Results: 27Comments by: Bovacious
File: HarvestMap04/09/14
So, what am I using your addon for again?
Posted By: Bovacious
OK, I spent beta and game time (and money, but not much) using and depending on your addon to track nodes I collected. The data disappeared for no reason, without notice, and without any explanation or fix. I should continue to support your addon when there are others which are apparently dependable?
File: HarvestMap04/09/14
Data went missing in me as well
Posted By: Bovacious
I was running around most of yesterday collecting a lot of new data in a fresh part of Grahtwood. I changed characters for a while, and when I came back, all data had gone missing! Nothing whatever from Khenarthi's Roost, Auridon and Grahtwood remained. Only last night's data was on my maps this morning.