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Updated: 03/23/22 10:39 AM
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Ascending Tide (7.3.5)
Updated:03/23/22 10:39 AM
Created:07/05/15 09:52 AM
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Categories:PvP, Info, Plug-in Bars
Cyrodiil Alert 2 - Keep Status and Campaign Queue  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 3.0.7
by: Enodoc [More]
Tanthul's original Cyrodiil Alert add-on, updated for Imperial City with new options and features.

I always found Cyrodiil Alert very useful, and was sorry to see it fall into the Discontinued and Outdated category. When it no longer worked properly after Update 6, I decided to try and adapt and improve on the original and add a slew of new features in the process.

Note: It is advisable to uninstall the original Cyrodiil Alert before installing this add-on, in order to avoid any unintended conflicts.

Original features:
Features from the original Cyrodiil Alert, largely unchanged:
  • Alerts when attacks start and stop on keeps/resources.
  • Shows amount of attacking and defending sieges at the moment the attack registers on the map.
  • Alerts when a keep or resource is captured by another alliance.
  • Alerts about Coronations and Deposing of Emperors (Default is On).
  • Alerts about opening or closing of Gates (Default is On).
  • Alerts about claiming keeps for a guild (Default in On).
  • Alerts about scrolls (taken/dropped/captured) (Default is On).
  • Optional additional output to chat (Default is On).
  • Ability to disable On Screen Notifications and only output to chat tab.
  • All Notifications added as On/Off toggles in Settings.

New features:
  • Uses ESO's built-in notifications.
  • Alliance ownership shown by alliance colours in notifications (Default is On).
  • Shows amount of sieges by alliance when the attack registers (Default is On).
  • Option to show only notifications relevant to "My Alliance".
  • Alerts for individual keep flags (Apse and Nave) and outpost flags (Tower and Courtyard) being captured.
    • Optional extension to include individual resource flags.
    • Optional extension to show flags falling to the Neutral state during capture.
  • Alerts for Cyrodiil Town capture.
  • Alerts for Milegates and Bridges being destroyed and repaired.
  • Alerts for Imperial City District capture.
  • Alerts for Daedric Artifacts (spawning/taken/dropped/despawning).
  • Alerts showing when position in the Campaign Queue changes (Default is On).
  • Alerts for Campaign Score Evaluation.
  • Alerts for Low Population Bonus.
  • Settings Menu moved into the "Add-Ons" sub-menu of LibAddonMenu-2.0.
  • Current Status Output - Shows status of all keeps (or just those under attack) in the chat window, including current sieges, and summary of alliance and individual Imperial City access. Trigger this from the Settings menu, or slash command toggle "/ca status", "/ca attacks" or "/ca imperial".
  • Automatically enter Cyrodiil once the Campaign Queue pops (Default is Off).

Slash commands:
  • "/ca status": output status of all keeps to the chat box
  • "/ca attacks": output status of keeps under attack to the chat box
  • "/ca imperial": output status of Imperial City districts under attack, and status of Tel Var bonuses to the chat box
  • "/ca score": show the current campaign score
  • "/ca underpop": show the current status of the Low Population bonus
  • "/ca init": reinitialize the add-on

Known issues:
  • CA will occasionally fail to initialize properly when first loading into Cyrodiil. "/reloadui" will reset the initialization process; alternatively, CA can be forced to reinitialize with "/ca init", and will otherwise fix itself when leaving the Border Gate area or using the Transitus network.
  • Some long notifications may be truncated when announcements are set to display as "Major" in the ESO UI. (This is more prevalent in the German localization, but exists in the other languages as well.) This is a limitation of the base UI's announcement system, and so cannot be addressed. However, setting the notification display to "Minor" will not truncate messages, so is the best available workaround.

Japanese localization by Lionas. 日本語版: Lionas [ライオナス]
Before being added to the main release, Lionas' JP patches can be found here.

German localization by Scootworks.

Feel free to provide feedback and suggest features you would like to see.

Full credit for the original Cyrodiil Alert (prior to Version 1.0.0) goes to:
@Tanthul, Leader of the Dark Moon guild, operating on the European Scourge campaign.
(AKA: Nodens - Developer of RealBench for ASUS Republic of Gamers)

Version 3.0 developed by:
@Enodoc, Savant of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits (UESP)
UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995. Find us at
Version 3.0.7
  • Updated API version to 101033 (Ascending Tide)

Version 3.0.6
  • Updated API version to 101031 (Waking Flame)

Version 3.0.5
  • Updated API version to 100033 (Markarth)

Version 3.0.4
  • Updated API version to 100032 (Stonethorn)

Version 3.0.3
  • Tidied up colouring of the Emperor, Gate and Scroll notifications

Version 3.0.2
  • Added missing Notification Importance option for Bridges and Milegates under attack
  • Converted all Emperor, Temple Gate and Elder Scroll notifications from Minor to Priority - these will now bypass other notifications in the queue

Version 3.0.1
  • Fixed an issue with the Major/Minor notifications toggle for Imperial City Districts
  • Re-added Notifications Outside Cyrodiil for Emperors, Gates, and Scrolls [requested]
    • These can be found in Settings under the relevant main Notification
    • Assigned Campaign data is still dubious - let me know if it doesn't work!
  • Updated API version to 100031 (Greymoor)

Version 3.0.0
  • Removed the original CyrodiilAlert UI window developed by Tanthul, and all references to AceTimer and LibStub libraries that this was using
  • Overhauled the Settings menu, giving more notification options for each objective type
  • Fixed an issue with the Output to Chat text colours
  • Updated API version to 100030 (Harrowstorm)

Version 2.5.1
  • Updated API version to 100029 (Dragonhold)
  • Removed embedded LibAddonMenu - this is now a Dependency

Version 2.5.0
  • Updated API version to 100026 100027 (Wrathstone/Elsweyr)
  • Added notifications for Daedric Artifacts (only partially tested)
    • Known Issue - Player names are not showing properly
  • Removed defunct Imperial City Access notifications
  • Fixed Score Evaluation notifications - they will now only show when the score is re-evaluated, rather than every five minutes
  • Removed option to show notifications outside Cyrodiil - it never worked properly anyway
  • Removed options to show Imperial City notifications in Cyrodiil and vice versa
  • Updated LibAddonMenu to r29
  • Note: Imperial City was not available on PTS for testing. There may be residual issues with these notifications in the new Imperial City campaign.

Version 2.4.0
  • Updated API version to 100025 (Murkmire)
  • Added notifications for Bridges and Milegates, which can now be destroyed and repaired.
  • Updated LibAddonMenu to r26

Version 2.3.4
  • Updated API version to 100024 (Wolfhunter)

Version 2.3.3
  • Updated API version to 100023 (Summerset)

Version 2.3.2
  • Updated API version to 100022

Version 2.3.1
  • Updated LibAddonMenu to r25
  • Reupload 16/10/17 - Corrected Version number

Version 2.3.0
  • Updated API version to 100021
  • Added a new option to automatically enter Cyrodiil once your position in the Campaign Queue reaches 0 (default OFF). This is configurable for 5-50 seconds. (Requested by Marazota.)
  • Suppression of the vanilla ESO notifications has been retired. It hasn't worked properly since the update to the announcement system, and that functionality will be available in the base ESO "Social" settings, as of Update 16.
Important Note: Due to limitations in its design, the original CyrodiilAlert custom UI window developed by Tanthul (called "CA UI" since version 2.0) is now considered deprecated, and new features will not be developed with CA UI support in mind. It is recommended that you switch to the "ESO UI" built-in announcement system for CyrodiilAlert if you are not already using it, and I will probably phase out the original custom alert window over the next few updates.

Version 2.2.4
  • Fixed a bug in colour definitions that was causing a UI error.

Version 2.2.3
  • Added API version 100020 (existing API 100019 continues to be supported)
  • Further reduced the number of Unknown Flags at Neutral

Version 2.2.2
  • Updated API version to 100019
  • Tweaked the coding for Flags at Neutral to significantly reduce the number of Unknowns
  • Note: There was an overhaul in the API for the center-screen ESO announcement panel, so there may be some issues that I haven't picked up on. Please report any bugs you find!

Version 2.2.1
  • Fixed a bug where the intended sounds were not playing for the Score Evaluation and Low Population Bonus notifications

Version 2.2.0
  • Updated API version to 100018
  • Added a new Score Evaluation notification, appears when the score is re-evaluated
  • Added a new Low Population Bonus notification, appears when the underpop bonus is re-evaluated
  • Individual flags falling to Neutral control now indicate which alliance has lost control
    • Known Issue - This actually does not work, as the API does not currently return the losing alliance or the capturing alliance for an objective at Netural. As a result, the impact of this change is currently only a rewording (from "x has fallen to No Control" to "Unknown has lost control of x")
  • Added two new slash commands:
    • "/ca score" shows the current campaign score
    • "/ca underpop" shows the current status of the Low Population bonus

Version 2.1.6 (unreleased)
  • Option for Under Attack notifications to be displayed in the ESO UI as a Major or Minor event (default Major)
  • Fixed a bug where towns under attack were not showing up in the ESO UI during initialization
  • Certain sounds played during ESO UI notifications are now more subtle:
    • Keep Capture when the notification is set as a Minor event
    • Individual flag notifications

Version 2.1.5
  • Updated LibAddonMenu to r23

Version 2.1.4
  • Updated API version to 100017

Version 2.1.3
  • Updated LibAddonMenu to r22
  • CA no longer stores Alliance Owner status in memory

Version 2.1.2
  • Updated German localization (thanks to Scootworks)

Version 2.1.1
  • Added German localization (thanks to Scootworks)
  • Updated LibAddonMenu to r21
  • Known Issue - Some long notifications may be truncated when announcements are set to display as "Major" in the ESO UI. (This is more prevalent in the German localization, but exists in the other languages as well.) This is a limitation of the announcement system, and so cannot be addressed. However, setting the notification display to "Minor" will not truncate messages, so is the best available workaround.

Version 2.1.0
  • Added Japanese localization (thanks to Lionas)
  • Most strings moved to string definition files (thanks again to Lionas)
  • Added an option to display Keeps Under Attack in the on-screen Initialization message when using ESO UI
  • Added a new Queue Ready notification
  • CA no longer stores Under Attack status in memory
  • All Imperial City notifications are disabled if you do not have the DLC (this can be temporarily overridden in the Settings)
  • All Imperial City notification settings moved to their own section in the Settings menu for clarity

Version 2.0.1
  • Fixed a bug that was causing Imperial City District notifications to appear regardless of the display setting (this definition now uses keepType instead of keepId)
  • Clarified some settings in the redesigned Settings menu

Version 2.0.0
  • Cyrodiil Alert now uses the base UI's announcement system by default
    • You can continue to use CA's custom UI by setting the "On-Screen Notifications" to "CA UI"
    • Alerts will no longer override each other when appearing in quick succession if using the ESO UI
    • Option to have ESO UI notifications with or without sound (default ON)
    • Option for Keep Capture to be displayed in the ESO UI as a Major or Minor event (default Major)
    • Note: You may wish to reduce your Notification Delay period if you use the ESO UI.
    • Note: The ESO announcement panel cannot be moved with this add-on, as it is a base UI element. To move around elements of the base UI, please use an alternative add-on such as Azurah.
  • Added API version 100016 (existing API 100015 continues to be supported)
  • Added support for Town Capture:
    • Added notifications for when a town is captured
    • Option to show individual town flags (default ON since each town has three flags)
    • Initialization message now shows Town Status
  • Changed how text strings are generated, to make it easier for anyone to work on localization (please let me know if you would like to localize the add-on for FR, DE, or JP)
  • Overhauled the Settings menu

Version 1.3.2 (unreleased)
  • Added option to hide Tel Var bonus changes on District Capture notifications

Version 1.3.1
  • Updated defaults:
    • "Show District Capture in Cyrodiil" defaults to OFF
    • Centered Horizontal Position compared to compass (default 560)
    • Lowered Vertical Position to go under updated Target Frames (default 180)

Version 1.3.0
  • Updated API version to 100015
  • Added support for District Capture:
    • Added notifications for when a district is captured, including changes to Tel Var bonus
    • Options to show District Capture only in Imperial City, or both in IC and in Cyrodiil
    • Option to show individual district flags (default OFF since each district only has one flag)
    • Initialization message now shows District Status
  • Updated Imperial City slash commands:
    • "/ca imperial" and "/ca ic" now show both Access status, and status of districts under attack
    • "/ca ic all" shows Access status and status of all districts and Tel Var bonuses
    • "/ca ic access" shows Access status
    • "/ca ic districts" shows status of Tel Var bonuses and districts under attack
  • Fixed a bug where "Under Attack" notifications would not show if neither Siege option was turned on

Version 1.2.5
  • Updated LibAddonMenu to r20

Version 1.2.4
  • Updated API version to 100014
  • Updated LibAddonMenu to r19

Version 1.2.3 (unreleased)
  • Streamlined initialization code
  • Recoloured Imperial City notifications

Version 1.2.2
  • Fixed a couple of typos in the colorDefs that were generating UI errors

Version 1.2.1
  • Updated API version to 100013
  • Advertisement - Please help test my new add-on, Scaling Alert, now in beta!

Version 1.2.0
  • Changed most uses of hex-code colours to use zo_colorDef functions
    • Now uses many existing in-game colours without redefining them
  • CA should now initialize consistently when entering a new zone -- Thanks Ayantir for the relevant function!
    • (The Known Issue from v1.1.5 should be fixed)
  • Compacted Imperial City Status output
  • Compacted a few other chat output calls which previously used multiple lines
  • Initialization message will now show Imperial City Status only if Imperial City Notifications are On (you can still trigger IC Status at any time with "/ca ic")

Version 1.1.6
  • Fixed the keep counter for majority control and open access campaigns (was inadvertently counting Home keeps instead of Controlled keeps)

Version 1.1.5
  • Fixed the keep counter for gated access campaigns (was inadvertently counting Emperor keeps instead of Imperial City keeps)
  • Known Issue - CA will occasionally fail to initialize properly when first loading into Cyrodiil. "/reloadui" will reset the initialization process; alternatively, CA can be forced to reinitialize with "/ca init", and will otherwise fix itself when leaving the Border Gate area or using the Transitus network.

Version 1.1.4
  • Updated alliance colours to match the changed colours in-game
  • Imperial City Status now shows number of controlled/required keeps for gated access campaigns added in ESO 2.1.7

Version 1.1.3
  • Updated API version to 100012
  • Re-enabled the disabled code from v1.1.1
  • Separated Imperial City Status from Keep Status - it now has its own output command "/ca ic"
  • Added the following slash commands:
    • /ca init - reinitialize the add-on
    • /ca imperial - output Imperial City Access status to chat
    • /ca ic - shorthand for "/ca imperial"
  • The Known Issue from v1.1.0 should be fixed

Version 1.1.2
  • Vanilla UI notifications are now only disabled outside of Cyrodiil by default if CA is actually in use outside of Cyrodiil
  • Added additional option to permanently disable the vanilla UI notifications outside of Cyrodiil
  • Added option to redirect disabled vanilla notifications to Chat (thanks again to Garkin for the related code)
  • Reversed the logical for disabling the vanilla UI notifications, for consistency with these additions; if previously you had "Use Default ESO Notifications" set to OFF, you will need to set "Disable Default ESO Notifications" to ON, and vice versa.

Version 1.1.1
  • Temporarily disabled part of the Imperial City code which was relying on something that doesn't yet exist, generating a cyclical error in the Initialization Message

Version 1.1.0
  • Preparation for Imperial City:
    • Added Imperial City to Current Status
    • Added notifications for Imperial City Access Gained/Lost
    • Option to disable notifications when inside Imperial City
  • Extended the vertical text area to reduce the number of truncated strings
  • Added option to disable the default (vanilla) UI notifications for Artifact Gates, Emperors, Elder Scrolls, and Imperial City, and use CA's own notifications instead. Many thanks to Garkin for the relevant code.
  • Known Issue - LibAddonMenu2.0 generates an error in chat due to one of the Imperial City settings not existing yet. This can be ignored, and will fix itself when Imperial City is released.

Version 1.0.2
  • Second attempted fix for a nil value error in Scroll Notifications (last one didn't work)
  • Added Scroll Returned to Base to Scroll Notifications
  • Added Scroll Returned by Timer to Scroll Notifications

Version 1.0.1
  • Attempted fix for a nil value error in Scroll Notifications
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Unread 07/05/16, 04:33 PM  
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The problem should be fixed with 2.0.1. Let me know if you have any other issues!
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Unread 07/05/16, 08:40 PM  
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Originally Posted by Enodoc
The problem should be fixed with 2.0.1. Let me know if you have any other issues!
Thanks! It appears the option for the district capture stuff is now working correctly
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Unread 07/05/16, 11:37 PM  
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Re: Localization for JP

Originally Posted by Lionas
I'll try to localize for Japanese(JP).
If I succeed, I'll report to you.
Too many hardcoded string and there are no string-definition file!
And you should use zo_strformat function instead of ".."
(Because many other languages are different from English in the line order of the word).

I'm trying to divide string resource from code, to support multi launguages.

But I'm working on v2.0.0...
Last edited by Lionas : 07/05/16 at 11:55 PM.
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Unread 07/06/16, 08:25 AM  
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Smile JP Patch uploaded

I uploaded the JP translation patch based on v2.0.1

Please review and integrated it.
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Unread 07/06/16, 12:39 PM  
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Re: JP Patch uploaded

Originally Posted by Lionas
Too many hardcoded string and there are no string-definition file!
And you should use zo_strformat function instead of ".."
(Because many other languages are different from English in the line order of the word).

I'm trying to divide string resource from code, to support multi launguages.

But I'm working on v2.0.0...
Originally Posted by Lionas
I uploaded the JP translation patch based on v2.0.1

Please review and integrated it.
Oh wow, you certainly know Lua a lot better than I do! Sorry about not having a string definition file, and thanks for creating one. This add-on is all based off Tanthul's original CA, and string definition files weren't part of that, so they weren't something I thought about. I can see why they make it easier to work with, though!

I used ".." after looking up lua string concatenation; I only used zo_strformat to display an icon, as beyond that, I have no idea how it works. It seems you define the primary argument in the string definition file, and then the parameters are added directly? I guess that makes localisation easier, as all you need to do then is set the syntax in the string definition?

Do you think it would therefore be worth turning the other strings into zo_strformat as well? Presumably if that was done, there would be no need for
Lua Code:
  1. if (CA.language == "jp")
around the things you added, as the English ones would follow the same format.
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Unread 07/06/16, 01:04 PM  
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Re: Re: JP Patch uploaded

Originally Posted by Enodoc
I used ".." after looking up lua string concatenation; I only used zo_strformat to display an icon, as beyond that, I have no idea how it works. It seems you define the primary argument in the string definition file, and then the parameters are added directly? I guess that makes localisation easier, as all you need to do then is set the syntax in the string definition?
If you want to know more about zo_strformat, I recommend this:
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Unread 07/06/16, 08:38 PM  
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Re: Re: JP Patch uploaded

Originally Posted by Enodoc
Do you think it would therefore be worth turning the other strings into zo_strformat as well? Presumably if that was done, there would be no need for
Lua Code:
  1. if (CA.language == "jp")
around the things you added, as the English ones would follow the same format.
Yes, this code isn't necessary finally.
I think zo_strformat can also use all except for Japanese.

Only Japanese used zo_strformat deliberately because I didn't want to consider an influential area and change the original program as much as possible this time.

By the way, please confirm the contribution of votan-san about zo_strformat.
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Unread 07/07/16, 01:41 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: JP Patch uploaded

Originally Posted by votan
Originally Posted by Enodoc
I used ".." after looking up lua string concatenation; I only used zo_strformat to display an icon, as beyond that, I have no idea how it works. It seems you define the primary argument in the string definition file, and then the parameters are added directly? I guess that makes localisation easier, as all you need to do then is set the syntax in the string definition?
If you want to know more about zo_strformat, I recommend this:
Oh nice, thanks!

Originally Posted by Lionas
Originally Posted by Enodoc
Do you think it would therefore be worth turning the other strings into zo_strformat as well? Presumably if that was done, there would be no need for if (CA.language == "jp") around the things you added, as the English ones would follow the same format.
Yes, this code isn't necessary finally.
I think zo_strformat can also use all except for Japanese.

Only Japanese used zo_strformat deliberately because I didn't want to consider an influential area and change the original program as much as possible this time.
OK cool, I will work on updating the English to use that as well then. Thanks!
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Unread 12/01/16, 10:48 AM  

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Turn off all chat alerts

I have tried everything I can think of to stop this addon from sending alerts to my chat window. Is there something I am missing. I even tried uninstalling it and still the alerts appear even without the addon installed.
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Unread 12/16/16, 04:41 AM  
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Re: Turn off all chat alerts

Originally Posted by Heruthema
I have tried everything I can think of to stop this addon from sending alerts to my chat window. Is there something I am missing. I even tried uninstalling it and still the alerts appear even without the addon installed.
It definitely shouldn't be happening if you've uninstalled the add-on. Can you upload a screenshot somewhere? It should be the case that you just need to toggle the "output to chat" Option, and that should turn off all chat output.

Do you have any other PvP add-ons installed? I think sidWarTools also has this function, so maybe it's coming from something else.
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Unread 02/05/17, 02:35 PM  
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Re: Turn off all chat alerts

Originally Posted by Heruthema
I have tried everything I can think of to stop this addon from sending alerts to my chat window. Is there something I am missing. I even tried uninstalling it and still the alerts appear even without the addon installed.
Do you have "No, thank you!"? I believe it can cause it to be sent to chat instead.
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Unread 05/01/17, 03:00 PM  

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Separating IC and CA?

If there isn't an option to do this, I'd love to see Cyrodiil Alerts when in Cyrodiil and Imperial City when I'm in IC. Sometimes it's so noisy in Cyrodiil it's hard to follow what's happening in IC.
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Unread 05/03/17, 08:08 PM  
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I noticed today that the "Individual Flag Notifications" > "Show Flags at Neutral" option, when enabled, has been outputting "Unknown" as the source. Here is what I mean:

I haven't done any PvP in a long while so by "today" I don't mean it hasn't happened at all in this update. Just that I was in PvP today and saw it occur

Thanks for your time!
Last edited by PaulScelus : 05/03/17 at 08:12 PM.
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Unread 05/06/17, 03:27 PM  
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Originally Posted by PaulScelus

I noticed today that the "Individual Flag Notifications" > "Show Flags at Neutral" option, when enabled, has been outputting "Unknown" as the source. Here is what I mean:

I haven't done any PvP in a long while so by "today" I don't mean it hasn't happened at all in this update. Just that I was in PvP today and saw it occur

Thanks for your time!
Yeah, sorry, that's a known issue with the API, so there's not really much I can do about it. The API is currently returning two blank Alliance values when a flag goes to Neutral, instead of returning the ID of the capturing alliance in one parameter and the ID of the losing alliance in the other. Your best bet for now would be to just turn off the Neutral display, since it's rather useless if that info is not being given.
Last edited by Enodoc : 05/06/17 at 03:38 PM.
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Unread 05/06/17, 03:33 PM  
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Re: Separating IC and CA?

Originally Posted by Corysia
If there isn't an option to do this, I'd love to see Cyrodiil Alerts when in Cyrodiil and Imperial City when I'm in IC. Sometimes it's so noisy in Cyrodiil it's hard to follow what's happening in IC.
It should be there somewhere... under the Imperial City section, look for "Enable Cyrodiil Notifications Inside Imperial City" and "Show District Capture in Cyrodiil", and turn them both off.
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