Thread: Bonanza Errors
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11/08/23, 01:28 PM   #13
Sharlikran's Avatar
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Since I have the full log I can see there is an additional error prior to the one you reported.

user:/AddOns/LibGuildStore/LibGuildStore.lua:325: function expected instead of nil


/EsoUI/PregameAndIngame/ZO_Options/ZO_SharedOptions.lua:65: attempt to index a nil value

This is important because the line 325 in the current version is the word "end" so that can't be. You have install issues and should reinstall MM.

In case you do this, don't keep any backup folders of mods in your Addons folder at all or any zip files. It will really mess things up. Keep all backups and zip files outside of the Addons folder in a completely different folder. Not a folder in Addons but a folder, completely outside the Addons folder.

Then if I keep reading that leads down to: user:/AddOns/BugEater-1.0-R10_Update4/BugEater/libs/LibAddonMenu-1.0/LibAddonMenu-1.0.lua:48: in function 'lam:AddHeader'

/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_Scene.lua:43: function expected instead of nil

that is above

user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_UI.lua:3169: in function 'MasterMerchant:SwitchToMasterMerchantListingsView'

All that is what prompted you to contact me.

However, I can now see your situation is because you use mods, like most users, that you should not use, at all, period. Like mods with LibAddonMenu-1.0. So that's on you and I understand it's accidental. BugEater may be the only program you are using with embedded libraries. So how it's causing such an issue is interesting.

My recomendation is to get rid of BugEater first of all. Just don't have it at all. The idea with Lua errors is if you have one, then you have an error. You report it and uninstall that mod until it is fixed. Not just let it keep running. Lua is a top down script so anything after the line that has the error may not run depending on the type of error. In the errors above they mention that a function is expected and that function can't be found because the error is "prior to" or "higher up" in the file so the script won't be read any further. Which is why the function can't be found even though the code is there because it's after the line with the error.

If you have any other mods with embeded libraries and LibStub it's just going to cause issues. I dislike that LWC has them but if that is the only mod you have that uses LibStub you will probably be fine. BugEater is so outdated and it has LibAddonMenu-1.0 that I'm suppriced the game runs at all.

Get rid of BugEater and then reinstall the rest of your mods. Meaning start at the top in Minion and resintall one mod at a time by using the right click and choose reinstall.

Then if you have more Lua errors just uninstall the mod. It's not working, and there is nothing you can do about that. Using BugEater to supress the message does nothing for you it's still broken.

If you use a mod like USPF and it has an Lua error (your may not and this is just an example) there are possibly, 5 versions now. So you have to be more diligent and get the newest version.

Last edited by Sharlikran : 11/08/23 at 05:24 PM.
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