(301 Kb)
Updated: 06/30/14 07:34 PM
File Info
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Updated:06/30/14 07:34 PM
Created:04/13/14 04:27 PM
Monthly downloads:590
Total downloads:37,672
Categories:Discontinued & Outdated, Bags, Bank, Inventory, Info, Plug-in Bars
Vicster's InventoryInsight  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.6.0
by: Vicster0, manavortex
Inventory Insight - Multi-Character Account Inventory
[Recently Patched: v1.6.0, read below!]
Author: Vicster0
Version: 1.6.0
Development future: I plan to continue to develop and refine this product until further notice. If this changes into the future, or I become unable to continue to dedicate time to this AddOn I will allow for another developer to take control.
Use License: Please feel free to use this code (and pieces, therein) as examples or templates for your development projects. However, I am retaining ownership of the intellectual property contained in or defined by this AddOn and will not allow minor or major modifications to be made and released under a different name without my prior consent. (Please message me on the forums or on IRC if you have any questions. [Vicster0])
Acknowledgements: I would like to thank the following developers as I was able to learn a lot from their code going through this project and for the ability to utilize their libraries where applicable:
  • Fayn - For their AddOn, "Recount".
  • ingeniousclown - For their AddOn, "Research Assistant."
  • Seerah - For their incredibly helpful and time saving library, "LibAddonMenu."
  • ESOUI and all of the community members on the forums for being a great group of helpful individuals.

I'm sure it comes as no surprise that addons like this and many other consume a large amount of time. I love the process involved in projects like these and my own intentions are usually what spawn the creation of some of my addon. That being said, the occasional donation always means a lot and is never turned down! Although I don't accept PayPal, if you would ever like to donate in-game gold you can send it to me @Vicster0. As always, thanks for all the support! Cheers!

Are you a hoarder? Do you like to keep and collect everything little thing you come across? Or maybe you are like me and enjoy multiple forms of crafting and just can't see parting with crafting mats but have no place to store them! Having multiple mules to separate and store you items definitely helps with the suffocating constraints of limited bag space and shared banking across your account, but how do you intend to keep track of all your items? If you need that one specific stone for crafting an item with that sweet trait on it, how are you going to know if you have that stone available. And furthermore, how are you going to know on which character it is being stored!? You could do things the old fashioned way - pen and pad or maybe even a nice little work document, or you could do things the Vicster way! Fret no more! Allow me to introduce to you Vicster's InventoryInsight - Multi-Character Account Inventory for The Elder Scrolls Online!

Player Features
  • Collects data from you characters' inventory, bank, and guild banks when logged in and stores this information for your entire account and encompassing characters.
  • Provides a highly customizable inventory frame to view, sort, filter, and search through your ENTIRE account inventory! The frame can be moved, locked, docked, and customized to be show in only the scenes where you want it!
  • Adds information on the location and amount of items shown in Tooltips!
  • Provides useful item information at a glance in a customized InventoryInsight Tooltip!
  • Loads of customization found in the options panel in the 'Settings' menu!
  • Addon Integration to bring some of your favorite features from other addons to Inventory Insight, and vice versa!
  • Alleviates desk clutter by allowing you to "let go" of the old school pen and pad!
  • Makes your life and experience in the world of Tamriel more enjoyable!
  • Last but not least, InventoryInsight is highly supported and updated. I work closely with many of the developers creating addons on ESOUI which means the possibilities and integration with other addons are endless!

There is a settings menu for this AddOn available from the built-in Settings menu under "Vicster's Addons". Some of these features are also available via the following command structure:

[InventoryInsight]:Usage -
\inventoryinsight [options]

debug - Enables debug functionality for the InventoryInsight addon. (Very verbose - consider yourself warned!)
run - Runs the InventoryInsight data collector.
color - Opens the color picker dialog to set tooltip text color.
hideRedundantInfo - Enables/Disables the inventory information added to Tooltips and data collection. [v0.1.1]

- Itemization issue have mostly been fixed with latest comparison algorithms.

Update 14 - [v1.6.0] - Major Release!
  • Pushed the addon into production and out of beta!!
  • Removed the "logged in character" exclusion from the inventory frame. Logged in character is now a selected location in the drop down.
  • Added a worn item indicator to tooltips. Items worn by the character on which the item is held will be denoted by an indicator "[Equiped]" in the tooltips.
  • Fixed issue with RA icon showing from inventory frame tooltips under certain conditions.
  • Fixed a weird guildname problem where empty string guildnames would return in a query of guilds the account is in after joining a new guild.
  • COMPLETELY overhauled the data collection algorithms and database. Should improve performance and allow for some cool additions in the future.
  • Had some really REALLY cool additions in the work but due to some significant API changes, they have been temporarily disabled until I can work out the remaining kinks. Stay tuned for some coolness!!
  • Update to a new LAM version (still using LAM 1 R6 and I don't have any immediate intentions to move to LAM 2 as it will require a significant overhaul in the code. We'll see though, time permitting.)
  • Addressed new API changes (Thanks ZO...)
  • Updated for ESO UI API version 100007
  • NOTE: Itemlinks received a serious nerf in the new API version. Unfortunately this means that I needed to remove the comparison options as there is no way to get details (as far as we currently know) from itemlinks. Furthermore, even with the new DB, multiple items will show up in the inventory frame. There is no "non-hacky" way to take care of this. The reason for this is that ZO itemlinks are not consistent to what the player sees. For instance, as far as the player knows there is only one type of Adamantite. However, at the itemlink level a portion of the itemlink will change from one stack of Adamantite to another. Makes. No. Sense.
Update 13 - [v0.5.2] - Patch
  • Updated for ESO UI API version 100004
  • Addressed LeftBackground panel size, which was changed in recent patch, to be sized correctly for docked Inventory Frames.
  • Addressed the Apparel Frame's new appearance in the smithing scene which was also added in the recent patch.
Update 12 - [v0.5.1] - Patch
  • Fixed RA integration problems when player doesn't have RA installed.
  • Added minimal padding option for default tooltips. Removed the gap at the bottom of Tooltips that could be considered a waste of space. The option can be found in the Inventory Insight settings under the Tooltips sub menu. NOTE: This affects all default item and popup tooltips, not just those impacted by Inventory Insight. Please keep this in mind when enabling this feature.
  • Added minimal padding option for Inventory Insight tooltips. Same location as above but only affects the IN2 tooltips.
  • Added a "bank" only options to the dropdown list in the Inventory Frame.
  • Added support for items in the loot window. (PLEASE report any areas in the default UI that you would like Inventory Insight support and it is not already there. )
Update 11 - [v0.5.0] - Major Release!
  • Included the Media Provider Library
  • Added options for different fonts and font sizes to default and custom tooltips.
  • Added options for different fonts and font sizes for inventory frame list.
  • Added hiding custom tooltip when there is no info to be shown.
  • Added optional aged guild data notification - when turned on it will not spam you as it did in the last version. It only fires when the guild bank is 5 days or older and only when you first load or after a /reloadui.
  • Added Research Assistant (By Ingeniousclown) support! Access the options in the integrations submenu in the options menu.
  • Added options for RA integration icons on custom tooltip with multiple icons to choose from!
  • Restructured the options menu.
  • Revamped custom tooltip functionality - Optimized code.
Update 10 - [v0.4.1] - Patch
  • Addressed an issue with nil guild bank data on load.
  • Addressed an issue with the inventory frame ending up behind the XP frame if newly undeocked. :P
Update 9 - [v0.4.0] - Major Release!
  • Added feature: Persistent Inventory Frame location between sessions.
  • Added feature: Minimize/Maximize for the undocked Inventory Frame, also persistent for each scene and between sessions. (Note: docked frame can still be re-sized to your liking.)
  • Added feature: Key-binding support. Nothing extremely special but a couple of quick binds to show/hide or show/hide in current scene.
  • Added some pizzazz to the InventoryFrame. Rounded some edges (figuratively) and added some uniqueness.
  • Added feature: Quick remove from scene button on Inventory Frame
  • Added feature: Lock/Unlock button to the undocked InventoryFrame to prevent accidentally moving if you want to keep in place. (Persistent location DOES NOT require the frame to be locked.)
  • Addressed an issue where the IN2 Tooltip would crowd the default tooltips if pushed to the top or bottom of the scree. The IN2 tooltip will now auto-sense this and relocate to either the top or bottom.
  • Added feature: Old guild bank data alert when viewing guild banks and 'i' information icon in Inventory Frame now highlights the Last Collected date and time based on age. Orange if > 1 day old and Red if > 5 days.
Update 8 - [v0.3.1] - Patch
  • Updated to the latest revision of LibAddonMenu (Thanks Seerah!!)
  • Added support for cleaning up old data. A new Data Management section can be found in the options where character and guild bank data can be deleted manually from your saved data in the event you have deleted a character or left a guild.
  • Added more items to the drop down list in the inventory frame to separate the several types of data that is collected!
  • Added an option to turn of guild data collection. NOTE: Guilds will still show up in the Inventory Frame until you delete them after turning this option off!
  • Started to address a client crash bug due to the sorting algorithm when the dropdown item selected is 'All'. The default 'Name' sort head is no set to OFF to avoid crashes. BE WARNED!! If you have a number of guilds using the header sort may crash your client! This is still be actively investigated and I hope to have a fix ASAP! Stay tuned.
  • Slightly modified the sorting algorithm to see if it has any affect on game crashes. Edit: The slight modification seems to have addressed the crashing issue. Please report back if you still experience this!
Update 7 - [v0.3.0] - Major Release!
  • Added guildbank support! (Shout out to @myzt who supported and funded this feature! Thanks for everything man! )
  • Added Sorting by Name in the Inventory Frame! [FR243]
  • Addressed a conflict with Wykkyd's OutFitter addon. Added optional dependency to this addon and and option to relocate his frame to the top of the character apparel section if you wish to. If the addon is detected an option will be available to enable/disable the relocation of the Gear Outfitter in the settings menu.
  • Cleaned up the interface and added some style!
Update 6 - [v0.2.3] - Patch
  • Addressed B475 - Tooltip error in stable store - Fixed an issue that was causing errors when mousing over horses available for purchase in the stable store.
  • Also addressed issues similar to B475 by improving the location intelligence behind the tooltips.
  • Added feature FR218 - Filter for InventoryFrame - Added new filtering options to the right side of the InventoryFrame which will limit the items in the frame to the filter type currently selected. PLEASE NOTE: Any previously seen items will only be available under the "All" filter until they have been collected again while logged into the associated character. Please leave any questions or comments in the comments section.
Update 5 - [v0.2.2] - Patch
  • Addressed B463 - Scene errors with Inventory Frame - Fixed an issue that could cause the scene callbacks to reference a nill InventoryFrame if the player is not using the Inventory Frame and it has not yet been created during the call. Added a check to ensure the player's settings.
  • Addressed B464 - Conflict with TooltipEnhance - Contacted the author who was using large segments of the code. I would suggest avoiding this addon if you are using InventoryInsight as there are compatibility issues.
  • Addressed B464 - Tooltip error when in store scene - The function to retrieve itemLinks had a bug for store items and buyback items. I've restructured the code to account for this issue.
Update 4 - [v0.2.1] - Patch
  • Added a check for links on scroll items with no data in them that was causing erroneous tooltips to appear and throw errors.
  • Changed the behavior of the inventory frame when you have no data collected for other characters. Cleanly displays that no data has been collected and empty items show no text or textures.
  • Addressed B447 - Hover over item from quest reward - Hover over quest reward ItemTooltip (added error checking to ItemLinkDissection function to avoid nil itemLinks)
  • Addressed B446 - Conflict with addon Luminary Trade House - Lumiary trade window PopupTooltip (added error checking to ItemLinkDissection function to avoid nil itemLinks)
  • Inventory Frame scroll bar slightly hidden by scroll items causing it to be extremely difficult to grab control
  • Added chec for itemLinks on double-clicked scroll items in the inventory frame to prevent errors for blank controls.
Update 3 - [v0.2.0] - Major Release!
  • Changed some algorithms for item matching.
  • Fixed a couple bugs that could enable false positives and un-logged items.
  • Data collector now collects items currently being worn by your character.
  • Added the Inventory Frame and associated settings (enabled via the options menu) FR109 - Complete inventory list.
  • Inventory Frame provides player with the ability to view and filter your entire account iventory in an organized fashion! (double click items to add to chat for simplicity)
  • Inventory Frame docks into character view frame by default and is show while viewing inventory. The frame also has the option of being undocked and moved around! (options menu)
  • Inventory Frame can be shown in many different menu scenes! (see options menu for complete list)
  • Added InventoryInsight non-default Tooltips and the option to switch between that and the default. With these tooltips, InventoryInsight information will be shown seperate from the default tooltip such that there is no interference with other addons also modifying the default tooltips. (enabled and disable via the options menu)
  • InventoryInsight custom tooltip also contains style information on items! Potentially more to come in the future! FR109 - Item style in the tooltip.
  • Huge code restructuring for efficiency and longevity with other addons
Update 2 - [v0.1.2] - Patch
  • Addressed B171 - Not everything showing. There are STILL some items which do not compare correctly at all. (Namely the CE pack items.) Read below...
  • Modified the algorithm which compares items to use data from the item links and not just the links themselves. As the item links have small differences that are currently unknown to me, I decided to make the base of comparison the itemID. This allows for greater visibility into more items but slightly increase false positives by combining all items of that itemID regardless of the name, value, and color. This is why I also added the following...
  • Added more settings to control the precision of InventoryInsight to your preference. All items are compared by itemID by default. You can choose to add to that precision by also including the name, value, and/or color to the items being compared. (ex. - some gear can be the same item but of different quality/rarity, which can be accounted for by the color. Lockpicks are all the same but for some reason, certain lockpicks are really level 0. The level option can help you differentiate based on your preference.)
Update 1 - [v0.1.1] - Patch
AddOn DeveloperFeatures
Other AddOn developers can also use external functions in their own AddOns and add a dependency for InventoryInsight to do things such as search for items in the InventoryInsight saved data table!

For Example:
Lua Code:
  1. function IN2_QueryAccountInventory( itemLink,  itemName );
  2. --[[
  3.         receives:
  4.             itemLink - string; ZO formatted itemlink
  5.             itemName - string; plain text name of the item
  6.         returns: a queryItem object
  7.             Note: Providing an itemName string will result in the search using the name. Providing an itemLink will result in a more specific item search using ZO ItemLinks. Providing both will default to using the provided itemLink. Due to the nature of itemization in TESO, ItemLinks for the same item do not match in some cases. For example, the level 1 LockPicks provided to characters who skip the Cold Harbor introduction are different (from the perspective of the ItemLink) than later acquired LockPicks. (I have no idea why this is the case but I am researching this.
  9.             queryItem = {
  10.                 link = itemLink;
  11.                                 name = itemName;
  12.                 locations = {
  13.                     [n] = {
  14.                         name = ""; -- name of the location found; {"Bank","{charactername}"}
  15.                         itemsFound = n; -- the number of items of this time found at this location
  16.                     }
  17.                 }
  18.             }
  19. ]]--
Update 14 - [v1.6.0] - Major Release!
  • Pushed the addon into production and out of beta!! :D
  • Removed the "logged in character" exclusion from the inventory frame. Logged in character is now a selected location in the drop down.
  • Added a worn item indicator to tooltips. Items worn by the character on which the item is held will be denoted by an indicator "[Equiped]" in the tooltips.
  • Fixed issue with RA icon showing from inventory frame tooltips under certain conditions.
  • Fixed a weird guildname problem where empty string guildnames would return in a query of guilds the account is in after joining a new guild.
  • COMPLETELY overhauled the data collection algorithms and database. Should improve performance and allow for some cool additions in the future. :D
  • Had some really REALLY cool additions in the work but due to some significant API changes, they have been temporarily disabled until I can work out the remaining kinks. Stay tuned for some coolness!!
  • Update to a new LAM version (still using LAM 1 R6 and I don't have any immediate intentions to move to LAM 2 as it will require a significant overhaul in the code. We'll see though, time permitting.)
  • Addressed new API changes (Thanks ZO...)
  • Updated for ESO UI API version 100007
  • NOTE: Itemlinks received a serious nerf in the new API version. Unfortunately this means that I needed to remove the comparison options as there is no way to get details (as far as we currently know) from itemlinks. Furthermore, even with the new DB, multiple items will show up in the inventory frame. There is no "non-hacky" way to take care of this. The reason for this is that ZO itemlinks are not consistent to what the player sees. For instance, as far as the player knows there is only one type of Adamantite. However, at the itemlink level a portion of the itemlink will change from one stack of Adamantite to another. Makes. No. Sense.
Update 13 - [v0.5.2] - Patch
  • Updated for ESO UI API version 100004
  • Addressed LeftBackground panel size, which was changed in recent patch, to be sized correctly for docked Inventory Frames.
  • Addressed the Apparel Frame's new appearance in the smithing scene which was also added in the recent patch.
Update 12 - [v0.5.1] - Patch
  • Fixed RA integration problems when player doesn't have RA installed.
  • Added minimal padding option for default tooltips. Removed the gap at the bottom of Tooltips that could be considered a waste of space. The option can be found in the Inventory Insight settings under the Tooltips sub menu. NOTE: This affects all default item and popup tooltips, not just those impacted by Inventory Insight. Please keep this in mind when enabling this feature.
  • Added minimal padding option for Inventory Insight tooltips. Same location as above but only affects the IN2 tooltips.
  • Added a "bank" only options to the dropdown list in the Inventory Frame.
  • Added support for items in the loot window. (PLEASE report any areas in the default UI that you would like Inventory Insight support and it is not already there. :))
Update 11 - [v0.5.0] - Major Release!
  • Included the Media Provider Library
  • Added options for different fonts and font sizes to default and custom tooltips.
  • Added options for different fonts and font sizes for inventory frame list.
  • Added hiding custom tooltip when there is no info to be shown.
  • Added optional aged guild data notification - when turned on it will not spam you as it did in the last version. It only fires when the guild bank is 5 days or older and only when you first load or after a /reloadui.
  • Added Research Assistant (By Ingeniousclown) support! Access the options in the integrations submenu in the options menu.
  • Added options for RA integration icons on custom tooltip with multiple icons to choose from!
  • Restructured the options menu.
  • Revamped custom tooltip functionality - Optimized code.
Update 10 - [v0.4.1] - Patch
  • Addressed an issue with nil guild bank data on load.
  • Addressed an issue with the inventory frame ending up behind the XP frame if newly undeocked. :P
Update 9 - [v0.4.0] - Major Release!
  • Added feature: Persistent Inventory Frame location between sessions.
  • Added feature: Minimize/Maximize for the undocked Inventory Frame, also persistent for each scene and between sessions. (Note: docked frame can still be re-sized to your liking.)
  • Added feature: Key-binding support. Nothing extremely special but a couple of quick binds to show/hide or show/hide in current scene.
  • Added some pizzazz to the InventoryFrame. Rounded some edges (figuratively) and added some uniqueness.
  • Added feature: Quick remove from scene button on Inventory Frame
  • Added feature: Lock/Unlock button on InventoryFrame to prevent accidentally moving if you want to keep in place. (Persistent location DOES NOT require the frame to be locked.)
  • Addressed an issue where the IN2 Tooltip would crowd the default tooltips if pushed to the top or bottom of the scree. The IN2 tooltip will now auto-sense this and relocate to either the top or bottom.
  • Added feature: Old guild bank data alert when viewing guild banks and 'i' information icon in Inventory Frame now highlights the Last Collected date and time based on age. Orange if > 1 day old and Red if > 5 days.
Update 8 - [v0.3.1] - Patch
  • Updated to the latest revision of LibAddonMenu (Thanks Seerah!!)
  • Added support for cleaning up old data. A new Data Management section can be found in the options where character and guild bank data can be deleted manually from your saved data in the event you have deleted a character or left a guild.
  • Added more items to the drop down list in the inventory frame to separate the several types of data that is collected!
  • Added an option to turn of guild data collection. NOTE: Guilds will still show up in the Inventory Frame until you delete them after turning this option off!
  • Started to address a client crash bug due to the sorting algorithm when the dropdown item selected is 'All'. The default 'Name' sort head is no set to OFF to avoid crashes. BE WARNED!! If you have a number of guilds using the header sort may crash your client! This is still be actively investigated and I hope to have a fix ASAP! Stay tuned.
  • Slightly modified the sorting algorithm to see if it has any affect on game crashes.
Update 7 - [v0.3.0] - Major Release!
  • Added guildbank support! (Shout out to @myzt who supported and funded this feature! Thanks for everything man! :D)
  • Added Sorting by Name in the Inventory Frame! [FR243]
  • Addressed a conflict with Wykkyd's OutFitter addon. Added optional dependency to this addon and and option to relocate his frame to the top of the character apparel section if you wish to. If the addon is detected an option will be available to enable/disable the relocation of the Gear Outfitter in the settings menu.
  • Cleaned up the interface and added some style! :)
Update 6 - [v0.2.3] - Patch
  • Addressed B475 - Tooltip error in stable store - Fixed an issue that was causing errors when mousing over horses available for purchase in the stable store.
  • Also addressed issues similar to B475 by improving the location intelligence behind the tooltips.
  • Added feature B218 - Filter for InventoryFrame - Added new filtering options to the right side of the InventoryFrame which will limit the items in the frame to the filter type currently selected. PLEASE NOTE: Any previously seen items will only be available under the "All" filter until they have been collected again while logged into the associated character. Please leave any questions or comments in the comments section.
Update 5 - [v0.2.2] - Patch
  • Addressed B463 - Scene errors with Inventory Frame - Fixed an issue that could cause the scene callbacks to reference a nill InventoryFrame if the player is not using the Inventory Frame and it has not yet been created during the call. Added a check to ensure the player's settings.
  • Addressed B464 - Conflict with TooltipEnhance - Contacted the author who was using large segments of the code. I would suggest avoiding this addon if you are using InventoryInsight as there are compatibility issues.
  • Addressed B464 - Tooltip error when in store scene - The function to retrieve itemLinks had a bug for store items and buyback items. I've restructured the code to account for this issue.
Update 4 - [v0.2.1] - Patch
  • Added a check for links on scroll items with no data in them that was causing erroneous tooltips to appear and throw errors.
  • Changed the behavior of the inventory frame when you have no data collected for other characters. Cleanly displays that no data has been collected and empty items show no text or textures.
  • Addressed B447 - Hover over item from quest reward - Hover over quest reward ItemTooltip (added error checking to ItemLinkDissection function to avoid nil itemLinks)
  • Addressed B446 - Conflict with addon Luminary Trade House - Lumiary trade window PopupTooltip (added error checking to ItemLinkDissection function to avoid nil itemLinks)
  • Inventory Frame scroll bar slightly hidden by scroll items causing it to be extremely difficult to grab control
  • Added chec for itemLinks on double-clicked scroll items in the inventory frame to prevent errors for blank controls.
Update 3 - [v0.2.0] - Major Release!
  • Changed some algorithms for item matching.
  • Fixed a couple bugs that could enable false positives and un-logged items.
  • Data collector now collects items currently being worn by your character.
  • Added the Inventory Frame and associated settings (enabled via the options menu) FR109 - Complete inventory list.
  • Inventory Frame provides player with the ability to view and filter your entire account iventory in an organized fashion! (double click items to add to chat for simplicity)
  • Inventory Frame docks into character view frame by default and is show while viewing inventory. The frame also has the option of being undocked and moved around! (options menu)
  • Inventory Frame can be shown in many different menu scenes! (see options menu for complete list)
  • Added InventoryInsight non-default Tooltips and the option to switch between that and the default. With these tooltips, InventoryInsight information will be shown seperate from the default tooltip such that there is no interference with other addons also modifying the default tooltips. (enabled and disable via the options menu)
  • InventoryInsight custom tooltip also contains style information on items! Potentially more to come in the future! FR109 - Item style in the tooltip.
  • Huge code restructuring for efficiency and longevity with other addons
Update 2 - [v0.1.2]
  • Addressed B171 - Not everything showing. There are STILL some items which do not compare correctly at all. (Namely the CE pack items.) Read below...
  • Modified the algorithm which compares items to use data from the item links and not just the links themselves. As the item links have small differences that are currently unknown to me, I decided to make the base of comparison the itemID. This allows for greater visibility into more items but slightly increase false positives by combining all items of that itemID regardless of the name, value, and color. This is why I also added the following...
  • Added more settings to control the precision of InventoryInsight to your preference. All items are compared by itemID by default. You can choose to add to that precision by also including the name, value, and/or color to the items being compared. (ex. - some gear can be the same item but of different quality/rarity, which can be accounted for by the color. Lockpicks are all the same but for some reason, certain lockpicks are really level 0. The level option can help you differentiate based on your preference.)
Update 1 - [v0.1.1]
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Unread 04/26/14, 02:45 PM  

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user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsight.lua:686: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
	user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsight.lua:686: in function 'InventoryInsight.IN2_ToggleInventoryFrame'
	user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsight.lua:671: in function 'callback'
	EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:86: in function 'ZO_CallbackObject:FireCallbacks'
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_Scene.lua:66: in function 'ZO_Scene:SetState'
	EsoUI/Ingame/Scenes/InteractScene.lua:20: in function 'ZO_InteractScene:SetState'
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_SceneManager.lua:37: in function 'ZO_SceneManager:ShowScene'
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_SceneManager.lua:367: in function 'ZO_SceneManager:OnSceneStateChange'
	EsoUI/Ingame/Scenes/IngameSceneManager.lua:216: in function 'ZO_IngameSceneManager:OnSceneStateChange'
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_Scene.lua:67: in function 'ZO_Scene:SetState'
	EsoUI/Ingame/Scenes/InteractScene.lua:20: in function 'ZO_InteractScene:Set
Had this occur today after updating when opening the stable window to feed my horses. I wasn't able to leave the window it bugged out so horribly, and had to /camp to get to character select.

user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsight.lua:686: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
	user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsight.lua:686: in function 'InventoryInsight.IN2_ToggleInventoryFrame'
	user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsight.lua:665: in function 'callback'
	EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:86: in function 'ZO_CallbackObject:FireCallbacks'
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_Scene.lua:66: in function 'ZO_Scene:SetState'
	EsoUI/Ingame/Scenes/InteractScene.lua:20: in function 'ZO_InteractScene:SetState'
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_SceneManager.lua:37: in function 'ZO_SceneManager:ShowScene'
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_SceneManager.lua:367: in function 'ZO_SceneManager:OnSceneStateChange'
	EsoUI/Ingame/Scenes/IngameSceneManager.lua:216: in function 'ZO_IngameSceneManager:OnSceneStateChange'
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_Scene.lua:67: in function 'ZO_Scene:SetState'
	EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_SceneManager.lua:393: in function 'ZO_SceneMana
This happened when trying to access a crafting station. Specifically outfitting.

There's a whole assortment of these different errors which occur when both 'Show Inventory Frame' and 'Unlock Inventory Frame' are set to off.
Last edited by : 04/26/14 at 02:49 PM.
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Unread 04/26/14, 01:12 PM  
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Originally Posted by warcraftic
The tooltip seems to be too close to the inventory insight window - can't grab the scroll bar.
It's the scroll items but yes, you are correct. I just uploaded a patch to address this! It should be available shortly!
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Unread 04/26/14, 01:06 PM  
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The tooltip seems to be too close to the inventory insight window - can't grab the scroll bar.
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Unread 04/26/14, 01:05 PM  
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Originally Posted by Sp00sty

Hey I'd settle for just alphabetical. As I open each individual Alt he is already only holding one category of materials. A simple alphabetical sort works fine for me.

I'll watch for your updates.

Thanks for all so far.
I will definitely look into this soon.

The update I am about to upload right now is only addressing some of the more serious bugs. As for those of you with Wykkyd's OutFitter addon, I would suggest undocking the inventory frame for now until I develop a work-around specifically geared towards that addon.

NOTE: I will be marking the bugs in the tracker as fixed but if you still experience issues please leave a note and I will change it and do further research!

Thanks again guys!
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Unread 04/26/14, 12:59 PM  

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Hey I'd settle for just alphabetical. As I open each individual Alt he is already only holding one category of materials. A simple alphabetical sort works fine for me.

I'll watch for your updates.

Thanks for all so far.
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Unread 04/26/14, 12:46 PM  
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Originally Posted by Sp00sty

Can you tell me what the sort order is that you used in the Inventory window? And is there any sort list function besides the Filter?

My main use for this is to catalogue what each of my alts has as each is assigned specific inventory.

I was about to update my master log but I notice that the Inventory window has no rhyme or reason to list order.

Is that something you intend to address in future updates?
Sp00sty, I'm not entirely sure I know what you are asking but let me see if I can maybe shed some light here:

The frame will check your saved data when it loads and add all the characters on your current account EXCEPT for your current chracter to the dropdown box. Reason being that you are likely already viewing your inventory and if not your are only a click away. Furthermore, when you hover over that item, if your current chracter has one or more, it will be noted (unless of course you have turned on the option to hide redundant information in tooltips).

The dropdown list will contain the names of all our other characters with data and entry for 'All' by default. The all entry will add the same item to the list twice if that item is on two different characters. This is partially by design and partially because, due to the nature of the inventory frame and filter, you will see the other characters that have the item on mouseover in the tooltip.

Besides the filter (which is basically just a VERY simple search for matching characters) there is no item sorting based on the type of item. If you would please add a feature request to the tracker, I would be happy to approach this as I think it's a great idea. With that being said, as this uses item links to track your inventory I will have to do some research as to whether this can be done. (As far as I know, itemlinks do not contain the item type natively. Though the information may be available through the item ID. I will research this...)

Edit: Scratch that last part, it's quite doable.. Lol

Lua Code:
  1. GetItemLinkInfo(string itemLink)
  2. Returns: string icon, integer sellPrice, bool meetsUsageRequirement, integer equipType, integer itemStyle

If you have any other suggestions, I would love for them to be added to the feature tracker in my portal!!


I am currently addressing the other concerns with the most recent release and should have a fix [version .0.2.1] out shortly!

Please stand by!
Last edited by Vicster0 : 04/26/14 at 12:50 PM.
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Unread 04/26/14, 12:27 PM  

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Can you tell me what the sort order is that you used in the Inventory window? And is there any sort list function besides the Filter?

My main use for this is to catalogue what each of my alts has as each is assigned specific inventory.

I was about to update my master log but I notice that the Inventory window has no rhyme or reason to list order.

Is that something you intend to address in future updates?
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Unread 04/26/14, 11:43 AM  

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Getting the same error, disabling the addon for now.
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Unread 04/26/14, 11:35 AM  
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Do you know any way to copy errors form the chat? edit found it out one sec I'll copy all

TooltipControl: Attempt to set invalid or malformed link.
user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsight.lua:95: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
	user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsight.lua:95: in function 'InventoryInsight.IN2_DissectItemLink'
	user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsightTooltip.lua:71: in function 'InventoryInsight.IN2_ProcessItemAttribs'
	user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsight.lua:333: in function 'InventoryInsight.IN2_TooltipUpdateHandler'
	user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsightTooltip.lua:165: in function '(anonymous)'
user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsight.lua:95: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
	user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsight.lua:95: in function 'InventoryInsight.IN2_DissectItemLink'
	user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsightTooltip.lua:71: in function 'InventoryInsight.IN2_ProcessItemAttribs'
	user:/AddOns/InventoryInsight/InventoryInsight.lua:333: in function 'InventoryInsight.IN2_TooltipUpdateHandler'
Last edited by Tonyleila : 04/26/14 at 11:41 AM.
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Unread 04/26/14, 11:34 AM  
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Originally Posted by Tonyleila
5. I had old Characters displaying in the window that I already deleted. So I closed the game and removed the SavedVariables of the addon. Now I haved loged in and I get many lua errors and the item window looks like this:

Hmmm, I have an idea why this is happening and I will look into it! Thanks for pointing it out!

If you could add as much of those errors you were seeing to a bug report I would very much appreciate it!!

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Unread 04/26/14, 11:30 AM  
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5. I had old Characters displaying in the window that I already deleted. So I closed the game and removed the SavedVariables of the addon. Now I haved loged in and I get many lua errors and the item window looks like this:

I can't get the addon to work again
Last edited by Tonyleila : 04/26/14 at 11:33 AM.
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Unread 04/26/14, 11:22 AM  
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Originally Posted by Gekko1
This is my favorite items manager add-on.
I'm very happy you find it helpful!

Originally Posted by Tonyleila
Realy great update! Love it!

There is a bug when linking items from the browser its adding ^n ^f ^m or ^f:N to the itemname and also item names sometimes don't start with a big letter e.g.

|HA02EF7:item:54172:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[körnige Lösung^fs]|h

|H3A92FF:item:44940:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:0:0|h[CE-Schatzkarte: Malabal Tor^f:N]|h

Other Problem this new windows and its overlaping with WykkydsOutfitter but just found out it can be moved in the options. I also can't move the scrollbar of this window with the mouse it only works with scrolling
I have an idea for that window: Woud it be possible to have the items as grid view and add it to the top right of the inventory as extra filter button? Instead of an extra window? That woud be super great!
Thank you for pointing this out! I actually meant to clean up those links and fix the scroll bar (It can be moved but it has to be grabed in the right area for some reason.. lol) before releasing and must have forgot! My apologies!

There are a few bugs that have been reported that I will be fixing shortly so please stand by as I will address the bugs and these items that I neglected to originally, soon!

As far as the gridview idea, I will certainly look into it. If you wouldn't mind adding that suggestion to the features tracker, I would appreciate it!

Also, with the inventory tab, I was actually experimenting with that (which is partially what took soo long for this update to be released) and it was very difficult to implement. It also had a somewhat large impact on the rest of the default UI which was getting very annoying to be honest.. lol With that being said, I was focusing more on the inventory area and not so much the filter tabs. I will see what I can do for ya!

Thank you all for your support and feedback! Have a great day!
Last edited by Vicster0 : 04/26/14 at 11:25 AM.
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Unread 04/26/14, 10:52 AM  
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Realy great update! Love it!

1. There is a bug when linking items from the browser its adding ^n ^f ^m or ^f:N to the itemname and also item names sometimes don't start with a big letter e.g.

|HA02EF7:item:54172:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[körnige Lösung^fs]|h

|H3A92FF:item:44940:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:0:0|h[CE-Schatzkarte: Malabal Tor^f:N]|h

2. Other Problem this new windows and its overlaping with WykkydsOutfitter but just found out it can be moved in the options.

3. I also can't move the scrollbar of this window with the mouse it only works with scrolling

4. I have an idea for that window: Woud it be possible to have the items as grid view and add it to the top right of the inventory as extra filter button? Instead of an extra window? That woud be super great!
Last edited by Tonyleila : 04/26/14 at 11:29 AM.
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Unread 04/26/14, 10:43 AM  

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This is my favorite items manager add-on.
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Unread 04/22/14, 04:51 PM  
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Originally Posted by Fallensbane
So I am assuming this only useful if you have items on multiple characters then to tell you the specific numbers on each character of said item when you mouse over?

Any chance of an actual custom inventory frame that can be keybound so it logs bank and all characters inventories, but instead of having to mouse over an item I have on the character I am on to see the info, I could bring up a list even if I don't have an item on character A that I have on B and C?

ir is there a way to do that already? Either way nice app will give it a like.
In the current release, you are entirely correct.

However, I will be releasing a new version VERY SOON that has exactly what you are asking for. Well, almost exactly. It's a frame with a number of options on how to view it. Just working out the kinks right now.
Last edited by Vicster0 : 04/22/14 at 04:52 PM.
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