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Updated: 11/21/15 11:02 PM
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Orsinium (2.2.4)
Updated:11/21/15 11:02 PM
Created:10/01/15 02:45 AM
Monthly downloads:57
Total downloads:4,552
by: galaara98 [More]

CraftCostAdvisor is a MS Windows Program that can help you create crafting bills (and crafting requests as a buyer)

It will visualize the crafting 'Job' to help keep you organized. For each slot on the ESO ragdoll you can setup Set, Type, Trait, Style, Quality/Color, Enchant, and Enchant Color.

As you fill in the slot information the program will, on the fly, produce a materials list, enchanting recipes, and real-time price quotes. (If you allow it, CraftCostAdvisor will sync guild sales information from the *Master Merchant addon to help you get valid item costs. *All credits and thanks for that data to it's Developers, bless them for the fine work they do)

There is a notes field (for things like the buyer's name, and an area for buyer contributed materials (you can calculate them as a discount if you choose)

Each 'Job' can be saved and loaded/opened (Do try to use this as it is always possible the program can crash, especially if you customized the data files)

When you're ready to create the bill, it will put all the relevant information in a nice "email format" for you to paste into the game.

Ironious Gatherberus
Fatherberus Galtherberus

By the way: BIG thanks to you all, the users. Please comment, good bad ugly. Tell me what it DOESNT do or doesn't do right. Maybe I'll say "too hard" or "I disagree", but probably... I'll fix it!

!!NOTE!! LAURELS Don't appear to be TRADE-ABLE...

YOU MUST SET YOUR OWN PRICE, but if you use Master Merchant prices, you might not be familiar with controlling the price files. IF you USE MMPRICE,
1) First Make sure you have Scanned your Master Merchant Data at least ONCE after upgrading to
2) goto the folder you INSTALLED CraftCostAdvisor, you will see a folder called _PRICING\, in that folder you will find a MMPriceData.ini file. Open it (it is just a bunch of text, it should open in your NOTEPAD application)...
3) Search for "Laurel", you will find 64713=####;Laurel where #### can be changed to any number of amount of Gold a Single Laurel is WORTH (to you)
4) Save your Changes

Devolus - for taking the time to validate and repair a few data files. Devolus is also responsible for a few ease of use fixes (more accurate text in several fields)


1. Custom Bill/Letter Format
2. Guild Weighting, because not every sale price is a good sales price
3. Localization is stubbed, but no way for user to implement.
4. Help menu.. Does nothing , will do something someday
5. Feedback mechanism needed, so incorrect data (like incorrect number of metal bars needed to make a chest, or name of an enchant can be sent to me).
A. This one is important for future, I will probably try to set up a GIT area on ESOUI so users can trade data files when I'm long gone. *I was smart enough to almost never hard code ANYthing so you as an end user can change text files to fix my mistakes. And once localization is functional, that will be twice as true.
6. Always more error checking and friendly crashes (lots of stubbing for this, but if you have ever coded you know this is like 4 X the work of the program itself)

WARNING: If the program looks through ALL your guild sales history and can't find a particular item, the MM Price Scanner will mark the item as ZERO Gold. There is nothing i can do about it... there is no way for me to predict the correct value of an item you have never witness being sold. If you feel like your bill is LOW (and your using MM Prices). Look at _PRICING\MMPriceData.ini search for =0; as that would be an item with no cost associated with it

1) Though it is assumed everyone loves Master Merchant Data, the program can function without it. In the File Menu, switch to MY Price File (in the Edit Menu, you can EDIT My Price File... but it really just runs Notepad and opens a text file for you to "edit")
PriceFiles are located in the _PRICING\ Folder and can be edited by hand (you can even screw with the MMPriceFile, because it is just a "SYNC" of Master Merchant data... )

Edit the MYPriceData.ini with any text editor.
*IF you KNOW how to use in game ITEM NUMBERS you can create prices for object I missed. But if you don't you can still edit prices for everything I have thought of.

Each items has a "ITEM NUMBER" followed by an equal sign (=) followed by it's price, then a semi-colon ( ; ) then its name... All you need to do to manually change a price is find the name with a search, and change the Price on the Right side of the equal (=). Save and your done.

2) Unless you tell the program to update MM Prices on every load (in the preferences, but it takes several minutes to sync MM data.. big DATABASES) then it will only update your prices when you MANUALLY ask it to, File Menu > Update MM Price Data


CraftCostAdvisor doesn't really install... as in it doesn't have a setup.exe or a desktop shortcut
you unpack a Zipped file from ESOUI and Poof there it is (remember where you unpacked it)
The program itself is a Red Sword on a black background, just run it.


When you download an updated version, unpack the zip ON TOP of your originals (or after unzip, copy all the files and folders on top of your original installation.) NOTE: I will never overwrite your MM Pricing Data, or the Custom Language folder.

Every Update will change the The Main Program (The Red Sword) to a new version

and Sometime...
Update the FallbackPrices file (_PRICING\FallbackPrices.ini)
Update the FallbackData files (_LANGUAGE\FALLBACK\*)
Enable the autoupdater (_PATCHES\PATCH.INI)
. which will tell you there are new Fallback Data files
. ask you if you want to update your Files
. You don't have to, but generally if i update the data files its because
. an item has the wrong number or
. NEW items were added to the game (like a new metal or something)

If you decline the update and later change your mind, or you want to do it yourself... the files I sent are in the _LANGUAGE\FALLBACK\* folder and YOUR files are in _LANGUAGE\ Your Language \ Folder
*for now, until I get Localization working, this is probably _LANGUAGE\EN\*

This "MOD" I made, was designed so that if I quit, and never crafted again.. it would still work so long as there wasn't a new SLOT (like scarf or something) And you could help each other by PMing, or emailing: instructions, little safe files, or even text to paste into a file with notepad.

To send someone your PRICES
send them one or all of the files in your _PRICING\ folder
MMPriceData for prices synced from Master Merchant, or MYPriceData for the prices you made up

To send someone a FIX (like spelling, incorrect number of materials in a recipe, or a whole new type of material) you would send them one or more files from _LANGUAGE\EN\Data (or other languages when that works)
It takes a bit of Internal ESO knowledge to understand how the files work, but even without ESO knowledge, with some logic, you can follow my patterns, and fix anything.

Here are the basics:

There are 4 TABLE Files: Metal, Leather, Cloth, and Wood. Generally these you would edit in MS Excel or Google Sheets (they are "Comma Separated" Spreadsheets, usually called CSV files). These help the program understand how much material (like # of bars of metal) and what material (like Iron versus Steel) for each ITEM LEVEL when compared to ITEM SLOT (for armor) or ITEM TYPE (for weapons) you are making (like Shoulders or 1H Sword)... So the names across the top have to perfectly match the SLOT (for Armor) OR the TYPE (for weapons/shield), the values on the left are CHARACTER LEVEL,MATERIAL ALIAS, and then the NUMBERS in the middle are how much is needed of that type of material for that slot on the ragdoll.

Then we have the EnchantingLists file. this file help the program understand: Item Level to Potency, Enchantment Name to Essence, and Enchantment name to POSITIVE or NEGATIVE potency. If a new Potency or Essence is added to the Game, the pattern is very logical... just follow the pattern and you can add anything... but pay close attention to positive and negative potency... easy to screw up)

After that there is the Materials File. This files main job is to help the program cross reference: Item Aliases (Aliases are used so that Steel in English can be Acier in French) to Item Numbers to Item Names, and back again. Every ITEM ALIAS referenced in the TABLE files and the Enchanting File, MUST have a match in the Materials File. Otherwise.. well Nuclear winter, or something.

And Finally we have the Master List File. The program uses this file to create the Interface. Every Dropdown you see is because of a list in this file. If the game adds a new enchantment, the recipe needs to be updated in the enchanting File, but the name of the Enchantment must be added to the appropriate enchantment list, or you cant select it when the program runs. That's the job of the Master List file! It determines where a 1H axe shows up, and where does Spell Damage show up.

*One gotcha. Veteran Levels are just weird, so I decided that if a level was 101 or more it would use the word VRxx instead. So if the game gets new levels say from 50-60, then you would just use 52 to be 52, but if gets new levels like VR17 - VR18 then you would use 117 - 118. But if they totally invent some new bullcrap... the Bills will say VR for higher levels and you might have to edit just before you ingame mail. BUT hopefully I'm still playing and crafting if they do something weird like that and then i'll fix it right.

In most cases if ESO updates, then all these files would ahve to be update together, but the Beauty is... YOU CAN DO IT WITHOUT ME. I purposely created it so that if I forget, fail, or just stop caring... you are not screwed... If you understand how... YOU CAN fix it, or get the new config files from someone who understands, then the CraftCostAdvisor can last forever!

I follow guideline from ESOUI when giving you a Windows Program. Though they review files, it's still best to be safe. ASK questions if you have concerns, I will be glad to answer your questions.
My Programs are always digitally signed. If you view the properties of the main program, and look at the digital signatures tab, you will see Fatherberus Galtherberus.
If you understand how, you can validate the certificate has a thumbprint of: 92 92 fd 7c 87 3a 2a ec 24 97 ce 27 c7 6e f3 50 b8 d2 f7 0c
Updated for Orsinium
Added New Sets (Trial By Fire,Law of Julianos,Morkuldin)
Added New Styles (Akavari,Ancient Orc,Mercenary)
Added New Materials (Ancient Scale,Cassiterite,Cassiterite Sand,Laurel)

If you use MYPRICE, Peek into the Fallback Price files in the _PRICING\ folder and find all reference to the new materials, and update your MYPriceData.ini as appropriate

if you use MMPRICE, rescan your MM data after installing or above if you installed it on top of a previous version

!!NOTE!! LAURELS Don't appear to be TRADE-ABLE...

YOU MUST SET YOUR OWN PRICE, but if you use Master Merchant prices, you might not be familiar with controlling the price files. IF you USE MMPRICE,
1) First Make sure you have Scanned your Master Merchant Data at least ONCE after upgrading to
2) goto the folder you INSTALLED CraftCostAdvisor, you will see a folder called _PRICING\, in that folder you will find a MMPriceData.ini file. Open it (it is just a bunch of text, it should open in your NOTEPAD application)...
3) Search for "Laurel", you will find 64713=####;Laurel where #### can be changed to any number of amount of Gold a Single Laurel is WORTH (to you)
4) Save your Changes

Added a check to not let the user choose the Addon folder when looking for the SavedVariables folder.
Added the PROFIT field. This will help you choose a good markup, so your time will be well spent!
Added Values to the Materials list... especially to help you notice if a price of a material is way off (like ZERO..)

More robust repair of missing MM Data
Just so you guys understand, there is a lot of "wasted" computer code all about how many different ways Master Merchant can store its data, how many ways you or I can screw up the process, how many different ways can our computers change something day to day. In order for my program to try its best to understand WHY MM is different from you to me, or from yesterday today.. I have put in tons of error routines that try to automagically repair stuff... in hopes that i'll save you from a crash or bad prices..

So today, its gets a little smarter at handling missing Prices from your MM synced file.. like if somehow someone deletes a line.. it wont blow up anymore, and you wont have to sync the whole file to fix it.. it will just deal with the weirdness (syncing ONLY the missing info) and just move on.

Tomorrow.. Skynet and Terminators... but TODAY... smarter code.

fixed a bug where if you incorrectly pick where your savedvariables are...the code crashed instead of complained it could not find MasterMerchant.lua

Fixed issues where the program could not use MM Pricing Data, but after it helped you start using MyPricingData, it never noted in your preferences that you are using MyPriceData, so it would keep asking trying to use MM Pricing data in some circumstances... causing lots of wierd dialogs to ask you questions about fixing MM Data.

Also there was a circumstance when the program would LOOK like it was frozen, when scanning MM Prices, but it was working just fine.. i forgot to tell Windows, my Dialog was going to be busy ... so it assumed it was "Not Responding".. in fact it was just super busy ready your MM Data.

anyway... fixed

Found a circumstance where the MM Data scanner would scan every item twice!! which takes along time.

No longer crashes if your MasterMerchant saved variable files don't list guilds in the way mine do (since weighted guilds isn't implemented yet, it's OK if it cant find your guilds)

Found some odd behavior in the how the code was saving the MM Data Folder Location... fixed that up. If you have been having problems with it re-asking where is the SavedVariables, i think i fixed it.

NEW: NOW When scanning your price files, it will not keep flashing and taking your mouse and keyboard focus. !!!YEAH!!! of course CraftAdvisor itself will freeze.. 'cause its busy.. but shouldn't piss your computer off anymore!

Fix some math errors on BILL only, when showing Labor Cost and had discounts
Added a PREFERENCE, Calculate MARKUP before Discount or After
on large $BILLS this could make a big difference,
but I couldn't decide what was "correct" so i gave you both choices

if Markup is before, then BILL = [(TotalValue * Markup%) + Handling] - Discount
if Markup is after, then BILL = [(TotalValue - Discount) * Markup%] + Handling
Where Markup percent = 100 + the value you see in the interface

* Note: Still working on Customizable "Bills"

10/14/2015 - 22
Well another minor bug.. Open and Saves, and Some Bills were crashing.. sorry folks, growing pains

There was a bug if you were a NEW user and wanted to use Master Merchant Data
CraftAdvisor now GUESSES where your Master Merchant SavedVariables are... but it had a flaw
Fixed now

A significant Structural re-write.
Most of you wont care, but moved almost all functionality into local functions versus global, and most of the internal shared data into arrays instead of a bunch of strings.

I also re-organized the Installation folder ... it was a Horrible Mess! it now has subfolders, and is stubbed for localization and personal lists.

Overall, for the non techy: Means faster and less RAM (good for everyone)

HOWEVER There is a Chance the built in up-grader will choke and die from Versions Below 1.0.6.x .. I THINK i did a good job, but can;t predict everything.
IF it give you a bunch of error immediately on run, erase the whole thing (you can save your MMPriceData.ini file if you want.) and re-unpack the Newest ZIP (the entire program is no longer inside the EXE, so if you need to re-install, you need to get the whole addon again)

EnchantOnly has been added to the available TYPES for any row
Jewelry Crafting now exists, of course it doesn't in the game.. but I'm ready for it
Custom Letters............. Not quite ready... But hey the whole program isn't totally broken like it was yesterday. So Progress.

Fixed some ALT+ keystrokes not working
Temporarily Suspended the Materials Editor (you can edit the files directly still)
Fixed an error when launching text editor to help user update MYPrice file

Create Ability to patch data files
Fixed Missing Nirnhorn

You can now add items that the buyer will provide.
Bill now uses , to show 1000s in gold values
Material List now includes Enchanting Formulas you will need

NOW you can add items from the buyer and it will REALLY work :)

OMG i was missing one SILLY readme file in last build.. so sorry guys

Will now find ESO SavedVariables by itself (if it can)
It will ask you to confirm, incase you want to move to PTS or something
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Unread 10/01/15, 06:29 PM  
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Re: it kinda works...

Originally Posted by vaagventje
i got a error the first 2 tries, but havent seen any since.

uhhm iam indeed also missing the nirnhoned trait its very wanted. the tool is great, but it would be perfect if you could see the price per items.

it tells materials needed, but if people provide partly there own materiels becasue of the high amount of materiels needed to make v16 gear, maybe there is a way you could deselect materiels in the right colum or a way to say dont count the leather, cloth, ingots. a way to select wich materials to select in the bill. beside that its a awsome tool, and a great invention. and holds good promise keep up the good work.
Great thought... give me a few days to figure out an way to include that

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Unread 10/01/15, 02:08 PM  

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it kinda works...

i got a error the first 2 tries, but havent seen any since.

uhhm iam indeed also missing the nirnhoned trait its very wanted. the tool is great, but it would be perfect if you could see the price per items.

it tells materials needed, but if people provide partly there own materiels becasue of the high amount of materiels needed to make v16 gear, maybe there is a way you could deselect materiels in the right colum or a way to say dont count the leather, cloth, ingots. a way to select wich materials to select in the bill. beside that its a awsome tool, and a great invention. and holds good promise keep up the good work.
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Unread 10/01/15, 10:34 AM  

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nice program but on first testing i sorely missed the nirnhoned trait, the most wanted trait.
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