(178 Kb)
Updated: 08/20/24 03:01 PM
File Info
Update 43 (10.1.0)
Updated:08/20/24 03:01 PM
Created:04/26/16 04:14 PM
Monthly downloads:33,919
Total downloads:6,312,228
Categories:Combat Mods, Buff, Debuff, Spell, Character Advancement, Data Mods, Beta-version AddOns
Combat Metrics  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.5.17
by: Solinur [More]

This addon requires the following libraries to be installed:

The following library is optional:

Additionally the package contains a sub module called CombatMetricsFightData.
This needs to be enabled in the ingame addon manager.
It will take care of saving combat data to keep it separately from your settings.


I made Combat Metrics basically for two reasons. First to have a tool to analyse my fights in a useful and comfortable manner. The second was to provide more insightful and meaningful damage parses.

Combat Metrics is an addon to track your fights. You can use it to measure your DPS, you can analyse which skills make your DPS or who caused your incoming damage. You can also analyse the heals you received or cast. You can check which buffs and debuffs were running, how much magicka or stamina per second you used and regenerated. You can Analyse the Combat log, filter it to analyse specific issues.

Combat Metrics basically just records your fight during combat and analyses it when you attempt to view the statistics. That way I hope to keep the impact on the fps as low as possible. Since it saves the data of the whole fight, you might hit the lua memory limit especially when a lot of heavy fights are happening in a row (I suspect Cyrodil is a candidate). If you want to keep the impact on memory small you can select to only keep a few fights in storage. For minimal performance impact there is a light mode that only uses a minimum of resources to show you DPS and HPS of your current fight.

The main report window can be toggled by assigning a key to it or by typing /cmx into the chatbox.
You can also assign keys to post the damage per second (DPS) or healing per second (HPS) of your most recent fight to the chat. Alternatively you can use /cmx dps, /cmx sdps, /cmx mdps, /cmx alldps for automatic, single-target, multi-target or single + multitarget DPS respectively. You can use /cmx hps to post you healing per second.

I want to thank Atropos for letting me use his functions to build the user interface. Coolmodi's addons were also quite insightful especially for handling the event registrations. I also learned from the addons of Circonian and Spellbuilder. Finally I want to mention @EgoRush and all participants in his thread at Tamrielfoundry. The discussions there lead to my motivation for creating this addon.

Common Issues
Q: The main window won't show any statistics in PvP areas, how can I see them ?
A: disable "Light Mode in Cyrodil"
Q: Why is Minor Savagery no shown?
A: It is ignored, since it is too spammy"
Q: How are the effective stats like Spell Damage calculated?
A: Whenever a damage or heal event happens the current stats are noted. At the end of the fight a weighted average is calculated. For example you have a short fight where you only do two light attacks. The first one does 1000 Damage, the second one 2000. During the first attack you have 3000 Spell Damage, during the second you have 3600. Then the effective Spell Damage will be 3400 since the second attack does twice as much damage as the first, so the spell damage from that moment gets twice as much weight, compared to the first. For Critical Damage, only critical hits are considered. When you have a healing category selected, only healing events are considered"
Q: How is overpenetration calculated and what does the tooltip show?
A: The overpenetration % is calculated as how much damage was done while the penetration was too high. In order to reproduce that number you'd have to look at each single damage event and check the current penetration. Also CMX cannot determine the resistance of targets. instead a fixed number is used (default: 18200) which can be changed in the settings. The effective penetration directly shown on the panel gives you a damage weighted average, where any penetration above the set cap (=target resistance mentioned above) is ignored.

When you open the tooltip, the average number you see is calculated like the effective number, but this time no penetration is ignored.
So there is a difference between "effective" which ignores anything past the target resistance and "average" which is just the damage weighted average.

Finally the table shows you which fraction of your damage was done at various penetration: "<18.2k: 42%" means that 42% of your damage in this fight was done while the penetration was below 18.2k, which means that 58% was done while above 18.2k, which with the default target resistance set to 18200 whould directly be the overpenetration value.
Lets assume some other lines for example show "14.2k: 22.1%" and "19.2k: 73.5%" then 22.1% of your damage was done while you were below 14.2k penetration, and 73.5 % was done while below 19.2k penetration. Since with many sources, many penetration values can be reached during a fight, steps are rounded to X.2k values to keep the list to a reasonable size while still providing a good picture how penetration was distributed during the fight."

If you find a bug or another issue with Combat Metrics, please report errors in the comments here, in game (@Solinur (EU-PC)) or on Github.
Solinur (EU)
Version 1.5.17
  • Fixed an issue where the live report window was movable when the lock options was enabled (Thx to Foozeyy for the report).

Version 1.5.16
  • Added some bugfixes provided by DakJaniels
  • removed some legacy code
  • Fixed a lua error

Version 1.5.15
  • Added Runic Sunder to penetration ability tracking. That one somehow slipped through so far.

Version 1.5.14
  • Added support for Force of Nature (by popular request). This includes adding tracking for all status effects. A dummy debuff with stacks will be shown, to show the combined uptime.

Version 1.5.13
  • Fixed an issue where filter buttons in the combat log were inaccessible (Thx to virtus753 for the report)

Version 1.5.12
  • Fixed an issue were the top row buttons were unclickable (Thx to Sizzyy for the report)

Version 1.5.11
  • Update for Scribes of Fate (API 101037)

Version 1.5.10
  • Added special tracking for Z'en, to show achieved stacks in the buff panel. It uses the same tracking method as ExoYs ExoYs ProcSet Timer and TouchOfZen. Let me know if any source for Z'en is missing.
  • Added special tracking for the Spell/Weapon Damage modifying portion of Seething Fury. It is shown with a square version of the icon and named "Seething Fury (Buff)".

Version 1.5.9
  • Updated critical damage calculation to reflect warden changes with Update 36 (Thanks to SkinnyCheeks and Baumlaus for the reminders)
  • Updated fonts to fix an issue when using Chinese locale
  • Added compatibility with Lost Depths (API 101036).

Version 1.5.8
  • Adjusted crusher value on target dummy to reflect the change in Update 35 (Thanks to zvavi for the hint)

Version 1.5.7
  • Added compatibility with Lost Depths (API 101035).
  • Updated Alkosh and Elemental Catalyst for the Trial Dummy (Thanks @ToxicKitty135 for the hint)

Version 1.5.6
  • Fixed a Lua error appearing on PTS (Note: Adjustments for the Trial Target Dummy will be implemented with the next uodate)
  • Fixed an issue where short cast time abilities showed wrong weaving statistics (Thanks SkinnyCheeks for the hint)

Version 1.5.5
  • Added compatibility with High Isle (API 101034).
  • Added settings to adjust the values used for Alkosh and Tremorscale as their strength can not be determined if they are not cast by the player.
  • Removed an error message, complaining about LibFeedback missing, although it is no longer a dependency.
  • Fixed an issue where the account name and date could be cut off in the status bar at the bottom.

Version 1.5.4
  • Fixed an issue where category buttons were unresponsive, due to some faulty code that mysteriously worked for years. (Thx to LordKruxis for the bug report)

Version 1.5.3
  • Added tracking of Major Brittle for Critical Damage Bonus.

Version 1.5.2
  • Fixed an issue with a lua error introduced in last patch.

Version 1.5.1
  • Fixed an issue where the live report could pop up randomly. (Thx to chaozzblade for reporting the issue)

Version 1.5.0
  • Added tracking for Critical Damage Bonus of Warden's "Glacial Presence"
  • Changed the way the effective Critical Damage Bonus is calculated (It is now similar to the way Penetration values are calculated and shown). It will now consider the cap of 125% when calculating the effective value. The actual average and a breakdown of the portion of damage done at different values are shown in the tooltip.

Version 1.4.6
  • Fix an issue that appeared when using the graph resulting in a lua error
  • Added Crimson Oath to penetration ability tracking.
  • Fixed an issue, where incorrect durations were calculated for stackable abilities when only a few stacks got removed (e.g. Harpooner's Wading Kilt).

Version 1.4.5
  • Added tooltips to Live Report Window to indicate what each of the panels shows.
  • Changed the single target DPS panel to show boss DPS instead during boss fights.
  • Fixed rescaling of live report window.
  • Fixed an issue in logs where one could not scroll to bring the top into view.

Version 1.4.4
  • Added chinese locale. Thanks to Juijote for providing the translation.
  • Added ability IDs to log when the "debug IDs" setting is enabled.

Version 1.4.3
  • Fixed an issue where the uptime of stackable buffs was incorrectly calculated when you entered fights with more stacks than one already active.
  • Updated crit damage value for Elemental Catalyst
  • API bump to Blackwood (100035)

Version 1.4.2
  • Fixed an issue where penetration values on Trial dummy where incorrect, when using LUI extended (Thx to xfroggerx for reporting this)

Version 1.4.1
  • Fixed inconsistent version numbers

Version 1.4.0
  • Added tracking of target based stat modifiers (Elemental Catalyst, Minor Brittle and Spell Strategist)
  • Added support for target dummies. They are detected via a unique version of Minor Sorcery, which they apply to you every second. For target dummies a selection of debuffs is assumed with 100% uptime
  • Removed tracking of Alkosh penetration amount, as it now works in a way where it is no longer possible to detect the exact amount of penetration applied. Instead the maximum value is always assumed, which should be fine, since the value is reached quite often.
  • Fixed an issue where stats where shown as 0. This happened especially when wearing Band of Malacath, where the zero crit rate value silently broke some calculations. (Thx to shira for pointing this out)

Version 1.3.4
  • Finally fixed an issue where effective penetration values were often significantly too low.
  • Added italian translation by Dusty82. Thanks!
  • Added an asterisk and tooltip to critical damage bonus display, to indicate that the value might be overestimated. The API doesn't allow to detect when one is flanking a target, so it is simply assumed flanking is always happening.
  • Added protection to avoid a rare lua error.

Version 1.3.3
  • Fixed an issue where too big weaving times were shown for channeled or casttime abilities which are faster than one second. (Thx to Liko for reporting this.)

Version 1.3.2
  • Fixed a lua error which appeared when showing resources in the graph

Version 1.3.1
  • Fixed a lua error which appeared for players using custom languages.
  • Fixed a lua error which appeared for tooltips of CP 1.0 stars.

Version 1.3.0
  • Added support for CP 2.0. Parses done with CP 1.0 will be shown in the old style (but without tooltips).
  • Updated the system to calculate effective Stat values. This is also done to allow future implementations of advanced stats, which are recorded already but not shown yet.
  • Fixed some skill timing issues with vampire toggle.
  • API Bump to Flames of Ambition (100034)

Version 1.2.6
  • Added Skill Timings for the werewolf bar. You can toggle it on via a button on the top right of the skill analysis. The button will be hidden, when werewolf wasn't used.
  • Fixed an issue where Crystal Fragment Proc casts were not being tracked properly.
  • Fixed a typo where the output string when posting buff uptimes would refer to HPS instead.

Version 1.2.5
  • Fixed an issue, where a lua error appeared during opening of the main report window, due to misformed saved variables introduced in an old version.
  • Added an option to reset the settings to default in the addon settings menu.

Version 1.2.4
  • Fixed an issue, where a lua error appeared when loading the fight list.

Version 1.2.3
  • Fixed an issue, where max/min hits weren't working. You can use recalculate fight via the option button to fix it for saved fights. (thx to Eymix for the report)

Version 1.2.2
  • Fixed some inconsistencies in shown DPS numbers.

Version 1.2.1
  • Reworked display of thin lines by using textures. This should result in more consistent display of line UI elements.
  • Fixed an issue, where damage to shields was awarded twice for total DPS (You can use recalculate fight via the option button to fix it for saved fights from version 1.2.0).

Version 1.2.0
  • Added colorization of enchant quality in the item overview panel. (Thx to Rhyono for the code)
  • Reworked the feedback menu. It's now accessed by a new button "S" that will also be implemented in my other addons sooner or later. As a consequence the dependency for LibFeedback (along with it's own dependency LibStub) has been dropped.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent some preapplied buffs to be registered. (For example Minor Force when wearing Medusa or potions taken before combat start)
  • Added a workaround for Minor Magickasteal. Since the API currently reports the wrong source, it will always be shown as a buff added by a group member.
  • Fixed an issue where Blastbone casts were not registered.

Version 1.1.2
  • Added Crystal Weapon and Breach/Fracture Poisons resistance debuffs to be recognized for penetration stat calculations
  • Fixed Minor/Major Breach not being considered as physical resistance debuff

Version 1.1.1
  • Fixed an issue with Grim Focus and its morphs for the reworked skill timing and weaving stat

Version 1.1.0
  • Reworked skill timing and weaving stats. Now only one weaving time is shown, it shows the time wasted when weaving a skill, i.e. the gap between the global cooldowns or cast times of the skill and the following one. For light attacks it shows the time until the next skill was cast (it can sometimes show small negative values due to the way the API works). A new column "miss" will show the number of missed light/heavy attacks after a skill. In case of LA/HA it shows the number of times no skill has been casted between two subsequent LA/HA attacks.
  • In the log you can now see for casts when an input was registered, an early input automatically activated (from queue) and the cast actually fired.
  • While some of the weaving stats are also shown for old fights, recalculating an old fight will remove the stats.
  • Added new buff values for Minor/Major Breach for penetration calculation in the new patch (Already works on PTS)
  • API Bump to Markath

Version 1.0.9
  • Renamed the left part of the the stat summary to "effective" instead of "mean" which is more accurate.
  • Changed the effective penetration value to cap values at the total unit resistance (can be changed in settings, default = 18200) during the calculation.
  • The old "cap-ignorant" penetration average is now shown in the tooltip
  • Requires LibCombat version 33
  • [LibCombat] Corrected the calculation for the critical damage bonus to mind the new values from shadow mundus. It will now extract the value from the same tooltip which you can see in the character window, instead of using a hard coded base value and the extracted bonus from divine pieces.

Version 1.0.8
  • Prevented a lua error which appeared when Alkosh values were unkown. Instead a warning is shown via LibDebugLogger. (Thx to Citizen for reporting)
  • Added LibCombat version to version string
  • Made some adjustments to the tooltip of penetration values to improve readability
  • Requires LibCombat version 32 to ensure Alkosh tracking is working

Version 1.0.7
  • API Bump to Stonethorn (100032)
  • Added tracking of the new Alkosh penetration debuff
  • Added tracking of Tremorscale penetration debuff

Version 1.0.6
  • Fixed an issue with russian fonts for real this time

Version 1.0.5
  • Put back tracking of skill timings for Necro Siphon since it is back on GCD
  • Removed tracking of skill timing for Blood Frenzy and it's morphs, since they are off the GCD
  • Fixed an issue with russian fonts
  • put in checks to prevent unreasonably sized windows after resizing
  • fixed some issues that occured after resizing the live report window

Version 1.0.4
  • Fixed an issue where streaming the log to chat was not working.
  • Fixed an issue where a lua error would appear during fight calculation.
  • Removed preliminary code to handle penetration given by the new Piercing Spray set (vAS Bow). As this is a conditional resistance modifier it is more complicated to implement and will be added in a future patch.
  • Added handling for a lua error that would show if libdebuglogger wasn't up to date.

Version 1.0.3
  • Fixed an issue causing a lua error when previous saved vars didn't exist (e.g. new char or when they were deleted)
  • Fixed an issue where icons where missing in the buff panel for older fights

Version 1.0.2
  • Improved some code for posting to chat (thx @Scootworks)
  • Fixed missing buff/debuff Icons in graph

Version 1.0.1
  • Fixed a lua error that happened when showing Parses.
  • some small fixes
  • renamed Cyrodil options to PvP for clarification (They work for Cyrodil and BGs now)

Version 1.0.0
  • Rewrote buff/debuff calculation system. It can now handle cases of stacked buffs or minor/major buffs from various sources properly.
  • In the buff/debuff display you can now open/collapse buffs with additional data (like uptimes of individual stacks, different sources)
  • If a buff has multiple stacks the total uptime now reflects the maximum number of stacks and their averaged uptime. This allows to directly calculate the benefit of this buff. E.g. for Siroria given 20 stacks with a total uptime shown of 53% the total benefit is 20 * 0.53 multiplied by the sets spell damage bonus.
  • Added skill input lag to skill timing events. It shows the time difference between activating a skill on your bar and the skill actually firing.
  • Added performance stats in form of ping and fps. Together with input lag their averages are shown at the bottom of the main window and can also be viewed in the graph and the log
  • Added deaths and resurrections to combat log. To show them you have to allow info messages (which also show weapon swaps).
  • Combat Metrics now optionally depends on libdebuglogger. It is set up to handle all debug output and also saves them for later review. When it is not installed no debug output will be shown. Consequently, the debug settings have been removed.
  • The size of the main report window can now be changed by dragging the corners/edges.
  • The settings that apply when the player is in cyrodil, now also include battlegrounds.
  • Additional minor fixes and performance improvements.

Version 0.9.18
  • Fixed a lua error that occured when saving fights with bosses.

Version 0.9.17
  • Added an error handler for the issue when a too old version of LibFeedback is installed. When you see it, please update LibFeedback to the latest version.

Version 0.9.16
  • Fixed a bug introduced in last version that could cause display issues with dividers and several lua errors (graph display, combat log). (Thx at Benny and others for reporting this)

Version 0.9.15
  • Fixed an issue with skill timings due to the Necromancers siphon ignoring the global cooldown.
  • Added a notification icon on the fight report window to help me finding players for my raid group. At the moment it's only shown sometimes on german clients and can be disabled.

Version 0.9.14
  • Added an option to show display names (@names) in the fight reports.
  • Added an option to toggle pets shown in heal panels in the fight report window. You can also set it via the settings menu in the opened fight report window.

Version 0.9.13
  • Fixed a few issues caused by some ability ids that were removed by ZOS. (Thx to SnakE for the report)
  • If you see some irregularities regarding stats (like penetration or critical damage), please let me know.
  • Combat Metrics will now generally require the latest version of LibCombat, please make sure to update both.

Version 0.9.12
  • Fixed an issue where in the incoming damage page inconsistant data was shown. You can now select to show block or crit data with the % column adjusting accordingly.
  • Average column can now also show the average block values.
  • Let me know if you'd find block statistics also useful for the damage out page.

Version 0.9.11
  • Removed embedded libraries. Please install them yourself. Check the Addon description page for a list of required libraries.
  • Fixed a display issue in fight stats panel
  • Some code formatting and cleanup
  • Small fixes to prevent rare lua errors

Version 0.9.10
  • Added a fix to fix the fix. I shouldn't try fixing from work where I can't check ingame if I didn't break things :D.
  • Combined instances of different spellings of Off Balanced so they are treated as always.
  • Updated LibAddonMenu

Version 0.9.9
  • Added a fix to prevent the lua error introduced in last update

Version 0.9.8
  • added a small fix to LibCombat to properly detect Soul Trap activations on both magicka and stamina chars.
  • Info: The next update will remove bundled libraries. This won't affect internal libraries (CombatMetricsFightData and LibCombat).

Version 0.9.7
  • API Bump to Dragonhold (100029)
  • Added bossfight to LIBCOMBAT_EVENT_FIGHTRECAP callback object by request
  • Added a warning to stream log to chat option to indicate that it uses quite a lot of CPU.

Version 0.9.6
  • Made some performance improvements. (thx to @andy.s for the idea)
  • Attempted a fix where the fight could reset once you enter a portal in the Nahviintaas fight.
  • Replaced enchants with poison in equip overview when a poison was equipped.
  • Updated Libraries

Version 0.9.5
  • Fixed an issue where heal ratio in live report was always 0%.
  • Fixed an issue where group heal amount in fight report was always 0.
  • Added Entropy and Soul Trap ability detection for Scalebreaker.

Version 0.9.4
  • Added total weapon and skill attacks on info panel.
  • Add an option to show absolute heal (= effective + overheal) to live report window. it can be accessed in the addon settings or via the cogwheel button in the fight report window.
  • Added an option to show absolute heal in ability panel
  • Added some code to ensure functionality with scale breaker due to API changes
  • Updated French translation (thx to @Floliroy)
  • Fixed an issue where fights were not completely loaded
  • Fixed cast delay of channeled and cast time abilities
  • Fixed a rounding issue on combat time
  • Fixed an issue where the main window position was changing between relog / reloadui
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in a lua error or wrong data when posting the DPS to a selection of units.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in wrong versions to be sent when submitting feedback ingame

Version 0.9.3
  • Fixed an issue where divine armour pieces were not detected correctly on languages which use comma as decimal separator. Thx again to @Pymad for pointing this out.

Version 0.9.2
  • Fixed an issue where divine armour pieces were not detected correctly, when calculating bonus from shadow mundus.
  • Fixed base value of shadow mundus. ( I relied on a bad source :( )
  • Fixed an issue where shadow mundus was still considered active when it was actually removed during the session.
  • Fixed an issue where critical damage passive bonus was incorrectly awarded in the calculation even when it was not available or active
  • Thx to @Pymad for reporting the issue which made me find all of those bugs.

Version 0.9.1
  • Updated brazilian localozation (Thx @FelipeS11)
  • Fixed version numbers

Version 0.9.0
Added a new Info panel.
  • It shows the Equipment, CP, and Skills used in the selected fight.
  • For the skill panel "Weaving Metrics" are shown. They give some info on how fast you are able to cast subsequent abilities and the average time between two subsequent casts of the same ability.
  • Also some stats about how much time was spent and how much damage was done on each bar are shown. Werewolf is not supported at the moment but will be added in the future.
Added a new Graph panel.
  • Here you can view how DPS or HPS developed over time. You can also show Resources (e.g. Magicka) or Stats (e.g. Spell Damage).
  • You can click on the colour boxes on the left to change the colours of the plots.
  • When you select buffs/debuffs in the buff panel, while the graph panel is shown, the buff uptime will also be visualized in the graph.
  • By drawing a rectangle you can zoom in, a right click resets the zoom.
  • You can also directly edit the maximum and minimum value of the left Y axis by double clicking on it.
  • To activate a cursor with a tooltip that shows the exact numbers, toggle the icon next to the enlarge button.
Other Changes:
[list][*] API Bump to Elsweyr (100027)[*] Note that some of the new features only work for new fights, but not for saved fights.[*] Elsweyr only: Added Overheal to healing category. All heal values will generally refer to effective (i.e. actually HP restoring) heal. Overheal and the absolute heal (i.e. effective + overheal) can be viewed in the healing category of the big fight report. Let me know if you need a display on the livereport, I could add it if necessary.[*] Uptime % in the (De-)Buffs Out Panel are now considered towards the total time the respective units have been engaged in combat. This should lead to more reasonable results when you fight different bosses in succession (e.g. the iterations of Z'Maja in Cloudrest). It won't however help for fights where units are inactive in between (e.g. The minibosses in Asylum)[*] When in a healing category, the "(De-)buffs out" panel now also considers the uptime of yourself[*] Some of the columns in the abilities panel can now be changed. They are coloured in a bright yellow. You can for example choose to show the minimum hit instead of the maximum or show the average critical hit instead of the overall average hit. Just try them out![*] Added more options in the Combat Log. This includes Skill activations and for boss fights the remaining %HP.[*] Added accountname to the bottom info bar[*] Added a feedback/donation entry to the options menu on the fight report window, providing convenient access to give feedback in case you have suggestions or issues to report.[*] Added an option to go to the addon settings from the options menu on the fight report window.[*] Right click is no longer used to reset the selection in the different list panels, instead this is now set to the 3rd mouse button. [*] Added an option to post DPS/HPS to a selection of targets. When posting data for one unit only, the name of that unit is shown.[*] When right clicking a unit while in the DPS out panel, you can now post the DPS to that unit or all units that share that name. Big Thanks to @Letho for the idea and help with this.[*] Added an option to post Buff uptime (right click on buff).[*] Buff uptime from the "(De-)buffs out" panel can also be directly posted for all bosses or group members without the need to select them in the unit panel first
(Note: You can also just click on a single unit to select it and then click again on it to deselect it)
Optional Files (0)

Archived Files (139)
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Unread 01/23/21, 03:05 PM  

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Re: Re: Additional questions/features

Originally Posted by Solinur
Thanks for the detailed and constructive feedback.

1) Consolidating similar Damage effects could be done, at least for skills with the exact same name and be handled like buffs with stacks or different Ids. Under the hood however it will always be remain the list as you see it now, since this is the natural format defined by the abilityId ids returned by the API, which in case of the necro skull leads to the current result due to ZOS' implementation of it (3 different id's for the three casts).

2) Making the tables sortable is an understandable feature request and I have thought about it a few times. It requires a good amount of backend work, since my approach would be to try to make some sort of framework here. So while I would surely be interested to work towards this, I have to see when I find enough time to do this.

3) DPS is in fact damage per second and as such the column is fine as it is and has its merits. Having a Damage per cast time (DPC ? ) would of course be very useful as well. The problem here is that I don't see a way how to implement that. The API doesn't relate the press of a button from your skill bar with the damage effects that are caused by it. Even going by name is not consistent. So the only way to achieve something like this is to build a database of all the effects and determine which skills cause them, to produce such a damage per cast time list. This would require a significant amount of maintanance work, since even in incremental patches something could change when ZOS repairs a skill (and for example introduces it simply as another effect with a new Id). Additionally some effects (like elemental status effects) can be caused by different skills which makes the handling more difficult. I don't see myself taking up that task, sorry .

4) Seeing the uptime of Dot's has been requested from time to time and I see that just giving an uptime % might make it easier for some people. With the current information one could simply look at the amount of ticks per minute on a single target or look at the recast time on the ability panel. My main problem here is to find a good technical implementation how to treat the whole uptime issue especially when looking at more than one target - Should the uptime be target based or rather cast based?
Thanks for the great feedback. I totally understand where there are limitations and difficulties with the API, nevermind real life time/effort limitations .

For me, the first two are really the most interesting/useful in the short term anyway. The consolidation would be really the nicest to have since as a player it is really more about choosing what abilities are useful in what situations and the weird split by ID thing is somewhat counterintuitive. Sorting would really just be a nice to have.

As for #4, each ability has a listed cast time, so maybe just divide (total damage)/(#casts * cast time)? I'm not familiar enough to know if things alter the actual cast time (e.g. haste in WoW) or if it is fixed in ESO.
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Unread 01/23/21, 02:11 PM  

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Originally Posted by Solinur
Originally Posted by Thrasher
Originally Posted by Solinur
Originally Posted by Thrasher
Thanks for this mod!

I have been getting this error sometimes when reviewing recent fights and looking at damage done.

user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetrics.lua:906: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetrics.lua:906: in function 'CMX.GenerateSelectionStats'
|caaaaaa<Locals> fight = [table:1]{char = "Kimi Brin", healingOutTotal = 32103, calculating = F, groupHealingIn = 0, groupDPSOut = 0, dpstime = 63.852, fightlabel = "Dwarven Sphere", account = "@Thrasher91604", dpsend = 9997295, activetime = 63.852, HPSOut = 557, groupHPSIn = 0, healingInTotal = 33460, startBar = 2, combattime = 72.12, date = 1611265693, combatstart = 9933443, damageOutTotal = 116237, groupHealingOut = 0, starttime = 9933443, damageInShielded = 0, DPSIn = 1243, dpsstart = 9933443, hpsstart = 9934221, group = F, groupDamageIn = 0, HPSIn = 581, groupDamageOut = 0, groupHPSOut = 0, HPSAOut = 1311, zone = "Cyrodiil", zoneId = 181, ESOversion = "", damageInTotal = 79384, subzone = "Castle Roebeck Farm", time = "13:48:13", endtime = 9997295, playerid = 48523, prepared = T, hpsend = 9991851, isWipe = T, groupDPSIn = 0, healingOutAbsolute = 75540, DPSOut = 1820, combatend = 10005560, hpstime = 57.63}, menuItem = "damageOut", selections = [table:2]{}, unitselection = [table:3]{24935 = 1}, showOverHeal = F, data = [table:4]{hitsOutShielded = 0, healingOutTotal = 54124, healingOutOverflow = 43437, damageOutShielded = 0, healingInAbsolute = 100366, healsInCritical = 9, HPSOut = 939.16363005379, healsOutCritical = 9, hitsInShielded = 0, damageInShielded = 0, damageInSpells = 77683, HPSAOut = 1692.8856498352, groupHPSOut = 0, DPSIn = 1243.2500156612, totalSkillsFired = 23, delayAvg = 285.17391304348, healsInAbsolute = 100, hitsInNormal = 61, damageOutCritical = 21914, healingOutAbsolute = 97561, healsOutOverflow = 19, hitsOutCritical = 17, healsInNormal = 70, healingOutCritical = 2556, damageInNormal = 65211, hitsOutTotal = 140, hitsInBlocked = 1, healsOutNormal = 65, hitsInTotal = 72, groupHPSIn = 0, healingInTotal = 55481, healingInOverflow = 44885, damageOutTotal = 116237, hitsOutNormal = 121, healsOutAbsolute = 93, healsOutTotal = 74, healsInOverflow = 21, healingInNormal = 52925, HPSIn = 962.71039389207, totalWeavingTimeSum = 35545, groupDPSOut = 0, hitsInCritical = 10, groupDamageIn = 0, groupDamageOut = 0, damageOutBlocked = 1052, healingOutNormal = 51568, DPSOut = 1820.4128296686, damageInCritical = 13002, damageInWeapon = 1701, buffVersion = 2}, selectiondata = [table:5]{healsOutOverflow = 0, damageOutBlocked = 0, hitsOutCritical = 0, healingOutTotal = 0, healsInNormal = 0, healingOutCritical = 0, damageInNormal = 0, hitsOutTotal = 0, healingOutOverflow = 0, damageOutShielded = 0, hitsInBlocked = 0, healsInTotal = 0, healsInCritical = 0, hitsInTotal = 0, HPSOut = 0, healingInTotal = 0, healingInOverflow = 0, healsOutCritical = 0, damageOutTotal = 0, hitsInShielded = 0, damageInShielded = 0, healsOutTotal = 0, damageInBlocked = 0, healingInNormal = 0, HPSIn = 0, HPSAOut = 0, hitsOutShielded = 0, hitsInCritical = 0, hitsOutBlocked = 0, hitsOutNormal = 0, healingInAbsolute = 0, healingInCritical = 0, healingOutNormal = 0, damageInTotal = 0, damageInCritical = 0, DPSOut = 0, healsOutAbsolute = 0, healsOutNormal = 0, healsInAbsolute = 0, hitsInNormal = 0, damageOutCritical = 0, healsInOverflow = 0, healingOutAbsolute = 0, damageOutNormal = 0, DPSIn = 0}, totalValueSum = 0, totalkey = "damageOutTotal", unitId = 24935, _ = 1, unitTotalValue = 0 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetricsUI.lua:5696: in function 'updateFightReport'
|caaaaaa<Locals> control = ud, fightId = 29, category = "damageOut" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetricsUI.lua:284: in function 'selectCategory'
|caaaaaa<Locals> button = ud, control = ud </Locals>|r
These are not saved fights.

Any help would be appreciated.
I have to investigate this. Could it be that it is a particularly short fight or the selected unit was one-shot?
Sorry, neither is the case. If there is any info you need, please let me know.
Does it happen at specific places, for example only in dungeons / trials or only in certain areas
Not that I am aware of, though I get the errors while I’m in Cyrodiil.
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Unread 01/23/21, 06:58 AM  
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Originally Posted by Thrasher
Originally Posted by Solinur
Originally Posted by Thrasher
Thanks for this mod!

I have been getting this error sometimes when reviewing recent fights and looking at damage done.

user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetrics.lua:906: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetrics.lua:906: in function 'CMX.GenerateSelectionStats'
|caaaaaa<Locals> fight = [table:1]{char = "Kimi Brin", healingOutTotal = 32103, calculating = F, groupHealingIn = 0, groupDPSOut = 0, dpstime = 63.852, fightlabel = "Dwarven Sphere", account = "@Thrasher91604", dpsend = 9997295, activetime = 63.852, HPSOut = 557, groupHPSIn = 0, healingInTotal = 33460, startBar = 2, combattime = 72.12, date = 1611265693, combatstart = 9933443, damageOutTotal = 116237, groupHealingOut = 0, starttime = 9933443, damageInShielded = 0, DPSIn = 1243, dpsstart = 9933443, hpsstart = 9934221, group = F, groupDamageIn = 0, HPSIn = 581, groupDamageOut = 0, groupHPSOut = 0, HPSAOut = 1311, zone = "Cyrodiil", zoneId = 181, ESOversion = "", damageInTotal = 79384, subzone = "Castle Roebeck Farm", time = "13:48:13", endtime = 9997295, playerid = 48523, prepared = T, hpsend = 9991851, isWipe = T, groupDPSIn = 0, healingOutAbsolute = 75540, DPSOut = 1820, combatend = 10005560, hpstime = 57.63}, menuItem = "damageOut", selections = [table:2]{}, unitselection = [table:3]{24935 = 1}, showOverHeal = F, data = [table:4]{hitsOutShielded = 0, healingOutTotal = 54124, healingOutOverflow = 43437, damageOutShielded = 0, healingInAbsolute = 100366, healsInCritical = 9, HPSOut = 939.16363005379, healsOutCritical = 9, hitsInShielded = 0, damageInShielded = 0, damageInSpells = 77683, HPSAOut = 1692.8856498352, groupHPSOut = 0, DPSIn = 1243.2500156612, totalSkillsFired = 23, delayAvg = 285.17391304348, healsInAbsolute = 100, hitsInNormal = 61, damageOutCritical = 21914, healingOutAbsolute = 97561, healsOutOverflow = 19, hitsOutCritical = 17, healsInNormal = 70, healingOutCritical = 2556, damageInNormal = 65211, hitsOutTotal = 140, hitsInBlocked = 1, healsOutNormal = 65, hitsInTotal = 72, groupHPSIn = 0, healingInTotal = 55481, healingInOverflow = 44885, damageOutTotal = 116237, hitsOutNormal = 121, healsOutAbsolute = 93, healsOutTotal = 74, healsInOverflow = 21, healingInNormal = 52925, HPSIn = 962.71039389207, totalWeavingTimeSum = 35545, groupDPSOut = 0, hitsInCritical = 10, groupDamageIn = 0, groupDamageOut = 0, damageOutBlocked = 1052, healingOutNormal = 51568, DPSOut = 1820.4128296686, damageInCritical = 13002, damageInWeapon = 1701, buffVersion = 2}, selectiondata = [table:5]{healsOutOverflow = 0, damageOutBlocked = 0, hitsOutCritical = 0, healingOutTotal = 0, healsInNormal = 0, healingOutCritical = 0, damageInNormal = 0, hitsOutTotal = 0, healingOutOverflow = 0, damageOutShielded = 0, hitsInBlocked = 0, healsInTotal = 0, healsInCritical = 0, hitsInTotal = 0, HPSOut = 0, healingInTotal = 0, healingInOverflow = 0, healsOutCritical = 0, damageOutTotal = 0, hitsInShielded = 0, damageInShielded = 0, healsOutTotal = 0, damageInBlocked = 0, healingInNormal = 0, HPSIn = 0, HPSAOut = 0, hitsOutShielded = 0, hitsInCritical = 0, hitsOutBlocked = 0, hitsOutNormal = 0, healingInAbsolute = 0, healingInCritical = 0, healingOutNormal = 0, damageInTotal = 0, damageInCritical = 0, DPSOut = 0, healsOutAbsolute = 0, healsOutNormal = 0, healsInAbsolute = 0, hitsInNormal = 0, damageOutCritical = 0, healsInOverflow = 0, healingOutAbsolute = 0, damageOutNormal = 0, DPSIn = 0}, totalValueSum = 0, totalkey = "damageOutTotal", unitId = 24935, _ = 1, unitTotalValue = 0 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetricsUI.lua:5696: in function 'updateFightReport'
|caaaaaa<Locals> control = ud, fightId = 29, category = "damageOut" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetricsUI.lua:284: in function 'selectCategory'
|caaaaaa<Locals> button = ud, control = ud </Locals>|r
These are not saved fights.

Any help would be appreciated.
I have to investigate this. Could it be that it is a particularly short fight or the selected unit was one-shot?
Sorry, neither is the case. If there is any info you need, please let me know.
Does it happen at specific places, for example only in dungeons / trials or only in certain areas
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Unread 01/22/21, 02:18 PM  

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Originally Posted by Solinur
Originally Posted by Thrasher
Thanks for this mod!

I have been getting this error sometimes when reviewing recent fights and looking at damage done.

user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetrics.lua:906: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetrics.lua:906: in function 'CMX.GenerateSelectionStats'
|caaaaaa<Locals> fight = [table:1]{char = "Kimi Brin", healingOutTotal = 32103, calculating = F, groupHealingIn = 0, groupDPSOut = 0, dpstime = 63.852, fightlabel = "Dwarven Sphere", account = "@Thrasher91604", dpsend = 9997295, activetime = 63.852, HPSOut = 557, groupHPSIn = 0, healingInTotal = 33460, startBar = 2, combattime = 72.12, date = 1611265693, combatstart = 9933443, damageOutTotal = 116237, groupHealingOut = 0, starttime = 9933443, damageInShielded = 0, DPSIn = 1243, dpsstart = 9933443, hpsstart = 9934221, group = F, groupDamageIn = 0, HPSIn = 581, groupDamageOut = 0, groupHPSOut = 0, HPSAOut = 1311, zone = "Cyrodiil", zoneId = 181, ESOversion = "", damageInTotal = 79384, subzone = "Castle Roebeck Farm", time = "13:48:13", endtime = 9997295, playerid = 48523, prepared = T, hpsend = 9991851, isWipe = T, groupDPSIn = 0, healingOutAbsolute = 75540, DPSOut = 1820, combatend = 10005560, hpstime = 57.63}, menuItem = "damageOut", selections = [table:2]{}, unitselection = [table:3]{24935 = 1}, showOverHeal = F, data = [table:4]{hitsOutShielded = 0, healingOutTotal = 54124, healingOutOverflow = 43437, damageOutShielded = 0, healingInAbsolute = 100366, healsInCritical = 9, HPSOut = 939.16363005379, healsOutCritical = 9, hitsInShielded = 0, damageInShielded = 0, damageInSpells = 77683, HPSAOut = 1692.8856498352, groupHPSOut = 0, DPSIn = 1243.2500156612, totalSkillsFired = 23, delayAvg = 285.17391304348, healsInAbsolute = 100, hitsInNormal = 61, damageOutCritical = 21914, healingOutAbsolute = 97561, healsOutOverflow = 19, hitsOutCritical = 17, healsInNormal = 70, healingOutCritical = 2556, damageInNormal = 65211, hitsOutTotal = 140, hitsInBlocked = 1, healsOutNormal = 65, hitsInTotal = 72, groupHPSIn = 0, healingInTotal = 55481, healingInOverflow = 44885, damageOutTotal = 116237, hitsOutNormal = 121, healsOutAbsolute = 93, healsOutTotal = 74, healsInOverflow = 21, healingInNormal = 52925, HPSIn = 962.71039389207, totalWeavingTimeSum = 35545, groupDPSOut = 0, hitsInCritical = 10, groupDamageIn = 0, groupDamageOut = 0, damageOutBlocked = 1052, healingOutNormal = 51568, DPSOut = 1820.4128296686, damageInCritical = 13002, damageInWeapon = 1701, buffVersion = 2}, selectiondata = [table:5]{healsOutOverflow = 0, damageOutBlocked = 0, hitsOutCritical = 0, healingOutTotal = 0, healsInNormal = 0, healingOutCritical = 0, damageInNormal = 0, hitsOutTotal = 0, healingOutOverflow = 0, damageOutShielded = 0, hitsInBlocked = 0, healsInTotal = 0, healsInCritical = 0, hitsInTotal = 0, HPSOut = 0, healingInTotal = 0, healingInOverflow = 0, healsOutCritical = 0, damageOutTotal = 0, hitsInShielded = 0, damageInShielded = 0, healsOutTotal = 0, damageInBlocked = 0, healingInNormal = 0, HPSIn = 0, HPSAOut = 0, hitsOutShielded = 0, hitsInCritical = 0, hitsOutBlocked = 0, hitsOutNormal = 0, healingInAbsolute = 0, healingInCritical = 0, healingOutNormal = 0, damageInTotal = 0, damageInCritical = 0, DPSOut = 0, healsOutAbsolute = 0, healsOutNormal = 0, healsInAbsolute = 0, hitsInNormal = 0, damageOutCritical = 0, healsInOverflow = 0, healingOutAbsolute = 0, damageOutNormal = 0, DPSIn = 0}, totalValueSum = 0, totalkey = "damageOutTotal", unitId = 24935, _ = 1, unitTotalValue = 0 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetricsUI.lua:5696: in function 'updateFightReport'
|caaaaaa<Locals> control = ud, fightId = 29, category = "damageOut" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetricsUI.lua:284: in function 'selectCategory'
|caaaaaa<Locals> button = ud, control = ud </Locals>|r
These are not saved fights.

Any help would be appreciated.
I have to investigate this. Could it be that it is a particularly short fight or the selected unit was one-shot?
Sorry, neither is the case. If there is any info you need, please let me know.
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Unread 01/22/21, 09:57 AM  
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Originally Posted by Thrasher
Thanks for this mod!

I have been getting this error sometimes when reviewing recent fights and looking at damage done.

user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetrics.lua:906: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetrics.lua:906: in function 'CMX.GenerateSelectionStats'
|caaaaaa<Locals> fight = [table:1]{char = "Kimi Brin", healingOutTotal = 32103, calculating = F, groupHealingIn = 0, groupDPSOut = 0, dpstime = 63.852, fightlabel = "Dwarven Sphere", account = "@Thrasher91604", dpsend = 9997295, activetime = 63.852, HPSOut = 557, groupHPSIn = 0, healingInTotal = 33460, startBar = 2, combattime = 72.12, date = 1611265693, combatstart = 9933443, damageOutTotal = 116237, groupHealingOut = 0, starttime = 9933443, damageInShielded = 0, DPSIn = 1243, dpsstart = 9933443, hpsstart = 9934221, group = F, groupDamageIn = 0, HPSIn = 581, groupDamageOut = 0, groupHPSOut = 0, HPSAOut = 1311, zone = "Cyrodiil", zoneId = 181, ESOversion = "", damageInTotal = 79384, subzone = "Castle Roebeck Farm", time = "13:48:13", endtime = 9997295, playerid = 48523, prepared = T, hpsend = 9991851, isWipe = T, groupDPSIn = 0, healingOutAbsolute = 75540, DPSOut = 1820, combatend = 10005560, hpstime = 57.63}, menuItem = "damageOut", selections = [table:2]{}, unitselection = [table:3]{24935 = 1}, showOverHeal = F, data = [table:4]{hitsOutShielded = 0, healingOutTotal = 54124, healingOutOverflow = 43437, damageOutShielded = 0, healingInAbsolute = 100366, healsInCritical = 9, HPSOut = 939.16363005379, healsOutCritical = 9, hitsInShielded = 0, damageInShielded = 0, damageInSpells = 77683, HPSAOut = 1692.8856498352, groupHPSOut = 0, DPSIn = 1243.2500156612, totalSkillsFired = 23, delayAvg = 285.17391304348, healsInAbsolute = 100, hitsInNormal = 61, damageOutCritical = 21914, healingOutAbsolute = 97561, healsOutOverflow = 19, hitsOutCritical = 17, healsInNormal = 70, healingOutCritical = 2556, damageInNormal = 65211, hitsOutTotal = 140, hitsInBlocked = 1, healsOutNormal = 65, hitsInTotal = 72, groupHPSIn = 0, healingInTotal = 55481, healingInOverflow = 44885, damageOutTotal = 116237, hitsOutNormal = 121, healsOutAbsolute = 93, healsOutTotal = 74, healsInOverflow = 21, healingInNormal = 52925, HPSIn = 962.71039389207, totalWeavingTimeSum = 35545, groupDPSOut = 0, hitsInCritical = 10, groupDamageIn = 0, groupDamageOut = 0, damageOutBlocked = 1052, healingOutNormal = 51568, DPSOut = 1820.4128296686, damageInCritical = 13002, damageInWeapon = 1701, buffVersion = 2}, selectiondata = [table:5]{healsOutOverflow = 0, damageOutBlocked = 0, hitsOutCritical = 0, healingOutTotal = 0, healsInNormal = 0, healingOutCritical = 0, damageInNormal = 0, hitsOutTotal = 0, healingOutOverflow = 0, damageOutShielded = 0, hitsInBlocked = 0, healsInTotal = 0, healsInCritical = 0, hitsInTotal = 0, HPSOut = 0, healingInTotal = 0, healingInOverflow = 0, healsOutCritical = 0, damageOutTotal = 0, hitsInShielded = 0, damageInShielded = 0, healsOutTotal = 0, damageInBlocked = 0, healingInNormal = 0, HPSIn = 0, HPSAOut = 0, hitsOutShielded = 0, hitsInCritical = 0, hitsOutBlocked = 0, hitsOutNormal = 0, healingInAbsolute = 0, healingInCritical = 0, healingOutNormal = 0, damageInTotal = 0, damageInCritical = 0, DPSOut = 0, healsOutAbsolute = 0, healsOutNormal = 0, healsInAbsolute = 0, hitsInNormal = 0, damageOutCritical = 0, healsInOverflow = 0, healingOutAbsolute = 0, damageOutNormal = 0, DPSIn = 0}, totalValueSum = 0, totalkey = "damageOutTotal", unitId = 24935, _ = 1, unitTotalValue = 0 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetricsUI.lua:5696: in function 'updateFightReport'
|caaaaaa<Locals> control = ud, fightId = 29, category = "damageOut" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetricsUI.lua:284: in function 'selectCategory'
|caaaaaa<Locals> button = ud, control = ud </Locals>|r
These are not saved fights.

Any help would be appreciated.
I have to investigate this. Could it be that it is a particularly short fight or the selected unit was one-shot?
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Unread 01/22/21, 06:51 AM  
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Re: Additional questions/features

Originally Posted by Whoom
Hi, great mod. I have a few questions, and perhaps a suggestion or two:

First, when I get a parse for a combat I see multiple of the same item in the list. I suspect because of the way the skill works this is due to the fact that the damage scales every 3rd cast, but it seems weird for it to be broken out into multiple lines like this (note ricochet skull):

The grid at the bottom right would be improved if I could sort by things other than raw damage. For instance the avg column would be nice to sort, since it tells me how much damage per cast of things I am getting.

The DPS column is a little weird, since it is directly correlated to the % column, not the damage/cast time or something of the sort. Having a column like that might be nice if possible, but I understand if not.

Another thing that seems to be missing is an uptime for AoE DoT spells that are fire and forget (e.g. Boneyard) where it would be nice to see what % of the fight it was up for.

Overall, I quite enjoy using the mod. Thanks for all your work!
Thanks for the detailed and constructive feedback.

1) Consolidating similar Damage effects could be done, at least for skills with the exact same name and be handled like buffs with stacks or different Ids. Under the hood however it will always be remain the list as you see it now, since this is the natural format defined by the abilityId ids returned by the API, which in case of the necro skull leads to the current result due to ZOS' implementation of it (3 different id's for the three casts).

2) Making the tables sortable is an understandable feature request and I have thought about it a few times. It requires a good amount of backend work, since my approach would be to try to make some sort of framework here. So while I would surely be interested to work towards this, I have to see when I find enough time to do this.

3) DPS is in fact damage per second and as such the column is fine as it is and has its merits. Having a Damage per cast time (DPC ? ) would of course be very useful as well. The problem here is that I don't see a way how to implement that. The API doesn't relate the press of a button from your skill bar with the damage effects that are caused by it. Even going by name is not consistent. So the only way to achieve something like this is to build a database of all the effects and determine which skills cause them, to produce such a damage per cast time list. This would require a significant amount of maintanance work, since even in incremental patches something could change when ZOS repairs a skill (and for example introduces it simply as another effect with a new Id). Additionally some effects (like elemental status effects) can be caused by different skills which makes the handling more difficult. I don't see myself taking up that task, sorry .

4) Seeing the uptime of Dot's has been requested from time to time and I see that just giving an uptime % might make it easier for some people. With the current information one could simply look at the amount of ticks per minute on a single target or look at the recast time on the ability panel. My main problem here is to find a good technical implementation how to treat the whole uptime issue especially when looking at more than one target - Should the uptime be target based or rather cast based?
Last edited by Solinur : 01/22/21 at 09:58 AM.
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Unread 01/21/21, 04:06 PM  

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Thanks for this mod!

I have been getting this error sometimes when reviewing recent fights and looking at damage done.

user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetrics.lua:906: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetrics.lua:906: in function 'CMX.GenerateSelectionStats'
|caaaaaa<Locals> fight = [table:1]{char = "Kimi Brin", healingOutTotal = 32103, calculating = F, groupHealingIn = 0, groupDPSOut = 0, dpstime = 63.852, fightlabel = "Dwarven Sphere", account = "@Thrasher91604", dpsend = 9997295, activetime = 63.852, HPSOut = 557, groupHPSIn = 0, healingInTotal = 33460, startBar = 2, combattime = 72.12, date = 1611265693, combatstart = 9933443, damageOutTotal = 116237, groupHealingOut = 0, starttime = 9933443, damageInShielded = 0, DPSIn = 1243, dpsstart = 9933443, hpsstart = 9934221, group = F, groupDamageIn = 0, HPSIn = 581, groupDamageOut = 0, groupHPSOut = 0, HPSAOut = 1311, zone = "Cyrodiil", zoneId = 181, ESOversion = "", damageInTotal = 79384, subzone = "Castle Roebeck Farm", time = "13:48:13", endtime = 9997295, playerid = 48523, prepared = T, hpsend = 9991851, isWipe = T, groupDPSIn = 0, healingOutAbsolute = 75540, DPSOut = 1820, combatend = 10005560, hpstime = 57.63}, menuItem = "damageOut", selections = [table:2]{}, unitselection = [table:3]{24935 = 1}, showOverHeal = F, data = [table:4]{hitsOutShielded = 0, healingOutTotal = 54124, healingOutOverflow = 43437, damageOutShielded = 0, healingInAbsolute = 100366, healsInCritical = 9, HPSOut = 939.16363005379, healsOutCritical = 9, hitsInShielded = 0, damageInShielded = 0, damageInSpells = 77683, HPSAOut = 1692.8856498352, groupHPSOut = 0, DPSIn = 1243.2500156612, totalSkillsFired = 23, delayAvg = 285.17391304348, healsInAbsolute = 100, hitsInNormal = 61, damageOutCritical = 21914, healingOutAbsolute = 97561, healsOutOverflow = 19, hitsOutCritical = 17, healsInNormal = 70, healingOutCritical = 2556, damageInNormal = 65211, hitsOutTotal = 140, hitsInBlocked = 1, healsOutNormal = 65, hitsInTotal = 72, groupHPSIn = 0, healingInTotal = 55481, healingInOverflow = 44885, damageOutTotal = 116237, hitsOutNormal = 121, healsOutAbsolute = 93, healsOutTotal = 74, healsInOverflow = 21, healingInNormal = 52925, HPSIn = 962.71039389207, totalWeavingTimeSum = 35545, groupDPSOut = 0, hitsInCritical = 10, groupDamageIn = 0, groupDamageOut = 0, damageOutBlocked = 1052, healingOutNormal = 51568, DPSOut = 1820.4128296686, damageInCritical = 13002, damageInWeapon = 1701, buffVersion = 2}, selectiondata = [table:5]{healsOutOverflow = 0, damageOutBlocked = 0, hitsOutCritical = 0, healingOutTotal = 0, healsInNormal = 0, healingOutCritical = 0, damageInNormal = 0, hitsOutTotal = 0, healingOutOverflow = 0, damageOutShielded = 0, hitsInBlocked = 0, healsInTotal = 0, healsInCritical = 0, hitsInTotal = 0, HPSOut = 0, healingInTotal = 0, healingInOverflow = 0, healsOutCritical = 0, damageOutTotal = 0, hitsInShielded = 0, damageInShielded = 0, healsOutTotal = 0, damageInBlocked = 0, healingInNormal = 0, HPSIn = 0, HPSAOut = 0, hitsOutShielded = 0, hitsInCritical = 0, hitsOutBlocked = 0, hitsOutNormal = 0, healingInAbsolute = 0, healingInCritical = 0, healingOutNormal = 0, damageInTotal = 0, damageInCritical = 0, DPSOut = 0, healsOutAbsolute = 0, healsOutNormal = 0, healsInAbsolute = 0, hitsInNormal = 0, damageOutCritical = 0, healsInOverflow = 0, healingOutAbsolute = 0, damageOutNormal = 0, DPSIn = 0}, totalValueSum = 0, totalkey = "damageOutTotal", unitId = 24935, _ = 1, unitTotalValue = 0 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetricsUI.lua:5696: in function 'updateFightReport'
|caaaaaa<Locals> control = ud, fightId = 29, category = "damageOut" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/CombatMetrics/CombatMetricsUI.lua:284: in function 'selectCategory'
|caaaaaa<Locals> button = ud, control = ud </Locals>|r
These are not saved fights.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Unread 01/20/21, 09:47 PM  

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Additional questions/features

Hi, great mod. I have a few questions, and perhaps a suggestion or two:

First, when I get a parse for a combat I see multiple of the same item in the list. I suspect because of the way the skill works this is due to the fact that the damage scales every 3rd cast, but it seems weird for it to be broken out into multiple lines like this (note ricochet skull):

The grid at the bottom right would be improved if I could sort by things other than raw damage. For instance the avg column would be nice to sort, since it tells me how much damage per cast of things I am getting.

The DPS column is a little weird, since it is directly correlated to the % column, not the damage/cast time or something of the sort. Having a column like that might be nice if possible, but I understand if not.

Another thing that seems to be missing is an uptime for AoE DoT spells that are fire and forget (e.g. Boneyard) where it would be nice to see what % of the fight it was up for.

Overall, I quite enjoy using the mod. Thanks for all your work!
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Unread 01/15/21, 12:30 PM  

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Re: Re: Weird Error

Originally Posted by Solinur
Originally Posted by PugsPlayingESO
Hey all. So I downloaded combat metrics and all the libraries. I get to the main screen. I check addons. Everything looks great. But when I log into the game with my character, it says I need a new up to date version of libcombat. I've downloaded everything just today so I know its the right version. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Maybe try to reinstall LibCombat. Also you can try to use the chatcommand "/script d(LibCombat.version)" to figure out the installed version. The current one is 42.
The number one thing when an addon doesn't work? Uninstall and reinstall. By now I should know that. Thanks, it was actually another lib addon that was out of date. LibAddonMenu. Appreciate the help!
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Unread 01/15/21, 06:10 AM  
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Re: Weird Error

Originally Posted by PugsPlayingESO
Hey all. So I downloaded combat metrics and all the libraries. I get to the main screen. I check addons. Everything looks great. But when I log into the game with my character, it says I need a new up to date version of libcombat. I've downloaded everything just today so I know its the right version. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Maybe try to reinstall LibCombat. Also you can try to use the chatcommand "/script d(LibCombat.version)" to figure out the installed version. The current one is 42.
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Unread 01/14/21, 04:48 PM  

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Weird Error

Hey all. So I downloaded combat metrics and all the libraries. I get to the main screen. I check addons. Everything looks great. But when I log into the game with my character, it says I need a new up to date version of libcombat. I've downloaded everything just today so I know its the right version. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
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Unread 12/31/20, 10:06 AM  
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Originally Posted by DewiMorgan
Originally Posted by Solinur
Originally Posted by DewiMorgan
[...]I just did two solid hours of dolmen grinding in a group of 24, with minimal addons (CombatMetrics, Profiler, 3 others)[...]
As I mentioned, maybe try with Eso Profiler. I still see a chance that it is actually a more complex issue, where CMX might have a part in.
I installed it, and had it loaded at the time! It's awesome, thank you for introducing me to it. Unfortunately, yesterday, there was simply no misbehavior for me profile for you.

I'll be continuing to grind in coming days, so if I manage to reproduce it, I'll definitely grab it with the profiler and send it to you.

My plan, if I can reproduce it, is to grab five Profiler shots:

1) straight after restarting the client, before starting the dolmen grind.
2) reloadui at that 'clean' point.
3) after grinding an hour or so, immediately after using a wayshrine, during the 6-second client freeze.
4) after grinding an hour or so, while grinding a dolmen, once the stuttering has got noticeable.
5) reloadui at that 'dirty' point.

3 and 4 are likely to be the only ones that you'll find interesting. The other 3 are just in case, because I can

In yesterday's run, I grabbed 1 and 2, but then it never got laggy or froze, so I could not create the useful ones. I'll keep trying!

My wife has reported that she gets a similar freeze after using a wayshrine while grinding dolmens for an hour or two, but not as severe as the ones I get, and she doesn't get the stuttering. She also uses CombatMetrics and a number of other addons I use.
Looking forward to that. Would be ineteresting to see whats causing the issues.
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Unread 12/30/20, 03:49 PM  
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Originally Posted by Solinur
Originally Posted by DewiMorgan
[...]I just did two solid hours of dolmen grinding in a group of 24, with minimal addons (CombatMetrics, Profiler, 3 others)[...]
As I mentioned, maybe try with Eso Profiler. I still see a chance that it is actually a more complex issue, where CMX might have a part in.
I installed it, and had it loaded at the time! It's awesome, thank you for introducing me to it. Unfortunately, yesterday, there was simply no misbehavior for me profile for you.

I'll be continuing to grind in coming days, so if I manage to reproduce it, I'll definitely grab it with the profiler and send it to you.

My plan, if I can reproduce it, is to grab five Profiler shots:

1) straight after restarting the client, before starting the dolmen grind.
2) reloadui at that 'clean' point.
3) after grinding an hour or so, immediately after using a wayshrine, during the 6-second client freeze.
4) after grinding an hour or so, while grinding a dolmen, once the stuttering has got noticeable.
5) reloadui at that 'dirty' point.

3 and 4 are likely to be the only ones that you'll find interesting. The other 3 are just in case, because I can

In yesterday's run, I grabbed 1 and 2, but then it never got laggy or froze, so I could not create the useful ones. I'll keep trying!

My wife has reported that she gets a similar freeze after using a wayshrine while grinding dolmens for an hour or two, but not as severe as the ones I get, and she doesn't get the stuttering. She also uses CombatMetrics and a number of other addons I use.
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Unread 12/30/20, 07:03 AM  
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Originally Posted by DewiMorgan
Originally Posted by Solinur
Originally Posted by DewiMorgan
Likely a known and unavoidable issue due to crunching crazy amounts of data, but I noticed when grinding dolmens that after about 40 minutes this addon made the game almost-unplayably jittery, and would create a several-second complete game freeze that started a couple of seconds after spawning at each wayshrine.

Took a while to track it down to this addon, because I have ludicrous numbers of addons.

I'm afraid I didn't investigate further: I'm sure I coulda resolved the problem by sliding the sliders to their min values, but just turning it off made more sense for dolmen grinding.
Combat Metrics is not crunching any numbers unless you open the main window. In between it simply doesn't do much just recording the new data. After porting, it refreshes the events it is using, but that is nothing really complicated. All together it seems very unlikely that the jittering is directly caused by just combat metrics.

The only thing that I can imagine to affect your performance would be the event registration system, and your repeated porting makes it harder to use for other addons as CMX uses it a lot when porting. However as soon as you start moving after the port, it will already be over. So my bet would rather be that the cause is a combination of CMX with an addon or some other addon entirely.

I saw in the past that Action Duration Reminder could be affected by this, as it constantly uses the event registration system during a fight, something that CMX avoids as I noticed micro lags associated with it.
I just did two solid hours of dolmen grinding in a group of 24, with minimal addons (CombatMetrics, Profiler, 3 others) and... nothing.

I confirm that CombatMetrics caused me Zero stutter or lag.

I was wrong, you were right, and I withdraw my claim that CombatMetrics is at fault.

But now I need to try all over again, with all my addons enabled, to find the real culprit that's messing with CombatMetrics! But... maybe not tonight. I'm beat!
As I mentioned, maybe try with Eso Profiler. I still see a chance that it is actually a more complex issue, where CMX might have a part in.
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Unread 12/29/20, 09:50 PM  
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Originally Posted by Solinur
Originally Posted by DewiMorgan
Likely a known and unavoidable issue due to crunching crazy amounts of data, but I noticed when grinding dolmens that after about 40 minutes this addon made the game almost-unplayably jittery, and would create a several-second complete game freeze that started a couple of seconds after spawning at each wayshrine.

Took a while to track it down to this addon, because I have ludicrous numbers of addons.

I'm afraid I didn't investigate further: I'm sure I coulda resolved the problem by sliding the sliders to their min values, but just turning it off made more sense for dolmen grinding.
Combat Metrics is not crunching any numbers unless you open the main window. In between it simply doesn't do much just recording the new data. After porting, it refreshes the events it is using, but that is nothing really complicated. All together it seems very unlikely that the jittering is directly caused by just combat metrics.

The only thing that I can imagine to affect your performance would be the event registration system, and your repeated porting makes it harder to use for other addons as CMX uses it a lot when porting. However as soon as you start moving after the port, it will already be over. So my bet would rather be that the cause is a combination of CMX with an addon or some other addon entirely.

I saw in the past that Action Duration Reminder could be affected by this, as it constantly uses the event registration system during a fight, something that CMX avoids as I noticed micro lags associated with it.
I just did two solid hours of dolmen grinding in a group of 24, with minimal addons (CombatMetrics, Profiler, 3 others) and... nothing.

I confirm that CombatMetrics caused me Zero stutter or lag.

I was wrong, you were right, and I withdraw my claim that CombatMetrics is at fault.

But now I need to try all over again, with all my addons enabled, to find the real culprit that's messing with CombatMetrics! But... maybe not tonight. I'm beat!
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