(44 Kb)
Updated: 12/06/23 10:54 PM
File Info
Endless Archive (9.2.5)
base-game patch (9.1.5)
Updated:12/06/23 10:54 PM
Created:04/22/14 08:37 AM
Monthly downloads:1,617
Total downloads:555,310
Categories:PvP, Combat Mods, Data Mods
Kill Counter  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 3.5.1
by: mikethecoder4, Ayantir, Casterial, Drummerx04
Kill Counter is an add-on that Tracks Kills in PVP and other PVP achievements.
It also has Deathmatch/MOBA style Kill streak alerts (Like "Killing Spree" or "Dominating")
as well as death streaks, and capture streaks (Keeps and resources). Kill Counter
also alerts you when a Keep or resource has been captured (50% full). It features an
unobtrusive GUI element for quick view of your current session kills, deaths, Kill/Death ratio,
and Streaks. Individual kills also have their own alerts, with an added sound for that extra level
of satisfaction! All Alerts are fully customizable and can be toggled on/off via the Kill Counter
settings menu (/kc settings, see below).

Needed Dependencies - REQUIRED TO USE
Happy Hunting!
- Kill Counter team

Note: Kill Counter Devs (Drummerx04 & Casterial) both rarely play Elder Scrolls Online for the time being, while we'll continue to maintain Kill Counter (Fixing compatibility issues, or adding classes) we do not plan any functionality changes or bug fixes. However, we do support Killz by Teebow Ganx which is similar to Kill Counter and actively being worked on.

Should you have any issues with Kill Counter, please comment.


The GUI element can be dragged to a different place by clicking and dragging the right half of the display bar.

Kill Counter also has a Full stats menu which lists has multiple distinct sections
1) Overview :: Overview of all stats (totals, KDR, siege stats, etc).
2) Current Session :: List of earnings, kills, killing blows etc, since the last time you logged out... or crashed.
3) Kill History :: All data on kills and killing blows that wasn't lost to game crashes...
4) Killed By History :: Summary of players that have killed you.
5) Breakdown :: Summations/Averages/Other break downs of your stats.
6) Killing Blow History :: The number of kills achieved with each skill you have used.
7) Settings :: Custom settings window. It was already here so I used it. Eventually, I'll try to move it to the standard location.
8) K/D color coding for your "Rank" (Red, Yellow, Blue, Gold, etc)

Kill Counter has always served as a way to track your overall
performance and your performance against other players, other add-ons
such as Miat's provide far more involved additions to the UI, while KC
tries to be unintrusive.

3.1.5 is the start of the settings panel and the ability to turn off kill counter bar while in PVP.
Kill Counter will continue to try to be modernized in the patches 3.0+

Update 3.0.0 includes several bug fixes, code clean up, and improvements It also has small improvements to the KC stat bar displayed. To read more of the changes please check the change log.
We've also given users the ability to turn AP off on the bar (This is for users who use AP meter)

/kc help:
  • /kc on - turns on the kc stat bar
  • /kc off - turns off the kc stat bar
  • /kc settings - opens the settings menu
  • /kcreport - creates a report of current stats
  • /kcreset - reset current stats
  • /kc stats - shows stats menu
  • /kc ooc - toggles out of combat messages
  • /kc sounds - toggles sounds

New star bar:

Update 2.7.0 includes a substantial transformation of your Kill Statistics. If you find your existing history to be of extreme importance to you, then I recommend backing it up just in case (By default the information is located at \Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables\Killcounter.lua). I've tested a few languages, and multiple sets of data, but there's always a chance something really screwy exists in your data. If something goes wrong, I'd be glad to help you in the comments.

New/Improved Features update 2.7.0:
- Added Necromancer class for tracking
- Disabled KC outside of Cyrodiil/BG (This allows duelers to not report only wins- was bugged)
- Increased bar width for the triple digit to quadruple digit AP numbers/kills.

--If you were using an old API version these might now be supported:--
- Statistics now properly support multiple languages.
- Kill and Killed by messages now include a player link. Now you can now more easily whisper your opponents, even ones with impossible to type names.
- KC no longer counts extra kills when multiple spells hit at the same time. Each killing blow spell is still recorded and reported, but only 1 KILL is counted.
You will probably notice a drop in kills reported per hour, but that's because the kills reported are much closer to being correct.
- Quite a few general code changes, efficiency improvements, code golf, etc

Slash Commands:
/kcreset - reset the counter. you can also do
/kcreset full to reset all of your stats (including list of killed enemies, total kills, etc)
/kc is a general purpose command with many different functions:
/kc on to show Kill Counter
/kc off to hide Kill Counter
/kc stats to view or hide stats panel
/kc settings to view and enable/disable various parts of Kill Counter
/kcreport - Use to report your Kill Counter stats to chat. See below for full list of options for this but an example would be:
/kcreport g1 --reports to guild one
/kcreport z -- reports to zone
/kcreport s full -- reports to say, and shows full stats
/kc report w @somefriendofyours --reports to someone in a whisper

KC Report slash command information: Please see the Author Portal for information on the /kcreport slash command, and more.

Special thanks to Ayantir Drummerx04, @g4rr3t Ghostbane(AP Meter), QuadroTony,Cinnamon_Spider, Hank1997, SheWhoLovesGold, Araxleon, the NA dueling/PVP guild Legend, Mikethecoder,
and many others for helping to create/update/test Kill Counter in the past years.

Kill Counter development/maintenance is now under the care of Casterial, please be gentle, but suggestions
for things to improve or features to add would be welcome.
  • Fixed class code, Sparta 117!

  • Comma Fix

  • Fixed Displaying Killed Messages
  • Attributor & Bug Squasher: @g4rr3t

(Note: This is mainly for PTS, but will work with the launch of the Chapter)
  • Arcanist Class Added
  • Arcanist Class Added
  • Fixes an issue where some of Necromancers abilities were not counted correctly
  • Code Cleaned & Fixed up for easier reading for future updates

  • API bump
  • Got KC to Work Again

  • LibMainMenu - Deprecated, updated to LibMainMenu 2
  • Fixed the deprecated files
  • API Bump

  • API Bump, fixed minor issues
  • "/kcreport", "/kcreport full" now initially report in /say
  • "/kcreport", "/kcreport full" both report killing blows, full is overall while /kcreport is current
  • Optimized the killing timer

API bump

  • Fixed minor issues with error calling before addon loaded.
(note, untested, if a bug occurs let me know)

  • This is no longer a standalone and needs LibAddonMenu 2 and LibMainMenu.
  • Fixes an issue where current data was not stored in a timely matter so if you crashed, you'd lose the data. IOt now updates per kill/death to retain data

  • [Minor bug fix
  • Minor Bug Fix, if you deposit AP to bank you'll no longer go negative
note: I'm aware of a few issues and will work on them slowly, but due to a new job I won't have as much time for a while.

  • API Bump

  • Added K/D ratio levels in Overview Stats
  • God Mode (Gold) - 10+K/D
  • Beast Mode (Orange ) - 5+K/D
  • Super Mode (Blue) - 2.5+K/D
  • .7-2.5 Green
  • between .5-.7 Yellow
  • below .5 Red
note: you should now see colored K/D for your overview stats. This is to encourage people to care more about their K/D!
  • Completely overhauled the code base to be standard formatting. This should help with adjust code going forward

Fixed a minor mathematical bug.

  • Added K/D ratio levels in Current Sessions Tab
  • God Mode (Gold) - 10+K/D
  • Beast Mode (Orange ) - 5+K/D
  • Super Mode (Blue) - 2.5+K/D
  • .7-2.5 Green
  • between .5-.7 Yellow
  • below .5 Red
  • Fixed Misspelling of Daggerfall
  • Fixed Text Overlap

  • Fixed a major bug where Sorcerer was reporting as Dragonknight and vice versa.
  • Updated the KC Stat Bar to update on event instead of after event
  • Removed VR levels
  • Fixed blank class by making it say "duel". This is back when KC counted kills outside, but not deaths.
  • Updated the GUI. Re-did all the icons to make them match their respective tab
  • Updated the draw line visuals between each line.
  • Updated the class colors on graphs
  • Updated the background for information
  • Updated the stat bar to not have cross colors
Possible Future Updates:
Searching Kills, this is far down the line but still being worked on
Background image changes for the menu
Dueling Mode, being looked into

* Fixed / changed a few kill counter elements
- Kill Counter /kc on stat bar is no longer transparent. This is to help visibility in Cyrodiil and modernize it.
* May add a settings option for this

- Changed the Killers tab so that it no longer displays levels. Levels would require a lot of data updating and not update all old player data so this is removed from the table and added Kills To Them so you can easily view Kills From / To the player in the Killers Table

Bug Fixes
- Potentially fixed stats displaying `T` error in housing.

* fixed error message
[LAM2] The panel with id 'KillCounterConfig' was registered before addon loading has completed. This might break the AddOn Settings menu.
* Added another option in panel to view stats quickly

* Added the start of the Settings->Addon panel, for now this just has a button to open /kc settings
- Added another option in settings to disable kill counter stats bar entirely while in cyrodiil or battlegrounds

Known Issues:
- If you open KC settings through panel initially (without default ways of opening) data may show as T, this will fix itself.

Upcoming (Hopefully - 3.2.0-3.2.5)
- Working on un-embedding settings and moving to the panel. Kill Counter is old, so bare with me as I work through it

* Fixed an issue created in 3.0.1, the queue bar wouldn't have transparency
- Also fixed Stat Breakdown window and changed wording for Total Killers / Total Kills to Total Unique Killers / Total Unique Players Killed. This is so its understanding that its different than your actual overall.

* Dynamically fixed the bar to change size when AP is disabled.
- Fixed several old code left over
- Deleted random numbers throwing errors
- Fixed the issue with KC bar size randomly changing to default, if this issue comes back report it

* Addressed several bugs with kill counter and cleaned up the source code a bit more
- Kill Counter now has the ability to turn off AP on the stat bar. /kc settings Note, we do not force /reloadui, you must do this yourself Turning AP off doesn't shrink the bar. This is just for users who use AP meter. You can simply drag the extra bar off the screen.
- Added /kc help which now displays all the commands for kill counter.
- Changes the visuals on the bar minimally to help readability. This includes extending the bar

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where /kcreset wouldn't full reset stats (AP and killing streaks)
- Fixed an issue where there was `,` displaying in the stats bar
- Fixed the spacing on the bar for K/D to no longer be K/D:(0/0 :0.0) its now: K/D[0/0 : 0.0]
- Fixed an issue where triple digit kills and 7 digit AP would run off the bar (still testing the 7 digit AP)

Known Issues:
- While in housing /kc stats will display the incorrect information. This has to do with ZOS
- KC star bar make not update instantly for AP or /kcreset. This has to do with API issues, the bar will update, the table updates immediately

Wants (Requested and being worked on, TBD)
- Ability to search kills, killers, killing blows via text option
- Moving /kc settings to the default Settings->Addon location

* adjusted bar size to 405 from 420 should allow up to triple digits on everything and 7 digits on AP.

* Fixed minor issues
- Fixed the kill counter bar where AP numbers would go over transparency (Note, this makes the bar a little longer)
- Confirmed that killing blows tab is counted, just only updated when logged off
- Cleaned up some code
- Starting storing a future class so data now works when a new class is released
- Fixed overlapping table issue

*Updated API
- No fixes or updates yet

* Fixed the rank 50 issue and more - Special Thanks to Ghostbane, check out AP Meter:
- Fixed an issue where K/D color on current session would show red when over 1.0
- Fixed an issue where AP would not report at level 50+ Alliance rank
- Fixed an issue KD in Current session would be "+3.3203" it now rounds to the nearest 2nd decimal place

-->Known Issue: AP on the status bar may update slow, but it updates. All other areas are not affected.

* Fixed several bugs
- Fixed an issue where current session KDR was showing total kills overall
- Fixed an issue where KDR was negative
- Fixed an issue where Necromancer graph was not displaying on Kills/Deaths
- Fixed an issue where overlapping occurred in GUI
- Fixed an issue where AP on bar would go over the transparency

* Added new class support
- Properly tracks Necromancer class while in Cyro/BGs.
- Disabled Kill Counter outside of Cyrodiil/BG. KC was reporting only wins in duels and never losses. I disabled this
and am looking to eventually track both Kills and Deaths outside.
- LibMenuMap is now back to 1.0 not 2.0
- Fixed an issue where Sorcerer was overlapping data with Necromancer (For % breakdown)

2.3.0 - 2.3.2
* New/Improved Features:
- Proper detection of keep/resource capture data.
- Additional settings to filter the information reported in the chat window.
- Added support for Warden statistics. Old KC data still works. (Wardens were already stored, but not used)
- An additional display element for the current Queue position.
- Added a feature to automatically accept the campaign queue invite.
- Both of the previous features can be disabled
- The UI element is much easier to move than before.
- Changed the small stats display window to be a little better organized.
- Quite a few general code changes, efficiency improvements, code golf, etc

*API Bump

*updated to new version
*fixes issues with new API

*rolled Kill Counter to the latest API version

*Fixed an issue caused my an outdated version of LibMainMenu
*fixed issue with current session KDR difference color code. The color is green when a lot above your KDR, Red when a lot below, and yellow when within 70% (above or below)
*Added current Kills table to current session tab. Note: Known issue with this tab, sometimes it will show an extra death on certain rows/players under certain circumstances.
*Removed all archived Kill Counter versions from before 2015

*Huge GUI overhaul. KC stats menu is now a full fledged menu (like your skills menu, or inventory) with the same tabs that the old /kc stats window had. I used the LibMainMenu addon to do this, so now Kill Counter comes with LibMainMenu, as well as LibStub (as well as a couple new Lua/XML files). The overall size of Kill Counter is now a little bigger, but the size shouldn't be that noticeable.
*Removed seige tab from the stats menu, and put seige stats information into the overview tab
*added current session tab that lists stats for the current session. This tab is a work in progress and I plan on adding a lot more info to this menu, including a list of people you've killed, and some stats similar to the stats that are in the breakdown tab
*fixed a bug that had to do with color codes. Please let me know if you see this error with color codes!
*added tracking for longest and current killing blow streak to the overview tab of the stats menu
*slightly increased the size of the Killing blow tab table.
*The killing blow tab is also a Work in Progress and I plan on adding more information, including possibly a graph of the top 5 (or maybe a pie chart). Please leave a note in the comments section or my author portal if you have any ideas for more information that should go into this tab!
*Removed the settings window, and added the settings to the Kill Counter Stats menu. You can still type /kc settings to open the stats menu directly into this tab
*adjusted various Gui elements to look cleaner
*Added Keybinds to kill counter, 1 for opening the main Kill Counter stats menu, and one for opening the settings tab of the stats menu directly.
*adjusted/refactored various files to make the code easier to change
*added more current session tracking for future updates to the current session stats menu. See above for notes on how the current session tab is a work in progress
*changed a few icons/buttons to make the GUI more coherent.
*added new screenshots to reflect the changes to the GUI
*Removed all archives before November 2014

*Fixed a big that could cause deaths not to be recorded.
*added code to prepare for GUI overhaul

*fixed a bug that was preventing some kills from being reported
*added new command /kcreport. See comments page and description page for usage information
*added a new stats window tab - Killing Blows. Will show a list of killing blow spells, to give an idea of which one of your spells gets the most killing blows. Right now this part of the window is pretty barren, but I plan on adding more information to this page. Probably a break down of killing blows by class/alliance and stuff like whats on the breakdown page
*added tracking of killing blow spells.
*minor GUI tweaks

*Updated to latest API version
*fixed a few string formatting and localization issues
*fixed /kc stats and /kc settings commands sometimes not showing the respective GUI elements correctly.
*added the ability to ignore NPC deaths. This means that if you are killed by, say, NPC gaurds, the death will NOT end your kill streak. However, this behavior is DISABLED by default. To enable this setting, go into the settings menu by typing /kc settings and enable the "Ignore NPC Deaths" setting.

Update 2.1.10
*Fixed a few minor bugs
*added spell to killing blow text. For example, if you killed someone with the spell executioner, it will now say "You have killed XXX with a killing blow using Executioner"
*soon to track what you've killed people with. Hopefully in the CS update
*hopefully fixed all colorized text to not cause an issue with addons like pchat. PLEASE let me know if you find errors with text (like random letters being appended/prefixed to text)

Update 2.1.9
*updated to latest API version
*fixed double kill issue (hopefully for good this time)
*prepared addon for overhaul

Update 2.1.8
*updated to latest API version

Update 2.1.7
*updated to latest API version

Update 2.1.6
*updated to latest API version

Update 2.1.5
*Added Killing blow ratio and killing blow level to stats breakdown
*added deaths by class graph to stats breakdown
*fixed bug that would prevent stats from updating correctly in the Stats menu GUI
*few minor bug fixes
*new Killing blow level: Like threat level for enemy characters, shows different level/color based on current Killing blow ratio
*Killing blow ratio defined by the ratio of killing blows to kills

Update 2.1.4
*Added Killing blow tracking
*added killing blow streaks
*changed many streaks and other chat alerts to be color coded. Some alerts are still the default color. Please let me know how you like this change!
*changed chat alerts to be slightly less spammy. this is an on going effort that will get better
*added a bar graph to the break down stats subsection. This graph shows a breakdown of kills by class
*prepared addon for further breakdown graphs (notably deaths by class and kills/deaths by alliance)
*added killing blows to the individual player view
*Added killing blows and killing blows streak to the on screen Kill Counter GUI element. (labeled as kb() and kbs() respectively)

Update 2.1.3
*Updated to latest API version
*Note, for some reason, the stats are reset. I have tried backing up my stats, and reloading them, but it doesn't seem to work. Sorry everyone. Before updating to the newest version of ESO, you can make a back up of your stats by going to your ESO folder (usually in documents for windows) and then live/savedVariables and make a copy of the file called Kill Counter.
*Sorry to everyone for the inconvenience. I will look into this further to see if there is a way around this.

Update 2.1.2
*fixed issue with non english versions of the game and deaths. If you continue to have a problem with endless kill streaks and deaths please contact me or leave a comment immediately.
*if you are using an english version, or are not experiencing endless kill streaks, you can safely skip this update

Update 2.1.1
*Added Player View window, to see stats against that player in 1 window, including kills, deaths, etc.
*added color coding to seige messages based on faction
*fixed issue with an error when having no stats
*changed faction specific colors in various places to make it look better with rest of UI
*added AP tracking, Both overall and current for the session
*fixed and tweaked a few minor UI things

Update 2.1.0
*Added new stats menu sub section: Killers. Lists all people who have killed you, including alliance, class, and Level in a sortable list (like the Kills list). Note: Some players may be missing Class. Because of the way the API works, You have to target someone before or after they kill you.
*Added a Stats breakdown sub section: Has various stat averages, maximums, and other break downs like player you killed most, player with most killing blows, most killed class/alliance, etc. See main menu and screenshots for more details
*removed Deprecated slash commands
*Added Killing Blows tracking variables. No GUI elements showing them yet, coming in next update
*Coming: more breakdown stats, damage done, last 10-20 kills breakdown, killing blow streaks/tracking and more.

Update 2.0.6
*Added sorting to the players killed stats window. You can now sort by columns by clicking on the column header (both ascending and descending)
*Changed death alert to reflect who has killed you
*tracking of Players who kill you is now enabled. There is not yet a sub menu for this in the stats menu, this is coming soon.
*fixed a few minor issues

Update 2.0.5
*Added a new settings menu that consolidates most of the slash command settings
*added new slash command /kc settings
*removed many slash commands. they still techinically work, but will be fully gone from Kill Counter by 2.1.0. Please use /kc settings to turn on and off various Kill Counter alerts
*You should no longer be forced to wipe your stats because of a Kill Counter update.
*Killers (players who killed you) coming soon.

Update 2.0.4
*small change to sounds
*you can now type /kc sounds to enable/disable sounds. sounds are on by default
*prepared internal Kill Counter code for new settings menu

Update 2.0.3
*added tracking of many things that were missing this includes:
*added class and alliance tracking
*added revenge and avenge kill tracking
*changed overview GUI to be more readable

Update 2.0.2b
*Updated to latest version of API
*prepared Kill Counter for tracking death information in newest patch
*fixed rare error with fixing walls. Please contact me immediately if you get an error while trying to fix a wall in Cyrodiil

Update 2.0.2a
*Fixed issue with a kill streak related bug that would occur when you have reset your stats or starting with brand new stats

Update 2.0.2
*fixed bug which would prevent kill counter from showing in cyrodiil in certain situations
*fixed uncommon double kill issue

Update 2.0.1
*Fixed small keep tracking error
*added kill streak to on screen gui element

Update 2.0.0
*This is a very large update. I recommend everyone update to this update as soon as possible, as it has many bug fixes and other updates that truly make it the best version
*Totally overhauled the stats menu. Now has different sections split up into Overview, Kills, and Seige, a sliding menu, and overall looks 1000 times better.
*Changed the Kill Counter on Screen widget. It is now much thinner and the information is more streamlines, but also longer. Should now be less obtrusive, and fit better with other addons
*many major fixes to the kill tracking algorithm. Should help mitigate a double kill issue that was pretty uncommon
*Added a few stats, like KDR (overall and current)
*Added many Player killed stats, including revenge kills, avenge kills, class, etc. Most of this information is NOT yet tracked yet, but will be in a future update. ATM only Kills, and Killing blows are tracked
*New saved variables format, so all previous data will be lost.
*Made Keep tracking slightly more reliable. Still needs more work.

Update 1.1.6
*This update is mostly about fixing the keep capture tracking. Keep capture trackign should now work, at least in a limited way.
*Fixes a misspelling bug with Keep Counter. Capturing Keeps should now work. Remember, to get credit for a keep capture, you must capture at least 1 of the flag
*fixed minor misspelling issues
*Identified rare double kill issue. steps are being taken to fix this.

Update 1.1.5a
*small update fixing out of combat message
*adds slash command /kc ooc to toggle showing when you leave combat.
*showing when you leave combat is disabled by default.

Update 1.1.5
1.1.5 is a very large update comprised of several updates. This update includes Seige Counter, which tracks and shows when you capture resources and keeps! Note, the keep portion of the tracking is not yet fully tested. If you have captured keeps, and this doesn't show it, please report to me. In theory, it should work, but again, I haven't been able to test it thoroughly, so I decided to just release the update rather than make you guys wait
*Seige Counter, tracks resource and keep captures. see description for relevant slash commands and more information
*made kill tracking ALOT more accurate. Note, sometimes Kill recognition comes a few seconds after you have gotten a kill. See comments for more information.
*fixed a few small bugs
*added resource and keep capture streaks
*since the saved information structure has changed, all your data from before this update will be wiped unfortunately :( If you really want to keep your stats, please contact me and I can help you

Update 1.1.2
This is a small update, preparing for a bigger one in which I had a "seige counter" more info to come
*restructured code to be more in line with standards
*changed kill streak sound to be more noticable
*deleted old archives

Update 1.1.1
*This update overhauled the slash commands, making them more efficient and less likely to cause problems with other addons. See Main Description for new slash commands system, and see the comments for more in depth description of the changes
*added auto hiding and command /kc toggle to manually hide and show kill counter
*Kill Counter now auto hides when not in Cyrodiil. Using /kc toggle overrides this behavior (see comments for more in depth description)

Update 1.1.0
This update adds sound effects and a few small utility tweaks.
*Kills and Killing streaks now have different sound effects when they happen. Note, when there is a lot of sound, it can be difficult to pick out to sounds from all the noise
*You can now reset all of your stats by using the command /kcreset full
Note this also removes list of killed enemies. This does NOT reset the position. Please contact me if it does!
*a few more messages to make the addon more responsive

Update 1.0.8a
*Small update fixing death streak bug and mouse scrolling bug.
Update 1.0.8
*This update fixes several issues this addon had with UI element positioning, and hiding. It now hides automatically when going into ESO ui screens (Like inventory) and no longer should interfere with other addons like Wykkyds quest Log. This addon has a new savedVariables structure so unfortunately, your data will be wiped. as Always, message me if you REALLY want to keep your data.
*Also fixed/tweaked a few messages to be more grammatically correct

Update 1.0.7
Small Update. Added remembering of last position you put it in. It should now stay where you put it once, without you having to keep moving it. Please contact me if yours resets position!
Note: after update, it will be in the default position. Also, because of the way saved stats/settings work, your stats will be reset in this update (and indeed in the previous update). If you wish to retain your stats, I can help, simply contact me.

Update 1.0.6
*Fixed quite a few various UI bugs, including the killed players list not updating/staying empty.
*Steps took to try to debug wykkyd framework problem.
*Added auto hiding when entering inventory screen, or other ESO UI screens.
*Added Death Streak! and Death Streak messages!
*Fixed double killing bug.
*various UI tweaks

Update 1.0.5
*Added a stats menu! This can be reached by clicking the stats button on the main UI box. This stats menu shows total and current kills and deaths, as well as who you have killed before! I am going to work on adding whose faction these people are in. This will be in a later update
*improved overall look of GUI elements.

Update: 1.0.4:
*Includes saved stats! KillCounter now tracks total kills and total deaths and shows them in parenthesis next to current kill/death number. I also track who you kill, but i haven't yet created the window that will show this information. This is coming soon!
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Hey there,

your file gui.lua does the library checks but it is run too early!
In your txt file you have added LibAddonMenu and LibMainMenu as ## DependsOn:

But only after event_add_on_loaded of YOUR addon has fired ALL these dependencies are registred properly!

So if you do checks for the libraries before this event it might fail (not always, depending on activated addons, libs, dependencies and their order of loading -> oder of loading is Z* addons first (for ZOs stuff), then from Y to A recognizing dependencies and loading them properly.

As your txt file loads the gui.txt and this will definately be before event_add_on_loaded is fired the messages here will be shown:
local LMM = LibMainMenu
local LAM2 = LibAddonMenu2
if not LMM and LibStub then LMM = LibStub("LibMainMenu", true) end
assert(LMM, d("Kill Counter Error: LibMainMenu was not found. Addon will not function properly and quits now!"))
if not LAM and LibStub then LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0", true) end
assert(LAM, d("Kill Counter Error: LibAddonMenu was not found. Addon will not function properly and quits now!"))
You do not need your checks as you have added the libs ad ## DependsOn:
-> Your addon CANNOT be activated if one of the dependencies is missing! So this will be handled via the game addon manager itsself!

But if you want to do some checks
You should move these checks to your function
and raise the error messages then.

And btw:

ONLY at event_player_activated you can be sure that the chat is already there so better even do the check inside this event instead of event_add_on_loaded so the users are able to see the chat mesasges
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Unread 01/28/20, 06:46 PM  

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Re: PVP Meter Issues

Are you sure this is the correct info to replace it with? The txt file in the PVPMeter addon folder already appeared to have the exact same contents.

Originally Posted by Casterial
If you use PVP Meter, please head to PvPMeter Addon folder in live/Addons/PVPMeter
Open the .txt, change everything in the .txt to match below

## Title: PvP Meter
## Version: 2.38
## SavedVariables: PvpMeterSavedVariables
## APIVersion: 100027
## Author: marig63
## OptionalDependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibMainMenu







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Unread 01/24/20, 09:41 PM  
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PVP Meter Issues

If you use PVP Meter, please head to PvPMeter Addon folder in live/Addons/PVPMeter
Open the .txt, change everything in the .txt to match below

## Title: PvP Meter
## Version: 2.38
## SavedVariables: PvpMeterSavedVariables
## APIVersion: 100027
## Author: marig63
## OptionalDependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibMainMenu






Last edited by Casterial : 02/13/20 at 12:27 PM.
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Unread 01/18/20, 09:01 PM  
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Re: Re: DONE: Saving Data, Dependencies

Originally Posted by Rhae7
Hey Guys,

I could really do with some help. I'm, getting the error message posted below and haven't got a clue with regards to how to fix it. any help? thanks

user:/AddOns/KillCounter/lib/gui.lua:1983: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/KillCounter/lib/gui.lua:1983: in function 'KC_G.showStats'
:1: in function '(main chunk)'
<Locals> keybind = "KILLCOUNTER _SHOW_PANEL" </Locals>
Hey, please read below. You most likely have an imcompatible addon. If you use AP Meter for example, it will throw lua errors due to built in library dependencies. Please read below for fixes.
Last edited by Casterial : 01/20/20 at 02:04 AM.
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Unread 01/18/20, 12:00 PM  

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Re: DONE: Saving Data, Dependencies

Hey Guys,

I could really do with some help. I'm, getting the error message posted below and haven't got a clue with regards to how to fix it. any help? thanks

user:/AddOns/KillCounter/lib/gui.lua:1983: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/KillCounter/lib/gui.lua:1983: in function 'KC_G.showStats'
:1: in function '(main chunk)'
<Locals> keybind = "KILLCOUNTER _SHOW_PANEL" </Locals>
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Unread 01/12/20, 02:12 AM  
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Exclamation DONE: Saving Data, Dependencies


Thank you to @Baertram

If you send in a comment about an error message or found bug, please always include the following information:
Did you test with ONLY the Kill Counter addon & needed dependencies enabled and is it working then?
What other addons did you use as the error happened and could you find out which of them is causing the error (if only Kill Counter enabled works fine)?

Kill Counter How to Install/Update, Known bugs/incompatibilities

Are you manually updating addons?
  1. Logout before update
  2. Delete the Kill Counter addon folder (find the folder here:
  3. Download the most actual version of Kill Counter and install it to the AddOns folder like described in the link here (
  4. Read the addon description ( and install all needed libraries linked below "Needed libraries/dependencies" ! Do the same like with Kill Counter. Delete old folders before extracting the new ones
    Be sure to install LibAddOnMenu2
    Be sure to install LibMainMenu and not LibMainMenu2!
  5. Login.
  6. Enable Kill Counter and all needed libraries in the dependencies (also the ones named below "Included libraries:", except "Custom Titles"

If you are using Minion to update addons:
  1. Logout before update
  2. If you are updating from a version BELOW 3.2.7:
    If you make sure everything works well: Right click the addon at the "Installed" tab and choose "Uninstall".
    Click the "Find more" tab and search for Kill Counter, then Install it new.
    Or right click the addon at the "Installed" tab and choose "reinstall".
    If you are updating from a version >= 3.2.8
    Should be enough to press the "Update" button.
  3. Read the addon description ( and install all needed libraries linked below "Needed libraries/dependencies" ! Do the same like with Kill Counter and install them from the "Find more" tab, or "Reinstall" them by right clicking them at the "Installed" tab.
    Be sure to install LibAddOnMenu2
    Be sure to install LibMainMenu and not LibMainMenu2!
  4. Login.
  5. Enable Kill Counter and all needed libraries in the dependencies (also the ones named below "Included libraries:", except "Custom Titles"

Older versions:
Manually install it like described above!

Addon installation:

Known incompatiblity with other addons

The following addons or libraries used in these addons could disturb Kill Counter and shouldn't be used together with Kill Counter. There might be/exist other addons doing the same, so you might need to change the disturbing addon to other one(s), or contact their authors to remove/update the included libraries properly and ALWAYS as the libraries get updated:
(PLEASE NOTE: Superstar has been updated this is just an example)
Superstar (Contacted addon dev to remove hardcoded LibMainMenu and let it use the standalone installed, properly updated library version)

Workaround for you:
-If a folder lib or libs or libraries exists delete the subfolder LibMainMenu from it!
-Change the addon's txt file like eg. SuperStar.txt or HarvestMap.txt or PvPMeter.txt (<Addon's name>.txt)

Delete this kind of line (could be libs or lib or libraries and instead of / a \ for the folder delimiter):
## DependsOn: LibMainMenu
If ## DependsOn: already exists just add LibMainMneu in the line after the existing text, seperated with a space.

If a line ## OptionalDependsOn: exists already, remove LibMainMenu from it (if it's in the line) as it is in ## DependsOn now!
## OptionalDependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibMainMenu Lib...

## OptionalDependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0 Lib...
HarvestMap: See HarvestMap "Known bugs" below. For a workaround see "Superstar" explanation above. It's the same problem!
PvPMeter: See HarvestMap "Known bugs" below. For a workaround see "Superstar" explanation above. It's the same problem!
Attention: The library is located within HarvestMap/modules/HarvestMap/lib folder!

Known bugs:
Kill Counter Version >=v3.2.8: Incompatibility with HarvestMap//PVPMeter
user:/AddOns/KillCounter/..... function expected instead of nil
HarvestMap needs a fix for an included outdated LibMainMenu. Please update LibMainMenu to newest version >= v8
Workaround: Read above at "Incompatibilities" for the "Superstar" addon!
Last edited by Casterial : 01/12/20 at 02:36 AM.
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Unread 12/29/19, 01:08 AM  
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Re: Name change

Originally Posted by kyleotown85
If I change my in game name not my @ name. Is this going to effect my kill counter stats? I don't won't to lose my KC stats.

Yes it'll change your KC stats for that character because stats are saved in
C:\Users\MyComputer\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables
You can open "KillCounter.lua" in this folder.

Use Visual Studio Code or Notepad++ as this will be several thousands lines.

Search for your old character name in here, when you find it (use control f) it'll be something like:
            ["CasteriaI"] = 
Change the name in " " to your new character name. Be very precise and make no error, caps must be caps, etc.

Make sure to do this while the game is closed, once the game is closed and you've done this, save it and then launch the game and log into your new named character

edit: This is also true for @names, just change the place of "@UserName" This is true for a majority of addons btw, so keep this in mind for other addons if they reset!
Last edited by Casterial : 12/29/19 at 01:15 AM.
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Unread 12/27/19, 10:52 PM  

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Name change

If I change my in game name not my @ name. Is this going to effect my kill counter stats? I don't won't to lose my KC stats.
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Unread 12/26/19, 08:26 PM  

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Thank you for the response! I really appreciate you looking into this, it would make life so much easier on me.
Best regards

Originally Posted by Casterial
Hey, I'll look into if this is possible to. I know it can be confusing if you use @names. This may be possible, but it depends how the previous set up linking, if its using data changing over to @names will cause a lot of corruption within the data, if its individual / not linked directly to data we may be good

Feature Request in works / being looked at:
- Saving Current Session for x time, or total stats more frequently
- Re-working addon set up to not use dependencies despite this being a Standalone.
- Checking @name vs Character names
Last edited by Langeston : 12/26/19 at 08:27 PM.
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Unread 12/22/19, 10:03 PM  
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Originally Posted by Phuein
Awesome work on this addon! Everyone in my raiding guild uses it.

We play for about 6 hours a session, making us restart the game every 3 hours - if we don't crash before. That means losing our stats in the same session.

Could you add an option to restore the previous session stats if the player returns within 30 minutes? Thank you.
Hiya, I'm actually looking into this, I did a small fix for a minor version right now. But I'm looking to either have current session save for x time, or just automatically be saved into the addon settings more so we don't lose any data.

New job, a bit busy so updates may be slower for a bit.

Originally Posted by Langeston
Feauture Request: Change Character to @Name in [Killed By] and [Killed] messages.
Hey, I'll look into if this is possible to. I know it can be confusing if you use @names. This may be possible, but it depends how the previous set up linking, if its using data changing over to @names will cause a lot of corruption within the data, if its individual / not linked directly to data we may be good

Feature Request in works / being looked at:
- Saving Current Session for x time, or total stats more frequently
- Re-working addon set up to not use dependencies despite this being a Standalone.
- Checking @name vs Character names
Last edited by Casterial : 12/22/19 at 10:15 PM.
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Unread 12/22/19, 01:58 PM  
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Awesome work on this addon! Everyone in my raiding guild uses it.

We play for about 6 hours a session, making us restart the game every 3 hours - if we don't crash before. That means losing our stats in the same session.

Could you add an option to restore the previous session stats if the player returns within 30 minutes? Thank you.
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Unread 12/15/19, 07:25 PM  

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@username instead of character name

Is it possible to change the names that show up in the chat window (for "Killed by" and "Killed") to show their @username rather than their character name? (And if not, is that something you'd be willing to implement as an option?) I have everything else in the game set up to show the @username & it's a bit confusing seeing the character names as they don't match up.

Thank you for the great addon!
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Unread 12/10/19, 01:51 AM  
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It's not a lua error message but a chat message about pChat missing LibMainMenu properly if you have Kill Counter loaded, due to the old included LibMainMenu which overwrites the global variable LibMainMenu and thus pChat's /msg chat command is not working.
I have added a sanity check within pChat so the other 90% of that addon can be still used if LibMainMenu is somehow missing, that's why you don't get a real lua error message.

Originally Posted by Casterial
I'll look into it, but for me I'm having no issues with pChat, but because I have the required library for pChat installed by itself. I'll fix it when I have time (new job) so it may be out for a while. Kill Counter is in `Stand Alone` for this reason like the documentation says, but I can move it out from stand alone in the future when we work toward moving away from "hardcoded libraries".

Thanks for pointing this out

Originally Posted by Baertram
Remove embedded "hardcoded" libraries like LibStub, LibAddonMenu and especially LibMainMenu from this addon's hardcoded txt file lines, and just let the users add it as standalone library properly (at it as ## DependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibMainMenu dependency).
The included old version of LibMainMenu damages other addons like pChat
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Unread 12/09/19, 11:34 PM  
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I'll look into it, but for me I'm having no issues with pChat, but because I have the required library for pChat installed by itself. I'll fix it when I have time (new job) so it may be out for a while. Kill Counter is in `Stand Alone` for this reason like the documentation says, but I can move it out from stand alone in the future when we work toward moving away from "hardcoded libraries".

Thanks for pointing this out

Originally Posted by Baertram
Remove embedded "hardcoded" libraries like LibStub, LibAddonMenu and especially LibMainMenu from this addon's hardcoded txt file lines, and just let the users add it as standalone library properly (at it as ## DependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibMainMenu dependency).
The included old version of LibMainMenu damages other addons like pChat
Last edited by Casterial : 12/09/19 at 11:35 PM.
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Unread 12/09/19, 08:12 AM  
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Remove embedded "hardcoded" libraries like LibStub, LibAddonMenu and especially LibMainMenu from this addon's hardcoded txt file lines, and just let the users add it as standalone library properly (at it as ## DependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibMainMenu dependency).
The included old version of LibMainMenu damages other addons like pChat

Where possible also do not use LibStub anymore to load the libraries but use their global variable to access them, like this:
Lua Code:
  1. locl LAM = LibAddonMenu2
  2. if not LAM and LibStub then LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0", true) end
  3. assert(LAM, d("[Myaddon]LibAddonMenu was not found. Addon will not function properly and quits now!"))
  5. local LMM = LibMainMenu
  6. if not LMM and LibStub then LMM = LibStub("LibMainMenu", true) end
  7. assert(LMM, d("[Myaddon]LibMainMenu was not found. Addon will not function properly and quits now!"))

Please do the following at least to fix pChat incompatibilities

-Maybe add an ## AddOnVersion: tag
-Add the ## DependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibMainMenu
-Delete the hardcoded lines to ayn library which can be installed standlaone or included WITH their own txt file:
## Title: Kill Counter
## APIVersion: 100029 100030
## Version: 3.2.6
## AddOnVersion: 030206
## SavedVariables: KillCounter_Data
## Description: Tracks Kills, Kill Streaks, Keep Takes, and more.
## Author: @Casterial, (Old:@Drummerx04,Mikethecoder4)
## DependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibMainMenu

Subfolder libs:
Delete the folders LibAddonMenu-2.0, LibMainMenu and LibStub completely!
IF you want to include them, download the complete libraries in their most updated versions and include them in total containing definately their own txt files! So the ingame addon Manager is working correctly and is rading these txt files, their AddOnVersion tag and ONLY loads the most up2date version properly.
If you hardcode the lines in your addon#s manifest txt file the old versiosn will ALWAYS be loaded and most likely destroy other addons like pChat currently

LibStub does not need to be included as YOUR addon does not need it and the libraies which need it will either include it in their zip file OR they will have an ## DependsOn or ## OptionalDependsOn LibStub theirselves.

Add to your description of the addon:
This addon needs the following libraries installed seperately/as standalone version, just like an addon.
You can install it via Minion or download it here:

MANY MANY tahnks for fixing this and also if you update the addon be sure to check if other libraries exist as stabalone versions and do the same for them like described above!

Reason why this is needed:
You can read it here:
Why embedded HARD CODED librraies in your addon's txt file break other addons (if not today then in the future!)
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