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JohnnyKing94 05/25/15 12:04 PM

Onkeydown handler
I want to know why with with the handler onkeydown there is no such propagation of the other binding events when i click any other keys that is not the "A" key??? what am i doing wrong?


MyPanel:SetHandler("OnKeyDown", function(self, key, ctrl, alt, shift, command)
  if( key =="A")

Ayantir 05/25/15 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyKing94 (Post 21337)
I want to know why with with the handler onkeydown there is no such propagation of the other binding events when i click any other keys that is not the "A" key??? what am i doing wrong?


MyPanel:SetHandler("OnKeyDown", function(self, key, ctrl, alt, shift, command)
  if( key =="A")

Lua Code:
  1. if( key == KEY_A )

JohnnyKing94 05/25/15 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 21338)

Lua Code:
  1. if( key == KEY_A )

but i don't want the keycode... what i want to say is to prevent a single bind_key from being pushed but allowing all others (since for crown store i can have A,B,C,D etc), example



Rarder44 05/25/15 01:12 PM

Ayantir i think JohnnyKing94 would know how to propagate the key get to the "main game"
my key I is keybinded with Inventory
If i click I, the OnKeyDown Handle catch that key and the inventory does not open.
So, i think he try to propagate the key given by the "function(self, key, ctrl, alt, shift, command)" to the """"Top Level Game""""

sorry JohnnyKing94, but i don't know the answer :(

JohnnyKing94 05/25/15 11:54 PM

Stiil anyone got the solution?? thx in advance

ZOS_ChipHilseberg 05/26/15 08:24 AM

There's no way I can think of to do this with the existing code. However, we might be able to change the OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp and OnChar handlers to continue propagating the key if false is returned from the handler. Would that allow you to do what you're trying to do?

JohnnyKing94 05/26/15 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by ZOS_ChipHilseberg (Post 21347)
There's no way I can think of to do this with the existing code. However, we might be able to change the OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp and OnChar handlers to continue propagating the key if false is returned from the handler. Would that allow you to do what you're trying to do?

Yes, it would be a wonderful idea... since that's what i'm trying to do... anyway if you're going try to do that, do i need to wait something, like a patch/hotfix or what?? :D Thx in advance

ZOS_ChipHilseberg 05/26/15 04:42 PM

What application do you plan to use this for?

JohnnyKing94 05/28/15 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by ZOS_ChipHilseberg (Post 21353)
What application do you plan to use this for?

I am creating some scenes via LibMainMenu (addon) where I need KeyboardEnabled... I am going to execute some of these buttons through SetHandler("OnKeyDown") or to block or to run them on the next level... so basically the return false is fine...

Ayantir 05/28/15 01:11 PM

Can't you use Keybind strip ?

JohnnyKing94 05/28/15 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 21377)
Can't you use Keybind strip ?

I already tried in the past to use the ZO_KeybindStrip without having good results due to the lack of explainations on the wiki page and the missing knowledge on how to apply it correctly... if you have a good example of working code, you're just amazing... thx in advance

Ayantir 05/28/15 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyKing94 (Post 21378)
I already tried in the past to use the ZO_KeybindStrip without having good results due to the lack of explainations on the wiki page and the missing knowledge on how to apply it correctly... if you have a good example of working code, you're just amazing... thx in advance

  • When addon loads, you'll need to declare the descriptor.
  • When you show your panel, you'll need to add your keybind strip
  • When you hide your panel, you'll need to remove it.

When addon loads, you'll need to declare the descriptor.
Lua Code:
  1. myaddon.keybindDescriptor = {
  2.     alignment = KEYBIND_STRIP_ALIGN_CENTER,
  3.     {
  5.         keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY", -- or any other bindings. to create a binding, you'll need to write a small piece of xml and define it. but you can use standardui keybinds too.
  6.         control = self, -- don't change
  7.         callback = function(descriptor)
  8.             --function to execute when you'll click / push the keybind button.
  9.         end,
  10.         visible = function(descriptor)
  11.             -- returns a boolean to say if keybind is visible or not.
  12.         end
  13.     },

When you show your panel, you'll need to add your keybind strip
When you hide your panel, you'll need to remove it.
Lua Code:
  1. local function showOrHide(oldState, newState)
  3.     if newState == SCENE_SHOWING then
  4.         KEYBIND_STRIP:AddKeybindButtonGroup(myaddon.keybindDescriptor)
  5.     elseif newState == SCENE_HIDDEN then
  6.         if KEYBIND_STRIP:HasKeybindButtonGroup(myaddon.keybindDescriptor) then
  7.             KEYBIND_STRIP:RemoveKeybindButtonGroup(myaddon.keybindDescriptor)
  8.         end
  9.     end
  11. end
  13. myAddon.sceneWithKeybind = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("itsNameDefinedInSceneManager")
  14. myAddon.sceneWithKeybind:RegisterCallback("StateChange", showOrHide)

You can also update your keybind. Eg you hover your mouse over a control, and you need to update your keybind strip :
Lua Code:
  1. local function UpdateKeybind(control)
  3.     if KEYBIND_STRIP:HasKeybindButtonGroup(pChat.autoMsgDescriptor) then
  4.         KEYBIND_STRIP:UpdateKeybindButtonGroup(pChat.autoMsgDescriptor)
  5.     end
  7. end
  9. ...
  11. control:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function(self) UpdateKeybind(self) end)
  12. control:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function(self) UpdateKeybind(self) end)

JohnnyKing94 05/29/15 06:33 AM

Thanks for the code, I will certainly use it...
Unfortunately this code allows me to set only "new" bindings attached to a specific specific scene, instead if i would try to link an existing binding, some of them need to be processed and propagated, while others (for different circumstances, like UI errors) need to be stopped from propagation


in KEYBIND_STRIP I insert 2 binds to existing keybindings:

When it's pressed TOGGLE_INVENTORY, the callback function is called and the inventory is shown.
When it's pressed TOGGLE_CHARACTER, the callback function needs to be called without having the caracter display opened (The addon will not work properly in that way...), so basically I need to block the propagation (that's the stuff I can't do it)

Another small problem is that I should bind about 6-7 keys and they do not entirely fit in the KEYBIND_STRIP

Ayantir 05/29/15 07:39 AM

Use buttons ?
Existing keybinds can also be rewrited if needed.

What kind of thing would you like to do? post a screen, give exemples, I'm sure we can give you some advices.

JohnnyKing94 05/30/15 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 21382)
Use buttons ?
Existing keybinds can also be rewrited if needed.

What kind of thing would you like to do? post a screen, give exemples, I'm sure we can give you some advices.

This is a part of my code with some comments to explain the purpose and the meaning of my scene


MY.LMM = LibStub("LibMainMenu")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_MY_STRING", "SCENE")

  descriptor = 1,
        binding = "MY_SHOW_PANEL",
        categoryName = SI_MY_NOME_ADDON,
        normal = "EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/",
  pressed = "EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/",
  highlight = "EsoUI/Art/MainMenu/",
  callback = function()

    MY_SCENE_WINDOW = ZO_FadeSceneFragment:New(SCENE_XML)
 MY_MENU_BAR = ZO_FadeSceneFragment:New(ZO_MainMenuCategoryBar)
  local iconData = {
    categoryName = SI_MY_STRING, -- Titolo vicino ai bottoni
    descriptor = "MySceneDesc",
    normal = "EsoUI/art/mainmenu/",
    pressed = "EsoUI/art/mainmenu/",
    highlight = "EsoUI/art/mainmenu/",
 SCENE_MANAGER:AddSceneGroup("MySceneGroup", ZO_SceneGroup:New("MySceneDesc"))

 MY.LMM:AddSceneGroup(MY.MY_MENU_CATEGORY, "MYSceneGroup", iconData)

 local LMMXML = WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateControl("LMMXML2", ZO_MainMenuCategoryBar, CT_BUTTON)
 LMMXML:SetAnchor(CENTER, ZO_MainMenuCategoryBar, nil, 0, 28)
 MY.categoryBar = CreateControlFromVirtual("$(parent)CategoryBar", LMMXML2, "ZO_MenuBarTemplate")
 MY.categoryBar:SetAnchor(RIGHT, ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton1, LEFT, -20, 0)
 local categoryBarData =
  buttonPadding = 16,
  normalSize = 51,
  downSize = 64,
  buttonTemplate = "ZO_MainMenuCategoryBarButton",
 ZO_MenuBar_SetData(MY.categoryBar, categoryBarData)
 ZO_MenuBar_AddButton(MY.categoryBar, MY_MAIN_MENU_CATEGORY_DATA)
 -- I need this for catching the key
 SCENE_XML:SetHandler("OnKeyDown", function(self, key, ctrl, alt, shift, command)
  -- Example
  if(key==KEY_A) then
    -- do my work
    -- do my work
    return false -- call the propagation of the key

ZOS_ChipHilseberg 06/01/15 11:15 AM

Have you tried making a new keybind layer, binding A to your new action and pushing it on when your scene is showing? That way all the other keys will fall through naturally.

JohnnyKing94 06/03/15 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by ZOS_ChipHilseberg (Post 21406)
Have you tried making a new keybind layer, binding A to your new action and pushing it on when your scene is showing? That way all the other keys will fall through naturally.

What i asked was to intercept an existing keybinding... anyway if i make a keybind layer, can i assosiate an existing key already in use from another keybind?? If it is so, is it possible to make it from LUA without setting the keybind on the game??


When my scene is opened, what i want is to block the propagation of an existing key and let the others propagate, example: my scene is opened, i want to block the Key J for the journal quest and let all the other keys propagate

if ( key==KEY_L )
    -- I call the functions of my addon
else if ( key==KEY_P )
    -- I call the functions of my addon
    -- I close the scene
end if

I hope it is clear now, that's why i wanted the return false for the OnKeyDown and i'm still waiting

Ayantir 06/03/15 02:47 AM

you can rewrite almost all of keybinds in game and set your own code triggers at their place, just backup the callback, and update the keybind.

which keybind do you want to overwrite ?

JohnnyKing94 06/03/15 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 21414)
you can rewrite almost all of keybinds in game and set your own code triggers at their place, just backup the callback, and update the keybind.

which keybind do you want to overwrite ?

A keybind i want to overwrite is the Inventory... if you have a working code, i'll appreciate ;)

JohnnyKing94 06/07/15 03:18 AM

Still nothing?? Pls guys :( I really need it

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