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Updated: 09/17/14 02:25 AM
File Info
Update 4 (1.4.3)
Updated:09/17/14 02:25 AM
Created:04/10/14 10:01 PM
Monthly downloads:177
Total downloads:70,277
Azurah - Interface Enhanced (Outdated)  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 2.05
by: Kith [More]
This version of Azurah has been replaced by another that can be found at Azurah - Interface Enhanced, please use that instead.

This version will no longer be supported or updated!

Azurah enhances the interface by providing additional information and customization options while maintaining most of the stock look and feel of the game's standard UI.

Current Features:
  • Unlock the interface windows allowing them to be moved anywhere on the screen and scaled in size.
  • Set a minimum level of transparency for your attributes or have them show always.
  • Lock the size of your attributes so food no longer makes them larger.
  • Display text overlays showing your and your target's attributes.
  • Show an overlay displaying your current level of Ultimate power.
  • Colour the target's health bar, name and level by its reaction to you, or its expected difficulty.
  • Show target player's class icon (and alliance icon) beside their name
  • Set an overlay for your experience bar as well as setting it to always be shown.

All of the above features include several options for personalization accessed froim the Settings menu under Azurah. Additonally the ability to unlock the interface for movement can be accessed via the chat window using the slash commands:

/azurah unlock -- unlock the interface for movement
/azurah lock -- relock the interface
-- 2.05 --
FIX Fixed a potential lua error bug caused by the Alert Text Notification alignment change

-- 2.04 --
API Version Update for 1.4
Internal Libraries updated
Incorporated changes made by Garkin to several components
NEW Center screen announcements can now be moved
NEW Alert Text Notifications while be left-aligned if the window is moved to the left side of the screen (by Garkin)
FIX Overlays will no longer scale with their window, use the Font Size settings (by Garkin)
FIX Magicka and Stamina windows will anchor themselves better for when they "grow" via buffs (by Garkin)
REMOVED Range Finder removed due to API changes by ZeniMax making it no longer useful

-- 2.03 --
API Version Update for 1.1
FIX French translations courtesy of Ykses.

-- 2.02 --
FIX French localization doesn't show up for everybody

-- 2.01 --
FIX French translations for overlays corrected
FIX (Partial) Compass quest overlay should now be scaled properly when pin scale is adjusted (still has inaccurate scale on first login if within a quest area)

-- 2.0 --
Major re-write requiring settings to be redone unfortunately.

NEW Profile system to copy settings between characters
NEW Can hide the compass pin 'label'
NEW Can set attribute overlay settings idividually for each window
NEW Can break up overlays with a 'thousands seperator'
NEW More options for overlay appearance
NEW Can now lock the target health bar size (as with player attributes)
NEw Can display an alliance flag for your target
NEW Can re-position class icon and flag for the target (two choices)
NEW Can hide weapon swap icon
NEW Can configure both Ultimate overlays individually

FIX Core re-write to fix bugs and make future bug fixing and additions easier
FIX Windows should now stay put when moved (hopefully!)
FIX Quest 'glow' on the compass will now be the proper size when scaled
FIX Attribute bars no longer have a broken background when scaled
FIX Attribute bars now scale properly when size locked
FIX Attribute 'sub' bars (like mount stamina) now scale with their parents properly

-- 1.65 --
NEW Can move 'notifications' window (the topright text). Please note that if you put it at the bottom of the screen I cannot stop multiple lines from being beneath the previous and they will 'fall' off screen.
FIX Veteran XP gains should now be properly tracked when using the Exp Bar overlay
FIX Additional French translations added courtesy of Ykses.

-- 1.6 --
NEW Can now set the experience bar to never show.
CHANGE The experience bar setting is now a dropdown with 3 options rather than a toggle.
CHANGE Missing translations will now fallback to the default (EN) rather than not showing at all.

-- 1.5 --
NEW Can set range finder to only show up for attackable targets (ie, not players or NPCs)
NEW Can also hide the action bar key bindings themselves.
NEW Can choose to show the target player's class icon beside their name.
NEW French translations courtesy of Ykses.

-- 1.4 --
FIX The quest timer should now move with the Quest Tracker.
FIX The size of the ultimate percent has been increased so the '%' is no longer chopped off.
FIX The experience bar will now hide while crafting if set to Always Shown
FIX The range finder will now appear when stealthed.
NEW Can now lock the attribute bars so they will not change size when buffed.
NEW Can now hide the background behind the action bar key bindings.

-- 1.31 --
CHANGE Compass pins now retain their default scale when the compass is changed.
NEW Compass pins can now be scaled independently of the main compass in the Settings.
NEW Can set the Ultimate Percent overlay to show percent relative to the slotted ultimate's cost.

-- 1.3 --
FIX Compass pins now re-scale when the compass is changed.
FIX The action bar will no longer reset to its default position after changing skills.
NEW Added ability to move the 'player interact' window
NEW The experience bar can now be set to be always visible.
NEW A range finder can now be shown near the reticle.

-- 1.2 --
NEW Added options to configure the style of the text overlays for player and target.
NEW Added the Focused Quest Tracker to movable frames list. You must have a quest being tracked for this window to show.

-- 1.1 --
FIX Bug fixes for now, proper update coming next week.
Archived Files (14)
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Unread 04/15/14, 01:08 PM  
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First of, being able to hide the background of keybinds was something I was meaning to ask but didn't get around to. I guess someone did. However, could we have an option to hide the keybind numbers themselves too? At least I can handle 5 squares to be able to see which is which on glance. Mostly I refer to them just to see if the abilities are available or not. That way the skillbar would get as unobtrusive it can be while still being informative enough.
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Unread 04/15/14, 09:26 AM  

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I think the scrolling EXP is bugged. It shows 0 EXP when I kill an enemy even when I go gain EXP. It works when I gain EXP through finishing quests, finding new places, etc.
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Unread 04/15/14, 09:14 AM  
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Can you add class icons please?
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Unread 04/15/14, 08:01 AM  

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Thanks Kithayri !

Here is the new FR localization file updated with/for this last release (1.4) : (Local_fr.lua is in the zip)

Or here :
local Azurah = _G['Azurah'] -- grab addon table from global

-- Temporary locale setup until proper library sorted out.
local strings = {
	['fr'] = {},
local L

-- French (fr)
L =

--  é : \195\169
--  è : \195\168
--  ê : \195\170
--  à : \195\160
--  ç : \195\167
--  ï : \195\175
--  î : \195\174
--  ô : \195\180

L.Azurah = '|c67b1e9A|c4779cezurah|r'
L.Usage = '|c67b1e9A|c4779cezurah|r - Utilisation : taper \"/azurah lock\" ou \"unlock\" pour verrouiller ou d\195\169verrouiller la possibilit\195\169 de d\195\169placer les \195\169l\195\169ments de l\'interface.'

L.Health = 'Sant\195\169 du personnage'
L.HealthSiege = 'Arme de si\195\168ge'
L.Magicka = 'Magie du personnage'
L.Werewolf = 'Compteur Loup-Garou'
L.Stamina = 'Vigueur du personnage'
L.StaminaMount = 'Vigueur de la monture'
L.Experience = 'Barre d\'exp\195\169rience'
L.Synergy = 'Synergie'
L.Compass = 'Boussole'
L.ReticleOver = 'Sant\195\169 de la cible'
L.ActionBar = 'Barre de comp\195\169tences'
L.Group = 'Membres du groupe'
L.Raid1 = 'Groupe de Raid 1'
L.Raid2 = 'Groupe de Raid 2'
L.Raid3 = 'Groupe de Raid 3'
L.Raid4 = 'Groupe de Raid 4'
L.Raid5 = 'Groupe de Raid 5'
L.Raid6 = 'Groupe de Raid 6'
L.FocusedQuest = 'Suivi de qu\195\170te'
L.PlayerPrompt = 'Message d\'interaction'

L.DropStyle1 = 'Par d\195\169faut'
L.DropStyle2 = 'Transparentes'
L.DropStyle3 = 'Toujours afficher'
L.DropOverlay1 = 'Tout afficher'
L.DropOverlay2 = 'Valeur & Max.'
L.DropOverlay3 = 'Valeur & Pourcentage'
L.DropOverlay4 = 'Valeur uniquement'
L.DropOverlay5 = 'Pourcentage uniquement'
L.DropColourBy1 = 'Par d\195\169faut'
L.DropColourBy2 = 'Selon le danger'
L.DropColourBy3 = 'Selon le niveau'

L.UnlockHeader = 'D\195\169verrouiller l\'interface'
L.UnlockDesc = 'D\195\169verrouiller l\'interface permet de d\195\169placer librement les fen\195\170tres et de r\195\169gler la taille de celles-ci en utilisant la roulette de la souris. Un cadre est affich\195\169 pour chaque fen\195\170tre permettant ainsi de les d\195\169placer m\195\170me si elles ne sont pas actuellement affich\195\169es en jeu (ex : la sant\195\169 de la cible ou la vigueur de la monture).'
L.UnlockButton = 'D\195\169verrouiller l\'IU'
L.LockButton = 'Verrouiller l\'IU'
L.Unlocked = 'Interface d\195\169verrouill\195\169e'
L.GridSnapEnable = 'Alignement d\195\169sactiv\195\169'
L.GridSnapDisable = 'Alignement activ\195\169'
L.ResetToDefaults = 'R\195\169iniatilser les param\195\168tres par d\195\169faut'
L.ResetToDefaultsConfirm = 'Confirmer la r\195\169initialisation'

L.AttributeHeader = 'Caract\195\169ristiques du personnage'
L.AttributeStyle = 'Affichage des barres hors combat'
L.AttributeStyleTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir la fa\195\167on dont s\'affichent les barres de caract\195\169ristiques de votre personnage quand vous \195\170tes hors combat.\n\n\"Par d\195\169faut\" : les barres disparaissent compl\195\168tement.\n\"Transparentes\" : les barres deviennent transparentes (le niveau de la transparence peut \195\170tre d\195\169fini ci-dessous).\n\"Toujours afficher\" : les barres sont toujours affich\195\169es (et ne tiennent pas compte du niveau de transparence d\195\169fini ci-dessous).'
-- L.AttributeStyleWarning = 'Lorsque vous choisissez un style diff\195\169rent de \"Toujours afficher\", vous devez recharger l\'interface en tapant \"/reloadui\" dans le chat ou relancer le jeu pour que les modifications prennent effet.'
L.AttributeAlpha = 'Niveau de transparence des barres'
L.AttributeAlphaTip = 'D\195\169finir le niveau de la transparence des barres de caract\195\169ristiques quand vous \195\170tes hors combat et que le style d\'affichage choisi ci-dessus est \"Transparentes\".'
L.AttributeSizeLock = 'Verrouiller la taille des barres'
L.AttributeSizeLockTip = 'Permet de verrouiller la taille des barres de caract\195\169ristiques afin qu\'elle ne s\'aggrandissent pas lorsque votre personnage est buff\195\169 (avec une extension de vie, de magie ou de vigueur).'

L.OverlaysHeader = 'Affichage des valeurs en texte'
L.OverlaysPlayer = 'Caract\195\169ristiques du personnage'
L.OverlaysPlayerTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir si les valeurs sont affich\195\169es en texte sur les barres de caract\195\169ristiques de votre personnage.'
L.OverlaysUltimate = 'Charge Ultime : Valeur'
L.OverlaysUltimateTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir si la valeur de la charge Ultime est affich\195\169e en texte juste au-dessus du bouton de la Comp\195\169tence Ultime.\n\nLe format de l\'affichage est :\nActuel / Maximum'
L.OverlaysUltimatePer = 'Charge Ultime : Pourcentage'
L.OverlaysUltimatePerTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir si le pourcentage de la charge Ultime est affich\195\169e sur le bouton de la Comp\195\169tence Ultime.'
L.OverlaysUltimateRel = 'Charge Ultime : Pourcentage relatif'
L.OverlaysUltimateRelTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir si le pourcentage affich\195\169 sur le bouton de la Comp\195\169tence Ultime est relatif \195\160 la comp\195\169tence actuelle ou relatif au maximum de charge possible (1000 points).\n\n\"OUI\" : relatif \195\160 la comp\195\169tence actuelle.\n\"NON\" : relatif au maximum possible.'
L.OverlaysTarget = 'Sant\195\169 de la cible'
L.OverlaysTargetTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir si les valeurs sont affich\195\169es en texte sur la barre de sant\195\169 de la cible.'
L.OverlaysExp = 'Barre d\'exp\195\169rience'
L.OverlaysExpTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir si les valeurs sont affich\195\169es en texte sur la barre d\'exp\195\169rience.\n\nLe format de l\'affichage est :\nActuel / Maximum (Pourcentage)'
L.OverlaysStylePlayer = 'Style d\'affichage pour votre personnage'
L.OverlaysStylePlayerTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir le style d\'affichage du texte sur les barres de caract\195\169ristiques de votre personnage.'
L.OverlaysStyleTarget = 'Style d\'affichage pour la cible'
L.OverlaysStyleTargetTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir le style d\'affichage du texte sur la barre de sant\195\169 de la cible.'
L.OverlaysFont = 'Police des caract\195\169ristiques'
L.OverlaysFontTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir la police du texte pour l\'affichage des valeurs et du pourcentage.'
L.OverlaysColour = 'Couleur du texte'
L.OverlaysColourTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir la couleur du texte pour l\'affichage des valeurs et du pourcentage.'

L.TargetHeader = 'Couleur de la cible'
L.TargetColourByBar = 'Colorer la sant\195\169 de la cible'
L.TargetColourByBarTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir si la barre de sant\195\169 de la cible est color\195\169e selon le danger que repr\195\169sente cette cible (hostile, neutre, amicale) ou selon le niveau de celle-ci.\n\nChoisir \"Par d\195\169faut\" pour conserver la couleur d\'origine du jeu.'
L.TargetColourByName = 'Colorer le nom de la cible'
L.TargetColourByNameTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir si le nom de la cible est color\195\169 selon le danger que repr\195\169sente cette cible (hostile, neutre, amicale) ou selon le niveau de celle-ci.\n\nChoisir \"Par d\195\169faut\" pour conserver la couleur d\'origine du jeu.'
L.TargetColourByLevel = 'Colorer le niveau de la cible'
L.TargetColourByLevelTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir si le niveau de la cible est color\195\169 en fonction de la difficult\195\169 (diff\195\169rence de niveau avec le joueur).'

L.RangeHeader = 'Distance de la cible'
L.RangeShow = 'Afficher la distance de la cible'
L.RangeShowTip = 'Permet d\'afficher la distance de la cible (en m\195\168tres) \195\160 c\195\180t\195\169 du r\195\169ticule.'
L.RangeFont = 'Police de la distance'
L.RangeFontTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir la police du texte pour l\'affichage de la distance.'
L.RangeColour = 'Couleur de la distance'
L.RangeColourTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir la couleur du texte pour l\'affichage de la distance.'

-- EXTRAS --
L.ExtrasHeader = 'Autres options...'
L.ExpAlwaysShow = 'Toujours afficher la barre d\'XP'
L.ExpAlwaysShowTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir si la barre d\'exp\195\169rience est toujours affich\195\169e en jeu.'
L.HideActionBind = 'Cacher l\'arri\195\168re plan des comp\195\169tences'
L.HideActionBindTip = 'Permet de masquer l\'arri\195\168re plan noir qui se trouve derri\195\168re de la barre de comp\195\169tences.'
L.PinScale = 'Taille des icones sur la boussole'
L.PinScaleTip = 'Permet de d\195\169finir la taille des icones affich\195\169s sur la boussole. Ce r\195\169glage est ind\195\169pendant de la taille de la boussole (qui peut \195\170tre r\195\169gl\195\169e en d\195\169verouillant l\'interface).\n\nUne valeur de 100 correspond \195\160 100% (ce qui est la taille par d\195\169faut).'

--	local lang = GetCVar("language.2")
function Azurah:GetLocale()
I see that you removed the "VisibilityStyleWarning" message in the "player attributes" settings. No need of this warning (and /reloadui) in the last version ?
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Unread 04/15/14, 05:58 AM  
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Originally Posted by FerventPiranha
Thanks for the update with the crafting fix. This addon does everything I want and more, while still keeping with the stock design. I love it.

EDIT: keep forgetting to mention it, but if we could move the notification window (inventory full, no valid soul shards, etc.) that'd be last feature this addon would need to be perfect. Thanks again.
Has been asked for a couple of times but i've yet to narrow down what the frame (if it is a frame) is called and until I can do so, I can't hook into it to move. If I ever find it, it'll definitely be added as an option (and a way to make it smaller, it huge).
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Unread 04/15/14, 05:47 AM  

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Thanks for the update with the crafting fix. This addon does everything I want and more, while still keeping with the stock design. I love it.

EDIT: keep forgetting to mention it, but if we could move the notification window (inventory full, no valid soul shards, etc.) that'd be last feature this addon would need to be perfect. Thanks again.
Last edited by FerventPiranha : 04/15/14 at 05:50 AM.
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Unread 04/15/14, 05:11 AM  

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Nice to see the option to hide background behind keybinds!

Keep up the good work
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Unread 04/15/14, 04:24 AM  

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"NEW Can now lock the attribute bars so they will not change size when buffed."

Thanks for this!
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Unread 04/15/14, 02:30 AM  

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Love this one! Held off on most of the options to keep with vanilla, but the ability to move stuff around is pro. Thanks!
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Unread 04/15/14, 01:48 AM  

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Thank you very much for this great and well polished addon. I like the fact that it just enhances the interface so much, without adding tons of stuff which I would not use.

The font and color customizations are a must.

Keep up the awesome work.
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Unread 04/14/14, 09:31 PM  

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Re: Re: French localization

Originally Posted by Kith
if its alright, come after you for new translations for additional options
I keep an eye on your work (your addon is in my favorites).
If you want, you can just add this "Local_fr.lua" in "Locales" folder (and add a corresponding line in the "Azurah.txt") for a quick update, without any other changes. It works fine

But if you prefer wait and add it in a future update (with new features/settings, and so, new lines to translate ?) it's good too. I will translate all the new terms once this new version will be available

Oh... just found a little bug : if I move the "PlayerToPlayerAreaPromptContainer" (message for interaction with another player) then lock UI, the position is saved. But if I do a /reloadui or when I log into the game, this "prompt box" is in its default position. If I unlock and lock UI (without doing anything else except unlock and lock) the prompt box comes back in the saved position.
In fact, I have to unlock and lock UI each time I log into the game. Not a big problem, but I hope you could fix it for the next release
NB : all the others frames stay saved in the position that I have defined, even after a /reloadui. It seems that the bug only affects this "player to player prompt box".

Thanks a lot !
Last edited by Ykses : 04/14/14 at 09:36 PM.
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Unread 04/14/14, 08:29 PM  
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Re: French localization

Originally Posted by Ykses
Hello Kith,

Many thanks for this nice (and light) addon. The code is really clean
Let me help you to add french localization. Here is the file ("Local_fr.lua" is in the zip) :

All tested with the FR client, it works like a charm.
Of course, I have added the line "Locales\Local_fr.lua" in the Azurah.txt file.

Again, thanks for this great addon
Thanks much, it will be a little bit until I can include it in the mod itself as i'm using a very cludgey localization setup right now until I can get time to make proper library but will be sure to add it once thats done and, if its alright, come after you for new translations for additional options :>
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Unread 04/14/14, 08:27 PM  
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Originally Posted by drewdenman
Is there a way to disable player and target unitframes? I use FTC and don't need/want them, I just use your addon for the ability to move my compass to the bottom of my screen. I was able to make the player unitframe 5% opacity, so I don't see it, but the target frame is always there.

Also, is there a way to move the interaction text cues that pop up, as you see I have highlighted in red?
I can look into adding options for such, though I thought FTC had an option to replace the default frames with its own anyway?
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Unread 04/14/14, 08:26 PM  
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Re: Group unit frames

Originally Posted by kem0sabe
Hi, does the addon come with its own group unit frames?

The vanilla ones are somewhat lacking.

If no, is this something you are working on?
It doesn't come with its own unitframes as such, it builds upon the default ones to add text overlays as well as providing transparency options for them. I have no intention (as of yet) to provide entirely user created attribute bars, sorry.
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Unread 04/14/14, 07:28 PM  

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Originally Posted by drewdenman
Is there a way to disable player and target unitframes? I use FTC and don't need/want them, I just use your addon for the ability to move my compass to the bottom of my screen. I was able to make the player unitframe 5% opacity, so I don't see it, but the target frame is always there.

Also, is there a way to move the interaction text cues that pop up, as you see I have highlighted in red?
The target bar is there with FTC even when not using Azurah, just an FYI. Maybe you can just scale it down really small not sure how small that you can scroll it down to.
Last edited by Remstone : 04/14/14 at 07:29 PM.
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