(177 Kb)
Updated: 09/07/24 01:59 PM
File Info
Update 43 (10.1.0)
Gold Road (10.0.0)
Updated:09/07/24 01:59 PM
Created:11/24/15 12:42 AM
Monthly downloads:71,661
Total downloads:4,337,840
Tamriel Trade Centre  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 4.20.834.27184
by: cyxui [More]
The addon for

TTC needs localization help! Current plans is to translate for all official languages (German, French and Japanese). If you are willing to help with the translation please go to google sheet ( and fill in the German/French/Japanese Translation Columns as much as you could. Do remember to make a copy in case of conflicts or trolls.. cough cough...

By downloading this addon you agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy


3rd party optional plugins (if you need the additional functionality):
KelaPadUI for Gamepad mode
AdvancedFilters for TTC

For Mac users and people whos afraid of exe file. Webclient (beta) is available online. Go to and select your region. Click on Addon -> Webclient and follow the instructions

LuaSerializer is now on GitHub

Global trade search tool needs YOUR help.

By running our addon and client. Your guild listings as well as any item you seen by using guild store search function will be automatically upload to the site for other people to search and browse. The collected data will also be used to generate price info for everyone~

If you want to contribute more to the community or if you wish to help boosting up your guild's sale by uploading an entire guild's listings, you are more than welcome to do so!

Here are some screen shoots of the site, addon and client

Install Instruction:

1. Download and unzip the files under ESO addon folder (default is Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns) Or you can install it with Minion
2. When you are playing ESO, run the client executable (client.exe) under Client folder
3. Enjoy the game

In game API
1. To get TTC's price info simply do TamrielTradeCentrePrice:GetPriceInfo(itemLink)
This will return a TamrielTradeCentre_PriceInfo Object
       EntryCount, --# of listings
       AmountCount, --total # of items
       SuggestedPrice --suggested price low. Suggested high = SuggestedPrice * 1.25
2. To get TTC's internal item information (various internal Ids)

Q:How does this addon work?
The addon collects all the item listings that you seen in the guild store and uploads them to the site. The site then uses all the data collected by all players to generate price info for everyone.
You can also use the website to search for the location of an item using way better filter than the default Guild store GUI. But it is not guarantee the item is still there since low price items tends to get sold fast. You will have to use your own judgment based on the last seen column to predict whether its still available.

Q:How is the suggested price calculated?
1. Remove outliers
2. AVG(price of the lowest 30% items) * 0.8

Q:Whats the difference between average/suggested price vs sales average?
Average/suggested price are calculated using listing data while sales average is calculated using actual sales data. Both listing and sales data are collected from all TTC users across all guilds.

Q: How fresh is the pricing data?
Very fresh! Naw im kidding, its based on Data from yesterday

Q: How big is TTC
It uses around 6mb of RAM for pricing info and around 20mb at most for entries you have seen.

Detailed Instruction
4.20 Release Log:
1. Fixed a bug where the price of poison is not separated by different effects
2. Fixed a bug where Spanish client cannot scan one of the trader in Craglorn
3. Localization updates

4.19 Release Log:
1. Gold Road update
2. Small localization updates

4.18 Release Log:
1. Added back the price to chat language options
2. Added a steam button in Client's start options
3. Opening a second instance of the client will now bring the running instance to front instead of panic

4.17 Release Log:
1. Fixed an UI error for Spanish client

4.16 Release Log:
1. Adopts to the new guild history API that was introduced in U41
2. Added a slash command /ttc and a button binding to clear data
3. When launch ESO after TTC option is enabled. TTC will now launch ESO and shutdown the current instance if another TTC instance is already running instead of panicking
4. Fixed various NPC names in other locales
5. Localization update
Known issues:
1. Font change that came with U41 broke the unicode encoding. TTC's additional language setting will cause the game to freeze. As a result all language related settings are removed from the settings page until this is fixed.
2. Guild history API is very buggy right now. Sales history data might get impacted because of this.

4.15 Release Log:
1. Temperately disable guild history scanning while I am working on the new API

4.14 Release Log:
1. Fixed an issue causing repeated upload. (Please delete your saved variable file before starting the game if issue persists)
2. Added missing language for client.exe (Spanish + Japanese)

4.13 Release Log:
1. Added sale avg and stats to price info
2. Added Japanese support
3. Removed sold item notification (obsolete 'feature')

4.12 Release Log:
1. Added sale history collection. Data will be used to generate sale average pricing in the future. Size of the data is capped at 1 day or around 10mb whichever is smaller. No calculation or processing is done by the addon. There should be zero performance impact (unless 10mb of RAM is an issue)
2. Optimized guild store history pulling and reading logic

4.11 Release Log:
1. Necrom update
2. Added sorting options for search online
3. NPC name fix for multiple languages

4.10 Release:
1. Fixed wide range of localization issues
2. Added Japanese strings in preparation for JP support

4.9 Release:
1. Added new traders
2. Mass localization update

Website update:
1. Added Spanish localization
2. Chinese item name update
3. Mass localization update

4.8 Release:
1. Added Spanish support

4.7 Release:
1. New traders for High Isle

Client 4.6 Release:
1. Client side change for loading price table based on server region (server side not ready yet)

Client 4.5 Release:
1. Added view price history online button
2. Added Missing NPC names for Russian client

Client 4.4 Release:
1. Deadland update
2. Updated target .net framework to 4.7.2 to prepare for TLS 1.0 deprecation

Client 4.3 Release:
1. Added companion traits
2. Added Blackwood NPC for German, French and Russian client

Client 4.2 Release:
1. Added Blackwood traders

Client 4.1 Release:
Version bump only

Client 4.0 Release:
1. Removed login requirement for personal listings upload
2. Merged personal and auto scanned listings into one instead of treating them differently

Client 3.38 Release:
1. Localization update
2. Dependency version update

Client 3.37 Release:
1. Added Markarth trader
2. Added right click menu to items in CraftBag
3. Added a keybind option to toggle tooltip
4. Fixed NPC name for jaflinna

Client 3.36 Release:
1. Search online button will now apply the language of your ESO client instead of sending you to the English site all the time
2. Reverted the parameter type for the function to retrieve TTC's price info
3. Localization update

Client 3.35 Release:
1. Stonethorn Update
2. Added Search Online button for items

Client 3.34 Release:
1. Updated Russian NPC names

Client 3.33 Release:
1. Greymoor update
2. Added a 5s delay before reading the saved variable file to allow ESO client to finish writting
3. Makes hidding the client after launch a configurable option. Auto hidding caused more confusion than good

Client 3.32 Release:
1. Harrowstorm version bump
2. Fixed an issue causing Lua file parsing to fail on machines with decimal separator not being a dot
3. Hides the client Window after successfully launching ESO client if auto start option is set to Start ESO after Client

Client 3.31 Release:
1. Fixed an issue causing price info to be missing for Deep Winter Charity Writs and New Life Charity Writs (Might take couple days to take effect)
2. Fixed a rare case which might cause master writ upload to fail
3. Only adds the 5px padding to the tooltip if price information is available

Client 3.30 Release:
1. Dragonhold update
2. TTC will no longer bundle libraries just like most other addons. Users will need to manually download the required libraries thru ESOUI or minion. (Required libraries can be found in game by expanding TTC's entry in addon list)

Client 3.29 release:
1. Uses software rendering only mode. Way too many factors could make hardware rendering go wrong.

Client 3.28 release:
1. Fixed multiple UI errors due to new guild store history API

ScaleBreaker kiosk detection will be added in the next release

Client 3.27 release:
1. Fixed an issue causing guild trader location to be null
2. Added additional check to detect config file corruption and attempt to reset it automatically

Client 3.26 Release Notes:

1. Reworked login system to use user's default browser (external) instead of an outdated Internet Explorer(embedded) to comply with the latest security standard (
2. Added logout button

P.S. please make sure your firewall is not blocking loopback IP (localhost) and TTC has sufficient right to bind to it.
Client 3.25 Release Notes:
1. Added Awesome Guild Store hook to display price tooltip when AGS is active
2. No longer adds divider if no price info is available

Client 3.24 Release Notes:
1. Fixed an issue causing scan progress to be reset by AGS's auto search feature
2. Added a safeguard to client's setting file. If the file became corrupted it will be auto removed so that the next run will be able to get thru without error.
3. Added Elsweyr's trader locations
4. Fixed an issue causing last updated string to show up in native client's locale instead of target locale when using price to chat with a different locale than the native one.

Client 3.23 Release Notes:
1. Fixed two compatibility issues with Awesome Guild Store (more to come later)
a) Price not showing in store page when AGS is enabled
b) UI error when trying to purchage item when AGS is enabled
2. Updated the logic for personal listings to be consistant with community scanned ones. Last seen for personal listings will only get updated when user opens the guild store and click on the listings tab or when user lists new item/remove existing item from the store. (Used to be based on user's last login. However ZOS's API seems to skip some entries and thus causing the cached version to be unreliable. Causes more confusion than good to use the login time due to this)
3. Fixed an issue causing price to chat to show up multiple times when the language of the current client's locale is selected
4. Uses sub menu for price to chat when there is more than one language selected
5. Removed the one time guild store scan due to point 2

P.S. due to some backend structure change the saved settings will be reset. Your price data will stay safely since its downloaded from the server.

Client 3.22 Release Notes:
1. Wrathstone API update
2. Store full scan code completely revamped. New scan logic will retry on failure (too many searches). In case of the game force close the store UI TTC will attempt to resume the scan the next time store is opened.
3. Added the ability to do price to chat in different languages regardless of client's locale

Known issue: The new ESO Guild Store UI has a bug which it will not update the UI listings when the search is initiated with API calls. Thus you are going to see the search result panel stay the same thru out the whole scan process.

P.S. New items will be added in batch. Thanks for your patience.

Client 3.21 Release Notes:
1. Fixed a problem causing items to be reupload each time
2. Added traders in Murkmire for none English clients

Client 3.20 Release Notes:
1. Murkmire update

Client 3.19 Release Notes:
1. Fixed a crash caused by empty guild name (manually posted on the site)
2. Updates the message for login button's location

Known Issue: The client will remove manual created posts on the site. This will be fixed on the server side in the future.

Client 3.18 Release Notes:
1. Fixed a NullReference error caused by new login flow
2. Updates msg relates to personal listing to avoid confusion

Client 3.17 Release Notes:
1. Added multi account support. Players with multiple ESO account on the same machine will be able to use the client without issues now.
2. Moved client settings into addon settings
3. Fixed an issue causing client not initializing until UI loads
4. Replaced old Lua serializer with new strong typed one (Lua serializer will be available on GitHub soon)

Client 3.16 Release Notes:
Version bump.

Client 3.15 Release Notes:
1. Attempt to fix an app crash problem which some windows 10 users are experiencing
2. Localization updates

Client 3.14 Release Notes:
1. Summerset update
2. Only keeps auto scanned record for 6 hours instead of 24 hours to increase data freshness

Client 3.13 Release Notes:
1. Completely separates the storage space for NA and EU server. This should prevent EU listings get posted to NA site or wise versa.

Client 3.12 Release Notes:
1. Fixed a crash caused by Masterwrit info
2. Fixed a bug causing alchemy writ's required potion attribute not showing up.

Client 3.11 Release Notes:
1. Dragon Bones & Update 17 version bump
2. Upgraded LibAddonMenu to r25
3. Makes the error msg which alerts user about current guild does not own a kiosk a popup instead of a chat msg since the chat window is hidden when guild store is open
4. Auto hides the client's window when using the "start with windows" option
5. other small fixes

Client 3.10 Release Notes:
1. Uses file lock instead of Mutex since Avast hates Mutex after fall creator's update. TTC should be able to live happily with Avast again (Tested on Win 10 fall creator and Win 7 latest with Avast Free)
2. Small change to prepare for upcoming web client.

Client 3.9 Release Notes:
1. Added messages informing users when TTC is blocked by anti-virus instead of crashing right away
2. TTC will no longer add tooltip messages to item panel if there is no pricing information available

Client 3.8 Release Notes:
1. Enables CWC traders scanning for French, German and Russian clients

Client 3.7 Release Notes:
1. Clockwork city update (Note: French, German and Russian clients will not be able to scan clockwork city's trader until the localized NPC names are filled in the google sheet)

Client 3.6 Release Notes:
1. Store item will no longer get uploaded to the server if players attempts to buy it (even if player did not hit confirm on the prompt). This should further reduce the cases where the item is gone by the time one walks to the location.

Client 3.5 Release Notes:
1. Russian and Chinese localization
2. Fixed a problem causing master writ to have always show as no price info on German and French client
3. Enables upload for German/French/Russian/Chinese clients
4. New trader location algorithm should work on all localized ESO client now

Client 3.4 Release Notes:
1. Horn of the reach update
2. New algorithm to determine trader location. Should resolve all potential "this guild does not own a kiosk" errors caused by ZOS typo/inconsistent description. In the worse case scenario where the TTC is unable to detect the trader when player opened guild store interface from the bank NPC, the new algorithm will allow the player to scan by going to the actual trader NPC.
3. Solved all problem with localized clients, uploading is expected to be available for German/French players after the new addon strings are translated

Client 3.3 Release Notes:
Fixed an issue that was blocking Bal Foyen and Vivec city outlaws refuge traders' scan

Client 3.2 Release Notes:
1. Fixed an issue causing TTC to incorrectly parse potion's attribute when its a tri stat potion

Client 3.1 Release Notes:
1. Fixed an error during startup caused by SavedVarUpgrade.lua

Client 3.0 Release Notes:
1. German and French client beta. Enables in game price related operations while uploading is
2. Fixed an issue causing in game displaying price updated 1 day ago while client is saying its up to date
3. Fixed an issue causing Deshaan Tal'deic trader to be not scannable
4. various other fixes

Client 2.35 Release Notes:
1. Added Vvardenfell trader locations

Client 2.34 Release Notes:
1. Morrowind updates
2. Centralized strings for localization

Client 2.33 Release Notes:
1. Updated NA's coordinator's iD
2. Fixed the issue causing launch ESO after client option not working with steam short cut.

Client 2.32 Release Notes:
1. Added option to auto start the client in silent mode with Windows or Launch ESO after the client (Which you can just replace the ESO's short cut with TTC client's short cut and it will run both)
2. Bug fixes and server related changes

Client 2.31 Release Notes:
1. Fixed an issue which causes some items to be removed and reposted every time Client starts
2. Fixed master writ's voucher reward amount calculation. Pricing for master writ might be unavailable for one day due to this change.
3. Uses TextBox instead of TextBlock for client's message display for copy paste support
Website Update:
1. Fixed master writ's voucher reward amount calculation. Wrong amount should diminish overtime.
2. Added Blacksmith/Clothing/Woodworking master writ's set, style, and trait information
3. Fixed an issue that sets Level to Level - 50 when you try to post trade manually

Client 2.30 Release Notes:
1. Fixed an issue which causes post trade to fail consistantly
2. Fixed a rare crash issue caused by corrupted config file resulted from unexpected Windows shutdown
3. Fixed an issue which causes TTC to report the current guild doesnt own a kiosk in Orsinium
4. Auto fix broken IDs caused by the massive name change that comes with Homestead update
5. Fixed an issue which causes client settings not get saved
Support master writ price aggregation based on master writ detail instead of for all writs
Website Update:
1. Added amount filter in advanced search
2. Added master writ reward voucher filter in advanced search
3. Added master writ detail display
4. Database optimization
5. Added bunch new discovered furnitures into Database
6. Fixed many broken icons

2.29 change note:
1. Fixes a problem where the client wont start and says it is not in the original location. The problem is due to client not being able to detect server region (NA/EU).
A fallback mechanism is in place and should have a better error message when it fails
2. Fixes the problem of TTC not being able to detect potion/poison's effect due to description change

2.28 release note:
1. Home stead API change
2. Automatically detects Server region instead of having users to set it themselves to prevent uploading items to the wrong server region
3. Automatically updates price table once 12 hours for people that keep the client running overnight
Bug fixes:
1. Fixes the issue which is causing client/server list out of sync and leave out dated trade listings not get cleaned up
2. Fixes the issue of client not automatically updates the guild's kiosk after it is changed
3. Adds a message to warn users about outdated price table
Archived Files (8)
File Name
06/03/24 09:52 PM
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08/16/23 01:19 PM
08/03/23 01:52 PM
08/01/23 01:39 PM

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Unread 09/07/20, 09:41 PM  
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Originally Posted by mikra
There are some sorting errors, when i use the search online button: When I sort by price, some results are out of order:

I dont have this error, when I search manually.
Can you send me the URL
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Unread 09/07/20, 09:41 PM  
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Originally Posted by hangman04

Is there a workaround for the fact that a lot of guilds don't have trader information updated (zos bug) and we can not update the list? :/
Head to the actual trader and you should be able to scan there. If not then let me know which NPC is it
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Unread 09/06/20, 05:36 PM  
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GetCurrentKioskID improvement (free to use)

function TamrielTradeCentre:GetCurrentKioskID()
	if (IsUnitGuildKiosk("interact")) then
		local npcName = zo_strformat(SI_UNIT_NAME, GetRawUnitName("interact"))
		npcName = string.lower(npcName)

		local kioskID = self:NPCNameToKioskID(npcName, false)
		if (kioskID ~= nil) then
			return kioskID
		d("Please report to TTC addon that NPCNameToKioskID failed for verified trader '" .. npcName .. "'!")

	local guildID = GetSelectedTradingHouseGuildId()
	if (guildID ~= nil and guildID ~= 0) then
		local guildOwnedKioskInfo = GetGuildOwnedKioskInfo(guildID)
		kioskID = self:NPCNameToKioskID(guildOwnedKioskInfo, false)

		if (self.IsDebug and (kioskID == nil)) then
			msg = "Failed to get Kiosk ID! guildID: " .. guildID
			if (guildOwnedKioskInfo ~= nil) then
				msg = msg .. " guildOwnedKioskInfo: " .. guildOwnedKioskInfo

	return kioskID
If you do not respond, nor add some form of IsUnitGuildKiosk("interact") / GetUnitGuildKioskOwner("interact") check to this function by this time next week, I will be forced to release this as a patch
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Unread 09/06/20, 03:57 PM  

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Search Online does not work

I tried to use your search online feature. if I choose "E" / Yes, nothing happens.
I dont know what the problem is, but it would be helpful, when I could copy the url
and paste it by myself into the browser (e.g. with a button "copy to clipboard"). The
url displayed with the message cannot be selected for copy & paste.

Last edited by AlbertVonMoosseedorf : 09/06/20 at 04:01 PM.
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Unread 09/06/20, 03:37 PM  
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Originally Posted by hangman04

Is there a workaround for the fact that a lot of guilds don't have trader information updated (zos bug) and we can not update the list? :/
Yes, simply edit the lang/en.lua (or equivalent for your language) to have the correct full npc name for your trader, then go scan in-person at your trader.
For example, the default of `ZO_CreateStringId("TTC_NPC_JAFLINNA", "jaflinna")` is incorrect. It should be `ZO_CreateStringId("TTC_NPC_JAFLINNA", "jaflinna snow-born")`.

Since the full npc name is often not clear, you can have it logged to chat whenever you search a trader's listings by adding `d("npcName: " .. npcName)` after the `npcName = string.lower(npcName)` in `function TamrielTradeCentre:GetCurrentKioskID()` of TamrielTradeCentreInit.lua .
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Unread 09/06/20, 01:32 PM  

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There are some sorting errors, when i use the search online button: When I sort by price, some results are out of order:

I dont have this error, when I search manually.
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Unread 09/06/20, 03:02 AM  

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Is there a workaround for the fact that a lot of guilds don't have trader information updated (zos bug) and we can not update the list? :/
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Unread 09/06/20, 02:19 AM  

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search online

Thank you very much for the search online button. It is extremly useful
Would it be possible to sort the results by price (lowest-to highest) by default? Most people may look for the price range.
Would it also be possible to add an option to search for all available qualities, instead of e.g. just purple? Many rare items return not enough results in just one quality.
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Unread 09/03/20, 07:12 AM  
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Originally Posted by cyxui
Originally Posted by vecny.samotar
in the change log it is written that the Search online button for items has been added and my question is where can I find this button (I think in the game)
Just right click on the item and it should show up given that its in TTC's database. If it doesnt then check your settings and make sure that button is enabled.
thank you, I was looking for this button as a new control and it never occurred to me that I must first find an item at the merchant and through it I can connect to the TTC website
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Unread 08/31/20, 10:34 PM  
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Re: UI Error

Originally Posted by Kylar
Hi I keep running into this problem when I try to right click something to link the price in chat.

EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ContextMenus/ZO_ContextMenus.lua:290: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ContextMenus/ZO_ContextMenus.lua:290: in function 'AddMenuItem'
user:/AddOns/Chat2Clipboard/lib/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:414: in function 'AddCustomMenuItem'
user:/AddOns/TamrielTradeCentre/TamrielTradeCentrePrice.lua:273: in function 'MakeContextMenuEntries'
user:/AddOns/TamrielTradeCentre/TamrielTradeCentrePrice.lua:312: in function 'func'
EsoUI/Libraries/Globals/globalapi.lua:216: in function '(anonymous)'

Any help you could provide would be excellent
Please disable all your other addons and see if it fixes the problem. If it does you would need to find out which addon is conflicting w/ TTC by enabling them one at a time until it happens again.
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Unread 08/31/20, 10:32 PM  
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Re: Item lookup table is Missing

Originally Posted by luxanimus
After update 27, I decided to update the TTC since it was out of date. Until then it worked fine for months. After manually downloading the add-on and and unzipping it into the add on folder, I immediately get this error message on launching the game or reloading the UI. Furthermore, the "Error" message states that I must run the client before the game start.

1) Desktop client was running. I have been using TTC for a long time, so this was the first thing I checked.
2) In addition, all the item lookup tables got unpacked upon the first time client was run after the update.
3) Just for good measure, I set exceptions for client.exe in my anti virus, ran it as Administrator, and even punch a hole in windows defender firewall.
4) I have cleaned install it by deleting the entire folder and re-downloading and reinstalling it several time.
5) Price seem to update as I can see on the TTC site my item got listed after a while. Client also has last sync time stamp. So, it seems to be syncing.
6) However, within the game there are no UI for TTC at all and I don't see any price suggesting etc. anymore.

I have tried all I can and at this point, I really don't know what else to do.
you are likely a victum of a ZOS bug where ESO creates multiple addon folders.

To verify if you are having that bug please do the following:

1. Delete TTC's folder in Document/Elder Scrolls Online/live/Addons
2. Launch the game and see if TTC still shows up in the addon list

If TTC still shows up then it means ESO is not using the regular Document/Elder Scrolls Online/live/Addons but one in some random location

Once this bug happens all of your addons will get effected not only TTC

There are two known ways of fixing this problem:

1. Make a back up of Document/Elder Scrolls Online folder, delete it and let the game creates it again. Close the game and copy the backup one back.
2. Do a global search for addon folder and identify the ones that contains ESO addons that you use. Take a backup and delete those.
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Unread 08/31/20, 10:31 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Errors from TTC

Originally Posted by wzmx1
Originally Posted by ShadowMau
Took a quick look at the error message you posted as item 2. Used Google Translate to get it to english (we all know how well that goes). The key phrase I saw, if translated correctly, was "Access to the path "C: \ Users \ ESO \ Documents \ Elder Scrolls Online \ live \ AddOns \ TamrielTradeCentre \ Client \" was denied." Before this was ".UnauthorizedAccessException:" which again points to a file permission problem on the computer.

It looks like the client does not have permission to write the updated Because the client can not download the file, your first error listed triggers because the file is missing. It could be a permission error in a windows setting maybe? Or a corrupted / locked file.

I would suggest:

1. Check that C: \ Users \ ESO \ Documents \ Elder Scrolls Online \ live \ AddOns \ TamrielTradeCentre \ Client \ even exits. If it does not, then there is a permissions problem that *maybe* you can side-step by running the client as administrator?

2. If the does exist, try renaming it (so you have a backup) and then try running the client again to see if it will download a fresh copy.

3. I suspect once we can get the client to write the file, the other problems will be fixed.

Please give updates on any progress or further issues.
I changed the Account to a Adminaccount. Before this i tested and started the client as admin. I checked also the This file does not exist in the Path and the client dont download it.
99% of the time its due to your anti-virus blocking TTC from writing the price table to the said folder. Set an exception for TTC or TTC's folder should solve the problem.
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Unread 08/31/20, 09:50 PM  

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UI Error

Hi I keep running into this problem when I try to right click something to link the price in chat.

EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ContextMenus/ZO_ContextMenus.lua:290: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ContextMenus/ZO_ContextMenus.lua:290: in function 'AddMenuItem'
user:/AddOns/Chat2Clipboard/lib/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:414: in function 'AddCustomMenuItem'
user:/AddOns/TamrielTradeCentre/TamrielTradeCentrePrice.lua:273: in function 'MakeContextMenuEntries'
user:/AddOns/TamrielTradeCentre/TamrielTradeCentrePrice.lua:312: in function 'func'
EsoUI/Libraries/Globals/globalapi.lua:216: in function '(anonymous)'

Any help you could provide would be excellent
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Unread 08/30/20, 07:25 PM  
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Re: Item lookup table is Missing

Originally Posted by luxanimus
After update 27, I decided to update the TTC since it was out of date. Until then it worked fine for months. After manually downloading the add-on and and unzipping it into the add on folder, I immediately get this error message on launching the game or reloading the UI. Furthermore, the "Error" message states that I must run the client before the game start.

1) Desktop client was running. I have been using TTC for a long time, so this was the first thing I checked.
2) In addition, all the item lookup tables got unpacked upon the first time client was run after the update.
3) Just for good measure, I set exceptions for client.exe in my anti virus, ran it as Administrator, and even punch a hole in windows defender firewall.
4) I have cleaned install it by deleting the entire folder and re-downloading and reinstalling it several time.
5) Price seem to update as I can see on the TTC site my item got listed after a while. Client also has last sync time stamp. So, it seems to be syncing.
6) However, within the game there are no UI for TTC at all and I don't see any price suggesting etc. anymore.

I have tried all I can and at this point, I really don't know what else to do.
It sounds like the addon is not loading inside the game for some reason. I would suggest first checking to make sure the addon is selected to load (maybe it got turned off for some reason) and that it is not registered as out-of-date and not loading. I assume you have the experience to check those, but figured I might as well mention the most simple things first.

There is a great addon by sirinsidiator for helping track down bugs. Try installing LibDebugLogger ( and DebugLogViewer ( It will give you a debug screen that will show you the addons that load, and if they don't load for some reason, the error message that occured. Having the debugging addons and the offending addon as the only ones loading makes reviewing the log much easier. Hopefuly this will help identify the issue.
Last edited by ShadowMau : 08/30/20 at 07:44 PM.
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Unread 08/30/20, 04:39 AM  

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Item lookup table is Missing

After update 27, I decided to update the TTC since it was out of date. Until then it worked fine for months. After manually downloading the add-on and and unzipping it into the add on folder, I immediately get this error message on launching the game or reloading the UI. Furthermore, the "Error" message states that I must run the client before the game start.

1) Desktop client was running. I have been using TTC for a long time, so this was the first thing I checked.
2) In addition, all the item lookup tables got unpacked upon the first time client was run after the update.
3) Just for good measure, I set exceptions for client.exe in my anti virus, ran it as Administrator, and even punch a hole in windows defender firewall.
4) I have cleaned install it by deleting the entire folder and re-downloading and reinstalling it several time.
5) Price seem to update as I can see on the TTC site my item got listed after a while. Client also has last sync time stamp. So, it seems to be syncing.
6) However, within the game there are no UI for TTC at all and I don't see any price suggesting etc. anymore.

I have tried all I can and at this point, I really don't know what else to do.
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