(43 Kb)
Updated: 03/27/24 11:14 PM
File Info
Scions of Ithelia (9.3.0)
Endless Archive (9.2.5)
base-game patch (9.1.5)
Necrom (9.0.0)
Scribes of Fate (8.3.5)
Firesong (8.2.5)
Lost Depths (8.1.5)
High Isle (8.0.0)
Updated:03/27/24 11:14 PM
Created:06/09/17 03:03 PM
Monthly downloads:633
Total downloads:104,451
Thief Tools  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 3.3
by: Shadowfen [More]
Depends on the following (separately installed) libraries: LibSFUtils, LibAddonMenu, LibDebugLogger

Thief Tools provides a variety of helpful tools to help you manage and profit from your thieving career:
  • A configurable status bar to provide you with your current hot item counts and quotas.
  • Smart auto-looting of stolen items
  • Configurable auto-junking of stolen items - and an icon to display which mode you are in
  • Unjunking of laundered items - you spent money to launder it, it must not be junk any more. (New)
  • A convenient control of whether you are allowed to kill NPCs or not - and an icon to display at a glance which mode you are in.
  • Convenient integration with the ThiefTools - Filtered AutoStealing (TTFAS) addon. (New)

The Thief Tools Status Bar
The status bar to help you keep track of your stealing at a glance! It can display the following:
  • A red hand icon if you are in "Kill NPCs" mode (dynamic)
  • A gold bag with coins around if you are in "Auto-Steal" mode (dynamic) or a blue bag with coins if you have enabled Thief Tools - Filtered AutoStealing (New)
  • The total value of fence-able items you're carrying.
  • The number of fence-able items you're carrying and the remainder of sells for the day.
  • The number of launder-able items you're carrying and the remainder of launders for the day.
  • The average value of the fence-able items (off by default).
  • The estimated session's income you'll get if you fence items of like value up to your per-day limit.
  • A graph of your fence-able items' quality.


These counts can be configured according to your preferences by setting filters for certain categories of stolen items.

The categories, such as
  • gear,
  • furnishings,
  • provisioning recipes and furnishing recipes (formerly just "recipes"),
  • motifs,
  • style materials,
  • trait materials,
  • raw and refined materials (clothing, woodworking, and blacksmithing),
  • alchemical solvents and reagents and
  • lockpicks
can be set for particular destinations: Fence, Launder, Ignore (does not count towards either), or Junk .
Certain categories or sub-categories might have special handling that cannot be overridden at this time (to prevent them from being considered fenceable:
  • Treasure maps (and other trophies) are automatically set for Launder
Any other items that don't belong to any of these categories are automatically considered for fencing.

Only items considered for fencing will be counted in the fence-able items, the total value of currently held items, the average value, and the quality displays.

Only items considered for laundering will be counted in the launder-able items.

Ignored items will not be counted by anything except the recipe, motif, or furnishing counts that you can see in the chat window.

You can also set it to ignore all stolen items that you have marked as junk in your inventory.

Finally, you have the option of saying that if an item would normally be considered for fencing, you can still have it ignored if the value of the item is less that a threshold value that you set. If the threshold value is zero, then none of the worthless fence-ables will be ignored by this.


Thief Tools now provides an auto-stealing "mode" which sets it so that you have auto-looting of stolen items turned on when you are sneaking and undetected. If you stop sneaking, auto-looting of stolen items is turned off. If you are sneaking and detected (in enough time for the addon to notice before ESO opens the container), auto-looting of stolen items is turned off. It is still possible to be caught stealing - because they saw you after the container started to open - but this does offer you just a little bit more protection. The protection against detection is less effective when you are pickpocketing - just be careful!

The coin bag icon in the status bar will appear if you have the auto-stealing capability turned on (and if you turned on the icon!).

How to enter/exit Auto-Stealing mode
(You need to turn off auto-looting of stolen items in the ESO Settings->Gameplay for this to work correctly.)
It is on by default. There are two ways you can toggle it on or off:
  • Use the / command in the chat window
  • Bind a keyboard key to the "Toggle Auto-Steal" in Controls->Addon Keybinds->Thief Tools

Filtered AutoStealing (New)

(Requires ThiefTools - Filtered AutoStealing addon to be installed)
To enter/exit Filtered AutoStealing, you can use the /tt.fas command in the chat window.
With an additional addon (ThiefTools - Filtered AutoStealing), you can filter out which items you want to steal and which you want to leave behind.
  • This will only filter for regular urns/containers/boxes/etc with stolen stuff in them.
  • Thief troves, safeboxes, and murdered bodies will still have everything stolen out of them (to get them to respawn for your fellow thieves).
  • Picking up (stealing) individual items from vendor tables (or anywhere) will not be filtered. Why did you pick it up if you didn't want it?
  • It cannot filter pickpocketing.


In addition to simply ignoring junked items, Thief Tools can now automatically put items into Junk for you.

Certain items are always auto-junked:
  • items that have been deprecated by Zenimax
  • spoiled food (which, oddly enough is not considered trash)

Certain categories or sub-categories might have special handling that cannot be overridden at this time (to prevent them from being considered fenceable or junked:
  • Rare ingredients and food additives such as flour and decorative wax will not be auto-junked even if you have set ingredients to "Junk"
  • Any item at or above a certain (configurable) level of quality cannot be auto-junked no matter what you set the category that item belongs to - the default level is currently "Legendary".

The auto-junker only works on stolen items. Your other addons can handle junking of non-stolen items. Really, it makes sense to have separate rules for stolen verses non-stolen items anyway. You would not want to junk soul gems - unless they were stolen soul gems that are only worth 30 gold - one of your limited number of fence slots should be saved for something worth a lot more than that! And laundering them for 30 gold, when you might get them from guild traders for less - or in Cyrodiil for free (Rewards for the Worthy) - that doesn't really make sense either.

Although the auto-junker generally operates properly without help, it is possible to toggle auto-junking mode off or back on again when you need to. There are two ways you can toggle it on or off:
  • Use the /tt.junk command in the chat window
  • Bind a keyboard key to the "Toggle Auto-junk, stolen" in Controls->Addon Keybinds->Thief Tools

Also, auto-junking is temporarily turned off while you are looking at your inventory - that way you can unmark junked items before destroying or selling what's left without worrying about having the item automatically re-junked while you are working there. It is automatically returned to its previous setting when the inventory window closes. You will see messages about this in your chat window each time it occurs.

(Note: I will not add auto-deletion of items from your inventory ever. It is too dangerous, and I'm not about to test it on my own characters and valuable stuff or make you test it on yours. Besides, even if I did and got it working perfectly, Zenimax can update the game and break my addon.)

Prevent Killing of Innocents Mode Management

This very simple capability provides two ways of turning on or off the Prevent Kill mode provided by the game, and an optional icon on the status bar when you are in "Kill Everyone" mode.

There are two ways you can toggle it on or off:
  • Use the / or / command in the chat window (they are identical commands - I wanted the / because I was used to using the TroubleMaker addon).
  • Bind a keyboard key to the "Toggle Kill Innocents" in Controls->Addon Keybinds->Thief Tools

If you prefer to use a different addon such as TroubleMaker, Thief Tools will happily co-exist with it. Thief Tools will still detect when the Kill Innocents game setting changes either by other addons or by game settings and display the red hand icon as appropriate.

Commands in Chat
(Most of these are also available as keybinds under Controls->Addon Keybinds->Thief Tools

/thieftools - Display all of the chat commands for ThiefTools with a brief description of what they do.

Of particular interest:

/tt.counts - Display all of the counts for what you have in your pack - the recipe, motif, and furnishings counts (these are counted in these special counts even if they are otherwise ignored due to other filter settings), and the fence and launder counts.

/tt.fencetime - Fence Reset Timer. According to Elmseeker (Thieves Knapsack Extended), it appears this is a fixed time (3am UTC).

/ - Toggle auto-steal mode (mutually exclusive with /tt.fas)
/tt.fas - Toggle filtered autosteal mode (mutually exclusive with / Requires TTFAS addon.)
/ or / - Toggle kill innocents mode
/tt.junk - Toggle auto-junk mode

/tt.resetbar - This is to reset the ThiefTools bar location to the top left corner of the screen so you can find and move it.

This addon owes its inspiration to Elmseeker's Thieves Knapsack Extended addon - who heavily influenced my UI choices since I really liked the UI that it provided and wanted most of it back.

As this is my very first addon, I also wish to acknowledge the ESOUI Wiki, the tutorials there, the Thieves Knapsack Extended addon, and the Roam Home addon which I read to discover how some things worked.
3.3 (49):
  • Added the ability to automatically hide the Thief Tools belt when you are in group dungeons, trials, arenas, and the Infinite Archive. See the addon settings at the bottom of the Display (AW) section to turn off the belt in the specific types of areas. The belt will be redisplayed again when you leave the area (dungeon, trial, etc) that it was hidden in. (It is still always hidden in PvP areas.)

3.2 (48):
  • Added the ability to automatically un-junk (move out of Junk) formerly stolen items that you laundered. After all, you just spent money laundering the thing - it should no longer be considered junk!
  • Requires an updated version (48) of LibSFUtils.
  • Added a new chat command (/tt.fas) which will turn off the Thief Tools autosteal setting and toggle on/off (enable/disable) the ThiefTools - Filtered AutoStealing addon (if it is installed).

3.1 (47):
  • API bump.

3.0 (46):
  • Added a new countdown timer to the bar to track when clemency will next be available to the character (0:00 means is currently available). The clemency indicator is a green hourglass in a circle and is followed by a count of the hours and minutes until clemency will be available again. Off by default, you can turn it on by setting the "Show the Clemency Reset Timer" to ON in the ThiefTool settings section "Status Bar Display". (requested by sirfutsalot)
  • Due to a number of reported problems with Status Bar visibility and problems with getting the new clemency timer visible on the bar (because of obsolete settings), I have reset the saved variables so it will revert to default settings when you start the game after this update. You will have to re-enter in your settings to apply them again.
  • Requires an updated version (44) of LibSFUtils.
  • API bump (Necrom).

2.21 (45):
  • API bump (Scribes of Fate).

2.20 (44):
  • Fix bounty timer that got broken by game upgrades.

2.19 (43):
  • API bump (High Isle).

2.18 (42):
  • API bump.

2.17 (41):
  • Fixed a bug where rarely the ThiefTools bar would be colored all black.
  • Now requires version 38 of LibSFUtils (recently released).

2.16 (40):
  • API bump
  • Require minimum version of installed LibAddonMenu to be at least 32. Earlier versions will break the user interface.
  • Fix "Not a thief" setting to toggle on and off properly.
  • Add resetting of "Not a thief" to the /tt.resetbar command to bring back tool bars that have started going invisible.

2.15 (39)
  • API bump. Waking Flame

2.14 (38)
  • Adjusted the fenceable value shown to take into account the haggling perks.

2.13 (37)
  • API bump.

2.12 (36)
  • API bump.

2.11 (35)
  • Provided a /tt.resetbar command to force the ThiefTools bar to become visible at the top left of the screen so that you can move it to where you like. We will see if this finally fixes the problem of the bar suddenly deciding to disappear for no apparent reason on some characters.

2.10.2 (34)
  • Fixed typo in ThiefTools_Global.

2.10.1 (33)
  • API bump. Markarth.

2.10 (32)
  • Reverted to the original bounty decay calculation for players over level 50, and keep Cheshire1981's decay calculation for pre-50 characters.
  • API bump.

2.9 (31)
  • Cheshire1981 has developed a more accurate calculation for bounty value decay over time for the under-level 50 toons and has graciously permitted me to use it.
  • API bump. Preparing for Greymoor.

2.8.2 (30)
  • Correct accidental global variables.

2.8.1 (29)
  • Set AddonVersion in manifest file.

  • Upgrading to the latest localization features of LibSFUtils.

  • API Bump

  • Change the font on the toolbar from ZoFontChat to ZoFontGame to allow for smaller scaling as suggested by tim99.
  • API Bump

  • Use LibAddonMenu-2.0 directly instead of through LibStub. LibAddonMenu-2.0 and LibSFUtil both still need to be installed separately.
  • API Bump

  • API Bump
  • Updated /thieftools help command to use the new utilities from LibSFUtils.
  • Removed direct dependency on library LibStub.
  • Change to use standalone libraries (LibSFUtils, and LibAddonMenu) instead of bundling the libraries with ThiefTools.

  • The Display option "Hide in menu ON/OFF" will turn off the ThiefTool bar when set to ON and the bar will remain hidden for as long as you are in the menu. (Previously it would hide and then reappear after a few seconds.)
  • Can temporarily stop or restart ThiefTools by removing or adding ThiefTool-related inventory event checking for the current character. (Performance)
    This basically removes the addon overhead (and functionality!) for the current character on an adhoc basis without having to /reloadui to unload or load the addon. By doing a /tt.stop you tell ThiefTools to essentially disable itself - no further ThiefTools background processing can happen. By doing a /tt.start, you tell ThiefTools to re-hook itself into the game in order to receive event notifications to to perform its automatic stolen inventory and loot processing and restore the toolbar if you have it set to be visible. If there is a problem, reloading the ui will reset ThiefTools back to "started".

  • API Bump

  • API Bump

  • Reverted the "[TT]hFence sells left: " prompt fix that didn't work out.

  • Revise the calculation of bounty decay time to better match with the game timing - with the changes to the way skills are handled with the release of Summerset, I can actually base the calculation off of the enhanced decay rate for the various levels of the "Swiftly Forgotten" passive instead of creating an approximation that was always wrong but close most of the time for many levels...
  • Possibly fixed the "[TT]hFence sells left: " prompt that was occasionally seen. (reported by AgnarUrthadar) (Fix suggested by wyzzard2k).

  • Add the ability to decide how stolen jewelry should be handled. Setting it to "Ignore" will prevent it from counting towards your fence totals and will prevent it from being auto-junked.

  • API Bump

  • Created a new slash command for ThiefTools - /tt.resetbar - which will move the bar to the top left of the screen and set it to be visible (and moveable). This can be used for those occasions that the ThiefTools status bar has inexplicably disappeared to make it visible again. Also, the ESO standard Infamy (Bounty) meter will be set to hidden (the default).
  • Removed some debug printouts that were mistakenly left in chat.

  • Fixed error where minimum quality to save was set to "Mode_Legendary" instead of 5.
    Still looking at other reported errors.

  • Fixed error reported by joshmiller83.
  • Upgraded LibSFUtils to version 8.
  • Changed to ZO_SavedVarsNewCharacterId() in order to properly handle toon name changes with saved variables.

  • API bump.
  • Updated LibSFUtils to version 7.

  • API bump.
  • Updated LibSFUtils to version 6.

  • Updated LibAddonMenu 2.0 to r25.

  • The status belt will automatically hide itself when you go into the Battlegrounds and restore itself to its previous setting when you leave those areas.

  • Fixed the Bounty Timer so that it counts down again.

Compatibility - Clockwork City
  • The status belt will automatically hide itself when you go into Cyrodiil or Imperial City and restore itself to its previous setting when you leave those areas. (It probably works the same with the Battlegrounds but I have not tested that yet.) It is not really needed in those areas as there are no guards and nothing to steal there - and you have more pressing concerns anyway, like hostile players, to worry about.
  • Modified the settings saves so that it distinguishes which megaserver you are currently on. This change will require everyone to redo their settings to save them for the megaserver(s) that they play on, but it allows people to play on multiple megaservers without getting the savedvariables corrupted.
  • Note: Some people have mentioned that autostealing gets turned off due to the settings reset. In order to turn it back on, you can use the / command in the chat window which will toggle autostealing between off and on.

  • If you destroy a stolen item, the gold value for fenceable items is reduced.
  • Note: Further investigation of two known problems: max number of fences not increasing when you put a skill point in Trafficer passive, and the fences left counts not resetting when the fence resets daily are both traceable back to the fact that Zenimax does not update the counters that this addon references until you visit a fence. While I could potentially track when the passive increases and fix that, it would unnecessarily add load to the game for the sake of catching something that happens oh 4-5 times in the life of the character. Also, I can't realistically fix the fenced items count not resetting properly without potentially making the game slower (all that periodic checking just to see if it is reset time yet) - It's just not worth it when all you have to do is to visit a fence.

  • Change the addon version number in display.
  • Toggle auto-junk message fixed. Before, when you toggled it on it would say that it was turned off and vice versa. Now it announces the correct state.
  • All chat messages that come from ThiefTools are now tagged with "[ThiefTools] " in the chat window.
  • Revised bounty time calculator to make more accurate estimates.

  • Stolen containers will be ignored.

Compatibility - Horns of the Reach
  • The sound has been turned off for the "inventory almost full" and "fence almost full" warning messages as a trial. It might return later. (Note: If you don't want to use these warning messages because you have some other addon providing them, simply set the threshold to zero in the settings.)
  • The setting of auto-junking on or off with /tt.junk is now remembered between sessions (logins and reloads).
  • Defaulting the values of new saved variables has been fixed now, so that new variables will be set to the proper default values until they are changed by the user. (In particular, the new "don't junk if quality is at least ???" in the Filter settings should now show that it defaulted to Legendary instead of being blank.)
  • The display of launders/launders left was not always working properly. Fixed.
  • The display of fences/fences left did not update when you put in the skill point to upgrade it. Should be fixed, but I don't have a character I can test it with anymore.
  • The category "Trash" is no longer an auto-junked item as it sometimes is applied to something you might want to fence.
  • Recipes were not separating into provisioning and furnishing recipe categories. Fixed.
  • The temporary auto-junking disabled and re-enabled messages in chat - they were always a temporary measure which would be removed after I had the chance to test with the new Horns of the Reach DLC. They have served their purpose and have now been removed.

  • Added Russian translations for the new strings. (Courtesy of ForgottenLight)
  • Fixed problem with not being able to turn on auto-stealing mode after turning it off.

  • Fixed lua errors reported from OnStealthChange function and OnRemoved function
  • Removed debug messages from chat (sorry).

  • Fixed the version number.
  • The temporarily disabling and reenabling auto-junking messages are not displayed if auto-junking has been disabled.
  • Fixed the lua errors being reported from the junkIt function.

Note: If you are upgrading from an older version of Thief Tools, please /reloadui the first time that you run with the upgraded addon (for each character) if you notice any problems. There appears to be some kind of issue between the old saved variables and the new version of the addon that I have not been able to track down. Simply reloading the ui will fix the problem and save the new version of saved variables.)
  • Added filtering of stolen alchemy reagents and solutions.
  • Split out Recipes into Provisioning and Furnishing Recipes so that you can control them separately. (You will need to update your setting for these.)
  • Added filtering of stolen soulgems.
  • Automatically place stolen treasure maps (and other trophies) on the ignore list.
Auto-junking (New)
  • Added a setting for the "if value less than x" setting so that you can auto-junk them instead of just ignoring them.
  • Added special handling to auto-junk spoiled food (which oddly enough is not considered to be "trash" by ESO).
  • Rare ingredients and ingredient additives are now set to "Launder" even if you have the ingredients setting on something else. This allows separating out specifically the "Decorative Wax" and "Flour" ingredients that are used for furniture crafting.
  • Whenever you are in an inventory page (simply looking at your inventory or at a vendor), auto-junking will be temporarily disabled. This allows you to remove items from the junk tab by unmarking them, and then doing a sell all junk or destroy all junk (as appropriate) on the remaining junk items. When the inventory page is closed, the auto-junker will automatically go back to its set mode. The next time some inventory change occurs to cause ThiefTools to rescan your inventory, the items that you unmarked as junk will automatically be put back into junk (unless you have changed the setting that caused that item to be considered junk).
  • Added a "Junk" choice to the "Fence", "Launder", and "Ignore" choice lists. The "Junk" option will cause the item to automatically be placed in the Junk tab of your inventory. You can then examine the list and sell or destroy the contents of the junk list normally. Note, you can "Unmark as junk" an item that was placed in the list, but it will be put back at some time in the future (the next time that the backpack contents are scanned again) - so ALWAYS examine the contents of the junk list before you destroy it!!
  • Automatically place stolen deprecated items on the junk list.
  • Automatically place stolen trash items on the junk list.
  • Added a setting to allow you to specify that if an item is a certain minimum quality, it will never be auto-junked, no matter what your other settings say. Originally implement to prevent auto-junking of Legendary items, it now allows you to set also Epic and Superior quality as well. Legendary is the default (and cannot be turned off).
  • Added special checks to the Ingredients so that you can say to junk them and the Flour and Decorative Wax will not be junked (because they are "rare" and used for furnishing recipes too.)
Commands/Modes (New)
  • Added a toggle to enable/disable the "Prevent killing of innocents". When logging in (or reloadui), this is reset to whatever the ESO setting is.
  • Added a toggle to enable/disable auto-stealing/pickpocketing while you are sneaking (and undetected). Auto-looting of stolen items is only turned on when you are sneaking when this is enabled. When you are not sneaking, then you can look in containers/NPCs without stealing from them.
  • Modified auto-stealing so that if it sees that you have been detected, before the container opens then it will revert from auto-stealing to looking. (A little extra protection that does not always work fast enough. Be warned and wary.)
  • Made it possible for addon keybinds to be translated to other languages.
  • Started using my utility library for functions shared between this addon and Where's My Guild Hall.
  • Upgraded LibAddonMenu to 2.0_r24.
  • Rewritten things as I've learned more Lua.

  • Updated the Russian translation for the "not a thief" feature (previously from Google) thanks to ForgottenLight.

  • Rewrote significant portions of the settings logic. You will have to reset your characters settings. The good news is that Thief Tools now provides the option of having account-wide settings - so you don't have to change things for every character you have.
  • The "Display" settings which control size and location of the status bar are only account-wide settings. Every character will have the Thief Tools status bar displayed in the same location on the screen.
  • The "Status Bar Display", "Filters", and "Warnings" settings can each either be account-wide or specific to the character. This means you can specialize any of these for a specific character and use the shared account-wide settings for all of your other characters.
  • Provided a "This character is not a thief" setting, so that when you turn it on the Thief Tools bar will not automatically be visible for that character when you log in. (You can still make it visible with either the /tt or the key binding for those special occasions.) This setting is per-character only - it just doesn't make sense as an account-wide setting. Note: The Russian translation for this feature was done by Google since it was done at the very last minute before release. If the Russian says something completely idiotic, I totally blame Google! :-)
  • Fixed the Estimated Fence slots = 0 warning to only appear once in chat (until it stops being 0).
  • Fixed the turning off the Estimated Fence slots = 0 warning by setting the slider to zero.
  • Fixed the turning off the Free slots left warning by setting the slider to zero.
  • Added the Russian translations for the new strings thanks to ForgottenLight.

  • Fixed it so that when you deconstruct stolen gear, it is properly subtracted from your count of stolen goods.
  • Added a new Warning Announcements setting section to allow you to set if you want to be told when your inventory is about to be full or if you have stolen enough for today's fencing quota.
  • Added the Russian translations for the new strings thanks to ForgottenLight.

  • Added a setting to provide chat warning messages when you are getting closed to having a full backpack. If you set the warning value to zero, it will not put messages in chat. (Warning for Russian language users: Localization strings were added - in English - and need to be translated.)
  • The colors of the quality stolen bars are back in all their glory. (And the previous color fix is still fixed!)

  • Added Russian translation thanks to ForgottenLight.
  • Fixed the color problem with icons on the bar.

  • Added ingredients to the list of items that you can filter on.
  • Finally managed to find and fix the location of the bar problem that FWSWBN was having.

  • Due to a change in the way that filter options are stored (to support localization) you may need to reselect your filter options in Settings.
  • Added localization changes suggested by ForgottenLight.
  • The filtering for lockpicks was broken because lockpicks do not correspond to the ITEMTYPE_LOCKPICK that Zenimax created but does not use. Had to set it so that lockpicks now match up with ITEMTYPE_TOOL.

  • Added the option to have a fence reset timer on the status bar like Thief's Knapsack Extended has.
  • The icon for Launders Left now disappears from the status bar when you turn off the Launders Left option.
  • Increased icon sizes to make them easier to distinguish.
  • Remove the anchoring options since they are not working as I expected them to.

  • Works with Morrowind
  • Release by Shadowfen
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RU translation:
Lua Code:
  1. TT_WARNINGS_NAME = "Предупреждения",
  2.     TT_WARNINGS = "Настройки отображения предупреждений. (Установка значения в ноль отключит настройку.)",
  4.     TT_FENCESLOTS_NAME = "Предупреждение о лимите",
  5.     TT_FENCESLOTS = "Вывести предупреждение в чат, когда для достижения сегодняшнего лимита продаж скупщику/отмывки осталось украсть указанное кол-во вещей или менее.",
  6.     TT_FENCE_SLOTS_LEFT="Осталось украсть вещей: ",
  8. -- For AccountWide
  9.         name = "Настройки на аккаунт",
  10.         tooltip = "Если включено, то будут использованы общие настройки для всех персонажей на аккаунте.\nЕсли отключено, то для каждого персонажа будут использоваться отдельные настройки.",
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Unread 07/03/17, 08:45 AM  
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It's done! I wrote and checked the code to add support for the AccountWide settings.
1. In file Settings.lua replace code
Lua Code:
  1. local optionsTable = {
  2.     {   -- Status Bar display settings
to code
Lua Code:
  1. local optionsTable = {
  2.     {
  3.         type = "checkbox",
  4.         name = "Account Wide",
  5.         tooltip = "Enable Account Wide",
  6.         getFunc = function() return TT.savedAW.AccountWide end,
  7.         setFunc = function(x) TT:ChangeAWMode(x) end,
  8.     },  -- end checkbox
  9.     {   -- Status Bar display settings

2. In file ThiefTools.lua replace code
Lua Code:
  1. Default = {
  2.         anchor = BOTTOMLEFT,
to code
Lua Code:
  1. Default = {
  2.         AccountWide = false,
  3.         anchor = BOTTOMLEFT,

3. In file ThiefTools.lua replace function onLoaded to
Lua Code:
  1. local function onLoaded(ev, addon)
  2.     if(addon ~= then return end
  3.     EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED)
  5.     TT.savedAW = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("ThiefToolsVars", 1, nil, TT.Default)
  6.     TT.savedEC = ZO_SavedVars:New("ThiefToolsVars", 1, nil, TT.Default)
  7.     if TT.savedAW.AccountWide == true then
  8.         TT.saved = TT.savedAW
  9.     else
  10.         TT.saved = TT.savedEC
  11.         TT.savedAW.AccountWide = false
  12.     end
  13.     TT.set_handlers(TT.saved.options)
  14.     TT:RegisterSettings()
  15. end

4. Add new code into file ThiefTools.lua
Lua Code:
  1. local function TableCopyFromTemplate(source, dest, template)
  2.     for k, v in pairs(template) do
  3.         if type(v) == "table" then
  4.             if dest[k] == nil or type(dest[k]) ~= "table" then dest[k] = {} end
  5.             if source[k] ~= nil and type(source[k]) == "table" then
  6.                 TableCopyFromTemplate(source[k], dest[k], v)
  7.             end
  8.         elseif type(v) ~= "function" then
  9.             dest[k] = source[k]
  10.         end
  11.     end
  12. end
  14. function TT:ChangeAWMode(NewMode)
  15.     local AW = self.savedAW
  16.     if AW.AccountWide ~= NewMode then
  17.         local EC = self.savedEC
  18.         local Def = self.Default
  19.         if NewMode then
  20.             TableCopyFromTemplate(EC,AW,Def)--source, dest
  21.             self.saved = AW
  22.         else
  23.             TableCopyFromTemplate(AW,EC,Def)--source, dest
  24.             self.saved = EC
  25.         end
  26.         AW.AccountWide = NewMode
  27.         EC.AccountWide = NewMode
  28.     end
  29. end

My mistake was to use the ZO_DeepTableCopy function to copy the settings. To mine it is impossible for the saved variables. For this I wrote the function TableCopyFromTemplate.
WARNING: All saved variables must be declared in table ThiefTools.Default, which I use as a template.
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Unread 07/03/17, 07:29 AM  

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As far as the bug with the timer goes, I have a bit more information for you....

It seems that as the bounty timer is counting down, each time the amount of the bounty shifts, it sets the bounty countdown clock to a different time.

Hope this helps.
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Unread 07/03/17, 06:25 AM  
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I'm experimenting with the AccountWide settings and found some strange things. To demonstrate the need to perform a few chat commands.

1. This command will change the value of the variable x in table ThiefTools.saved:
/script ThiefTools.saved["x"] = 888

2. This command displays the value of the variable x in the chat:
/script d(ThiefTools.saved.x)
The result in the chat:

This means that the variable x exists in the table ThiefTools.saved.

3. This command will display in chat the list of variables of the table ThiefTools.saved:
/script for k, v in pairs(ThiefTools.saved) do d(type(v) .. " [ " .. k .. "]") end
The result in the chat:
table [ default]
function [ GetInterfaceForCharacter]

The pairs operator does not see the variable x in the table ThiefTools.saved, as well as other variables.
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Unread 07/03/17, 05:22 AM  
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Originally Posted by FWSWBN
the only account wide option is paste and copy.

so i logged in and put the bar were i want them (also all options).

after that, i logged in all my other chars (only log in and move the bar on another place).

i finish the game, open the thieftools.lua and copy all from the first char to the others.

i am happy with this

maybe it helps a little bit.

be carefull if you change somesthing... you forget one letter, so it doesnt work and you need to start new.


an option to turn off would be good.

this are messages from looting ore, wood, and other things...NO STEALING ...
There is an option to turn off the thief bar - /tt
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Unread 07/03/17, 03:28 AM  
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the only account wide option is paste and copy.

so i logged in and put the bar were i want them (also all options).

after that, i logged in all my other chars (only log in and move the bar on another place).

i finish the game, open the thieftools.lua and copy all from the first char to the others.

i am happy with this

maybe it helps a little bit.

be carefull if you change somesthing... you forget one letter, so it doesnt work and you need to start new.


an option to turn off would be good.

this are messages from looting ore, wood, and other things...NO STEALING ...
Last edited by FWSWBN : 07/03/17 at 05:02 AM.
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Unread 07/02/17, 11:01 PM  
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Originally Posted by Shadowfen
Originally Posted by Phinix
Thanks for this. Just curious, does it take into account the Thieves Guild passives Swiftly Forgotten and Haggling?
It does take into account Haggling.
It's supposed to also do Swiftly Forgotten, but I'm not sure that it is working correctly at the moment.
Awesome, and thanks for the updates!
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Unread 06/30/17, 01:20 AM  
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Originally Posted by Lisabet
I don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but I've noticed that the 'time til fence resets' timer has been doing odd things lately. Example, I logged in today and it showed 4 hours, then 0 hours, then 24 hours...all in the space of 15 min
That's one I haven't seen. I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks.
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Unread 06/30/17, 01:17 AM  
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Originally Posted by ForgottenLight

Yesterday I tried to write code for switching modes (Each Character/Account Wide) from addon settings. But there was a problem and some settings were not saved. I'll try to experiment with it.
I'm very familiar with that problem. I've been trying to do Account Wide for the location and per Character for the filters and displays. Not working yet.
Last edited by Shadowfen : 06/30/17 at 01:18 AM.
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Unread 06/30/17, 01:15 AM  
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Originally Posted by Phinix
Thanks for this. Just curious, does it take into account the Thieves Guild passives Swiftly Forgotten and Haggling?
It does take into account Haggling.
It's supposed to also do Swiftly Forgotten, but I'm not sure that it is working correctly at the moment.
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Unread 06/29/17, 05:11 PM  
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Thanks for this. Just curious, does it take into account the Thieves Guild passives Swiftly Forgotten and Haggling?
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Unread 06/29/17, 02:17 AM  
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Originally Posted by Shadowfen
Thanks again.
Always glad to help.

Originally Posted by Shadowfen
I understand about the Account-wide settings thing - I have 8 characters. :-) It's still a work in progress (meaning that it's not currently working ).
As temporary solution for my self I replaced code
Lua Code:
  1. TT.saved = ZO_SavedVars:New("ThiefToolsVars", 1, nil, TT.Default)
to code
Lua Code:
  1. TT.saved = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("ThiefToolsVars", 1, nil, TT.Default)

Yesterday I tried to write code for switching modes (Each Character/Account Wide) from addon settings. But there was a problem and some settings were not saved. I'll try to experiment with it.
Last edited by ForgottenLight : 06/30/17 at 01:10 AM.
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Unread 06/28/17, 09:03 PM  

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I don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but I've noticed that the 'time til fence resets' timer has been doing odd things lately. Example, I logged in today and it showed 4 hours, then 0 hours, then 24 hours...all in the space of 15 min
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Unread 06/27/17, 04:05 PM  
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Originally Posted by sulexa
Hi, first i will say thanks for your addon i really like it.
The only problem i have is with the bounty timer, i have unlocked the thieve guild skill Swiftly Forgotten which reduce the bounty every 3 minutes, can you take it in consideration in the calculation?
Thank you.
I can't do anything about the default bounty meter because ZOS controls that. I'll take a look at what I can do for the status bar bounty timer though.
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Unread 06/27/17, 04:00 PM  
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Originally Posted by ForgottenLight
Translation to RU for new texts.
Lua Code:
  1. TT_SLOTSLEFT_NAME = "Мало места в инвентаре",
  2. TT_SLOTSLEFT = "Вывести предупреждение в чат, если в вашем инвентаре свободных слотов осталось указанное кол-во или менее",

I really hope that someday in this useful add-on, you will add saving Account-wide settings. I have 9 characters and adjust the addon to everyone is hard.
Thanks again.
I understand about the Account-wide settings thing - I have 8 characters. :-) It's still a work in progress (meaning that it's not currently working ).
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