Results: 2Comments by: omegacat
File: Item Saver06/16/17
Just noticed an odd problem today....
Posted By: omegacat
Just noticed an odd problem today. I have two items that I marked a while ago, using the default general setting, and one using a set that I made ,and I am *unable* to 'unsave' item. I can mark a new item and then unmark it, but I cannot unmark these two items that were saved months ago. Very strange. I right click on the...
File: HarvestMap03/26/17
user id change
Posted By: omegacat
Hey Shinni, I just want to let you know how much I love your addon! It is fantastic, ty for all of the hard work. Now, I recently changed my User ID, and I went into my saved variables files and replaced my old user id with my new one. HarvestMap.lua, HarvestMapAD.lua, HarvestMapDC.lua, HarvestMapDLC.lua, HarvestMapEP.lua and eve...