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08/29/23, 05:42 AM   #4
Sharlikran's Avatar
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Keep in mind that at least for chat there are mods that allow you to configure system messages in a way the vanilla game does not provide. I recently learned that this ability is not exposed to the vanilla UI and it's a server side change. Meaning, that if I install a mod that has that customization and then uninstall it the settings persist and you will not be able to enable the system messages.

One thing I have not tried is deleting a tab and adding making a new one so that all the internal vanilla functions configure the tab again with the system messages.

Another thing is that there is a mod required by most mods LibDebugLogger and sometimes people just download stuff they may not really need. DebugLogViewer as an example. It has it's purpose if you are developing mods. If you really want it that's fine but there are also certain messages that would normally go to chat that will appear in that mod instead of the chat window.

So be aware you can install things that redirect chat messages. Again I will look into this but since there was such a fuss about the messages recently I know they are/were working. The only way this would suddenly be something ZOS disabled is if the server gurus had an issue with it and have sorta disabled it behind the scenes somehow.
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