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Updated: 05/30/23 05:37 PM
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High Isle (8.0.0)
Updated:05/30/23 05:37 PM
Created:05/10/22 01:37 PM
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ExoYs Tributes Enhancement  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 1.5.0
by: ExoY [More]
This addon provides some simple but usefull additions to the new card games
"Tales of Tribute", which is released with the High Isle Chapter.

Dependencies: LibExoYsUtilities, LibAddonMenu

This addon provides
  • Time left for current turn
  • Button to whisper your opponent
  • Information about the current game length
  • Statistics about your games, wins and how long you have played ToT in total
  • Statistics about how you win or lose (new!)
  • Automatically accept activity finder (new!)
  • Automatically change your status (online, away, do not disturb, offline) for each match type ( (new!)

use /tributes_stats do show/hide a window (beta!) displaying the number of games and how often you won with each character. The design and displayed information will be polished with the upcoming patches. I just wanted to introduce a basic raw model to already enable some access to the stats.

The statistics are only displayed for the current character at the moment. The window will get expanded in the future.

This addon is still under development. I decided to already publish it to allow players to start creating their statistics from the very beginning.

To move the indicators use "/hourglass". Make sure to use the chat command again, to prevent any problems with the controls preventing you to click on whats beneath them.
1.5.0 [31.05.23]
* API bump
* compatibility update with LibExoYsUtilities V6

1.4.0 [16.8.22]
* added hotkey for stats window
* started reworking turn helper ui (aka turn time gui)
* code clean up and optimization

1.3.0 [6.8.22]
* record how the victory/defeat is achieved
* started to rework the stats gui
* option to automatically change player status during a match
* option for auto accept of casual and ranked games

1.2.0 [7.7.22]
* uses api to detect victory/defeat, thus no need for manual input anymore
* updates character name after a character name change

* fixed type of whisper
* added a raw model for the stats window


* potential hotfix for lua error when entering match outcome
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Unread 06/28/22, 02:45 PM  
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Originally Posted by ExoY
Originally Posted by NeuroticPixels
A week or two ago, I changed my main character's name from Klepto Katlyn to Klepto Katarina.
The Tribute Stats window still shows the old name Klepto Katlyn.
I will include that the name gets properly changed. The stats recorded should be unaffected since they use a character unique id, so thats an overall easy fix.

Originally Posted by NeuroticPixels
Also, after looking at my wife's stats, it has me wondering something.
It shows 29/70. 29 wins out of 70 games.
I can gaurantee she's won more than 29 times out of the 70 games the addon has counted.
I'm wondering if information is being lost if the game crashes or whatnot.
More than likely, it is. And there's probably nothing you can do about that.
But it almost seems like it counts the games (70), but doesn't remember if she won the games (if ESO crashes or whatever). It would be best, if it works like that, that it wouldnt remember the game at all, rather than counting the game as a loss.
Does that make sense?
In general, if the games crashes save variables are not properly saved. In almost all cases they just dont get saved. But it is not selective. That means what you described that it save the amout of games but did not save the amount of wins can not happen.

So I am not entirely sure what could cause this. I can include a debug option with the next patch which will display what the game was counted on, so you might find the problem this way and can report it.
I will also add an option the change how the last game was counted in case of a wrong input.

As it is right now, the addon considers a game as "countworthy" as soon as the first hand is dealt. So if e.g. the opponent conceded right away and she did not checked it as a win or simply skipped through the dialog the addon would consider it a loss. I will also include a "dont count the game" option.

Also keep in mind those stats is only for you guys, and maybe to share with others. But it is never going to be "worth" something or considered reliable for any references as it can be easily manipulated within the save variable file.
I understand. Thank you! All of that sounds great.
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Unread 07/06/22, 09:45 AM  
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Happy times from today's ESO v8.0.7 changelog!

Moved the following functions and event to PublicAllIngames so add-on authors can access them.
Last edited by DewiMorgan : 07/06/22 at 09:46 AM.
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Unread 07/06/22, 04:41 PM  
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Originally Posted by DewiMorgan
Happy times from today's ESO v8.0.7 changelog!
Thanks for the headsup,

Edit: Apparently there was another function added, which was not mentioned with the patch notes.
So expect a update soon

Thanks at KeldorDE.
Last edited by ExoY : 07/07/22 at 04:21 AM.
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Unread 07/07/22, 12:44 AM  
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add smthing like this pls
to see total cards you and opponents have

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Unread 07/07/22, 03:23 AM  
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Originally Posted by Marazota
add smthing like this pls
to see total cards you and opponents have
I agree, that would be helpfull information. Howevery I dont think addons have access to that kind of information.
Last edited by ExoY : 07/07/22 at 04:20 AM.
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Unread 07/13/22, 05:51 PM  
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If possible, it would be great to have an option to log your wins and losses with particular player. Like you start the game and near their name, if you've played before, it says how many times you've won and lost. I've been doing that myself in a notepad and it's been pretty fun to keep track of it (Albeit tiring to do manually), you play against the same people more than you probably realize.
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Unread 07/14/22, 05:51 AM  
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Originally Posted by Inspirer
If possible, it would be great to have an option to log your wins and losses with particular player. Like you start the game and near their name, if you've played before, it says how many times you've won and lost. I've been doing that myself in a notepad and it's been pretty fun to keep track of it (Albeit tiring to do manually), you play against the same people more than you probably realize.
Hey, I do understand your request.

The only think i am worried about is it blowing up the save variable file to much. It is nothing major and it would stay small compared with other addons like trading addons etc, but I try to keep my addons as performand and low impact as possible.
I will see if I can come up with a good middle ground.
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Unread 07/23/22, 03:25 PM  

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"Whisper your opponent" please reconsider

Hi - I kept wondering how so many people were willing to type my very long @name in to send me trash talk and harassment during Tribute games, guess I know now.

Please reconsider this "feature". I realize some people will do this regardless, but now I have to play Tribute in offline mode to avoid the trash talkers, just like avoiding salty kills in PvP.
I've heard people say that they've had nice interactions, good for them. I haven't.

And as a side note to people reading this: there is no rule saying I cannot use Orgnum as a patron in Ranked. If you don't like my choice of patron you can concede, not sit there and type hate for the entire game.
Also be aware that gamepad UI users cannot set themselves to offline once a game begins.
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Unread 07/24/22, 02:27 AM  
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Originally Posted by thatlaurachick
Hi - I kept wondering how so many people were willing to type my very long @name in to send me trash talk and harassment during Tribute games, guess I know now.

Please reconsider this "feature". I realize some people will do this regardless, but now I have to play Tribute in offline mode to avoid the trash talkers, just like avoiding salty kills in PvP.
I've heard people say that they've had nice interactions, good for them. I haven't.

And as a side note to people reading this: there is no rule saying I cannot use Orgnum as a patron in Ranked. If you don't like my choice of patron you can concede, not sit there and type hate for the entire game.
Also be aware that gamepad UI users cannot set themselves to offline once a game begins.
thanks for bringing that to my attention.

It is sad that people abuse that function, but I do also had some nice conversations in ToT-Games so I dont want to remove it entirely. (most of those conversations happen in casual/private games though).

Here is what I want to look into and potentially add to handle this problem:
  • Add an option to block whispers from your opponent for the duration of the game
  • if I can figure out how to do the above, make it as an permament options as well as toggleable during match
  • add gamepad compatibility (this can take a while though, since I dont have any experience in that area)

I dont think Keyboard users can set themself to offline eighter during a match without an Addon.
If I cant figure out the chat block thing, I at least can add a button to switch to offline mode, which is also accessible by game pad.

This approach has the benefit that it can protect you even against players, who are willing to just type in your name manually as well.
Hope that ideas address your problem.
Last edited by ExoY : 07/24/22 at 02:38 AM.
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Unread 08/16/22, 11:42 PM  
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Hi ExoY,
I don't know if it's possible but having a sort of brightness setting for the tales of tribute UI to play at night would be a good addition.
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Unread 08/18/22, 08:51 AM  
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Originally Posted by Masteroshi430
Hi ExoY,
I don't know if it's possible but having a sort of brightness setting for the tales of tribute UI to play at night would be a good addition.
it is a good idea and I already checked its feasibility.
It will be implemented with a future update.
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Unread 08/28/22, 08:15 AM  

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Additional Feature/Separate AddOn request

Thanks for this AddOn! So, I have a request for you or other AddOn developers related to Tribute. Basically some suggestions for either scaling this add-on up, or creating others.

I have several 'challenges' that make me a slow player. Color-blind, very bad vision, shaky hands from nerve damage (easy to misclick), all require I take time each turn to avoid mis-clicks and misplays. Nothing anyone can do about those, but I have one challenge that some good add-ons would help me (and other players, even without the challenge) to play faster and smarter.

For me, I also have some OCD traits, and have to check each stack every turn for the info in them. The mouseovers only provide limited info (card count by suit) when they even work. They seem to be hit or miss when they are supposed to work, and you definitely cant drill when using the T button from a half-cast card that can't be Alt-cancelled.

ToT Stack Mouseover Makeover

A mod that would provide more stack mouse-over card data (card names & costs, colored by suit maybe), especially if it worked in the half-cast state when T is pressed to see the board, would be amazingly helpful!

Imagine if you could not only the see the names & total counts of each card w/cost, but the percentage chances that each cooldown card would be in the next hand, and odds of each card's combos being activatable?

Also, an overall player deck liquidity measure, where the total # of cards in play (hand+draw+agents+cooldown+'played AND returning, not contracts') with the percentage for each card on any draw (e.g.: at start of game this would be 10 cards, 10%).

Add to that suit breakouts (start of game its 6 treasury/60%, 1 'suit A'/10%, 1 'suit B'/10%, 1 'suit C'/10%, 1 'suit D'/10%). Those overarching aggregated figures are one measure of who is winning, at times, and can drive whether you make a writ, what you convert, whether you take one suit over another, or whether you destroy a card (and what), etc.. Stretch goals, but it would be so valuable.

ToT Opponent's Hand "Crystal Ball"/End of Opponent's Turn Draw Stack Cards (Before the Cooldown Shuffle)

Its important, but sometimes very hard to capture just what was left in the opponent's draw pile right at the end of their turn, but before the cooldown pile was shuffled in... if you know that, you know those cards are in their hand, and you know the exact remaining # that came from the cooldown pile. Without that information, the game's display is showing it all mixed together, which dilutes your available information for decision making. This would be a hugely valuable addition to the mouseover data available after the shuffle.

ToT Coin & Ability "Crystal Ball"/Counter/Calculator (Active Player Availability + Next Turn Availability for each Player)

One of the most important pieces of data to get from stack checking has to be calculated, which is sometimes difficult and always time-consuming. That is when you are looking at your opponent's hand plus draw, it is always important to calculate the (viewable or objectively obvious) min/max coins (and abilities) they have available the next turn.

The best time to grab some of this info is before the other player ends their turn, because they have fewer card in that stack, so you have better info. Once cooldown cards are added back in after they end turn on a short pile (less than 5 cards), if you know what the <5 cards were just before that, you can tighten the predictable range of coins with them added (because you know the <5 are now in their hand, and only the # needed to get to 5 were pulled from the additional cooldown cards).

This is the kind of info that will lead you to sometimes leave a fat card you can afford in play because they cant get it, to take a lesser one hoping to board lock them for a turn, for example.

Those types of 'budgetary' economics variables can be very difficult to capture every turn reliably, where I suspect a mod/addon might be able to do it (for both sides of the table on screen, so you can see your next turns range dynamically, also?). Someone who is not a math prodigy can use all the available time each turn just trying, which really slows games down.

If a good developer could figure that out, it could have a constant display of the min/max range of coin available to each player on the next turn, which helps greatly to inform your strategies and tactics, speed up play and level the field between opponents of different mental capabilities for math. Especially if it updated dynamically with each card played, based on what they played and how the board state changed.

Of course, that range would have to be based strictly on available info, such as objectively seeable combo potential, which is a constraint, but it would still be tremendously helpful to speed play and make better choices.

I imagine a table with rows, subtotals and totals (hand+draw; cooldown; agents in play; board visible options & maybe Patrons) with small icons for potential coin, loyalty, draw, agent knockout, card capture, etc. that dynamically calculates min/max subtotals. Imagine if the table data was rapidly adjustable with quick toggles during play, so you could like, see how the min/max ranges change when a certain Patron is chosen or Agent is knocked out.

ToT Patron Crystal Ball (Active Player Availability + Next Turn Availability for Both Players)

For subjective possibilities that depend on choices the other player might make, there could be indicators that show when they are ruled out, too. So, even though an add-on could not predict specific choices, it could definitely show when they are NOT currently available (for the next turn).

For example, with Patron abilities, because they each have a cost, there could be an indicator (based on aggregated stack/hand/board data) for each that shows one of three status for each (kind of like a stop light, but with blue instead of red), where:
  1. if they definitely will NOT have the cost to activate (e.g. next hand is all writs only w/no agents in play), its blue (not red, for red/green color blind people like me);
  2. if they definitely will, its green;
  3. if there is a possibility depending on other things (like possible draws they have available), its yellow (maybe with a likelihood % showing).

This would have to be a fluid indicator, that updates with each change of board state, hand states & stack states... including alerting you to when a player will have 2 or 3 uses available.

My brain is always trying to do this math, and any help a mod/addon could provide, man that would be great.

ToT Deck "Crystal Ball"/Tracker/Mouseover Makeover

The whole deck is available to view, including the discard pile, but because they show the images, its too hard to use. A toggleable or mouseoverable list, organized by suit and with counts of each card (w/customizable settings for showing cards with 0 in the deck or not) but no pictures (so the list is more compact and readable), with the discard pile (no zeros) shown discretely, that would be so good.

Imagine, too, that this list had percentage totals remaining for each suit and or card category (so you could see the weights) and dynamic calculation of the odds (maybe for each suit, card name, and/or card category, like contract, agent, etc.) being hit on the next board replacement.


I wish I was a techy, so I could create this type of stuff. I am not, but as someone who often submits system change requests to IT types to add or improve functionality, I thought this list might get some developers in the community working on the myriad of additional things that could either be modular add ons or even one great package. While I would definitely appreciate it, I know my opponents, even if they never used addons, would be even happier if you could help me speed my play up by making the info readily available so I am not using every available second trying to obsessively calculate this stuff.

Last edited by PowerOfCheez : 08/28/22 at 08:30 AM.
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Unread 08/28/22, 12:04 PM  
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Re: Additional Feature/Separate AddOn request

Originally Posted by PowerOfCheez
Thanks for this AddOn! So, I have a request for you or other AddOn developers related to Tribute. Basically some suggestions for either scaling this add-on up, or creating others.



I wish I was a techy, so I could create this type of stuff. I am not, but as someone who often submits system change requests to IT types to add or improve functionality, I thought this list might get some developers in the community working on the myriad of additional things that could either be modular add ons or even one great package. While I would definitely appreciate it, I know my opponents, even if they never used addons, would be even happier if you could help me speed my play up by making the info readily available so I am not using every available second trying to obsessively calculate this stuff.

Hey, thanks for your feedback and ideas.

Unfortunately the information addons have access to in ToT a very limited to not create any situation in which somebody with an certain addon has a benefit to somebody who doesnt. E.g. addons dont have information about what cards are bought, played, in cooldown or draw pile and so one.
Thus most of the stuff you suggested is simply impossible to do with an addon.

It might be possible to add information to the tooltip when hovering about a card/deck. But I think this will be the most that can be done.
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Unread 08/30/22, 11:59 AM  

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Hey, great addon!
I was wondering, would it be possible to add a feature that makes it more obvious when you are about to lose on 4 patron condition? The game notifies you always, but when I'm thinking deeply about the next turn, sometimes I don't pay attention at all. It would be nice if there was a feature that makes portraits have green/yellow/red circle around them, or maybe if there was a sound prompt to warn me as well.
Keep up the good work!
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Unread 08/30/22, 04:30 PM  
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Re: Idea

Originally Posted by Yggor
Hey, great addon!
I was wondering, would it be possible to add a feature that makes it more obvious when you are about to lose on 4 patron condition? The game notifies you always, but when I'm thinking deeply about the next turn, sometimes I don't pay attention at all. It would be nice if there was a feature that makes portraits have green/yellow/red circle around them, or maybe if there was a sound prompt to warn me as well.
Keep up the good work!
Hey, thanks for your feedback.

I already have something similar in mind which might already be included in with the next update.
So stay tuned

It can always get tuned up for even more visibility if the way i am doing it is not obvious enough.
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