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03/09/21, 10:03 AM   #4
Sharlikran's Avatar
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There isn't a way to do a for loop and grab it all. You would have to scour the wiki, and look at the api. Which the file ESOUIDocumentationP29_2.txt is good for that.

You have to use "EVENT_QUEST_ADDED" and that gives you the journalIndex and questName. Although I do use GetJournalQuestLocationInfo() and keep track of that information as well.

Then when you turn in the quest you would use "EVENT_QUEST_REMOVED" which gets you the journalIndex, questName, zoneIndex, poiIndex, and questID

The problem I had though was that there are quests that have the same name sometimes. Probably not with the quests you are looking for. So you might be able to make a table with the quest name and that might work.

If you run into an issue where you have duplicate quest names then you need to keep track of the questName, zoneIndex, poiIndex so you can compare that to ensure the questID from the API does in fact belong to the quest you turned in.
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