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Updated: 06/03/24 03:37 AM
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Gold Road (10.0.0)
Updated:06/03/24 03:37 AM
Created:05/28/21 02:41 PM
Monthly downloads:552
Total downloads:21,989
Categories:Action Bar Mods, Game Controller, Graphic UI Mods, RolePlay, Utility Mods, Developer Utilities
CShortcutPieMenu  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.5.3
by: Calamath [More]
This add-on provides a pie menu (radial menu) for shortcuts to various UI operations, except for slottable items.

- Do you like opening the collection menu every time you summon your favorite assistant or companion?
- Are you tired of typing chat commands over and over again?
- Need a customizable shortcut menu for frequent operations?
- Are you running out of available shortcut keys?

We ourselves really wanted to improve on the above ESO interface frustrations,
so this add-on has been newly developed by Team Calamath.

As a fast launcher, it utilizes the familiar Quickslot radial menu for the next fastest launch after the one-key shortcut.
Your favorite shortcut will be triggered immediately upon the pie menu selection.
Therefore, it is suitable for menu transitions, summoning, and command execution.

The Pie menu is neither a replacement nor an improved version of Quickslot.
It is intended to be used in conjunction to make ESOUI more comfortable.

Needed libraries/dependencies:
This add-on includes the following bundled libraries.
- LibCInteraction (Bundled library)
- LibCPieMenu (Bundled library)
- LibAddonMenu (Version 2.0r36 or later)

- Supports the following UI shortcuts:
  • Using Collectibles - Assistants, Companions, Mementos, Mounts, Pets, and Appearances.
  • Playing Emotes
  • Execute Chat Commands
  • Travel to House (inside / outside)
  • Frequently used UI operations - logout, reload UI and Player Menu transitions
- Managing multiple user-customizable pie menu presets
- Gamepad mode support
- Nested pie menu with mouse/gamepad buttons.
- English and Japanese language support.

Stibbons : "I can confidently recommend this pie menu, my lady."

Instructions for general users:
(1)Register a shortcut key for this add-on. (page 2 of screenshots)
(2)Go to the Add-on Settings menu and set your preferred function for each slot in the Pie menu. (page 3 of screenshots)

Press and hold the shortcut key to bring up the Pie menu.

Note that:
You need to hold down the shortcut key for at least 250msec to bring up the pie menu. (Adjustable)

Questions & Answers
  • How do I create a Chat Command Shortcut?
1. Open the Pie Menu editor and select a preset and slot.
2. Select Action Type "Chat Command"
3. Select Category "(Immediate Value)"
4. Select the text entry box for Value and type "/<chat command>" meaning type slash and the actual command you want to input to chat.
Note: "Say" and other communication commands do not work.
(special thanks to: ignisferrum and Akopian Atrebates)
V1.5.3: [V10503] by Calamath
- Avoided an issue where the icon in the Pie menu would unintentionally enlarge in rare cases..
- Updated bundled LibCInteraction version to 1.1.0 (AddOnVersion: 10100).
- Updated bundled LibCPieMenu version to 1.5.3 (AddOnVersion: 10503).
- Updated API version to 101042 (ESO 10.0.x : Gold Road)

V1.5.2: [V10502] by Calamath
- Fixed an issue with the settings menu in conjunction with the recent update to the LibAddonMenu drop-down widget.
- Updated bundled LibCInteraction version to 1.0.2 (AddOnVersion: 10002).
- Updated bundled LibCPieMenu version to 1.5.2 (AddOnVersion: 10502).
- Updated API version to 101041 (ESO 9.3.x : Scions of Ithelia)

V1.5.1: [V10501] by Calamath
- Fixed an issue since the Necrom update where unlocking a new collection did not immediately reflect in the pie menu settings menu.

V1.5.0: [V10500] by Calamath
As a first step in the refactoring and overhaul, the pie menu controller and data management have been transferred to the LibCPieMenu add-on.
CShortcutPieMenu add-on has a new dependency on LibCPieMenu and primarily handles user-customizable shortcut pie menus.
The LibCPieMenu add-on comes bundled, so you do not need to look for LibCPieMenu separately.

- Refactored the add-on framework based on our common template classes, to reduce future maintenance costs.
- Revamped the code base to subdivide the file structure.
- Bundled LibCPieMenu version 1.5.0 (AddOnVersion: 10500).
- Updated bundled LibCInteraction version to 1.0.0 (AddOnVersion: 10000).
- Updated API version to 101038 (ESO 9.0.x : Necrom)

V1.0.2: [V10002] by Calamath
- Updated bundled LibCInteraction version to 0.9.2 (AddOnVersion: 902).
- Updated API version to 101036 (ESO 8.2.x : Firesong)

V1.0.1: [V10001] by Calamath
- Subdivided and added the collections tool category from memento for an upcoming module.

V1.0.0: [V10000] by Calamath
- Refactoring add-on framework.
- Redesigned the pie menu controller.
- Modified constants and lookup tables to reduce the number of local variables.
- Updated API version to 101034 (ESO 8.0.x : High Isle)

- Bundled LibCInteraction library.
- LibCInteraction add-on library is now used for interactions activating the pie menu.
- LibCInteraction add-on library is now used for pie menu button interactions.

- Bundled LibCPieMenu API library for registering your own pie menu from external add-ons.
- Added LibCPieMenu:RegisterPieMenu API.

V0.9.12: [V912] by Calamath
Hot Fix:
- Reduced the 24 custom key binds slots consumed by this add-on.
- To recover your custom key binds slots, please update to the latest version and login with each character.

V0.9.11: [V911] by Calamath
- Addressed an issue experienced by some users where the pie menu was difficult to navigate with the mouse in UI mode.
- Added a mouse sensitivity option to Pie Menu Manager UI for those who experience that the mouse operation of the pie menu is not smooth in UI mode. Please adjust this option to a higher level before use.

V0.9.10: [V910] by Calamath
- Fixed an issue with Emote category icons are not displayed.
- Updated API version to 101033 (ESO 7.3.x : Ascending Tide)

V0.9.9: [V909] by Calamath
- Fixed a number of minor bugs.
- Updated API version to 101032 (ESO 7.2.x : Deadlands)

V0.9.8: [V908] by Calamath
New Feature: Support for external shortcuts provided by other add-ons.
- Added new slot action type 'Add-on'. This allows you to place shortcuts provided by other add-ons in user-customizable pie menu slots.
- This feature will be tested until the API is disclosed in the next major version update.
Bug Fix:
- Addressed an issue where external pie menus registered by other add-ons may not be added to the preset selection choices in the Pie Menu Manager UI.
- Addressed an issue where external shortcuts registered by other add-ons may not be added to the shortcut selection choices in the Pie Menu Editor UI.
- Fixed an issue where the blocked collectible icon was not desaturated in the pie menu slot for using collectibles.

V0.9.7: [V907] by Calamath
- The slot name display for using collectible is now red color-coded to reflect collectibles block reason.
(e.g.: Inside the house, summoning your pet will be displayed in red, while outside the house they will be displayed in normal white color, allowing you to predict the outcome of each slot action - will be blocked or not.)
- Enhanced the display of the slot status icons in several situations.
- Updated Japanese Translation.

V0.9.6: [V906] by Calamath
New Feature: Appearance Collectible support.
- Added new slot action type 'Appearance'. This allows you to place your favorite appearance collectible in user-customizable pie menu slots.

V0.9.5: [V905] by Calamath
- The slot status icon is now correctly displayed in the upper left corner of the slot in the pie menu.
(e.g.: The pie menu slot for using collectible will have the appropriate status icon indicating collectibles active status.)

V0.9.4: [V904] by Calamath
- The display position of the slot name label is now fixed regardless of the animation.
- Fixed an issue with the Pie Menu Editor that caused a UI error when opening the pie menu immediately after increasing the menu items count.
- Addressed an issue where the specified active icon in the shortcut data was not displayed correctly in the pie menu.
- Addressed a rare issue where the icon specified in the shortcut data was not displayed in the pie menu in the correct size.

V0.9.3: [V903] by Calamath
- The cooldown remaining indicator of collectibles is now properly displayed in the pie menu slot for using collectibles.
- Fixed an issue where the specified icon of external pie menu data was not correctly populated in the pie menu.
- Fixed tooltip typos.

V0.9.2: [V902] by Calamath
- The slot name display for using collectible is now color-coded to reflect collectibles active status.
(e.g.: Only the summoned companion is displayed in green, and the others are in white normal color, allowing you to predict the result of each slot action - to summon or to dismiss.)

V0.9.1: [V901] by Calamath
QOL Update:
- Selecting an unconfigured or invalid slot in the user pie menu will redirect you to the Pie Menu Editor screen for that slot.
- Improved the reload UI and logout shortcut. Added center screen announcement at run-time.
- Added fail-safe necessary to ensure stability in the event of possible error cases.

V0.9.0: [V900] by Calamath
New Feature: Comprehensive hardcoded UI shortcut support.
- Added new slot action type 'Shortcut'. This allows you to place your favorite shortcuts in user-customizable pie menu slots.
- This version provides built-in shortcuts for ESO's Player Menu scene transitions, reload UI, logout, and transitions to the Pie Menu configuration screen.
New Feature: Comprehensive external pie menu support.
- In the Pie Menu Manager UI, you can assign registered external pie menus to binding keys as well as customizable user pie menus.
- Improved the slot action type 'Pie Menu'. This allows you to open your favorite external pie menu as a nested menu.
- This version provides a built-in pie menu for ESO's Player Menu alternative as an example.
- Extensive code refactoring, including file consolidation , modularization and rewriting.
- Improved tooltips for slot actions assigned to user pie menu.
- Updated API version to 101031 (ESO 7.1.x : Waking Flame)

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

V0.8.2: [V802] by Calamath
- Japanese language support in celebration of the Olympic season.
- Initial implementation of slot icon override.

V0.8.1: [V801] by Calamath
- Initial preparation for the upcoming translation works.

V0.8.0: [V800] by Calamath
- Nested Pie Menu support in Shortcut Pie Menu. this feature is based on Aspect's idea and feedback. Special thanks to: Aspect
- Added new slot action type 'Pie Menu' for opening another pie menu preset.
- Added new control features for selecting and canceling pie menus by clicking mouse or gamepad buttons. This feature is currently required for opening a nested pie menu preset.
- Implemented various PieMenu behavior option settings in the Pie Menu Manager UI.
- Fixed an issue where the preset drop-down menu was not displayed correctly when specifying a preset name.
- Fixed a number of minor bugs.
- Code splitting and refactoring.

V0.7.3: [V703] by Calamath
- Some adjustments to the UI design template.
- Clarified the source of the code that can be said to be modified based on the ESOUI code.
- Improved stability in UI mode.
- Improved the settings menu in the UI so that you can select your favorite personality from the pie menu.

V0.7.2: [V702] by Calamath
- Added a new setting option to allow you to activate the pie menu in UI mode.
- Addressed an issue where newly unlocked collectibles were not being properly added to the drop-down menu choices in the Pie Menu Editor until next UI reload.

V0.7.1: [V701] by Calamath
- Added a new setting option to override the preset name and its note. This will allow you to decide the acutual display name as needed.

V0.7.0: [V700] by Calamath
- Improved add-on framework to create, configure and manage multiple pie menu presets.
- Implemented the Pie Menu Manager UI to configure which pie menu is invoked for UI event triggers.

V0.6.0: [V600] by Calamath
- Brushed up the Pie Menu Editor UI.

V0.5.0: [V500] by Calamath
- Implemented the official version of the UI design template for the Pie menu.
- Changed the design policy to share the pie menu controls between both keyboard and gamepad modes in order to save control resources.
- Note : the UI configuration feature to customize the visual design of the pie menu will be implemented in a future version.

V0.4.1: [V401] by Calamath
- Improved the settings menu so that you can select your favorite mount from the pie menu.

V0.4.0: [V400] by Calamath
- Travel to house support in Shortcut Pie Menu.

V0.3.1: [V301] by Calamath
- Added a UI button near the edit box to enter the default slot name to help when overriding the slot name.
- Fixed an issue where the override slot name was not initialized when the user changed the action value selection in the settings menu.

V0.3.0: [V300] by Calamath
- Chat Command support in Shortcut Pie Menu.
- Added a new setting option to override the name for each slot. This will allow you to decide the acutual display name as needed.

V0.2.1: [V201] by Calamath
- For advanced users, you could now determine the collectibles and emotes settings with an immediate value.
- Fixed an issue where the action value was not initialized when the user changed the category selection in the settings menu.

V0.2.0: [V200] by Calamath
- Emote support in Shortcut Pie Menu.
- small improvements in code.

V0.1.1: [V101] by Calamath
- added dropdown choices tooltips for collectible selection menu.

V0.1.0: [V100] by Calamath
- initial release
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Unread 06/09/23, 07:06 AM  
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Oh, that's sad to read.
>We have to create a pool of entry controls
And those cannot be created with a prefix in the name = addon name, to make them unique (own pool of controls, on an own pie menu parent control TLC)?

>and separate the tooltips from the IconTooltip that everyone loves.
I might not understand that properly?
The tooltips, either IconTooltip or PopupTooltip or ItemTooltip are shared for all vanilla and addon stuff so what's the difference here for a pie menu entry then? They reset and build on each mouseOver so they should work for all kind of controls, if you initialize them properly?

I'm not trying to be picky here, sorry if this sounds like I am! I'm really interested into this from a technical way, as I'd love to have such custom pie menus for all kind of addons (e.g. in gamepad mode for FCOItemSaver to choose the marker icon to apply to an item in inventory, if possible. This would make gamepad mode for FCOIS "somewhat" doable then).

Originally Posted by Calamath
Originally Posted by Baertram
Please release LibCPieMenu library also separately on ESOUI if this is meant to be used in other addons too, thank you.

Also please update your addon's description and name the new bundled library LibCPieMenu , next to LibCInteraction .
Thank you.
LibCPieMenu is a project to eventually allow other add-ons to handle pie menu controllers.
So it may eventually be uploaded to ESOUI separately when it becomes viable.

However, at this time, we are aware that we still cannot activate the pie menu with other add-ons. It doesn't work.
We have to create a pool of entry controls and separate the tooltips from the IconTooltip that everyone loves.
So it is not uploaded at this time.

- Calamath
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Unread 06/09/23, 06:24 AM  
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Originally Posted by Baertram
Please release LibCPieMenu library also separately on ESOUI if this is meant to be used in other addons too, thank you.

Also please update your addon's description and name the new bundled library LibCPieMenu , next to LibCInteraction .
Thank you.
LibCPieMenu is a project to eventually allow other add-ons to handle pie menu controllers.
So it may eventually be uploaded to ESOUI separately when it becomes viable.

However, at this time, we are aware that we still cannot activate the pie menu with other add-ons. It doesn't work.
We have to create a pool of entry controls and separate the tooltips from the IconTooltip that everyone loves.
So it is not uploaded at this time.

- Calamath
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Unread 06/09/23, 06:12 AM  
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Please release LibCPieMenu library also separately on ESOUI if this is meant to be used in other addons too, thank you.

Which makes the other library, it depends on, LibCInteraction also to be released then.

Also please update your addon's description and name the new bundled library LibCPieMenu , next to LibCInteraction .
Last edited by Baertram : 06/09/23 at 06:19 AM.
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Unread 06/09/23, 06:09 AM  
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Release Note: V1.5.0

The changes during the overhaul will be a bit massive, and this add-on may occasionally cause undiscovered glitches.
However, your savedata will still be compatible, so if you find a malfunction, I would appreciate your comments here.
You can always revert to the stable Version 1.0.2 as well. The old version will work perfectly with Necrom.

- Calamath
Last edited by Calamath : 06/09/23 at 06:09 AM.
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Unread 05/17/23, 10:41 AM  

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the mod stopped working is marked as outdated :C
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Unread 11/12/22, 02:07 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Wheels wont open

Originally Posted by MegwynW
I decided to test the addon alone and it worked perfectly. Disabling and then progressively re-enabling addons led to the discovery that 'Group & Activity Finder Extensions' is breaking the wheels somehow. I've disabled GAFE for now since the wheels are essential and it isnt Thanks.
Thanks for the update.
I assume that there is some problem with the GAFE add-on that is not currently working properly, giving you a UI error.

The Shortcut Pie Menu add-on has a safeguard that automatically closes the menu if a UI error occurs while the pie menu is being displayed.
This is desperately needed to assure that ESO does not become inoperable.

Hopefully someday the GAFE add-on will be updated to work properly and no longer adversely affect the pie menu.

- Calamath
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Unread 11/11/22, 11:42 PM  

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Re: Re: Wheels wont open

I decided to test the addon alone and it worked perfectly. Disabling and then progressively re-enabling addons led to the discovery that 'Group & Activity Finder Extensions' is breaking the wheels somehow. I've disabled GAFE for now since the wheels are essential and it isnt Thanks.
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Unread 11/11/22, 11:15 PM  

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Re: Re: Wheels wont open

Originally Posted by Calamath
It would be great if you could provide your keybinding settings for this addon so that we can track down the issue.

What key is not working?
The primary/secondary/tertiary keys are (Delete, \, -) but I also tried (0, 9, 8) with no change.

Activation is 250ms, UI mode enabled, click selection enabled.

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Unread 11/11/22, 10:12 AM  
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Re: Wheels wont open

Originally Posted by MegwynW
The latest eso update (U36) broke the addon's functionality for me. Holding one of the wheel keys would open and instantly close the wheel on screen not allowing any action selection. However the problem is still present in today's addon update. Is anyone else having the issue or alternately have had it and solved it?

Hi MegwynW
We have not yet been able to reproduce the problem you are experiencing.
It would be great if you could provide your keybinding settings for this addon so that we can track down the issue.

What key is not working?

- Calamath
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Unread 11/10/22, 05:08 PM  

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Wheels wont open

The latest eso update (U36) broke the addon's functionality for me. Holding one of the wheel keys would open and instantly close the wheel on screen not allowing any action selection. However the problem is still present in today's addon update. Is anyone else having the issue or alternately have had it and solved it?

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Unread 11/10/22, 01:05 PM  

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Thanks for the update, Calamath! I don't know what I'd do without your awesome Pie Menu!
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Unread 06/24/22, 03:38 AM  
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Originally Posted by Akopian Atrebates
I think you should explain in your description how exactly to create a chat command shortcut:

1. Select Action Type "Chat Command"
2. Select Category "(Immediate Value)"
3. Select the text entry box for Value and type "/<chat command>" meaning type slash and the actual command you want to input to chat.
4. "Say" and other communication commands do not work (I figured this out from reading the comments section below).
Thanks, you're right.
I have added a Q&A section to the description.

- Calamath
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Unread 06/23/22, 10:27 PM  
Akopian Atrebates

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I think you should explain in your description how exactly to create a chat command shortcut:

1. Select Action Type "Chat Command"
2. Select Category "(Immediate Value)"
3. Select the text entry box for Value and type "/<chat command>" meaning type slash and the actual command you want to input to chat.
4. "Say" and other communication commands do not work (I figured this out from reading the comments section below).
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Unread 06/23/22, 08:04 AM  
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Originally Posted by vazelle
Hello just want to say thank you very much this is the mod I really need. One of the best addon in the sites
Welcome. So, you have learned why Quick Slot Wheel was updated recently. Haha.
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Unread 06/22/22, 08:39 PM  

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Hello just want to say thank you very much this is the mod I really need. One of the best addon in the sites
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