred if abilities were used that have a higher abilityId than 100000 (ABILITY_MAX is now dynamically generated on addon start)
- added new functionality: stacks, target name or source name can now be dynamically displayed in icon text or auras of type text using /s, /tn or /sn respectively
- added new trigger type: "custom"; custom triggers allow to specify a trigger and untrigger condition without any required time information. For example: A custom trigger can trigger an aura when a happens and it will only disappear as soon as b happens (with b being the untrigger condition). This way auras can be displayed/triggered based on infinitely lasting effects (hoarfrost, etc.).


ESO 5.0.9 (Update 22: Elsweyr)
- API version increment
- fixed a bug that prevented auras to be hidden, that should only display onReticleOver


ESO 4.3.8 (Update 21: Wrathstone)
- added new functionality: auras can now display a customizable "flashing screen" animation on triggering


ESO 4.3.5 (Update 21: Wrathstone)
- fixed a bug that occured when the addon was loaded with one or more empty ability bar slots


ESO 4.3.5 (Update 21: Wrathstone)
- Version increment
- fixed a bug that occured when creating buff/debuff auras that tracked buffs/debuffs on targets


ESO 4.2.13 (Update 20: Murkmire)
- implemented ZOS's new ability manager object to fetch action bar loadout data after loading the addon.
- reworked the aura naming system to fix some problems that occured when an aura was created, deleted and recreated afterwards. New auras always contain their aura type in their new placeholder name after being created.
- new functionality: aura groups. Auras can now be grouped into custom groups for a better overview. All ungrouped auras are grouped under the group 'Ungrouped Auras'. This group cannot be deleted.
- aura groups can be exported/imported as a whole, so exporting/importing auras is now much easier.
- reworked the way auras are positioned and moved when loading the aura menu. (/am unlock still works)


ESO 4.2.11 (Update 20: Murkmire)
- reactivated a previous aura type: 'Text'
- new aura functionality: play sound on trigger / on untrigger.
- new trigger functionality: 'action results'. Auras can now be triggered by ANY combat event (ranging from 'player put down a siege weapon' to person xyz got hit by a light attack from player/npc abc). Existing auras will be converted to maintain their current functionality as action results are a required field from now on.
- fixed several nasty bugs that prevented 'load in combat only' functionality from working properly.


ESO 4.2.8 (Update 20: Murkmire)
- version increment
- fixed a bug that caused auras that are flaged to load in combat only to vanish in certain situations


ESO 4.1.6 (Update 19: Wolfhunter)
- fixed a display bug that hindered the operator and value fields being displayed for ALL auras when an aura was set to 'show only when not active'


ESO 4.1.6 (Update 19: Wolfhunter)
- whitelisted event action result 2240 (effect gained without duration) for triggering auras
- version increment


ESO 4.0.12 (Update 18: Summerset)
- fixed a bug with progression bars: permanently visible (empty) progression bars are now visible again


ESO 4.0.12 (Update 18: Summerset)
- fixed some bugs with progression bars on recasting abilities that are used by them
- new functionality: loading conditions (load in combat only and load only if specific ability is sloted)


ESO 4.0.5 (Update 18: Summerset)
- fixed some issues with buff/debuff auras that are tracking debuffs on a target (both bars and icons)

ESO 4.0.5 (Update 18: Summerset)
- fixed a wrong LAM implementation that could cause errors if no other addon was installed that used and loaded LAM properly.


ESO 4.0.5 (Update 18: Summerset)
- version increment
- added a tracking module for finding ability information such as ability IDs


ESO 3.3.5
- ability IDs can now consist of up to 6 digits
- fixed a bug that was causing lua errors when unlocking and locking auras


ESO 3.3.5
- API version increment
- fixed color picker in aura menu for all auras
- implemented color picker functionality for progression bars


ESO 3.2.11
- fixed an issue with 'selfCast' flag


ESO 3.2.11
- improved code for combat event performance


ESO 3.2.11
- fixed a bug with combat events
- preparations for Dragon Bones


ESO 3.2.11
- fixed a nasty bug that could disturb checkAll functionality


ESO 3.2.11
- changed the way combat event triggers work: caster and target can be specified as an additional condition for a combat event (useful for tracking synergy lockouts, as the addon will not display it as soon as anybody activates a synergy); if no names are given, the combat event will react to every use of the ability specified, regardless who casted it at whom


ESO 3.2.11
- fixed a bug in checkAll-functionality that could throw lua errors when using it with combat events


ESO 3.2.9
- new configuration features for auras:
* font color
* border color
* automatic icon selection
* COOLDOWN animations (spiral) for Icons!
- 2 new aura types (experimental):
* actionbar
* text
- new trigger functionality: selfcast only
- bug fix for combat effects: only combat effects targeted at the player character will be used (triggering an aura by using a synergy for example will not have the aura triggered if ANYBODY around the player uses it, but only the player himself => tracking the synergy lockout for spear shards / orbs is possible now)


ESO 3.0.5
- API version update
- new functionality added: custom ability durations for "ability used" and "combat event" triggers


ESO 2.7.13
- fixed the icon selection button in the aura menu (it will now always update and preSelect the aura's icon properly)
- the addon will not display it's table in the chat on player login or /realoadui anymore... sorry for my blindness ;)


ESO 2.7.12
- two new trigger types:
* combat event: same as buff/debuff but getting it's information from another source (can trigger based on effects that are not displayed as buffs/debuffs, such as trial boss's effects, etc.)
* ability used: checking for the duration of ground effects placed by the player
- complete aura menu design overhaul
* layering issues with controls overlapping each other are a thing of the past
* design is much cleaner now and mostly inherits from Zenimax original controls
* a better icon selector that allows displaying all ingame icons without having to categorize them
- the ability Id finder has been removed (see addon front page for further details)


ESO 2.7.8
- temporarily moved the export aura button to make display icon selection functional again. The whole UI will be totally reworked as soon as I find time for it


ESO 2.7.8
- auras will now fade during appropriate scenes (dialogues, inventory, map, etc.)
- importing auras should now work properly
- got some serious issues with menu element layering, priority are currently shifted towards other things, sadly


ESO 2.7.8
- added new functionality: Auras can now be exported and imported as a serialized string (the string can be saved to a .txt-file)
- update to current API version


ESO 2.6
- added new functionality: the user can now deactivate/activate created auras
- fixed: target buffs/debuffs have not been updated if another target was targeted or the target specified died
- update to current API version


ESO 2.4.5
- the user can now specify on which target he wants a buff/debuff to be tracked for each custom aura (in other words: tracking your debuffs on your current target is now possbible)
- updated to current API version


ESO 2.3.11
- the ability-ID search tool now supports major and minor buffs, too


ESO 2.3.11
- added some informative hoverbuttons to the addon menu (questionmark symbol next to each settings parameter)
- fixed a problem that could cause EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED not to update correctly for unitTags that stoped sending


ESO 2.3.11
- implemented an ability-ID search tool (currently only 'real' abilities can be searched for, no major or minor buffs. The addon will nevertheless take every valid ability id for tracking!)
- implemented a 'check all' functionality to save users from having to enter all ability IDs for every rank of a spell in order to track auras that have no rank or that are triggered by an unknown rank


ESO 2.3.11
- initital alpha build
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Unread 10/24/16, 04:14 AM  
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Hi, sorry for my late answers, but ich just came back from a longer break.


... hiding icons when the minimap is open:
definetely a feature i'd like to implement. One of my biggest problems with eso lua (I originally came from WoW) is the severe lack of documentation, especially when it comes to displaying stuff / interacting with the interface (scrollbars, etc.).

... sounds:
IMO the most important feature that is currently lacking. Problem is, ESO does not support custom sounds, so we can only choose from 3 or 4 standard sounds (klick sounds from inventory and cyrodiil notification sounds) that would add some confusion. So this feature is on the bottom of my priority list.

... crippling grasp:
Z is currently maintaining the servers, i'll try it on my own magblade, as soon as i am able to log in!
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Unread 11/06/16, 06:09 PM  
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Weak Auras for ESO, yes please!

I tested it to track the Infallible Aether (81519) buff on the target, and it worked. However, the Aura doesn't refresh itself when the buff is reapplied to the target while the condition is still true.

Also, it'd be great if it could pull the icon from the condition if an icon isn't manually set, seeing as this specific one isn't available in any of the icon lists.
Last edited by Majeure : 11/06/16 at 06:14 PM.
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Unread 12/19/16, 12:46 AM  

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Hi Letho, i've been checking your addon and wonder if I could track for gear set procs cooldowns? Not the effect itself but the cooldown for the next proc. For example, i'd like to track the 12 second cooldown of burning spellweave's proc. Not the 8 seconds buff, but the cooldown for the next proc. Think that could be done with your addon?

Thank you very much.
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Unread 12/27/16, 01:58 AM  

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Not gonna lie add-on felt kinda complicated due to having a different menu but I still love it. I've been searching for something like this for a very long time. I managed to get Hurricane and Crit Surge working but I couldn't find a way to track things like Endless Hail or Poison Injection debuff, is that something we can't do or I just couldn't do it?

I don't even know how I managed to miss this add on for so long while I'm basically checking esoui everyday for something like this.
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Unread 12/27/16, 06:03 AM  

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Originally Posted by rockmassif
Not gonna lie add-on felt kinda complicated due to having a different menu but I still love it. I've been searching for something like this for a very long time. I managed to get Hurricane and Crit Surge working but I couldn't find a way to track things like Endless Hail or Poison Injection debuff, is that something we can't do or I just couldn't do it?

I don't even know how I managed to miss this add on for so long while I'm basically checking esoui everyday for something like this.
Hey, you and me both. Bufftimers is similar to this but abandoned. Problem is I'm having problems with both aswell. Managed to get Arrow Barrage (other morph of Volley) to work in Bufftimers but not in this. Then again got Green Dragon Blood working in this but not in Bufftimers. Bufftimers has a debug feature that was requested few posts ago but that doesn't seem to help aswell since the Arrow Barrage ID is correct.
Oh and also no luck with poison injection in either.
Last edited by Alvar195 : 12/27/16 at 06:04 AM.
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Unread 03/02/17, 02:10 AM  
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Hey guys, sorry for not answering for a long period, but this addon has been abandoned, too for a while due to my on-off-relationship with another very specific mmo...

Just wanted to let u know that I am back now and will start looking into this addon again very soon. The buff/debuff tracking system is indeed very complicated due to the fact that there is not (has not been?) a system provided by zenimax, that allows to convert localized spell names into lang neutral spell ids and vice verca. So every buff- and debuff id has to be hardcoded into a table what kinda sucks and takes much time. I think my next step will be sth. to make this process easier.

Originally Posted by rockmassif
Not gonna lie add-on felt kinda complicated due to having a different menu but I still love it. I've been searching for something like this for a very long time. I managed to get Hurricane and Crit Surge working but I couldn't find a way to track things like Endless Hail or Poison Injection debuff, is that something we can't do or I just couldn't do it?

I don't even know how I managed to miss this add on for so long while I'm basically checking esoui everyday for something like this.
Just as a quick solution for these problems:

1. Endless hail does not apply a debuff afaik, so u need sth. that tracks your cast start, generates a fake aura and hides the display manually when it ends. This is (not yet) implemented into my addon, you can use Srendarr for it.

2. Poison Injection seems not to be included in the database, yet. A good method for looking up specific debuff and buff IDs is using the addon Combat Metrics, just activate the display of spell ids in the log. Sorry I cannot provide some more conveniant and quicker solutions.
Last edited by Letho : 03/02/17 at 02:18 AM.
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Unread 03/05/17, 02:05 AM  

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Originally Posted by Letho
Hey guys, sorry for not answering for a long period, but this addon has been abandoned, too for a while due to my on-off-relationship with another very specific mmo...

Just wanted to let u know that I am back now and will start looking into this addon again very soon. The buff/debuff tracking system is indeed very complicated due to the fact that there is not (has not been?) a system provided by zenimax, that allows to convert localized spell names into lang neutral spell ids and vice verca. So every buff- and debuff id has to be hardcoded into a table what kinda sucks and takes much time. I think my next step will be sth. to make this process easier.

Originally Posted by rockmassif
Not gonna lie add-on felt kinda complicated due to having a different menu but I still love it. I've been searching for something like this for a very long time. I managed to get Hurricane and Crit Surge working but I couldn't find a way to track things like Endless Hail or Poison Injection debuff, is that something we can't do or I just couldn't do it?

I don't even know how I managed to miss this add on for so long while I'm basically checking esoui everyday for something like this.
Just as a quick solution for these problems:

1. Endless hail does not apply a debuff afaik, so u need sth. that tracks your cast start, generates a fake aura and hides the display manually when it ends. This is (not yet) implemented into my addon, you can use Srendarr for it.

2. Poison Injection seems not to be included in the database, yet. A good method for looking up specific debuff and buff IDs is using the addon Combat Metrics, just activate the display of spell ids in the log. Sorry I cannot provide some more conveniant and quicker solutions.
Welcome back!

Can you pack the addon files inside a folder instead of straight in to the .zip file? When updating and downloading in Minion the files gets extracted to the AddOns folder so the addon gets broken.

Edit: You also can't click Armor Skills in Choose Aura Icon because the Export Aura button is behind and gets pressed instead.
Last edited by Martan : 03/05/17 at 02:17 AM.
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Unread 03/05/17, 03:26 PM  
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Originally Posted by Martan

Welcome back!

Can you pack the addon files inside a folder instead of straight in to the .zip file? When updating and downloading in Minion the files gets extracted to the AddOns folder so the addon gets broken.

Edit: You also can't click Armor Skills in Choose Aura Icon because the Export Aura button is behind and gets pressed instead.
Thanks! The UI element layering works quite funny and really drives me mad. I will take a totally different approach towards making the UI for the aura menu (that means more dialogue boxes and less dropdown menus), as soon as some core functions are implemented (that means more trigger types ). Temporarily moved the export button to prevent it from blocking icon selection.
Last edited by Letho : 03/05/17 at 03:27 PM.
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Unread 03/06/17, 12:49 AM  

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Originally Posted by Letho
Originally Posted by Martan

Welcome back!

Can you pack the addon files inside a folder instead of straight in to the .zip file? When updating and downloading in Minion the files gets extracted to the AddOns folder so the addon gets broken.

Edit: You also can't click Armor Skills in Choose Aura Icon because the Export Aura button is behind and gets pressed instead.
Thanks! The UI element layering works quite funny and really drives me mad. I will take a totally different approach towards making the UI for the aura menu (that means more dialogue boxes and less dropdown menus), as soon as some core functions are implemented (that means more trigger types ). Temporarily moved the export button to prevent it from blocking icon selection.
Nice! And now also packed in a folder Appreciate it!
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Unread 05/08/17, 09:36 AM  
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Another way to search for skills like "Ilambris" etc. is to use this online database of UESP:ESO
-> <SearchTermHere> must be replaced with a string like "Ilambris".

Just enter the search term in the search box at the top right corner, choose "skills" from the dropdown below the search box.
Last edited by Baertram : 05/08/17 at 09:36 AM.
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Unread 06/15/17, 09:11 PM  
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Is there any way to set up an aura to only show if a certain ability is slotted? I'm trying to make it give me a warning when one of my pets have died, and that's working, but it has a side effect of telling me they're dead when they're not even slotted :s

It also shows up anytime I reload, even when pets are still out, is that a bug?
Using: Buff ID 24639 (Twilight) on Player == 0 invert false

Is there a better way to do this?

And thank you for the addon!
Last edited by Kenza : 06/18/17 at 03:15 PM.
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Unread 06/18/17, 07:14 AM  

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What does that mean?


Last edited by Bierdeife : 06/18/17 at 10:38 AM.
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Unread 06/19/17, 04:01 PM  
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Is there any way to set up an aura to only show if a certain ability is slotted? I'm trying to make it give me a warning when one of my pets have died, and that's working, but it has a side effect of telling me they're dead when they're not even slotted :s

It also shows up anytime I reload, even when pets are still out, is that a bug?
Using: Buff ID 24639 (Twilight) on Player == 0 invert false

Is there a better way to do this?

And thank you for the addon!
The "load only when sloted"-thing is the feature I was recently developing. Thing is I am currently very much involved at the university and rarely find time for coding, so it will take some time. Also I must think over it very precicely as it affects the very core of how the addon is working. Until I find some time there is no other way than disabling the aura when you change your ability lineup.

As far as I know there is no way to determine wether a player has a companion summoned or not, what would be neccessary for tracking an active pet after /reloadui. The addons simply checks the spell's id when you hit a key and if the spell id is appropriate, it shows the aura.

I'll have to check on those spell ids tomorrow. Actually this is some debug information that should not be visible to the user^^
Last edited by Letho : 06/19/17 at 04:02 PM.
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Unread 06/19/17, 04:24 PM  
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Originally Posted by Letho
The "load only when sloted"-thing ...
No worries~ I'm currently just having it check for passives from other abilities to determine which skill set I have equipped, so if I'm not on the pet skillset it hides. Works fine for now!

Originally Posted by Letho
As far as I know there is no way to determine wether a player has a companion summoned or not.
Ah well. I got the addon for dismiss pet keybind, so now I just dismiss and resummon to make it register again anytime I need to /reload~

Thanks for the response and good luck with school!
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Unread 06/20/17, 03:04 AM  
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@Kenza: If this addon can detect a summoned pet after reloading the UI, there must be a way to track it, thx for the hint, I'll look into it.

@Bierdeife: Those two abilities are the fade events from a dragon knight's armor and jump and ther shouldn't be a missing event. Can you describe your auras, that use those abilities?
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