Results: 22Comments by: Haavok
File: Harven's Potions Alert06/07/24
Re: Re: Addon Error
Posted By: Haavok
Hi, I keep getting this error when I go to save my build in the Armory: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table/struct expected, got nil) stack traceback: : in function 'pairs' /EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_TableUtils.lua:194: in function 'ZO_DeepTableCopy' user:/AddOns/HarvensPotionsAlert/HarvensPotionsAlert.lua:500: in function '...
File: Harven's Potions Alert05/18/24
Addon Error
Posted By: Haavok
Hi, I keep getting this error when I go to save my build in the Armory: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table/struct expected, got nil) stack traceback: : in function 'pairs' /EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_TableUtils.lua:194: in function 'ZO_DeepTableCopy' user:/AddOns/HarvensPotionsAlert/HarvensPotionsAlert.lua:500: in function '...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Set (and Furniture!) Crafter07/03/22
Posted By: Haavok
Hello, 1st, this addon is awesome. Makes crafting items so much nicer. The one feature I'd like to see incorporated would be some sort of an "Edit", where if you have a set build saved but then decide you want to change a trait or something for that set, you could load your saved "queue" items, then edit something like the trai...
File: ChampionPointsSlots03/15/22
Updates Coming?
Posted By: Haavok
Hello, 1st - Love the add-on. Has saved me on numerous ocassions when changing my CPs :) Q: Will this add-on be updated to work with the new DLC coming in June? Also, I have a problem where the left column of the blue & red are longer than the window background & also the small window that pops-up when you mouse over a CP it...
File: Merlin the Enchanter11/09/21
Re: Updates?
Posted By: Haavok
Well since it appears that Krill is working on "Enchant Maker" with Votan, facit, & Alaren96... I'm going to assume this addon is dead. Hello, Does anyone know if the author ever plans on updating this addon? From what I read, it doesn't appear it will be. This...
File: AlphaGear 311/06/21
UI Error - Intergrations Dialog
Posted By: Haavok
Hello, When clicking the little quill & paper icon next to the Build name, the following error pops up: user:/AddOns/AlphaGear/dialogs/AG_IntegrationsDialog.lua:79: number expected for loop variables stack traceback: user:/AddOns/AlphaGear/dialogs/AG_IntegrationsDialog.lua:79: in function 'AGIntDlg.SetupOutfitCombo' |caaaaaa...
File: Inventory Insight10/31/21
Re: Re: UI Issues after 31-Oct-2021 update
Posted By: Haavok
Thanks Baertram for the suggestion. I uninstalled it from Minion & re-installed it & fixed the problem. PLEASE Re-Install/re-download version 3.47(b) if you get error messages (and if the version ingame does not show 3.47 at the addon manager tooltip!!!)! If you manually download and install addons (not using Minion): Make sure...
File: Potion Maker Extended05/30/21
Updates and Error Fix?
Posted By: Haavok
Anyone know if there's plans to update this addon at all? Or has the author not marked it as "obsolete"? I'm getting this error when I try to search now: user:/AddOns/PotionMakerExtended/PotionMakerExtended.lua:1481: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/PotionMakerExtended/PotionMakerExtended.lua:1481:...
File: Merlin the Enchanter04/27/21
Posted By: Haavok
Hello, Does anyone know if the author ever plans on updating this addon? From what I read, it doesn't appear it will be. This is the error I'm getting when I try to use it: user:/AddOns/KhrillMerlinTheEnchanter/KhrillMerlinTheEnchanter.lua:716: function expected instead of nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/KhrillMerlinTheE...
File: Harven's Quest Journal04/04/21
Harven's Addons?
Posted By: Haavok
Anyone know if Harven plans on updating any of the addons? I get errors when trying to change settings for the Potion Alert, Quest Journal, Custom Map Pins, etc. Also, since I can't change the settings in the Quest Journal, anyone know if there's a way to possibly add a completion date to the main list of completed quests so that...
File: Advanced Filters - Unique items filter01/30/21
It appears that Museum pieces are,...
Posted By: Haavok
It appears that Museum pieces are, in fact, "unique" :-) /script d(IsItemLinkUnique("|H1:item:64580:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:0:0:1:0:0:0|h|h")) = true Well, again, thanks for the info. Thanks for the info. I appreciate you taking the time to explain it all to me. BTW, this site has a list of what I meant by "unique"....
File: Advanced Filters - Unique items filter01/30/21
Thanks for the info. I appreciate y...
Posted By: Haavok
Thanks for the info. I appreciate you taking the time to explain it all to me. BTW, this site has a list of what I meant by "unique". I'm guessing these are items that they found, unless they have a source that has a list of the items. IDK You can get the itemId via GetItemLink, you can...
File: Advanced Filters - Unique items filter01/28/21
There is no way by the api to detec...
Posted By: Haavok
There is no way by the api to detect those items properly AND beside that: If the API functions we use to track set colleciton items is not recognizing them as "non bound and missing" items of your set collection, there is no way to detect it at all. So if your item "Stibbons fancy ..." is showing, at the tooltip, it is a missing...
File: Advanced Filters - Unique items filter01/28/21
Hello, I've been looking for a w...
Posted By: Haavok
Hello, I've been looking for a way to keep track of unique set items so that I don't accidentally deconstruct them & stumbled onto this filter add-on but I noticed it's not filtering items I know to be unique. Will there ever be an update on this plug-in or does anyone know of a add-on that will show unique set items that either a...
File: Advanced Filters - Unique items filter01/05/21
Hello, I've been looking for a w...
Posted By: Haavok
Hello, I've been looking for a way to keep track of unique set items so that I don't accidentally deconstruct them & stumbled onto this filter add-on but I noticed it's not filtering items I know to be unique. Will there ever be an update on this plug-in or does anyone know of a add-on that will show unique set items that either a...
File: Inventory Insight01/01/21
Tooltip Location Placement?
Posted By: Haavok
Hello, Is there any way to prevent the tooltip from opening on top of the right side of the window? When you mouse over an item, the tooltip blocks the X (close) & the item count on the right-side. I also get a UI error when I make any changes in the configs for it. Here's a snippet: user:/AddOns/IIfA/IIfATooltip.lua:104: attem...
File: Potion Maker (for Alchemy Crafting)12/27/20
Favorites Missing
Posted By: Haavok
Hello, Is there a way to see favorites that you once had ingredients for but that you're totally out of now? The only things that shows in my "Favorites" list is what I have ingredients to make. The others that I know I've faved before aren't listed & I can't recall the names. I don't know if this is a bug or if this is the act...
File: TradesMan12/23/20
Posted By: Haavok
I like the look of this addon but will there be any updates to bring it up to speed with the new DLC content? I like the fact that this doesn't appear to use any software to upload data to a server for trade tracking like Tamriel Trade Center or Master Merchant.
File: Nirn Auction House10/07/20
Re: Re: What's its purpose?
Posted By: Haavok
Does anyone know what the purpose of the "NirnAuctionHouse.exe" program is? Why does it require an EXE to run? :confused: As far as I know the .EXE file takes the info from the SavedVariables file and transmit it their web site, so other people can use that site to locate the items that you have listed. Ah, I see. So it technical...
File: Nirn Auction House10/05/20
What's its purpose?
Posted By: Haavok
Does anyone know what the purpose of the "NirnAuctionHouse.exe" program is? Why does it require an EXE to run? :confused:
File: Nirn Auction House09/30/20
Re: Re: Buttons missing
Posted By: Haavok
The window is missing all the buttons for me. I can mouse over the areas where they should be and the mouse over text appears so I can press them. I am having the same issue... :/ :eek: I was just looking at this, thinking about adding it but I noticed it hasn't been updated in over a...
File: Potion Maker (for Alchemy Crafting)03/04/20
Trait Colors?
Posted By: Haavok
Hello, Can anyone tell me what the different color shades of the trait colors mean? i.e. The armor trait icon on one spell will be a light shade of green but on another spell the same icon would be a bright green. I can't find anything that explains what all the different shadings mean.