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Updated: 03/24/18 05:10 AM
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Dragon Bones (3.3)
Updated:03/24/18 05:10 AM
Created:04/23/15 02:02 PM
Monthly downloads:82
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Windex  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 014-100022
by: Werewolf Finds Dragon [More]
Please read this.

I'm taking another break for a while. My anxiety isn't holding up well and I need to take some time for myself to recover. Frankly, modding can be a thankless job and some of the people one is forced to interact with can be... deeply unpleasant at best, to put it in the kindest way I can and not as I truly want to. For now, I feel like my mods don't need any further work done to them. They're fine as they are. See you later, folks.

I'll be back! I'm not gone for good, I just need to set this aside for now. That's all.

One thing I will say as a final note is that it'd be nice if one could turn off the comments system and only have a bug tracker in the vein of Nexus Mods. That'd be handy for people like myself who do deal with anxiety. And I deal with a lot of anxiety.

See you around, folks. My thanks to those who were kind.

Click here to check out my other addons.
Are you tired of how cluttered your screen can get? Not just with the default UI features, but addons, too? Have you ever just wanted a magic button that hides the bits you don't want, then shows them again as you want them? Perhaps even taking that further, and having certain UI elements showing only in combat? How about having UI elements show up only when you're in your inventory/at the bank? And would you like all this through an incredibly easy to use menu system, with the ability to create your own plugins in just a few lines of code? See what you want to see, uncluttered and unburdened. That's Windex!

It's a fire-and-forget way of keeping your screen clean. Need a vital bit of information? Hit your binding, look at it, then hit your binding again and it's gone. Windex empowers you to have that wonderfully immersive and Skyrim-like UI you always wanted.

Windex, as with all of my addons, is very no-nonsense. It's made to serve a distinct purpose in a user-friendly way, it doesn't try to be everything and the kitchen-sink. There's no fluff or bloat, here. Have a snoop around in the zip, it's designed in a way where if you don't want a part of the addon, you can actually delete it. Just like that. It goes a step beyond just disabling the parts you don't want. The vast majority won't want to go this far, but if you do, it's there.

And it's said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so... have a picture of Windex toggling using my settings.

Feature List
So far, Windex supports the following official UI frames with plugins:
  • Action Bar - Which hides itself outside of combat (it doesn't show on hovering the reticle over foes), and optionally shows itself in combat.
  • Chat Window - Which hides the minibar when the chat window itself is minimised;
  • Compass - Which is shown/hidden as part of the toggle;
  • Experience Bar - Which is shown/hidden as part of the toggle;
  • Housing HUD - The bottom-right keybind visible while in a house which can be hidden/shown as part of the toggle;
  • Infamy Meter - Which is shown/hidden as part of the toggle;
  • Party Health Bars - Which are shown/hidden as part of the toggle and are optionally shown temporarily in combat if hidden;
  • Player to Player Interaction - Or 'Hold F to Interact,' which is shown/hidden as part of the toggle;
  • Quest Tracker - Which is shown/hidden as part of the toggle;
  • Target Health Bars - Which are shown/hidden as part of the toggle and are optionally shown temporarily in combat if hidden.
It also supports a number of addons, too. Which can be controlled by Windex. You can also easily create your own plugins for Windex, as addon authors and users. So for that clean UI you've always dreamed of...
Addon Support
Currently, these addons are supported via plugins:
  • Craft Research Timer - Which can be hidden/shown as part of the toggle;
  • Fence Info - Which can be hidden/shown as part of the toggle;
  • Horse Timers - Which can be hidden/shown as part of the toggle;
  • Item Condition Alert - Which can be hidden/shown as part of the toggle;
  • Mini Clock - Which can be hidden/shown as part of the toggle;
  • Mount Feed Timer - Which can be hidden/shown as part of the toggle;
  • SmartBags - Which can be hidden/shown as part of the toggle (and has smart visibility to only show when inventory/bank/housing/crafting are shown);
  • Weapon Charge Alert - Which can be hidden/shown as part of the toggle;
It's easy for addon developers to support Windex. They can create a plugin and stash it in with their addon, and it'll just hook into Windex effortlessly. Just take a look at the plugins that come with Windex as an example, it's pretty easy to understand how everything works.

If you're a user and you've made a plugin, leave it in the comments. If I spot it, I'll include it and credit you as the creator.
I'm sharing this addon because I genuinely get satisfaction out of the mere possibility of helping others, even when I don't know for sure. I have no interest in being popular, cults of popularity squick me out. As such, considering my disabilities, I'm unlikely to look at the comments very much. So this addon is delivered as-is, with a hearty dose of caveat emptor. Anything that it doesn't already do is 'out of scope.' You have other choices. I just wanted to make an simple, elegant solution for a real problem I was having. And now I'm sharing it in case it helps others.
My ever patient beau who manages to sometimes raise my courage to the point where I can post things online.
:: 014-100022

o Small plugin update in preparation for a very special surprise!

:: 013-100022

o Huge addon overhaul.

:: 012-100017

o The Research Timer addon I was using disagreed with me, and it was obnoxious to code a plugin for. So I've just dropped it. I'm using PL Research Timers now. It's better.

:: 011-100017

o Okay, so Research Timer really is in a silly place. Locked at the top-left like that it covers the experience bar which Windex also handles. I've nudged it down below the party frame. Let me know if that's a bad position for you.

:: 010-100017

o Fixed up the Research Timers plugin since I'm now using that addon again. It was mostly still okay, except that pop/push events would show Research Timers again even if it was hidden. Got that sorted.

:: 009-100017

o Found out that a bug I was trying to account for in the ChatWindowMiniBar plugin was actually being caused by another mod. Since I don't use that mod any more, I've removed my attempts at fixing the problem it caused as it's not my place to fix issues in other mods, especially when it may result in strange behaviour for those who don't have that mod.

:: 008-100017

o Added an Infamy Meter plugin. This is the thing I imagine most will care about. It was a bugger to get to behave, too.

o Rewrote almost all of the plugins. The ones that had the most work done on them were those that use hooks, and I'm now glad to say that I've gone the extra mile to make sure that when you toggle off handling for an addon, even in that session it'll unhook hooked functions without needing a UI reload. So that's good, and it means some plugins that weren't properly disabling when toggled off in that session (but fine after a reload UI) are now fixed, too.

o Went out of my way to add a slew of checks to the plugins, most may be unnecessary but I want to make sure I don't run afoul of weird bugs.

o Rewrote the template document to be completely up to par with the current version of Windex.

o Removed the localisation. Sorry. It's just so much easier to maintain and it'll be easier for an addon coder/user to look over the existing plugins to create their own if they want to. And really, no one ever actually asks for localisations anyway so it just ends up being bloat.

:: 007-100017

o An error in logic gating lead to a problem with a few plugins not behaving properly at load (such as Horse Timers not properly hiding/showing on initial load but then working properly with toggles, and SmartBags not toggling properly if the UI was toggled on at load). This errant behaviour has been fixed.

:: 006-100017

o Fixed a cosmetic issue in the ChatWindowMiniBar plugin where the chat window hides, but chat window tab names don't. I'm not sure if this is a bug in Windex, another addon I use, or the main UI. But I figured... it's easy enough to fix, so why not, right?

:: 005-100017

o Made a slight improvement to the ChatWindowMiniBar plugin so that when it's disabled it'll always show for sure (no need to show/hide the chat window or reload the UI).

:: 004-100017

o The renovation revealed that the implementation of the ChatWindowMiniBar plugin was deeply flawed. I've since rewritten it from the ground up to be much more functional. All for the best, really. Sorry if that inconvenienced anyone.

:: 003-100017

o Removed some pointless function modularisation that I couldn't imagine anyone ever using, and it makes the addon easier to maintain.

o Removed the menus modularisation. The only way to control this addon is menus, after all, no other options like slash commands or anything. So having the menus modularised was ultimately pointless.

o Moved the menus part of the plugins into the plugins files, thus making it even easier to both create plugins, and look at them to understand exactly how they work.

o Updated the plugin template/explanation document, which was woefully outdated.

o Did some general renovation for the sake of prettying things up and making the addon more readable.

:: 002-100017

o Updated LibAddonMenu.

o Updated LibOmniMessage.

o Further improvements to LibOmniMessage implementation.

:: 001-100017

o Lots of changes, bugfixes, and really too many things to even count.

[Data prior to this version has been cleared.]
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Unread 04/29/15, 11:18 AM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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Yes, yes I did! If you take a gander at the front page, I've credited you for it, there. And in the changelog, I think. Annnnd... providing it's working and I haven't flubbed it (which is a real possibility), through the menu in ESO.

I really appreciate it, too! I'm sorry to say that because I update Windex that often, I already had a few new features by that time. I've tried to junk together a translation for it, but if I've gotten anything horribly wrong (or just plain wrong), please let me know! I did my best to try and understand how the contextual differences work. I mean, I think I used nach right instead of zu/zum/bis. But German was never in my itinerary, so I'm just picking it up as I go along.


I just checked the code.

In CreateMenus.lua I have:

    if (GetCVar("language.2") ~= "en") then
      table.insert(windexAddon.optionsData, {
          type              = "description",
          text              = (windexAddon.L and windexAddon.L.suppliedBy or "?")
And in CreateMenusLocale.lua I have:
if (GetCVar("language.2") == "de") then
  windexAddon.L.panelName        = "Windex"
  windexAddon.L.panelDescPt1     = "Diese Seite erlaubt dir festzulegen, welche Elemente mit der AN/AUS Tastenkombination verändert werden."
  windexAddon.L.panelDescPt2     = "Du kannst die AN/AUS Tastenkombination in den Einstellungen->Steuerung festlegen. Diese Tastenkombination ist wichtig, um dieses Addon nutzen zu können!."
  windexAddon.L.panelCheckboxPt1 = "Schaltet "
  windexAddon.L.panelCheckboxPt2 = "  an/aus."
  windexAddon.L.suppliedBy       = "Deutsche Übersetzung durch Baertram"

The logic seems okay. I think! Please let me know if the credit isn't showing up in game. I'd feel awful about that because I want people to know whom to thank.

Edit 2: And thanks for taking an interest in my addon! If I had a recommended addons list, somewhere, quite a few of your FCO addons would be on it. FCO ItemSaver, for example, has saved my sanity as much as Dustman and Souschef, it's vital to me. It's always awesome when someone who makes awesome addons I like takes an interest in my janky efforts. So thanks for that!

Edit 3: And sorry for being so socially awkward, it's a thing for me. I've always been this way. Just think a less (or just as much, in some cases, I suppose) jerky McKay from Atlantis and you're not far off, though I do try to be better than that.

(Going to stop editing this comment, now.)
Last edited by Werewolf Finds Dragon : 04/29/15 at 11:30 AM.
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Unread 04/30/15, 04:56 AM  
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(Going to stop editing this comment, now.)
Made my day

Sure thing. If you need some more translations just ask in the forum's translation forum. I always come by there to see if I can help.

I'm glad you like my addons and think they are essential. At least they were for me, that's why I made them. Same like every addon developer (who is not coding on request) is starting it I guess

Originally Posted by Werewolf Finds Dragon

Yes, yes I did! If you take a gander at the front page, I've credited you for it, there. And in the changelog, I think. Annnnd... providing it's working and I haven't flubbed it (which is a real possibility), through the menu in ESO.

I really appreciate it, too! I'm sorry to say that because I update Windex that often, I already had a few new features by that time. I've tried to junk together a translation for it, but if I've gotten anything horribly wrong (or just plain wrong), please let me know! I did my best to try and understand how the contextual differences work. I mean, I think I used nach right instead of zu/zum/bis. But German was never in my itinerary, so I'm just picking it up as I go along.


I just checked the code.

In CreateMenus.lua I have:

    if (GetCVar("language.2") ~= "en") then
      table.insert(windexAddon.optionsData, {
          type              = "description",
          text              = (windexAddon.L and windexAddon.L.suppliedBy or "?")
And in CreateMenusLocale.lua I have:
if (GetCVar("language.2") == "de") then
  windexAddon.L.panelName        = "Windex"
  windexAddon.L.panelDescPt1     = "Diese Seite erlaubt dir festzulegen, welche Elemente mit der AN/AUS Tastenkombination verändert werden."
  windexAddon.L.panelDescPt2     = "Du kannst die AN/AUS Tastenkombination in den Einstellungen->Steuerung festlegen. Diese Tastenkombination ist wichtig, um dieses Addon nutzen zu können!."
  windexAddon.L.panelCheckboxPt1 = "Schaltet "
  windexAddon.L.panelCheckboxPt2 = "  an/aus."
  windexAddon.L.suppliedBy       = "Deutsche Übersetzung durch Baertram"

The logic seems okay. I think! Please let me know if the credit isn't showing up in game. I'd feel awful about that because I want people to know whom to thank.

Edit 2: And thanks for taking an interest in my addon! If I had a recommended addons list, somewhere, quite a few of your FCO addons would be on it. FCO ItemSaver, for example, has saved my sanity as much as Dustman and Souschef, it's vital to me. It's always awesome when someone who makes awesome addons I like takes an interest in my janky efforts. So thanks for that!

Edit 3: And sorry for being so socially awkward, it's a thing for me. I've always been this way. Just think a less (or just as much, in some cases, I suppose) jerky McKay from Atlantis and you're not far off, though I do try to be better than that.

(Going to stop editing this comment, now.)
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Unread 12/08/15, 01:17 AM  

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Would be greatly appreciated if someone could get this mod up to date.
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Unread 05/17/16, 05:14 PM  
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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Originally Posted by Cyrcle
Would be greatly appreciated if someone could get this mod up to date.
Done and done.
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Unread 02/26/18, 08:25 PM  
WfD Temp Account

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have an update

i added support for the housing hud
i simplified the plugin system
probably other stuff
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Unread 03/21/18, 03:02 PM  

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thank you

Experience Bar - Which is shown/hidden as part of the toggle.

thank you!
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Unread 03/27/18, 01:57 PM  

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Finally an addon that just adds the in game experience bar, no bells or whistles.

Could you add a toggle for the in game Bounty Meter too?
I want to always see it! (the bottom right corner meter thing)

Upon first load (with no other addons on) I get this error.

user:/AddOns/Windex/Libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua:242: operator * is not supported for nil * number
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/Windex/Libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua:242: in function 'ScrollDataIntoView'
user:/AddOns/Windex/Libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua:321: in function 'PopulateAddonList'
user:/AddOns/Windex/Libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua:659: in function 'panelData.callback'
EsoUI/Common/ZO_GameMenu/ZO_GameMenu.lua:52: in function 'TreeEntryOnSelected'
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Tree/ZO_Tree.lua:658: in function 'ZO_TreeNode:OnSelected'
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Tree/ZO_Tree.lua:370: in function 'ZO_Tree:SelectNode'
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Tree/ZO_Tree.lua:841: in function 'ZO_TreeEntry_OnMouseUp'
ZO_CollectionsBook_TopLevelCategoriesScrollChildZO_TreeStatusLabelSubCategory1_MouseUp:3: in function '(main chunk)'
Last edited by GizmoDuck : 03/28/18 at 07:58 AM.
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Unread 03/28/18, 04:02 AM  

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Thank you so much for this add-on. I've been looking for this for quite some time. It's amazing for questing

I have only one issue at the moment: When i don't have the windex's toggle active i always see "F5 Go to Entrance" in the bottom right? Does anyone else have this issue. It's showing it everywhere for me (outside housing instance). It does get hidden when i press my keybind but it will be there when i disable it (for dungeons, trials, pvp etc). If i turn off the 'HUD handling" it will simply always be there, everywhere.

I disabled all other add-ons to test and it still persists.

Anyone got this issue as well?
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Unread 03/28/18, 08:51 AM  

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Originally Posted by MattVH
Thank you so much for this add-on. I've been looking for this for quite some time. It's amazing for questing

I have only one issue at the moment: When i don't have the windex's toggle active i always see "F5 Go to Entrance" in the bottom right? Does anyone else have this issue. It's showing it everywhere for me (outside housing instance). It does get hidden when i press my keybind but it will be there when i disable it (for dungeons, trials, pvp etc). If i turn off the 'HUD handling" it will simply always be there, everywhere.

I disabled all other add-ons to test and it still persists.

Anyone got this issue as well?
Yes, and Bounty meter was added (thank you) but when ON it still doesn't show up.
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Unread 07/01/20, 08:28 PM  

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Housing HUD

I know it's been a while since this mod has been worked on but if anyone else is using it these days to hide the Chat Mini Bar and you're frustrated with the F5 Housing HUD hotkey not going away, simply go to "C:\Users\Your User Name\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\Windex\Plugins\HousingHUD\HousingHUD.lua" and delete all of the text. Don't just delete the file because the addon will replace it upon login (most do, anyway. I didn't test it.) It's now gone for me. Hope this helps.
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