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TheElvenShadow 09/10/21 11:14 AM

ESO Addon Framework
I have created a framework for addon development. The idea is to leverage the development capabilities of Visual Studio Code with ESO addons.
The whole framework is C# inspired, so if you like that language and don't speak Lua then the threshold to get your "hello world" up and running will be much lower!

In the download from GitHub, besides the framework there are two addons:
  • AddonExample - simple addon that you should clone and use as a base for your own addons
  • GameplayHelper - my own addon that you can use as example of what is possible (if you intend to use it, be sure to go through all settings as it will sell/deconstruct items automatically!)

ESO Addon Framework

DeadCode 11/27/21 04:06 AM

That looks REALLY nice.

Excellent work!

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