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08/04/15, 12:02 PM   #22
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Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 613
Originally Posted by ZOS_DanBatson View Post
You're right, these used to use SavedVars but they got moved to server settings. Only the position uses SavedVars now. In that case the setting should be the same across characters. If one turns it on, all turn it on.

In the first post, did you turn it OFF on character A, switch to B and it was ON? Or did you turn it OFF on A, switch to B and turn it ON, then switch back to A and it was still ON?
Looking at the code that is what it appeared to be, saved server side. Yes saved vars appear to only be used for the anchor, at least that I could find. So I don't know how it is saved on the server, but here is an example of the problem I noticed.

This example is for the Show Latency & framerate (others have mentioned similar problems with other settings but these are the only two I looked at).
Example, two characters we'll call A & B. Log both characters in (any order), turn the settings ON & log out.
  • Log in Character A the setting is still turned ON, so it was saved somewhere/somehow.
  • Turn the settings OFF for character A, Log out & back into character A. The setting is still OFF so it was saved when we turned it OFF.

AFTER doing the above (when we logged out of each character, character A's settings are OFF, character B's settings were ON):
  • Character B: Log in character B & the setting is still turned ON (even though it was OFF for character A). Make no changes & log out.
  • Character A: Log this character back in (after logging in & out character B) the settings for character A are now turned ON again.

So my best guess is that it looks like even without changing the setting, the setting is getting re-saved just by logging in and when a setting is saved as ON it gets saved account-wide, but when a setting is saved as OFF its only saved for that character. At least that is what it is acting like.

Last edited by circonian : 08/04/15 at 12:07 PM.
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