(102 Kb)
Updated: 05/18/24 10:42 AM
File Info
Scions of Ithelia (9.3.0)
Updated:05/18/24 10:42 AM
Created:06/27/14 07:39 PM
Monthly downloads:17,606
Total downloads:1,329,493
Categories:Unit Mods, Action Bar Mods, Graphic UI Mods
Azurah - Interface Enhanced  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 2.4.46
by: Kith, Garkin, Phinix, Sounomi

(PM Phinix with improved translations!)

REQUIRED LIBRARIES: LibAddonMenu LibMediaProvider

PLEASE HELP! I've still been dealing with my 28 year old brother passing and now my father is in the hospital with a major stroke that has paralyzed his entire left side. My disability was reduced to $629 randomly, and trying to make it between Medford where he is and here (about 100 miles one-way) is tough. I need to be with him though. If there is anything you can do to help it would mean a lot. I am really struggling not to be overwhelmed and stay hopeful, but it is hard and I am feeling very much alone. (5-14-24)
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the action bar or other items are not saving position when moving in gamepad mode, you MUST /reloadui after changing modes before Azurah will work! This is due to a game engine limitation where internal references that share names are not updated completely until a reload (see Misc section of Azurah's general tab.) Azurah has an option to automatically reload when swapping modes.

UPDATE: Azurah is now fully compatible with Harvest Map, including the Spawned Resource Filter options, even if you move or resize the compass!

Azurah enhances the interface by providing additional information and customization options while maintaining most of the stock look and feel of the game's standard UI.

Current Features:
  • NEW: Added Action Bar options to block activation of Mage Light & Expert Hunter (and morphs).
  • NEW: Added a new option "Compass Label Position" to change vertical position of the label text relative to the compass.
  • NEW: Fully customize the compass including moving and resizing, while being fully compatible with Harvest Map!
  • NEW: Separately configure in-combat and out of combat opacity levels for all modified frames.
  • NEW: 'Undo Changes' button and right-click ability to undo changes to single windows since unlock.
  • Unlock the interface windows allowing them to be moved anywhere on the screen and scaled in size.
  • Set a minimum level of transparency for your attributes or have them always shown.
  • Lock the size of your attributes so food no longer makes them larger.
  • Display text overlays showing your and your target's attributes.
  • Show an overlay displaying your current level of Ultimate power.
  • Colour the target's health bar, name and level by its reaction to you, or its expected difficulty.
  • Show target player's class icon (and alliance icon) beside their name
  • Show other players by character name or @account name (or both) and other options.
  • Set an overlay for your experience bar as well as setting it to always be shown.
  • Several options to block accidental stealing when not fully hidden to avoid unwanted bounty.
  • Show when your backpack's contents change with extra options to warn you when your bag is nearly full.
  • Show a timer for the remaining duration of your Werewolf transformation.
  • Ability to enable account wide settings to apply the same choices to all characters on your account.

All of the above features include several options for personalization accessed from the Addon Settings menu under Azurah.
Additionally, the ability to unlock the interface for movement can be accessed via the chat window using the slash commands:

/azurah unlock = unlock UI for movement
/azurah save = lock UI and save positions
/azurah undo = undo all pending changes
/azurah exit = lock UI without saving

Feature for devs:
Warning: Spoiler
Hi all, I’m back and working on addons again. Times are tough and I am desperately in need of financial support at the moment dealing with disability due to a bleeding brain cavernoma and other expenses on less than $600 monthly fixed income. If anyone can help, or knows anyone that can help, or can possibly feature some of my work on their stream to help drive support my way, I would be immensely grateful. It will help me to continue to bring cool content and updates to you all!

v2.4.46 ~Phinix
- Updated API to Scions of Ithelia.
- Added updated Russian translation (thanks ivann).

v2.4.45 ~Phinix
- Corrected some issues that cropped up in the previous Endless Archive update.
- Modified the selection box for the Endless Archive mover so it can be placed directly against any edge.
- Corrected text label for the Endless Archive mover to be more correct.

v2.4.44 ~Phinix
- Updated API to Endless Archive.
- Added Endless Archive buff tracker to the Azurah mover tables.
- Added delayed refresh for UI frames that must be updated by the game before Azurah can move them.
- Added safety check to Bossbar update to avoid possible errors.
- Other minor code maintenance.

v2.4.43 ~Phinix
- Fixed Thievery which was broken due to change from old "fishing" function object name to INTERACTIVE_WHEEL_MANAGER.
- Updated target code to show new arcanist class icon.
- Updated to current API.

v2.4.42 ~Phinix
- Fixed error related to changed UI function (all calls to deprecated ResizeToFitDescendents removed).
- Added safety check to UI pending changes reset functions.
- Updated API for Scribes of Fate.

v2.4.41 ~Phinix
- Fixed the 'Undo' button to now reset all pending UI changes to your last saved state (includes restoring last frame positions).
- Fixed (hopefully) option to hide keybinds not working reliably in gamepad mode.
- EDIT: Removed some testing functions.

v2.4.40 ~Phinix
- Fixed hide keybinds not working for updated quickslot.
- Cleaned up temporary PTS compatibility checks and fully updated to High Isle API changes.
- EDIT: Fixed rare (mostly harmless) error when reloading the UI while in combat.

v2.4.39 ~Phinix
- Added safety check to frame initialization.
- Added new button to the Edit Frames tab to reset configuration. This removes all customizations made by Azurah for the selected frame and allows other UI overhaul addons to take control of that frame (or resets it to the game's default configuration). Must /reloadui for the reset to take effect.
- Re-docked addon settings tooltips to the right of the panel to make them easier to read.
- Added more updated French language translations (thanks lexo1000!).

v2.4.38 ~Phinix
- Improved Werewolf timer to be more consistent.
- Timer will now maintain the correct time remaining when reloading the UI.

v2.4.37 ~Phinix
- Added option to cap ultimate percent value at 100% when set to relative value display.
- Added Action Bar options to block activation of Mage Light & Expert Hunter (and morphs).
- Added optional keybind toggle for above settings.
- By default Azurah will warn you if one of these abilities is blocked, however you can turn off the warning.
- Added more updated French language translations (thanks lexo1000!).

v2.4.36 ~Phinix
- Added new option to set an alternate color for ultimate overlay text when the active bar ultimate is ready to cast. (Uses default overlay color when not ready.)
- Added new options for horizontal and vertical offset for value and percent ultimate overlay text.
- Added updated French language translation (thanks lexo1000!).
- Updated GetSlotAbilityCost and other functions to CombatMechanicFlags for PTS/High Isle.
- Test fix for boss bar overlay not shown in gamepad mode.

v2.4.35 ~Phinix
- Minor PTS update.

v2.4.34 ~Phinix
- Update for High Isle (works with PTS or live).
- Fixed ultimate relative percent overlay not updating when bar swapping.
- UPDATE: Modified werewolf timer widget to account for perma-wolf locations and UI reloads.

v2.4.33 ~Phinix
- Moved saved variable mode-based sub-table init check from Unlock.lua to Core.lua just after saved variables are initialized. Should resolve rare errors that might occur on first load of Azurah or possibly on mode swap if the mode being switched to has never been modified, or after deleting/modifying the Azurah saved variables file.

v2.4.32 ~Phinix
- Improved code for previous mode switch workaround to remove perceptible delay.
- Improved double-keybind fix to show custom gamepad bindings without also showing defaults.

v2.4.31 ~Phinix
- Fixed Action Bar button and border resize issues when scale is changed.
- Fixed double keybind gamepad mode visual bug.
- Fixed rare errors that could occur when swapping to gamepad and pressing buttons before it finished.

v2.4.30 ~Phinix
- Prevent text label re-appearing with no target when compass is resized.
- Fixed possible errors due to post-hooking handler: Switched to ZO_PreHookHandler.
- Fixed white single pixel showing on load when Active Combat Tip frame is modified.
- Other minor maintenance.

v2.4.29 ~Phinix
- Added a new option: "Compass Label Position." This allows you to change the vertical position of the label text relative to the compass up or down.
- Improved hooks for hiding button binds in gamepad mode, eliminating bugs and performance issues.
- Added warning to the main settings tab that you MUST /reloadui after changing action bar scale to avoid visual button scale bugs.
- Added warning to the main settings tab that you MUST /reloadui when switching between keyboard and gamepad mode BEFORE making changes to frames with Azurah.
- Various other cleanup, improvements, and maintenance behind the scenes.

v2.4.28 ~Phinix
- Added new dev function to check state of Azurah modifying frames (see description).
- Minor database maintenance.

v2.4.27 ~Phinix
- Fixed ActionBar not showing when set to Automatic in game settings -> combat, and removed from the new edit frame tab due to game not having SetAlphaValues option available for the action bar. Set above game setting to automatic to show/hide in and out of combat.
- Removed Health, Magicka, and Stamina from the new edit frame tab to allow attributes to be configured from their own Attributes tab in Azurah.
- EDIT: Additional minor adjustment to allow the Global Opacity Toggle option to work for player attributes.

v2.4.26 ~Phinix
- Added new Edit UI Frame Options button on the main Azurah settings tab. Lets you set an opacity (transparency) level for any frame you have moved or modified with Azurah.
- Additional feature: Combat mode! Enable on the above tab to set a second slider for opacity of each frame when in combat. Hide all your frames for RP immersion unless you need them!
- Improved the compass configuration. Now FULLY COMPATIBLE WITH HARVEST MAP including the Spawned Resource Filter. Move/resize to your heart's content!
- Fixed the global opacity toggle to also show the compass if it is hidden by any means.
- Added new option to fully reset the compass to the game's default to the compass tab.
- Fixed duplicate ultimate buttons in Gamepad mode.
- Changed some original hooks to new safer native methods.
- Migrated thievery saved variables to their own section and cleaned up the root global level.
- Many more fixes and improvements behind the scenes.

v2.4.25 ~Phinix
- Fixed "Enable/Disable Snap to Grid" text not updating when clicked on the mover UI.
- Fixed no overlay text in Bag Watcher or on the Experience Bar when in Gamepad Mode.
- Fixed hiding keybind overlays not working reliably in Gamepad Mode.
- Overhauled the options panel. Removed clutter from General tab. Gave Thievery its own tab, and added a new tab for the compass (see below).
- Added extensive options to customize the compass. It is moved like any frame by unlocking Azurah, but the size and appearance are configured on the new Compass tab.
- Maintenance of language translation files (still need human translations!)
- Updated API for Ascending Tide patch 33.

v2.4.24 ~Phinix
- Updated API for Waking Flame update.

v2.4.23 ~Phinix
- Fixed several bugs with the dialogue frame resetting when changing video settings, alt-tabbing, and several other situations that either caused it to revert to its default position or appear broken.

v2.4.22 ~Phinix
- Fixed companion ultimate button text not hiding with "Hide Keybind Text" enabled.

v2.4.21 ~Phinix
- Updated API to 100035 and fixed version desync (typo).
- Minor code maintenance.

v2.4.20 ~Phinix
- Fixed error related to change of container name in API (thanks Baertram).
- Updated API version for Blackwood.

v2.4.19 ~Phinix
- Updated API version for Flames of Ambition.

v2.4.18 ~Phinix
- Updated API version for Stonethorn.

v2.4.17 ~Phinix
- Updated API version for Greymoor.

v2.4.16 ~Phinix
- Updated API version for Harrowstorm.
- Removed dependency on LibStub.
- Various fixes and code maintenance.

v2.4.15 ~Phinix
- Updated API version for Dragonhold.
- Updated Russian translation (thanks GJSmoker).

v2.4.14 ~Phinix
- Updated API version for Scalebreaker.
- Fixed (hopefully) errors related to restoring of addon-based frames that no longer exist.

v2.4.13 ~Phinix
- Added the ability to move the dialogue frame, mainly for use with addons like ParlezPlus.
- Added support for moving the pet bar added in Unit Frames Rebirth by request.
- Fixed typos that were causing certain supported non-English languages to still display English.
- Improved German translation in general (thanks Scootworks).
- Other random minor things, probably.

v2.4.12 ~Phinix
- Quick error fix and API bump for Elsweyr.

v2.4.11 ~Phinix
- Minor code maintenance.

v2.4.10 ~Phinix
- Updated French language support (thanks lexo1000 for completely remaking the French translation!).

v2.4.9 ~Phinix
- Minor Maintenance

v2.4.8 ~Phinix
- Added fix to prevent custom position causing compass resize changes made using Wykkyd's Full Immersion to become reset when alt-tabbing.

v2.4.7 ~Phinix
- Updated for Wrathstone.
- Removed included Libstub/LibAddonMenu to avoid possible version conflicts in the future.

v2.4.6 ~Kith
- Fixed a typo in Manifest for Library loading.

v2.4.5 ~Phinix
- Added missing strings to Japanese and French translations, minor formatting.
- Maintenance adjustments to directory structure and language file naming conventions.

v2.4.4 ~Phinix
- Changed behavior of the Undo and Exit options on the unlock menu. Now if you exit without saving your changes will remain until you unlock again and save or reload the UI, letting you test changes with the mover frames off.
- Added a new icon indicator when there are changes pending which have not yet been saved. Clicking Undo changes or right-clicking all modified frames will will clear this icon, as will reloading the UI (when unsaved changes are lost).
- Cleaned up the unlock mover frame. Resized background to fit all new buttons.
- Added new chat commands to save, exit without saving, or undo changes, in addition to unlocking.
- Added improved German translation provided by Baertram.
- Cleaned up code and language files.

v2.4.3 ~Phinix
- Added new option 'Undo Changes' which undoes all UI changes since Azurah frames were unlocked. Locking saves the changes.
- Added new feature to right-click individual unlocked frames to undo changes made to just that frame since Azurah was unlocked.
- Added new option to exit frame edit mode without saving.
- Fixed docking of non-movable elements with attribute bars.
- Temp fix for compass position compatibility with changes made via Wykkyd Full Immersion (needs more testing).
- Fixed reticle/subtitle scaling bugs when using Wykkyd Full Immersion.
- Fixed "theft was prevented" chat notifications showing when option is disabled.
- Updated language translations and added German, Spanish, Italian, and Russian (Google only, needs human translation!).

v2.4.2 ~Kith
- Thievery: Fixed protection
- Thievery: Updated settings tooltips for clarity
- Thievery: Added 'blocked theft' announcement
- Target: Refactored for performance
- Target: Re-aligned class icon when displaying beside name
- Player: Refactored for performance
- Unlock: Can now move default Target Debuffs panel

v2.4.1 ~Kith
- Partially Updated for Murkmire
- Updated libraries
- Fixed startup error for Activity Tracker

v2.4 ~Sounomi
- Updated for Update 16.
- Updated libraries.
- Updated the code that handles the fading for the player attribute bars to allow for better and more natural fading.
- Updated the size locking code for the player attribute bars to allow it to be changed regardless of buffs.
- Updated the always shown feature for the experience bar to show when the loot window is open.
- Removed the redundant CP level from the experience bar overlay.
- Added a setting to disable the game's activity tracker.

v2.3.6 ~Sounomi
- Fixed a UI error that would occur when switching interface modes after the last update.

v2.3.5 ~Sounomi
- Fixed the positioning problems with player debuffs.

v2.3.4 ~Phinix
- Fixed Stamina bar disappearing when "Visibility: When Full" was set to 0 and player was mounted. Stamina bar should always show when mounted now to avoid floating mount stamina bar.
- Fixed Magicka bar disappearing when "Visibility: When Full" was set to 0 and player was in Werewolf form. Magicka bar should always show in WW form now to avoid floating WW power bar.

v2.3.3 ~Sounomi
- Fixed the shield health vanishing when the player's health changes.
- Updated the French localization. (Thanks lexo1000)

v2.3.21 ~Phinix
- Fixed the options to hide the target's @accountname and title, and the option to hide the @accountname from the interaction HUD. Also, this MAY solve the problem with guild kiosks not immediately showing the guild name that owns it. As an added bonus, toggling these options on and off no longer requires a reload of the UI.

v2.3.2a ~Sounomi
- Fixed the text for the new shield settings.

v2.3.2 ~Sounomi
- Fixed problems with the capture overly.
- Fixed player buffs not being movable.
- Fixed experience bar not showing properly when on default mode.
- Added a shield health setting for the player and target health frames.
- Added the ability to move the equipment status icons in gamepad mode.
- Added the ability to move the battleground score.

v2.3.1 ~Phinix
- Added new Thievery options: Safer Theft from Containers and Safer Pickpocketing which each prevent that type of looting if you are not actually hidden (if it would be a crime). Disabled by default.
- Updated French translation (thanks lexo1000) and cleaned up formatting on others.

v2.3.0b ~Phinix
- API bump.
- Updated libs.

v2.3.0a ~Phinix
- Updated French translation (thanks lexo1000).

v2.3.0beta02 ~Phinix
- Added new option to general settings to set the text alignment of the Notification Text frame.
- Adjusted the unlocked control frame to appear above default movables.
- Enabled moving the Reticle, Interaction (HUD) Text, and Sneak Icon.
- Enabled moving the built-in player Buff/Debuff Tracker frame (beta only).
- Updated API to support Morrowind.

v2.2.9g ~Phinix
- Fixed mount stamina and WW bars not remaining anchored to player bars in gamepad mode.

v2.2.9f ~Phinix
- Added option to hide player title along with the @accountname from the target frame.
- Added option to hide the player head icon from the target frame.

v2.2.9e ~Phinix
- Added new General option: 'Keyboard/Gamepad Mode Change Reload.' Reloads the UI when changing between Keyboard and Gamepad modes. Normally if you switch modes, position changes made in Azurah for that mode will be continually reset until manually reloading the UI. This is a workaround for a default UI behavior. Disabled by default.

NOTE: If your position changes are not sticking after you switch between keyboard and gamepad mode,
remember to always do a /reloadui first to finalize the switch or use this option.

v2.2.9d ~Phinix
- Fixed some cases where certain saved variable configurations could cause nil errors.
- Workaround for settings reverting until /reloadui when switching between keyboard and gamepad mode.
NOTE: Switching modes will now automatically reload the UI.

v2.2.9c ~Phinix
- Updated Libs.
- Minor code tweaks for speed and efficiency (and great justice).
- Re-uploaded without version change to fix embedded LibMediaProvider-1.0 folders causing error about missing library.

v2.2.9b ~Phinix
- Fixed problem with player progress bar still resetting position when XP gained.
- Added mover for gamepad mode specific quest timer.
- Some other minor tweaks and changes. Moving loot history in gamepad mode is not likely going to be supported as re-anchoring the container causes "too many anchors" LUA errors. No workaround other than to completely recode the loot history in gamepad mode... Use LootDrop.

v2.2.9a ~Phinix
- Fix scaled subtitle background alignment.
- Improved the workaround for the Progress Bar position resetting.

v2.2.9 ~Phinix
- Workaround to allow mover to function with player progress bar.
- Prevent ultimate border from scaling incorrectly in gamepad mode.
- Added ability to move/resize built in Loot History (keyboard mode only).
- Added ability to move/resize Ram Siege vehicle info.
- Added ability to move/resize Subtitles (keyboard mode only).

v2.2.8f ~Phinix
- Updated API to One Tamriel (Update 12)
- Updated libraries to latest.

v2.2.8e ~Phinix
- Added ability to move the new equipment status indicators.

v2.2.8d ~Phinix
- Updated LibAddonMenu to r22.

v2.2.8c ~Phinix
- Updated API to latest.
- Updated libraries to latest.

v2.2.8b ~Phinix
- Added Japanese localization (thanks k0ta0uchi!).

v2.2.8a ~Phinix
- Fixed a bug preventing the class icon from showing when the option to show by nameplate was checked and target was champion ranked.

v2.2.8 ~Phinix
- Fixed a bug that would cause no name to appear when someone invited you to a group when the option to hide @accountname from the player interaction frame was on.

v2.2.7 ~Phinix
- Added new option to hide @accountname from player interaction menu.
- Workaround for BagWatcher not updating.

v2.2.6 ~Phinix
- Added new feature to hide the target's @accountname.
(See the Target tab under Azurah's Addon Settings.)

v2.2.5 ~Phinix
- Updated for Dark Brotherhood. Replaced outdated API functions.
- Updated to latest LibAddonMenu and LibStub.

v2.2.4 ~Kith
- FIXED: Fixed keybinds showing incorrectly due to mistake in previous fix!

v2.2.3 ~Kith
- FIXED: Fixed keybinds showing incorrectly in gamepad mode
- Upated internal library, LibAddonMenu to r19

v2.2.2 ~Kith
- UPDATE: Updated version for Thieves Guild
- FIXED: ActionBar keybinds not being hidden when set to be
- FIXED: Ultimate overlay not updating on weapon swap

v2.2.1 ~Kith
- NEW: Added Thievery options to prevent accidental theft of world items
- NEW: Added a numeric werewolf transformation timer
- NEW: Added the ability to enable account wide settings
- UPDATE: Added gamepad styling for the Bag Watcher

v2.2.0 ~Kith
- NEW: Added 'Bag Watcher' to keep track of backpack space (doesn't have a themed look in Gamepad mode yet)
- NEW: Made the Experience Bar movable in Gamepad mode
- General code cleanup, and background changes to Settings menu
- Fixed actionbar icon scaling when the actionbar is not at a default scale
- Fxied LUA error in cyrodiil related to attribute fading
- Fixed non-standard font choices for overlays being reverted if the font belonged to another mod that loaded after Azurah
- Changed versioning scheme to better match standards

v2.11d ~Sounomi
- Fixed the ultimate button's "decoration" not scaling properly in keyboard mode.

v2.11c ~Sounomi
- Fixed the accidental removal of Alert Text Notification area in keyboard mode.

v2.11b ~Sounomi
- Fixed the location of the target class icon not moving to the side of the heath bar.
- Added Alert Text Notification area to gamepad mode. (Gotta love how ZOS renames so much stuff for that mode)

v2.11 ~Sounomi
- Overhauled the Unlock UI functionality to support separate set-ups for keyboard and gamepad modes.
- Changing should be seamless but there are some quirks still.
- Resetting to default will now cause the UI to reload as its impossible to grab the default layouts for both upon login.
- Experience bar overlays aren't available in gamepad mode due to the design of the UI in that mode.
- Some other things may be missing in gamepad mode too but I plan to get them added as soon as I can.
- Fixed the "Active Combat Tips" frame not actually getting moved.

v2.10b ~Sounomi
- Implemented a workaround for player attribute bars getting stuck as visible or showing the wrong stats (like after a death in Cyrodiil). They will fix themselves when one of them updates via player actions.

v2.10 ~Sounomi
- Updated for API version 10013 (Update 2.2 Orsinium)
- The target's veteran icon will now remain in the same place and the target class icon will adjust itself around it instead.
- The AvA Capture Meter is now movable.
- Applied tweaks for handling Gamepad Mode. Since supporting this new mode will require some major reworking of the add-on, the add-on will simply disable itself while this mode is active.
- Applied a tweak to help with parts of the interface not positioning themselves properly upon login.

- Tel Var Display is now movable (thanks to Sounomi)
- reverted some changes which could cause attribute bars visibility bug.

- updated for API version 100012 (Update 7)
- updated LibAddonMenu-2.0 library
- updated LibStub library

v2.08f ~Phinix
- prevents stamina bar fading when full when mounted and mount stamina is not also full.
- prevents magicka bar fading when full if transformed into a werewolf (timer is docked to magicka bar).

v2.08e ~Phinix
- added option to always show attribute bars at the full transparency level when in combat

- fixed issue with movable experience bar (ZO_PlayerProgressBar)
- champion XP overaly now shows champion points earned: 89 - 100,000 / 400,000 (25%)

- added support for repositioning tutorials and active combat tips

- fixed champion XP overlay

- fixed compass frame position issue (reported by SFBryan18)

- updated API version to 100011 (Update 6)
- updated LibAddonMenu-2.0 library
- updated LibMediaProvider-1.0 library
- finally fixed for bossbar overlay?

- updated french translation
- possible fix for bossbar overlay
- ultimate overlay can show ability cost

- added Bossbar overlay (it shows sum of health values for all active bosses)
- updated fontblock widget

- fixed settings menu (fontblock widget)

- converted settings menu from LibAddonMenu-1.0 to LibAddonMenu-2.0

- updated LibMediaProvider-1.0 library
- fixed ultimate slot decoration when scaling action bar

- updated unofficial version of LibAddonMenu-1.0 library (fixed submenu)

(list of changes in compare with official release 2.05)
- updated API version to 100010 (Update 5)
- unofficialy updated LibAddonMenu-1.0 because this library is no longer supported by original author (Seerah)
- fixed issue with alert text alignment

- updated API version to 100008

- overlay text is no longer resized together with the parent window. It will prevent font from becoming blurry. (fixed issue reported by Routymo)

- fixed issue with anchor of stamina nad magicka bars. (issue reported by AshySamurai)

- updated LibStub (r2) and LibMediaProvider-1.0 (r6) libraries

- On-screen notifications can be moved now (ZO_CenterScreenAnnounce)

- fixed overlay text for experience bar
- fixed positioning of overlay text it font is bigger then bar

- updated for patch 1.2.3
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Unread 02/19/19, 03:52 PM  
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Re: Default Target Frame Font Overlay

Originally Posted by blackman_87
when i change location and do not open inventory or another menu and move cursor to place where xp meter i get this error
This is not caused by Azurah. I tried to replicate this by changing zones and mousing over the XP Bar location without opening menus, and by opening them, and there is no problem. It could be another addon you installed recently, though the error doesn't say which one. Slightly Improved™ Experience Bar is one that just came out recently. You could try disabling that if you recently installed it and see if the problem goes away.

Originally Posted by mr_g
I want to move my attribute bars closer to each other. Like this:

That works just fine... until I drink witchmother's brew. Then it will look like this:

I am not seeing this behavior. However, you can try going to addon settings, and under Azurah go to the Attributes tab and check the option to Lock Attribute Size. That should fix all such problems by preventing attribute bars changing size when they are buffed.

Originally Posted by TechRaider
Is there something conflicting with the original font overlay on the default target frame? I usually have Azurah's font overlay enabled, Value & Percent, but now it's overlapping the original default font instead of replacing it.

I started having this issue a few days ago when LUI Extended had an update that messed with a lot of default frame settings, and had to reconfigure that one a bit, and now I have this issue. I've tried disabling Azurah's overlay options, and trying LUI's as well and have the same issue: default text still shows up behind any UI's custom overlay. Am I missing something? I don't remember there being an option in game to disable the default font/text so that I could use an addon's options instead.
I do not experience this, though the only way I can think to resolve it is either go to Azurah's Attributes tab and change the overlay value for health/magicka/stamina to No Overlay, or go into whatever addon is doing it and disable the overlays it adds, since both are adding their own text anchored to the frame position.

Azurah by itself is definitely not doubling the default game text.
Last edited by Phinix : 02/19/19 at 03:52 PM.
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Unread 02/21/19, 10:28 AM  

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Re: Default Target Frame Font Overlay

Originally Posted by TechRaider
Is there something conflicting with the original font overlay on the default target frame? I usually have Azurah's font overlay enabled, Value & Percent, but now it's overlapping the original default font instead of replacing it.

I started having this issue a few days ago when LUI Extended had an update that messed with a lot of default frame settings, and had to reconfigure that one a bit, and now I have this issue. I've tried disabling Azurah's overlay options, and trying LUI's as well and have the same issue: default text still shows up behind any UI's custom overlay. Am I missing something? I don't remember there being an option in game to disable the default font/text so that I could use an addon's options instead.
Settings>Combat>Resource Numbers you should probably disable. Either that or if you prefer ESO's disable the overlays in this addon's attribute bars.
Last edited by VexingArcanist : 02/21/19 at 10:48 AM.
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Unread 02/27/19, 10:23 AM  

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Having Trouble Rearranging Elements

Hi there! I am sure I am missing something basic (I'm new to the PC version of ESO) but when I activate azurah my mouse control still changes my pov and I cannot grab HUD elements. I was able to this once but then I couldn't anymore. Is there a setting that I am missing?

Thanks in advance!
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Unread 03/02/19, 02:50 AM  

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Hi, my minimap is not showing up I'm not using any other minimap addon, I have LUI and thats it. Any idea how I could make my minimap show? Thank you
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Unread 03/02/19, 02:56 AM  

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Originally Posted by OP88
Hi, my minimap is not showing up I'm not using any other minimap addon, I have LUI and thats it. Any idea how I could make my minimap show? Thank you
Forgot to clarify, with no other addon and only Azurah on, where the mini map should be is a empty space. With addon such as LUI along with Azurah, even the empty space where the map should be is gone. Libstub and Libaddonmenu are both on.

Please advise, thanks!
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Unread 03/02/19, 07:57 AM  
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Originally Posted by OP88
Hi, my minimap is not showing up I'm not using any other minimap addon, I have LUI and thats it. Any idea how I could make my minimap show? Thank you
Azurah does not come with any minimap functionality by itself. You will need to install a minimap addon in order to have it. I recommend Votan's Minimap for performance or MiniMap by Fyrakin for extra features like border pins that point to quest objectives.

If you have a minimap addon and it isn't showing then it must be either disabled in that addon's settings, or you have moved it off the screen at a higher resolution (multi monitor possibly) then changed your resolution down (or went back to single monitor) and it is no longer in the viewable area. In either case you can either delete the minimap addon's saved variable file from \Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables while the game is closed to reset it's settings to default (maybe make a backup first by copying it somewhere), or check in the addon's options to see if there is a way to reset just the minimap module.

Azurah does not handle moving of any custom 3rd party addon frames including minimaps so it cannot have been what moved it.

Originally Posted by phillydomer
Hi there! I am sure I am missing something basic (I'm new to the PC version of ESO) but when I activate azurah my mouse control still changes my pov and I cannot grab HUD elements. I was able to this once but then I couldn't anymore. Is there a setting that I am missing?

Thanks in advance!
Yes this was changed in order to allow you to play and move around with the movers on the screen to get a feel for how the layout looked before saving your changes. To move your cursor around you need to go to your game Controls and under standard keybinds, under the User Interface section, set a key for Toggle In-Game Cursor which will switch you between mouse cursor mode and changing POV.
Last edited by Phinix : 03/02/19 at 08:01 AM.
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Unread 03/02/19, 04:36 PM  

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Thumbs up Re: ?s

Originally Posted by Phinix
Originally Posted by OP88
Hi, my minimap is not showing up I'm not using any other minimap addon, I have LUI and thats it. Any idea how I could make my minimap show? Thank you
Azurah does not come with any minimap functionality by itself. You will need to install a minimap addon in order to have it. I recommend Votan's Minimap for performance or MiniMap by Fyrakin for extra features like border pins that point to quest objectives.

If you have a minimap addon and it isn't showing then it must be either disabled in that addon's settings, or you have moved it off the screen at a higher resolution (multi monitor possibly) then changed your resolution down (or went back to single monitor) and it is no longer in the viewable area. In either case you can either delete the minimap addon's saved variable file from \Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables while the game is closed to reset it's settings to default (maybe make a backup first by copying it somewhere), or check in the addon's options to see if there is a way to reset just the minimap module.

Azurah does not handle moving of any custom 3rd party addon frames including minimaps so it cannot have been what moved it.
I see, thank you for your fast reply and thorough explanation, much appreciated!
Last edited by OP88 : 03/02/19 at 04:37 PM.
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Unread 03/05/19, 11:31 PM  
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addon Azurah - Interface Enhanced I used to use the Addon Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC) in the past, but I went over to the Bandits User Interface addon where I can use UI but there is a lack of cross-targeting on the screen. to ask if an addon could not be made that would allow the targeting of the crosses or the addon bandits to allow me

this is what you see in the picture

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Unread 03/06/19, 11:36 AM  

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Compatability with AUI

Hi there, I'm posting about this in case AUI's author/updater hasn't brought it up with you.
I love using both addons (they're practically essential for me lol), however, I've come across an issue with the action bars overlapping in the Skills window. I've tried disabling the use of Azurah's action bar, as well as AUI's, however the problem remains. See images below:

DunkieMaterie has tried his best to fix this problem on his end (AUI) by adding in an option to "Use Action Bar of Azurah" only. Unfortunately, I would rather use AUI's action bar due to their on-screen quickslots, but with that feature toggled, I'm unable to. For reference, this is what he replied with in his comments:
Originally Posted by DunkleMaterie
Originally Posted by DunkleMaterie
I will try to check what can be done here. Concerning the quickslot enabled while action bar disabled thingy I will look next.
So I have now checked what can be done here, and this is what I can tell so far:

Azurah check and the possibilty to disable action bar of AUI based on the availability of Azurah has been integrated because there are glitches (duplicate buttons) if both are enabled. To get rid of these glitches, I decided to integrate a user-configurable setting to disable the AUI side of these buttons. This includes not only the skill buttons but the quick slots, too.

To disable only parts of the action bar would mean to split the skill and quick slot buttons up into two different sections. This seems to be a huge change and will decrease stability in this section of code.

So I would recommend to ask the developers of Azurah to integrate a similar check for existance of AUI like we do it and offer the disabling of the azura-side action bar alike we do this.

So user have finally the choice which action bar he/she wants to have visible.

Sorry for this "bad" news, but I would prefer to go this way instead of breaking a working section of code.

Best regards
If you guys could implement a "fix" for this, I would really appreciate it!
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Unread 03/07/19, 04:53 AM  
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Action bar...


So I have tried just about every combination of settings I can think of trying to reproduce the behavior in your screenshot, and I am forced to conclude it must be a third unknown addon that is actually triggering this behavior.

The only overlap I encountered, which you can see in the above screenshot, is with the overlay text. However this can be avoided by simply disabling Azurah's ultimate percent and value overlay text as shown here:

As you can see I did not even need the "use Azurah action bar" option checked to avoid this problem.
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Unread 03/07/19, 10:11 AM  

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Do you by any chance have PerfectPixel addon?

AUI + PP produce double skill bar in Skills UI.

PP author said that "AUI [is adding] ACTION_BAR_FRAGMENT to the skills scene, which [he thinks] is completely unacceptable and not necessary".

I am not sure how to fix this, but I left a comment on AUI page.

Last edited by Atavus : 03/07/19 at 10:16 AM.
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Unread 03/07/19, 04:45 PM  
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French translation

Hi Phinix,
Thanks a lot to maintain this essential addon alive

I made an updated translation for french but text is too long to send you via PM..
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Unread 03/07/19, 06:00 PM  

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Originally Posted by Atavus

Do you by any chance have PerfectPixel addon?

AUI + PP produce double skill bar in Skills UI.
Nope, I don't have that addon. This is my list of addons:

The only addons that affect the action bar are AUI, Azurah, Action Duration Reminder, Assist Rapid Riding, and Dressing Room. This issue affects at least one other person as well, I remember seeing another post about it in AUI's comments. I'm pretty certain it has to do with AUI and Azurah though because using the "Use action bar of Azurah" only does fix the duplicate bar issue. However like I posted previously, I would prefer to use AUI's action bar over Azurah's. I know this is a minor bug, but it's been going on ever since I downloaded these two addons (this was also before I downloaded a bunch of other addons, had under ~5 at the time).

Also, I just want to clarify - the overlapping bars occurs in the Skills window, not on the regular screen. My action bar & quickslots look fine on my normal screen.

With option enabled:

Bugged Skills Window:

Last edited by Alexandriae : 03/07/19 at 06:16 PM.
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Unread 03/07/19, 09:51 PM  

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Yeah, the double skill bar issue only happens in the Skill UI. I have the same issue.

Basically, the problem is related to only AUI and default game.
AUI adds "ACTION_BAR_FRAGMENT" to the skills UI.
That extra bar is overlapping with the original action bar, which is there in the default game.

I made a quick and dirty workaround in AUI.
Since I do not know how to hide original action bar in Skills UI, I have opted to disable AUI's "ACTION_BAR_FRAGMENT" in the Skills UI and the Quickslots UI:

- Go to
Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\AUI\modules\actionbar
- Comment out lines 711 to 734.
	function(oldState, newState)
		if isLoaded then
			if newState == SCENE_SHOWN then	
			elseif newState == SCENE_SHOWING then		
			elseif newState == SCENE_HIDDEN then
	function(oldState, newState)
		if isLoaded then
			if newState == SCENE_SHOWING then	
			elseif newState == SCENE_HIDING then
- Do not touch line 735.

@Phinix, real sorry as none of this relates to Azurah.
But please keep up the amazing work

Last edited by Atavus : 03/07/19 at 11:30 PM.
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Unread 03/08/19, 10:10 AM  
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@Atavus: Nice catch! Been busy updating all my projects so hadn't had time to really dig into this one.

What AUI could actually do to keep their functionality is just hide the ZOS skill assign action bar during their callback you have located like so:

	function(oldState, newState)
		if isLoaded then
			if newState == SCENE_SHOWN then	
			elseif newState == SCENE_SHOWING then
			elseif newState == SCENE_HIDDEN then
	function(oldState, newState)
		if isLoaded then
			if newState == SCENE_SHOWING then	
			--	ZO_SkillsAssignableActionBar:SetHidden(true)
			elseif newState == SCENE_HIDING then
			--	ZO_SkillsAssignableActionBar:SetHidden(false)
It is commented for the quickslot scene as it doesn't seem to have the double bar bug.
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