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Updated: 10/15/23 02:46 AM
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Endless Archive (9.2.5)
Updated:10/15/23 02:46 AM
Created:06/27/14 12:58 PM
Monthly downloads:29,723
Total downloads:3,390,592
LibGPS  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 3.3.2
by: sirinsidiator, votan
Have you ever tried to save or send a position on the map with your addon? You might have noticed that this is not as easy as it sounds.
This library efficiently converts a position on any map into a global position that you can save or share. This is made possible by measuring maps once when they are encountered for the first time during a play session and only doing simple calculations afterwards.

Make sure to install the following required libraries in order to use LibGPS.

Quick Start
Add the necessary statements in your addon manifest to load the files:
## DependsOn: LibGPS>=30
NOTE: The >=30 tells the game to require AddOnVersion 30 or greater, which happens to be the first version with the 3.0 API and has nothing to do with the semantic version. It is simply a build number provided by the build script used to package the library.

In order to use the library you have to get an instance from the global variable:
local gps = LibGPS3
Next you can convert a position on the currently active map into a global position on the Tamriel map by calling LocalToGlobal.
For example you can convert the local player position into a global position with the following line of code:
local x, y = gps:LocalToGlobal(GetMapPlayerPosition("player"))
The resulting x and y can be saved, sent or whatever else you want to do with it.
NOTE: For some locations the global coordinates can be outside the bounds for normalized coordinates, for example Coldharbour has negative x coordinates as it is to the left of Tamriel in the global coordinate space.

After you have loaded or received a global position you just need to call GlobalToLocal to get the position on the current map.
local x, y = gps:GlobalToLocal(x, y)

Migrating from LibGPS2
LibGPS3 offers full backwards compatibility to LibGPS2 (see compatibility.lua), but it's still highly recommended to migrate to the new API.
In order to use the new API, simply access the library via the "LibGPS3" global variable instead of "LibGPS2" or LibStub.
Most functions stayed the same between v2 and v3, but there are a few breaking changes. The following list shows how to migrate those cases.

Renamed functions
Some function names have been changed to better reflect the return value.
  • ClearCurrentMapMeasurements -> ClearCurrentMapMeasurement
  • GetCurrentMapMeasurements -> GetCurrentMapMeasurement
  • CalculateMapMeasurements -> CalculateMapMeasurement

Measurement object
GetCurrentMapMeasurement now returns an object with some convenience methods instead of a plain table. See the description below in the API reference for details on what it can do.

The mapIndex return value has been removed as our understanding of what a map is has changed and it was deemed unnecessary for most use cases.
If you still need it, you can use GetCurrentMapMeasurement() to fetch the measurement object and retrieve it from there.

This method was used a long time ago to offer a way to migrate LibGPS1 coordinates. Since then it has become effectivly unnecessary and only causes confusion. As such it has been removed without replacement.

This has become easily possible via ingame functionality since the time it was initially added to the library. Simply use "ZO_WorldMap_GetPanAndZoom():PanToNormalizedPosition(x, y)" instead.

OnLibGPS2MeasurementChanged callback
There is now a constant LIB_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED for the callback name, which should be used instead of the plain string.

API Reference
Here is a complete list of the functionality that is provided by LibGPS:

Returns true as long as the player exists.
Returns true if the library is currently doing any measurements.
Removes all cached measurement values.
Removes the cached measurement for the map that is currently active.
Returns a measurement object for the active map or nil if the measurement could not be calculated for some reason.
See the description of the Measurement object for details.
Measurement measurement = lib:GetCurrentMapMeasurement()
Returns a measurement object for the requested map id or nil if the measurement could not be calculated for some reason.
See the description of the Measurement object for details.
Measurement measurement = lib:GetMapMeasurementByMapId(mapId)
Returns the mapIndex, zoneIndex and zoneId of the parent zone for the currently set map.
number mapIndex, number zoneIndex, number zoneId = lib:GetCurrentMapParentZoneIndices()
Calculates the measurement for the current map and all parent maps.
This method does nothing if there is already a cached measurement for the active map.
Returns a boolean to indicate if the measurement was successful and a SetMapResultCode indicating if the map has changed independently of the actual result of the measurement.
boolean isSuccess, SetMapResultCode result = lib:CalculateMapMeasurement()
Converts the given map coordinates on the current map into coordinates on the Tamriel map.
Returns x and y on the world map or nil if the measurements of the active map are not available.
number x, number y = lib:LocalToGlobal(number x, number y)
Converts the given global coordinates into a position on the active map.
Returns x and y on the current map or nil if the measurements of the active map are not available.
number x, number y = lib:GlobalToLocal(number x, number y)
This function sets the current map as player chosen so it won't snap back to the previous map.
Sets the best matching root map on the given global position: Tamriel, Cold Harbour or Clockwork City and what ever will come.
Returns SET_MAP_RESULT_FAILED, SET_MAP_RESULT_MAP_CHANGED depending on the result of the API calls.
SetMapResultCode result = lib:SetMapToRootMap(number globalX, number globalY)
Repeatedly calls ProcessMapClick on the given global position starting on the root map (using the function above) until nothing more would happen.
SetMapResultCode result = lib:MapZoomInMax(number globalX, number globalY)
This function stores information about how to return to the current map on a stack.
Switches to the last map that was put on the stack.
SetMapResultCode result = lib:PopCurrentMap()
Returns the current size of Tamriel in world-units.
number scale = lib:GetCurrentWorldSize()
Returns the distance in meters of given local coords.
number distance = lib:GetLocalDistanceInMeters(number lx1, number ly1, number lx2, number ly2)
Returns the distance in meters of given global coords.
number distance = lib:GetGlobalDistanceInMeters(number gx1, number gy1, number gx2, number gy2)
Returns how much greater the level is compared to its size on the map.
number ratio = lib:GetWorldGlobalRatio()
Returns how much smaller global scaled values must be to fit the current level.
number ratio = lib:GetGlobalWorldRatio()
This callback is fired on the global CALLBACK_MANAGER when a map measurement begins or ends and passes the same value as lib:IsMeasuring().
If you have a custom handler for player waypoints in EVENT_MAP_PING you may want to ignore these events while a measurement is active.
CALLBACK_MANAGER:RegisterCallback(lib.LIB_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, function(boolean isMeasuring) end)

This object returned by GetCurrentMapMeasurement() contains all the data about a map measurement and offers some convenience functions to interact with them.

Returns a unique id for the measurement which is used to store it in the saved variables. Details are implementation specific and may change between versions.
local id = measurement:GetId()
Returns the mapIndex or nil if the measured map doesn't have one.
local mapIndex = measurement:GetMapIndex()
Returns the zoneId for the measurement. Keep in mind that a map can have multiple zoneIds within its borders and a zoneId can also span multiple maps.
local zoneId = measurement:GetZoneId()
Returns the scale in the global coordinate space for the current map.
local scaleX, scaleY = measurement:GetScale()
Returns the offset in the global coordinate space for the current map.
local offsetX, offsetY = measurement:GetOffset()
Returns true if the measurement contains valid data.
local valid = measurement:IsValid()
Converts and returns global coordinates for a given local coordinate pair. Used by LocalToGlobal.
local gx, gy = measurement:ToGlobal(x, y)
Converts and returns local coordinates for a given global coordinate pair. Used by GlobalToLocal.
local x, y = measurement:ToLocal(gx, gy)
Returns the center of the measured map as global coordinates.
local cx, cy = measurement:GetCenter()
Returns true if the given global coordinates are inside the measured map.
local inside = measurement:Contains(gx, gy)
version 3.3.2:
- API bump for U40.
- Handle ingame missing map bug in GetLocalDistanceInMeters().

version 3.3.1:
- Fixed typo. Thanks to @M-ree.
- Fixed missing parameter. Thanks to @HansK.
- Better "sub-zone without own map" handling.

version 3.3.0 - votan
Update for Necrom:
  • New extra dimension: Aphocrypha.
  • Better world size calculation.
  • Replaced GetPlayerPosition with GetNormalizedPositionFromWorld where possible to get around the "frozen" positions.
  • No need to persist world size measurements. One variable file less to load and save.
  • Fixed sub-zones without own map, but different world scale.
  • Removed unused code: WaypointManager.

version 3.2.0 - sirinsidiator
  • Added new api to GetMeasurementByMapId (#17, thanks Thal-J!)
  • Updated API version in manifest

version 3.1.0 - votan
  • Update to API 101032.
  • Use GetUniversallyNormalizedMapInfo.
  • New root maps: Fargrave and Deathlands.

version 3.0.3 - sirinsidiator & votan
  • Fixed nil error in some locations
  • Fixed incorrect world size in some locations

version 3.0.2 - sirinsidiator & votan
  • Added hook for SetMapToMapId
  • Fixed some problems regarding Blackreach
  • Simplified some internal code utilizing new API functions
  • Updated API version in manifest

version 3.0.1 - sirinsidiator
  • Added hook for SetMapToDigSitePosition (#10, thanks Shinni!)
  • Fixed compatibility assertion when LibStub is not loaded

version 3.0.0 - sirinsidiator & votan
  • Updated code structure and split it into multiple files
  • Changed saved variable format to be more compact
  • Switched to semantic versioning
  • Switched to LibDebugLogger and LibChatMessage for debug and chat output respectively
    • NOTE: Make sure you have them installed separately!
  • Introduced a new API v3 and added compatibility layer for LibGPS2 ->
    • NOTE: Check the migration guide on the description tab to see what has changed and how to switch to the new API
  • Added experimental support for calculating distances in world space
    • NOTE: Let us know if you find any problems
  • Fixed some bugs and introduced new ones
  • Updated API version in manifest

version 2.0 r21 - sirinsidiator
  • Reverted a change that would cause measurements to be incorrect in combination with mini map addons
    • NOTE: Persisted measurements will be wiped automatically

version 2.0 r20 - sirinsidiator
  • Fixed error when LibStub is not loaded

version 2.0 r19 - sirinsidiator
  • Fixed version updates for persistent measurements not working correctly in some cases
  • Fixed ClearMapMeasurements not removing persistent data
  • Fixed map measurements producing illegal values when the player pin is near the world origin for some reason, which could result in inaccurate measurements or even errors on load.
    • NOTE: The error will still show up on the first load after updating the library, but should be gone after that

version 2.0 r18 - votan
  • Persist measurements. Do not do them on every (re-)load again.
  • API version update.
  • Hook SetMapToAutoMapNavigationTargetPosition, too.
  • LibMapPing not bundled anymore.

version 2.0 r17 - votan
  • Update to API 100027 "Elsweyr".

version 2.0 r16 - sirinsidiator
  • fixed error due to renamed methods in Murkmire

version 2.0 r15 - votan
  • Handling the new zone "Artaeum".

version 2.0 r14 - votan
  • Fixed MapZoomInMax. Now working for Cold Harbour and Clockwork City aswell.
  • New function SetMapToRootMap(x, y) using global coordinates to choose the right root map.
  • LibMapPing rev 6
    • Fixed map ping events can cause wrong waypoint/rally pins in combination with addons changing the current map.

version 2.0 r13 - votan
  • Fixed issue with missing waypoint pin, if addons use different revisions. Thanks to @babylon.
  • Fully compatible with Morrowind+, now.
  • Restore pan & zoom after measurement as well.

version 2.0 r12 - votan
  • Handling the new zone "Clockwork City".

version 2.0 r11 - votan
  • Fixed issue, which was fixed in rev9 and lost in rev10, again. e.g. "Show on Map"
  • Update API version in manifest
  • Make use of new API functions to get pin manager and pan to location.

version 2.0 r10 - sirinsidiator
  • added new method GetCurrentMapParentZoneIndices
  • update API version in manifest

version 2.0 r9 - votan
  • Fixed issue with maps like "Blackwood Borderlands".
  • update API version in manifest

version 2.0 r8 - sirinsidiator
  • updated LibMapPing to r5
  • update API version in manifest

version 2.0 r7.1 - sirinsidiator
  • fixed issue in PopCurrentMap where it would throw an error on some maps

version 2.0 r7a - sirinsidiator
  • updated the bundled LibMapPing to r4
  • no other changes

version 2.0 r7 - sirinsidiator
  • fixed player waypoints not showing on the map in some cases
  • removed some compatibility code for old API

version 2.0 r6 - sirinsidiator
  • Prepared library for API version 100014
  • Improved measurement algorithm for better addon compatibility
  • Added LibMapPing to handle silent setting of map pings
    • Note: This is a required dependency and you need to include it in your addon and load it before LibGPS
  • Added two new functions PushCurrentMap and PopCurrentMap to handle returning to a previous map

version 2.0 r5.4 - votan
  • Fixed muting waypoint click sound can get stucked. (you need to place the waypoint more times until it is working again)
  • Hooked ProcessClick to get map measurement while clicking down to a (sub-)zone already.

version 2.0 r5.3 - votan
  • Restore player waypoint correctly. Broken since ESO 2.2.5???

version 2.0 r5.2 - votan
  • New functions IsReady() and IsMeasuring()
  • Earlier initialization: LibGPS is ready at player activation.

version 2.0 r5.1 - votan
  • New origin map location detection does not use localized names (GetMapName, GetPlayerLocationName) anymore. Instead working with SetMapToPlayerLocation. Thanks to circonian for inspiring idea.

version 2.0 r5 - votan
  • Origin map location detection: isPlayerLocation uses in-string search and exception list.
  • Hook all SetMapTo* functions, for a deterministic last action
Both changes hopefully fixing problems with dungeons.

version 2.0 r4.3 - votan
  • Fixed map measurement for dungeons like "The Harborage".
  • Removed code for API 100011.

version 2.0 r4.2 - votan
  • Fix for recent changes to EVENT_MAP_PING behavior. (Update 7)

version 2.0 r4.1 - votan
  • Fixed minor bug with Transitus Shrine of alliance base: Depending on when LibGPS does its measurement, you got locked to the alliance base subzone, because map navigation is disabled while interacting with a Transitus Shrine.

version 2.0 r4 - votan
  • ESO 2.1 API 100012 ready
  • Event name is public now: lib.LIB_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED
  • Fixing issue if near a wayshrine sub-zone: Map was not detected as current player location
  • For devs: new switch to enable debug: lib.debugMode = 1

version 2.0 r3 - votan
  • Rewrote calculation of map measurements to get rid of using zo_callLater to prevend timing issues
  • Introduced new event callback to get notified when measurement starts and ends

version 2.0.1 - sirinsidiator
  • updated to latest API version

version 2.0 - sirinsidiator
  • rewrote calculation of map measurements to be more robust and efficient fixing many cases where calculations where not working as intended
  • changed library to use real global positions (tamriel coordinates)
  • added counter measure against a bug in the game where the waypoint is lost when entering or leaving some dungeons
  • fixed libGPS interfering with manually changing the map to one that has not been measured yet
  • changed how the waypoint sounds are muted to prevent the whole UI from being muted permanently in some cases
  • added error messages with attached debug information that can be copied to clipboard
  • split off CalculateCurrentMapMeasurements function from GetCurrentMapMeasurements
  • added ZoneToGlobal function to convert from old global coordinates to new format
  • added ClearCurrentMapMeasurements function to clear measurements of only the current map
  • added PanToMapPosition function which allows to pan to any position on the current map
  • added MapZoomInMax function which zooms in as far as possible (map wise) for a given global position
  • added SetPlayerChoseCurrentMap function which allows you to set the current map as player chosen, thus preventing the map from automatically snapping back.

version 1.0.1 - sirinsidiator
  • renamed zoneIndex to mapIndex to avoid confusion (thanks Garkin)
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Archived Files (40)
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Unread 08/30/20, 03:23 PM  

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Originally Posted by votan
Originally Posted by TECHHNYNE
i have this folder in my ESO addons folder but in game it is in red saying all dependencies are missing but they are also in my folder any reason whats up?
What does the description say about why the dependencies are missing?
LibDebugLogger and LibChatMessage are missing.
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Unread 08/31/20, 10:23 AM  

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what am I doing wrong?

Apparently, according to skyshards dependency issue, LibGPS and MapPing are disabled, then LibGPS says dependency, out of date while the rest of the addons say out of date. Tried "allow out of date" addons, didnt work so, did I install the mods in the wrong place?

Installed in Username/Documents/Elderscrolls online/live/addons/Minion-backups/ESO-1
If the installation paths not the issue (installed all the mods via Minion), do I need to edit certain manifests?
No rush on replying hard working sirinsidiator and votan
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Unread 08/31/20, 02:27 PM  
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Re: what am I doing wrong?

Originally Posted by Casualgamer307
Apparently, according to skyshards dependency issue, LibGPS and MapPing are disabled, then LibGPS says dependency, out of date while the rest of the addons say out of date. Tried "allow out of date" addons, didnt work so, did I install the mods in the wrong place?

Installed in Username/Documents/Elderscrolls online/live/addons/Minion-backups/ESO-1
If the installation paths not the issue (installed all the mods via Minion), do I need to edit certain manifests?
No rush on replying hard working sirinsidiator and votan
It should be in Username/Documents/Elderscrolls online/live/addons
If you nest it too deep inside other folders (ie Minion-backups/ESO-1) then eso is not able to find the library.
Also when it says "dependency" in the addon list then it also displays which addons/libraries are missing when you click on the details. So make sure all those are installed.

Two extra levels is the maximum. So Minion-backups/ESO-1 should be fine when you install libraries directly. But if another addon has their libraries bundled, then eso won't be able to find them because they are buried too deep.
Last edited by Shinni : 08/31/20 at 02:53 PM.
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Unread 09/01/20, 01:20 PM  

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Re: Re: what am I doing wrong?

Originally Posted by Shinni
Originally Posted by Casualgamer307
Apparently, according to skyshards dependency issue, LibGPS and MapPing are disabled, then LibGPS says dependency, out of date while the rest of the addons say out of date. Tried "allow out of date" addons, didnt work so, did I install the mods in the wrong place?

Installed in Username/Documents/Elderscrolls online/live/addons/Minion-backups/ESO-1
If the installation paths not the issue (installed all the mods via Minion), do I need to edit certain manifests?
No rush on replying hard working sirinsidiator and votan
It should be in Username/Documents/Elderscrolls online/live/addons
If you nest it too deep inside other folders (ie Minion-backups/ESO-1) then eso is not able to find the library.
Also when it says "dependency" in the addon list then it also displays which addons/libraries are missing when you click on the details. So make sure all those are installed.

Two extra levels is the maximum. So Minion-backups/ESO-1 should be fine when you install libraries directly. But if another addon has their libraries bundled, then eso won't be able to find them because they are buried too deep.
Moved the stuff to just plain Addons, seems to have fixed the problem
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Unread 11/09/20, 12:43 PM  
HowellQagan's Avatar

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3.0.2 makes my game freak out.

Lua Code:
  1. EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: attempt to index a nil value
  2. stack traceback:
  3. EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: in function 'SetMapWindowSize'
  4. <Locals> newWidth = 690, newHeight = 708 </Locals>
  5. EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2661: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZoomInternal'
  6. <Locals> self = [table:1]{allowPanPastMapEdge = F, maxZoom = 5, reachedTargetOffset = T, minZoom = 1, mapMin = 1, mapMax = 5, canZoomInFurther = T, canZoomOutFurther = F, currentNormalizedZoom = 0}, normalizedZoom = 0 </Locals>
  7. EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2648: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZoom'
  8. <Locals> self = [table:1], zoom = 0 </Locals>
  9. (tail call): ?
  10. user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapStack.lua:54: in function 'MapStack:Pop'
  11. <Locals> self = [table:2]{}, mapStack = [table:3]{}, data = [table:4]{1 = 1}, adapter = [table:5]{}, meter = [table:6]{unitZoneId = 0, measuring = T}, mapId = 1, zoom = 0, offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, result = 2 </Locals>
  12. (tail call): ?
  13. user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:201: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMapMeasurement'
  14. <Locals> self = [table:6], returnToInitialMap = T, adapter = [table:5], mapId = "Art/maps/Glenumbra/glenumbra_b...", localX = 1.4929074048996, localY = 1.5065023899078, waypointManager = [table:7]{suppressCount = 1, x = 0, playerY = 0, y = 0, playerX = 0}, hasWaypoint = F, mapIndex = 2 </Locals>
  15. user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:128: in function 'TamrielOMeter:GetCurrentMapMeasurement'
  16. <Locals> self = [table:6], mapId = "Art/maps/Glenumbra/glenumbra_b..." </Locals>
  17. (tail call): ?
  18. user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapAdapter.lua:43: in function 'SetMapToMapListIndex'
  19. <Locals> result = 2 </Locals>
  20. user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/effects.lua:29505: in function '(main chunk)'
  21. <Locals> round = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/effects.lua:3, RAD5 = 0.087266462599716, RAD15 = 0.26179938779915, RAD30 = 0.5235987755983, RAD45 = 0.78539816339745, RAD90 = 1.5707963267949, RAD180 = 3.1415926535898, RAD270 = 4.7123889803847, RAD360 = 6.2831853071796, RADGL_LOW = 1.5673056682909, RADGL_HIGH = 1.5742869852989, GOLDEN = 1.6180339887499, bit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:24, hasbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:28, setbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:32, clearbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:36, BIT1 = 1, BIT2 = 2, BIT4 = 4, BIT8 = 8 </Locals>

At first I thought it might be because there are different versions bundled with other addons (PvPAlerts and MapCoordinates) but after deleting those it still pops up.

EHT also prints this in my chat:
Essential Housing Tools is not installed properly.
This can happen sometimes if Minion crashes or is installing an update as you log in.
Please do NOT delete your Saved Variables
but please REINSTALL the add-on itself
and then type /reloadui or restart your game.
Reverting to 3.0.1 fixes it.
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Unread 11/09/20, 01:34 PM  
sirinsidiator's Avatar
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Originally Posted by HowellQagan

3.0.2 makes my game freak out.

Lua Code:
  1. EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: attempt to index a nil value
  2. stack traceback:
  3. EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: in function 'SetMapWindowSize'
  4. <Locals> newWidth = 690, newHeight = 708 </Locals>
  5. EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2661: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZoomInternal'
  6. <Locals> self = [table:1]{allowPanPastMapEdge = F, maxZoom = 5, reachedTargetOffset = T, minZoom = 1, mapMin = 1, mapMax = 5, canZoomInFurther = T, canZoomOutFurther = F, currentNormalizedZoom = 0}, normalizedZoom = 0 </Locals>
  7. EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2648: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZoom'
  8. <Locals> self = [table:1], zoom = 0 </Locals>
  9. (tail call): ?
  10. user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapStack.lua:54: in function 'MapStack:Pop'
  11. <Locals> self = [table:2]{}, mapStack = [table:3]{}, data = [table:4]{1 = 1}, adapter = [table:5]{}, meter = [table:6]{unitZoneId = 0, measuring = T}, mapId = 1, zoom = 0, offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, result = 2 </Locals>
  12. (tail call): ?
  13. user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:201: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMapMeasurement'
  14. <Locals> self = [table:6], returnToInitialMap = T, adapter = [table:5], mapId = "Art/maps/Glenumbra/glenumbra_b...", localX = 1.4929074048996, localY = 1.5065023899078, waypointManager = [table:7]{suppressCount = 1, x = 0, playerY = 0, y = 0, playerX = 0}, hasWaypoint = F, mapIndex = 2 </Locals>
  15. user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:128: in function 'TamrielOMeter:GetCurrentMapMeasurement'
  16. <Locals> self = [table:6], mapId = "Art/maps/Glenumbra/glenumbra_b..." </Locals>
  17. (tail call): ?
  18. user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapAdapter.lua:43: in function 'SetMapToMapListIndex'
  19. <Locals> result = 2 </Locals>
  20. user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/effects.lua:29505: in function '(main chunk)'
  21. <Locals> round = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/effects.lua:3, RAD5 = 0.087266462599716, RAD15 = 0.26179938779915, RAD30 = 0.5235987755983, RAD45 = 0.78539816339745, RAD90 = 1.5707963267949, RAD180 = 3.1415926535898, RAD270 = 4.7123889803847, RAD360 = 6.2831853071796, RADGL_LOW = 1.5673056682909, RADGL_HIGH = 1.5742869852989, GOLDEN = 1.6180339887499, bit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:24, hasbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:28, setbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:32, clearbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:36, BIT1 = 1, BIT2 = 2, BIT4 = 4, BIT8 = 8 </Locals>

At first I thought it might be because there are different versions bundled with other addons (PvPAlerts and MapCoordinates) but after deleting those it still pops up.

EHT also prints this in my chat:

Reverting to 3.0.1 fixes it.
Did you try what EHT suggests and reinstall it? Because this looks like it is caused due to EHT not being installed correctly. If it still happens after you reinstalled EHT, you'll have to provide more information (like which zone you are in or what you were doing) so I can reproduce the problem on my end.
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Unread 11/09/20, 01:48 PM  
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Yep, I did and it doesn't do anything. It only went away when I did a clean revert to LibGPS 3.0.1.

edit: I'm in the Thieves Den.
thievesguild, current subzone: safehouse_base, map tile texture name: art/maps/thievesguild/safehouse_base, zoneId: 821, parentZoneId: 816, zoneIndex: 447, parentZoneIndex: 442

edit2: it's certainly EHT causing it, if I rip it out completely, it doesn't happen. I have no idea why though.

edit3: EHT seems to be calling LibGPS (with "LibGPS2"...) and LibMapPing via LibStub in mapcast.lua still but even after kicking LibStub out and replacing its call with LibGPS3 simply, it still doesn't work with 3.0.2.

Originally Posted by sirinsidiator
Did you try what EHT suggests and reinstall it? Because this looks like it is caused due to EHT not being installed correctly. If it still happens after you reinstalled EHT, you'll have to provide more information (like which zone you are in or what you were doing) so I can reproduce the problem on my end.
Last edited by HowellQagan : 11/09/20 at 02:13 PM.
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Unread 11/09/20, 02:02 PM  

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Hi, I am getting the same issues with EHT. Tried a couple of re-installs but still problems. I am in Vivec and get the following when I start the game........................
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: in function 'SetMapWindowSize'
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2661: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZoomInternal'
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2648: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZoom'
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapStack.lua:54: in function 'MapStack:Pop'
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:201: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMapMeasurement'
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:128: in function 'TamrielOMeter:GetCurrentMapMeasurement'
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapAdapter.lua:43: in function 'SetMapToMapListIndex'
user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/effects.lua:29505: in function '(main chunk)'

The next text is after I dismiss error.............

bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table/struct expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'pairs'
user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/EssentialHousingToolsSaver/EssentialHousingToolsSaver.lua:231: in function 'S.Archive.CreateArchive'
user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/EssentialHousingToolsSaver/EssentialHousingToolsSaver.lua:388: in function 'S.Archive.AutoCreateArchive'
EsoUI/Libraries/Globals/globalapi.lua:216: in function '(anonymous)'

Can confirm also, that after clean insall of 3.0.1 all works fine again
Last edited by Aran5000 : 11/09/20 at 02:16 PM.
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Unread 11/09/20, 02:59 PM  

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same error as others

I'm not sure what clean install of previous version is when using minion but I downloaded the previous one from here and extracted and then just pasted it over the 3.02 libgps and eht worked fine. (this was after multiple reinstalls if eht ofc)
Last edited by ajaxcat1 : 11/09/20 at 03:00 PM.
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Unread 11/09/20, 04:32 PM  

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Originally Posted by sirinsidiator
Did you try what EHT suggests and reinstall it? Because this looks like it is caused due to EHT not being installed correctly. If it still happens after you reinstalled EHT, you'll have to provide more information (like which zone you are in or what you were doing) so I can reproduce the problem on my end.
Any zone, in fact, it gives the error on load wherever you are:

EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: in function 'SetMapWindowSize'
|caaaaaa<Locals> newWidth = 690, newHeight = 708 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2661: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZoomInternal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{allowPanPastMapEdge = F, minZoom = 1, mapMin = 1, reachedTargetOffset = T, mapMax = 5, canZoomInFurther = T, canZoomOutFurther = F, maxZoom = 5, currentNormalizedZoom = 0}, normalizedZoom = 0 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2648: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZoom'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], zoom = 0 </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapStack.lua:54: in function 'MapStack:Pop'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:2]{}, mapStack = [table:3]{}, data = [table:4]{1 = 1}, adapter = [table:5]{}, meter = [table:6]{unitZoneId = 0, measuring = T}, mapId = 1, zoom = 0, offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, result = 2 </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:201: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:6], returnToInitialMap = T, adapter = [table:5], mapId = "Art/maps/Glenumbra/glenumbra_b...", localX = 5.0652527809143, localY = 1.6290481090546, waypointManager = [table:7]{suppressCount = 1, y = 0, x = 0, playerY = 0, playerX = 0}, hasWaypoint = F, mapIndex = 2 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:128: in function 'TamrielOMeter:GetCurrentMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:6], mapId = "Art/maps/Glenumbra/glenumbra_b..." </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapAdapter.lua:43: in function 'SetMapToMapListIndex'
|caaaaaa<Locals> result = 2 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/effects.lua:29505: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> round = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/effects.lua:3, RAD5 = 0.087266462599716, RAD15 = 0.26179938779915, RAD30 = 0.5235987755983, RAD45 = 0.78539816339745, RAD90 = 1.5707963267949, RAD180 = 3.1415926535898, RAD270 = 4.7123889803847, RAD360 = 6.2831853071796, RADGL_LOW = 1.5673056682909, RADGL_HIGH = 1.5742869852989, GOLDEN = 1.6180339887499, bit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:24, hasbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:28, setbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:32, clearbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:36, BIT1 = 1, BIT2 = 2, BIT4 = 4, BIT8 = 8 </Locals>|r
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Unread 11/09/20, 04:44 PM  

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Originally Posted by M-ree
Originally Posted by sirinsidiator
Did you try what EHT suggests and reinstall it? Because this looks like it is caused due to EHT not being installed correctly. If it still happens after you reinstalled EHT, you'll have to provide more information (like which zone you are in or what you were doing) so I can reproduce the problem on my end.
Any zone, in fact, it gives the error on load wherever you are:

EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: in function 'SetMapWindowSize'
|caaaaaa<Locals> newWidth = 690, newHeight = 708 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2661: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZoomInternal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{allowPanPastMapEdge = F, minZoom = 1, mapMin = 1, reachedTargetOffset = T, mapMax = 5, canZoomInFurther = T, canZoomOutFurther = F, maxZoom = 5, currentNormalizedZoom = 0}, normalizedZoom = 0 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2648: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZoom'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], zoom = 0 </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapStack.lua:54: in function 'MapStack:Pop'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:2]{}, mapStack = [table:3]{}, data = [table:4]{1 = 1}, adapter = [table:5]{}, meter = [table:6]{unitZoneId = 0, measuring = T}, mapId = 1, zoom = 0, offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, result = 2 </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:201: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:6], returnToInitialMap = T, adapter = [table:5], mapId = "Art/maps/Glenumbra/glenumbra_b...", localX = 5.0652527809143, localY = 1.6290481090546, waypointManager = [table:7]{suppressCount = 1, y = 0, x = 0, playerY = 0, playerX = 0}, hasWaypoint = F, mapIndex = 2 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:128: in function 'TamrielOMeter:GetCurrentMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:6], mapId = "Art/maps/Glenumbra/glenumbra_b..." </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapAdapter.lua:43: in function 'SetMapToMapListIndex'
|caaaaaa<Locals> result = 2 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/effects.lua:29505: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> round = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/effects.lua:3, RAD5 = 0.087266462599716, RAD15 = 0.26179938779915, RAD30 = 0.5235987755983, RAD45 = 0.78539816339745, RAD90 = 1.5707963267949, RAD180 = 3.1415926535898, RAD270 = 4.7123889803847, RAD360 = 6.2831853071796, RADGL_LOW = 1.5673056682909, RADGL_HIGH = 1.5742869852989, GOLDEN = 1.6180339887499, bit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:24, hasbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:28, setbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:32, clearbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:36, BIT1 = 1, BIT2 = 2, BIT4 = 4, BIT8 = 8 </Locals>|r
Yeah, same issue here. Any zone I go to this pops up.

Can confirm switching back to Version 3.0.1 results in no errors.
Last edited by Pyrelle : 11/09/20 at 05:20 PM.
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Unread 11/09/20, 05:15 PM  

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Originally Posted by Pyrelle
Originally Posted by M-ree
Originally Posted by sirinsidiator
Did you try what EHT suggests and reinstall it? Because this looks like it is caused due to EHT not being installed correctly. If it still happens after you reinstalled EHT, you'll have to provide more information (like which zone you are in or what you were doing) so I can reproduce the problem on my end.
Any zone, in fact, it gives the error on load wherever you are:

EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: in function 'SetMapWindowSize'
|caaaaaa<Locals> newWidth = 690, newHeight = 708 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2661: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZoomInternal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{allowPanPastMapEdge = F, minZoom = 1, mapMin = 1, reachedTargetOffset = T, mapMax = 5, canZoomInFurther = T, canZoomOutFurther = F, maxZoom = 5, currentNormalizedZoom = 0}, normalizedZoom = 0 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2648: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZoom'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], zoom = 0 </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapStack.lua:54: in function 'MapStack:Pop'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:2]{}, mapStack = [table:3]{}, data = [table:4]{1 = 1}, adapter = [table:5]{}, meter = [table:6]{unitZoneId = 0, measuring = T}, mapId = 1, zoom = 0, offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, result = 2 </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:201: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:6], returnToInitialMap = T, adapter = [table:5], mapId = "Art/maps/Glenumbra/glenumbra_b...", localX = 5.0652527809143, localY = 1.6290481090546, waypointManager = [table:7]{suppressCount = 1, y = 0, x = 0, playerY = 0, playerX = 0}, hasWaypoint = F, mapIndex = 2 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:128: in function 'TamrielOMeter:GetCurrentMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:6], mapId = "Art/maps/Glenumbra/glenumbra_b..." </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapAdapter.lua:43: in function 'SetMapToMapListIndex'
|caaaaaa<Locals> result = 2 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/effects.lua:29505: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> round = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/effects.lua:3, RAD5 = 0.087266462599716, RAD15 = 0.26179938779915, RAD30 = 0.5235987755983, RAD45 = 0.78539816339745, RAD90 = 1.5707963267949, RAD180 = 3.1415926535898, RAD270 = 4.7123889803847, RAD360 = 6.2831853071796, RADGL_LOW = 1.5673056682909, RADGL_HIGH = 1.5742869852989, GOLDEN = 1.6180339887499, bit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:24, hasbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:28, setbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:32, clearbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:36, BIT1 = 1, BIT2 = 2, BIT4 = 4, BIT8 = 8 </Locals>|r
Yeah, same issue here. Any zone I go to this pops up.
Same here.
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Unread 11/09/20, 06:42 PM  

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having a similar error after updating libGPS. reinstalled eht both through minion once and manually once, error still happens. it only started after updating libGPS

this happens when i jump into any zone:

bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table/struct expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'pairs'
user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/EssentialHousingToolsSaver/EssentialHousingToolsSaver.lua:231: in function 'S.Archive.CreateArchive'
|caaaaaa<Locals> es = [table:1]{}, esData = [table:2]{} </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/EssentialHousingToolsSaver/EssentialHousingToolsSaver.lua:388: in function 'S.Archive.AutoCreateArchive'
|caaaaaa<Locals> loggingOut = F, hasReset = F </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Libraries/Globals/globalapi.lua:216: in function '(anonymous)'

this happens when i first load into the game:

EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2232: in function 'SetMapWindowSize'
|caaaaaa<Locals> newWidth = 690, newHeight = 708 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2661: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZoomInternal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{canZoomOutFurther = F, reachedTargetOffset = T, minZoom = 1, currentNormalizedZoom = 0, allowPanPastMapEdge = F, canZoomInFurther = T, mapMax = 5, maxZoom = 5, mapMin = 1}, normalizedZoom = 0 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:2648: in function 'ZO_MapPanAndZoom:SetCurrentNormalizedZoom'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], zoom = 0 </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapStack.lua:54: in function 'MapStack:Pop'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:2]{}, mapStack = [table:3]{}, data = [table:4]{1 = 1}, adapter = [table:5]{}, meter = [table:6]{unitZoneId = 0, measuring = T}, mapId = 1, zoom = 0, offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, result = 2 </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:201: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:6], returnToInitialMap = T, adapter = [table:5], mapId = "Art/maps/Glenumbra/glenumbra_b...", localX = 1.4733247756958, localY = 1.7058130502701, waypointManager = [table:7]{x = 0, playerX = 0, suppressCount = 1, y = 0, playerY = 0}, hasWaypoint = F, mapIndex = 2 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:128: in function 'TamrielOMeter:GetCurrentMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:6], mapId = "Art/maps/Glenumbra/glenumbra_b..." </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/MapAdapter.lua:43: in function 'SetMapToMapListIndex'
|caaaaaa<Locals> result = 2 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/effects.lua:29505: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> round = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/effects.lua:3, RAD5 = 0.087266462599716, RAD15 = 0.26179938779915, RAD30 = 0.5235987755983, RAD45 = 0.78539816339745, RAD90 = 1.5707963267949, RAD180 = 3.1415926535898, RAD270 = 4.7123889803847, RAD360 = 6.2831853071796, RADGL_LOW = 1.5673056682909, RADGL_HIGH = 1.5742869852989, GOLDEN = 1.6180339887499, bit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:24, hasbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:28, setbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:32, clearbit = user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/utilities.lua:36, BIT1 = 1, BIT2 = 2, BIT4 = 4, BIT8 = 8 </Locals>|r
Last edited by Frompa : 11/09/20 at 06:50 PM.
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Unread 11/10/20, 01:40 AM  

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Error after updating

So first off, I am not using EHT.

Logged in without issue but got this zoning into Coldharbour to do main quest on alt.
Had no issues prior to updating to LibGPS v3.0.2 just before logging in today.

user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:274: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:274: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMeasurementsInternal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{measuring = T, unitZoneId = 381}, mapId = "Art/maps/coldharbor/coldharbou...", localX = -1.5095400810242, localY = -0.1621470451355, adapter = [table:2]{}, wpX = -1.4619232416153, wpY = -0.11453025788069, measurementPositions = [table:3]{}, x1 = -0.43693518638611, y1 = 0.11800800263882, x2 = -0.42893519997597, y2 = 0.12600800395012, mapIndex = 23, zoneId = 347, scaleX = 0.1680075055265, scaleY = 0.16800800248223, offsetX = -0.18332112288097, offsetY = 0.14525000380043, wZoneId = 809, pwx = 2662 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:145: in function 'TamrielOMeter:TryCalculateRootMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], rootMapIndex = 23, rootMapId = "Art/maps/coldharbor/coldharbou..." </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:290: in function 'TamrielOMeter:FindRootMapMeasurementForCoordinates'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], x = -0.43693518638611, y = 0.11800800263882, rootMapIndex = 23, measurement = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:273: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMeasurementsInternal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], mapId = "Art/maps/clockwork/clockwork_b...", localX = -2.9764742851257, localY = -4.2167181968689, adapter = [table:2], wpX = -2.9364202022552, wpY = -4.176664352417, measurementPositions = [table:4]{}, x1 = -0.43693518638611, y1 = 0.11800800263882, x2 = -0.42893519997597, y2 = 0.12600800395012, mapIndex = 31, zoneId = 980, scaleX = 0.19972961148578, scaleY = 0.19973117239491, offsetX = 0.15755486617948, offsetY = 0.96021807175839, wZoneId = 809, pwx = 2662 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:145: in function 'TamrielOMeter:TryCalculateRootMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], rootMapIndex = 31, rootMapId = "Art/maps/clockwork/clockwork_b..." </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:290: in function 'TamrielOMeter:FindRootMapMeasurementForCoordinates'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], x = -0.43693518638611, y = 0.11800800263882, rootMapIndex = 31, measurement = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:273: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMeasurementsInternal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], mapId = "Art/maps/summerset/artaeum_bas...", localX = -5.3326106071472, localY = 1.1581263542175, adapter = [table:2], wpX = -5.295747756958, wpY = 1.1212632656097, measurementPositions = [table:5]{}, x1 = -0.43693518638611, y1 = 0.11800800263882, x2 = -0.42893519997597, y2 = 0.11000800132751, mapIndex = 33, zoneId = 1027, scaleX = 0.21702028923642, scaleY = 0.21701928984898, offsetX = 0.72034950996219, offsetY = -0.13332775630886, wZoneId = 809, pwx = 2662 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:145: in function 'TamrielOMeter:TryCalculateRootMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], rootMapIndex = 33, rootMapId = "Art/maps/summerset/artaeum_bas..." </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:290: in function 'TamrielOMeter:FindRootMapMeasurementForCoordinates'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], x = -0.43693518638611, y = 0.11800800263882, rootMapIndex = 33, measurement = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:273: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMeasurementsInternal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], mapId = "Art/maps/skyrim/blackreachworl...", localX = -6.4679017066956, localY = -8.6441307067871, adapter = [table:2], wpX = -6.4169039726257, wpY = -8.5931329727173, measurementPositions = [table:6]{}, x1 = -0.43693518638611, y1 = 0.11800800263882, x2 = -0.42893519997597, y2 = 0.12600800395012, mapIndex = 24, zoneId = 0, scaleX = 1.7517943313121, scaleY = 1.7517897347212, offsetX = -0.38632805929938, offsetY = -0.38296676541723, wZoneId = 809, pwx = 2662 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:145: in function 'TamrielOMeter:TryCalculateRootMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], rootMapIndex = 40, rootMapId = "Art/maps/skyrim/blackreachworl..." </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:290: in function 'TamrielOMeter:FindRootMapMeasurementForCoordinates'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], x = -0.43693518638611, y = 0.11800800263882, rootMapIndex = 40, measurement = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:273: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMeasurementsInternal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], mapId = "Art/maps/coldharbor/wailingpri...", localX = 0.10189189016819, localY = 0.34324324131012, adapter = [table:2], wpX = 1.0027928352356, wpY = 1.2441442012787, measurementPositions = [table:7]{}, x1 = -0.43693518638611, y1 = 0.11800800263882, x2 = -0.42893519997597, y2 = 0.12600800395012, mapIndex = 1, zoneId = 809, scaleX = 0.0088799844799169, scaleY = 0.0088800008733272, offsetX = -0.43783998478943, offsetY = 0.11496000235622, wZoneId = 809, pwx = 2662 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:191: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], returnToInitialMap = T, adapter = [table:2], mapId = "Art/maps/coldharbor/wailingpri...", localX = 0.10189189016819, localY = 0.34324324131012, waypointManager = [table:8]{x = 0, playerX = 0, suppressCount = 5, y = 0, playerY = 0}, hasWaypoint = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:128: in function 'TamrielOMeter:GetCurrentMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], mapId = "Art/maps/coldharbor/wailingpri..." </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/compatibility.lua:81: in function 'lib:LocalToGlobal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:9]{LIB_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED = "OnLibGPSMeasurementChanged"}, x = 0.10189189016819, y = 0.34324324131012 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Main/MapTools.lua:110: in function 'MapTools:GetViewedMapMetaDataAndPlayerGlobalPosition'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:10]{lastMapTexture = "Art/maps/coldharbor/wailingpri...", lastMap = "coldharbor/wailingprison1_base..."}, localX = 0.10189189016819, localY = 0.34324324131012, heading = 4.7819933891296 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Pins/MapPins.lua:390: in function 'MapPins:PinTypeRefreshCallback'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:11]{lastViewedY = 4162.43, currentMap = "auridon/vulkhelguard_base", visibleDistance = 300, lastViewedX = 2497.52}, validMapMode = F, validMinimapMode = [table:12]{zoomMode = "subZoneZoom", scale = 0.75, cameraAngleRad = 0, limitedScale = 0.8, cameraAngle = 0, name = "VotansMiniMap", lastTitleFont = "BOLD_FONT", isSpecialZoom = F} </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Pins/MapPins.lua:228: in function 'PIN_CALLBACKS'
user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Pins/QuickPins.lua:401: in function 'lib:RedrawPinsOfPinType'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:13]{numRequestedPins = 0, maxZoom = 4.428, initialized = T, minZoom = 1, numCreatedPins = 22, MAP_WIDTH = 1280, MAP_HEIGHT = 1280}, pinType = 0 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Pins/QuickPins.lua:377: in function 'lib.RedrawPins'
|caaaaaa<Locals> pinType = 0, callback = user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Pins/MapPins.lua:228 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_Hook.lua:18: in function 'ZO_WorldMap_UpdateMap'
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:5034: in function 'callback'
EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:116: in function 'ZO_CallbackObject:FireCallbacks'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:14]{fireCallbackDepth = 1}, eventName = "OnWorldMapChanged", registry = [table:15]{}, callbackInfoIndex = 22, callbackInfo = [table:16]{3 = F}, callback = EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:5028, deleted = F </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:4640: in function '(anonymous)'
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Unread 11/10/20, 12:37 PM  
sirinsidiator's Avatar
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Re: Error after updating

Originally Posted by Duir
So first off, I am not using EHT.

Logged in without issue but got this zoning into Coldharbour to do main quest on alt.
Had no issues prior to updating to LibGPS v3.0.2 just before logging in today.

user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:274: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:274: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMeasurementsInternal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{measuring = T, unitZoneId = 381}, mapId = "Art/maps/coldharbor/coldharbou...", localX = -1.5095400810242, localY = -0.1621470451355, adapter = [table:2]{}, wpX = -1.4619232416153, wpY = -0.11453025788069, measurementPositions = [table:3]{}, x1 = -0.43693518638611, y1 = 0.11800800263882, x2 = -0.42893519997597, y2 = 0.12600800395012, mapIndex = 23, zoneId = 347, scaleX = 0.1680075055265, scaleY = 0.16800800248223, offsetX = -0.18332112288097, offsetY = 0.14525000380043, wZoneId = 809, pwx = 2662 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:145: in function 'TamrielOMeter:TryCalculateRootMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], rootMapIndex = 23, rootMapId = "Art/maps/coldharbor/coldharbou..." </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:290: in function 'TamrielOMeter:FindRootMapMeasurementForCoordinates'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], x = -0.43693518638611, y = 0.11800800263882, rootMapIndex = 23, measurement = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:273: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMeasurementsInternal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], mapId = "Art/maps/clockwork/clockwork_b...", localX = -2.9764742851257, localY = -4.2167181968689, adapter = [table:2], wpX = -2.9364202022552, wpY = -4.176664352417, measurementPositions = [table:4]{}, x1 = -0.43693518638611, y1 = 0.11800800263882, x2 = -0.42893519997597, y2 = 0.12600800395012, mapIndex = 31, zoneId = 980, scaleX = 0.19972961148578, scaleY = 0.19973117239491, offsetX = 0.15755486617948, offsetY = 0.96021807175839, wZoneId = 809, pwx = 2662 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:145: in function 'TamrielOMeter:TryCalculateRootMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], rootMapIndex = 31, rootMapId = "Art/maps/clockwork/clockwork_b..." </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:290: in function 'TamrielOMeter:FindRootMapMeasurementForCoordinates'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], x = -0.43693518638611, y = 0.11800800263882, rootMapIndex = 31, measurement = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:273: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMeasurementsInternal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], mapId = "Art/maps/summerset/artaeum_bas...", localX = -5.3326106071472, localY = 1.1581263542175, adapter = [table:2], wpX = -5.295747756958, wpY = 1.1212632656097, measurementPositions = [table:5]{}, x1 = -0.43693518638611, y1 = 0.11800800263882, x2 = -0.42893519997597, y2 = 0.11000800132751, mapIndex = 33, zoneId = 1027, scaleX = 0.21702028923642, scaleY = 0.21701928984898, offsetX = 0.72034950996219, offsetY = -0.13332775630886, wZoneId = 809, pwx = 2662 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:145: in function 'TamrielOMeter:TryCalculateRootMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], rootMapIndex = 33, rootMapId = "Art/maps/summerset/artaeum_bas..." </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:290: in function 'TamrielOMeter:FindRootMapMeasurementForCoordinates'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], x = -0.43693518638611, y = 0.11800800263882, rootMapIndex = 33, measurement = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:273: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMeasurementsInternal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], mapId = "Art/maps/skyrim/blackreachworl...", localX = -6.4679017066956, localY = -8.6441307067871, adapter = [table:2], wpX = -6.4169039726257, wpY = -8.5931329727173, measurementPositions = [table:6]{}, x1 = -0.43693518638611, y1 = 0.11800800263882, x2 = -0.42893519997597, y2 = 0.12600800395012, mapIndex = 24, zoneId = 0, scaleX = 1.7517943313121, scaleY = 1.7517897347212, offsetX = -0.38632805929938, offsetY = -0.38296676541723, wZoneId = 809, pwx = 2662 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:145: in function 'TamrielOMeter:TryCalculateRootMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], rootMapIndex = 40, rootMapId = "Art/maps/skyrim/blackreachworl..." </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:290: in function 'TamrielOMeter:FindRootMapMeasurementForCoordinates'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], x = -0.43693518638611, y = 0.11800800263882, rootMapIndex = 40, measurement = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:273: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMeasurementsInternal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], mapId = "Art/maps/coldharbor/wailingpri...", localX = 0.10189189016819, localY = 0.34324324131012, adapter = [table:2], wpX = 1.0027928352356, wpY = 1.2441442012787, measurementPositions = [table:7]{}, x1 = -0.43693518638611, y1 = 0.11800800263882, x2 = -0.42893519997597, y2 = 0.12600800395012, mapIndex = 1, zoneId = 809, scaleX = 0.0088799844799169, scaleY = 0.0088800008733272, offsetX = -0.43783998478943, offsetY = 0.11496000235622, wZoneId = 809, pwx = 2662 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:191: in function 'TamrielOMeter:CalculateMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], returnToInitialMap = T, adapter = [table:2], mapId = "Art/maps/coldharbor/wailingpri...", localX = 0.10189189016819, localY = 0.34324324131012, waypointManager = [table:8]{x = 0, playerX = 0, suppressCount = 5, y = 0, playerY = 0}, hasWaypoint = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/TamrielOMeter.lua:128: in function 'TamrielOMeter:GetCurrentMapMeasurement'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], mapId = "Art/maps/coldharbor/wailingpri..." </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/LibGPS/compatibility.lua:81: in function 'lib:LocalToGlobal'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:9]{LIB_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED = "OnLibGPSMeasurementChanged"}, x = 0.10189189016819, y = 0.34324324131012 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Main/MapTools.lua:110: in function 'MapTools:GetViewedMapMetaDataAndPlayerGlobalPosition'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:10]{lastMapTexture = "Art/maps/coldharbor/wailingpri...", lastMap = "coldharbor/wailingprison1_base..."}, localX = 0.10189189016819, localY = 0.34324324131012, heading = 4.7819933891296 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Pins/MapPins.lua:390: in function 'MapPins:PinTypeRefreshCallback'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:11]{lastViewedY = 4162.43, currentMap = "auridon/vulkhelguard_base", visibleDistance = 300, lastViewedX = 2497.52}, validMapMode = F, validMinimapMode = [table:12]{zoomMode = "subZoneZoom", scale = 0.75, cameraAngleRad = 0, limitedScale = 0.8, cameraAngle = 0, name = "VotansMiniMap", lastTitleFont = "BOLD_FONT", isSpecialZoom = F} </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Pins/MapPins.lua:228: in function 'PIN_CALLBACKS'
user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Pins/QuickPins.lua:401: in function 'lib:RedrawPinsOfPinType'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:13]{numRequestedPins = 0, maxZoom = 4.428, initialized = T, minZoom = 1, numCreatedPins = 22, MAP_WIDTH = 1280, MAP_HEIGHT = 1280}, pinType = 0 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Pins/QuickPins.lua:377: in function 'lib.RedrawPins'
|caaaaaa<Locals> pinType = 0, callback = user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Pins/MapPins.lua:228 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_Hook.lua:18: in function 'ZO_WorldMap_UpdateMap'
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:5034: in function 'callback'
EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:116: in function 'ZO_CallbackObject:FireCallbacks'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:14]{fireCallbackDepth = 1}, eventName = "OnWorldMapChanged", registry = [table:15]{}, callbackInfoIndex = 22, callbackInfo = [table:16]{3 = F}, callback = EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:5028, deleted = F </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Map/WorldMap.lua:4640: in function '(anonymous)'
Neither votan nor me can reproduce the issue. Could you please provide some additional steps and pm me your LibDebugLogger.lua (simply upload it here, click share and send me the link)?
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