Results: 805Comments by: Shadowfen
File: Auto Category - Revised02/23/20
FYI, main description lists the fol...
Posted By: Shadowfen
FYI, main description lists the following under integrates with: Item Saver (not FCO!) Isn't FCO ItemSaver also supported with the new plugin system? Yes, FCO ItemSaver is also in the list a couple of spots up. The (not FCO) is indicating that there is an ItemSaver addon which is not FCO Item Saver...
File: Auto Category - Revised02/21/20
Re: Decon issue
Posted By: Shadowfen
First I want to say thank you for all your work on the addon. I recently noticed an issue while deconning gear for mats. Sometimes after deconning the items I left for another toon to decon the following keeps happening
File: Auto Category - Revised02/20/20
FYI, the small number of items that...
Posted By: Shadowfen
FYI, the small number of items that were incorrectly being flagged for research by Craftstore were completely fixed for me with Craftstore 2.40. Awesome!
File: Auto Category - Revised02/19/20
Re: Re: Re: Could use an assist on this one
Posted By: Shadowfen
(not traittype("ornate")) and type("armor", "weapon","jewelry") and (level() == 1 or cp() == 160) and not isset() This didn't work either. I'll prob just make an ornate category with a higher priority. One thought: I have the Dustman addon installed that marks ornate stuff as junk. Does "junk" possibly take precedence over "orna...
File: Auto Category - Revised02/17/20
Re: Could use an assist on this one
Posted By: Shadowfen
I've been making my own categories for a while now. For decon I have a catagory that splits out any gear that is level 1 or CP 160 that is not part of a set. The rule I use works perfectly: type("armor", "weapon","jewelry") and (level() == 1 or cp() == 160) and not isset() I've been trying to find a way to also exclude ornate...
File: Auto Category - Revised02/16/20
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pull Request for CraftStore Fixed and Improved
Posted By: Shadowfen
Happy to do so! Here it is: Note that I'm personally having an issue where CS is marking some items for research it should not. This issue is reflected in my category. I'm working with the author of that Addon to see what that is about. But it's still a very nice way to handl...
File: Auto Category - Revised02/16/20
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pull Request for CraftStore Fixed and Improved
Posted By: Shadowfen
I like the idea for a standalone addon simply because I don't run the CraftStore addon that much and don't really "get" what the api function you are using is doing for you or the purpose for which it is being used - probably because of not running with CraftStore. :) However, I can bundle it with AC-R and rely on your assistance...
File: Auto Category - Revised02/16/20
Re: Re: Re: Pull Request for CraftStore Fixed and Improved
Posted By: Shadowfen
Looks good. There is one debug statement left in, but that's not a problem to remove. Can you provide some documentation for the new function? Also, you can release it as a separate plugin addon if you wish that depends on AutoCategory - Revised and CraftStore Fixed and Improved. That was what the new addon structure was designed...
File: Auto Category - Revised02/16/20
Re: Pull Request for CraftStore Fixed and Improved
Posted By: Shadowfen
Shadowfen, I sent along a pull request to add support for CraftStore Fixed and Improved via the new plugin system: Looks good. There is one debug statement left in, but that's not a problem to remove. Can you provide some documentation for the new function? Also, you can rele...
File: Auto Category - Revised02/13/20
Re: Re: Re: Bug found
Posted By: Shadowfen
Hello I have made 2 separate categories for Surveys and recipes. For the surveys the code I used is sptype("trophy_survey_report") and the GOOD symbol is there indicating that the code is good. For the Recipes the code I used is type("recipe") and the GOOD symbol is there indicating that the code is good. I also delete...
File: Auto Category - Revised02/13/20
Re: Bug found
Posted By: Shadowfen
Hello I have made 2 separate categories for Surveys and recipes. For the surveys the code I used is sptype("trophy_survey_report") and the GOOD symbol is there indicating that the code is good. For the Recipes the code I used is type("recipe") and the GOOD symbol is there indicating that the code is good. I also delete...
File: Fast Ride02/09/20
Re: bug
Posted By: Shadowfen
Hi and thanks for the addon, it works great! I used to have another similar addon but after it failed to swap back my skills on several occasions i gave this a try instead. So far I have found no way to break it in normal gameplay, but I may have stumbled across a bug where it did in fact fail to reequip the correct skill. I wa...
File: Fast Ride02/07/20
Ok, I figured it out. It's because...
Posted By: Shadowfen
Ok, I figured it out. It's because I'm using the unmorphed skill which has a 27 second duration, as opposed to 30s. So any time selected 3 and below wasn't working as it's swapping based on a 30s duration from activation. Brilliant! Good work. I'll see what I can do about it.
File: Auto Category - Revised02/07/20
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: CraftStoreFixedAndImproved
Posted By: Shadowfen
OK, so any advice on how to integrate CraftStore? I'm up for the challenge, but not quite sure how to get started. The tricky part is getting access to the insides of another addon (which usually requires the other dev to make changes to give you access to the stuff you need). The easiest way to get the dev to put in the change yo...
File: Auto Category - Revised02/07/20
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: CraftStoreFixedAndImproved
Posted By: Shadowfen
Have you considered removing the researchable category from your accountwide settings and then on your crafting toon give it a character-specific setting where you add back in the researchable category? Well if one of my other toons picks something up that is researchable or goes into the bank I still care if it is researchable on...
File: Auto Category - Revised02/06/20
Re: Re: Re: CraftStoreFixedAndImproved
Posted By: Shadowfen
It appears that most (if not all) of my confusion about researchable stuff was actually related to low cost items showing above research items. I changed the priority of research in by bank from 60 to 87 and that appears to have helped a lot. Will report back if I find otherwise. Scratch that I'm still seeing stuff in researchable...
File: Fast Ride02/04/20
Hello, Changing the time to swap...
Posted By: Shadowfen
Hello, Changing the time to swap before effect fades isn't working (it's always swapping with 2s left even when set to 4). I've: Deleted savedvariables Reinstalled Checked lua file (which shows = 4,) Swapped to character specific to see if that works Checked for any errors (none) Thanks for all the work you do! I'...
File: Fast Ride02/04/20
FR.slotAbilityById has a bad variab...
Posted By: Shadowfen
FR.slotAbilityById has a bad variable reference, which is causing issues for me on a couple of characters. The function takes an abilityid parameter (FastRide.lua:318), but logs abilityId if the swap fails (FastRide.lua:329), which causes a UI error due to the nil variable. Thanks, I've fixed it in the latest release.
File: rChat01/24/20
But that's the text field that you...
Posted By: Shadowfen
But that's the text field that you type your message into? Yes, but inside that, it's hard to see.. Guess it would be more or less noticeable depending on gamma settings or monitor brightness. Here, I brightened the picture and made a better explanation! (hopefully!) Now I understand. Thanks! I take...
File: rChat01/24/20 So...
Posted By: Shadowfen Sorry, but I don't see what the problem is from the image that you provided. Can you explain it again to help me understand? I see what he means! Look at the text entry box at the bottom~ It's half-covered in a darker black. Does rChat adjust the transparency by adding a new layer of black on top of...
File: rChat01/23/20
I recently swapped from pChat to th...
Posted By: Shadowfen
I recently swapped from pChat to this and its fantastic but I'm not sure what's going on with my chat window transparency. I always set it to basically make it non-transparent and dark as possible but I get a weird square shape inside the chat box that's somewhat darker than the outer parts. Doing a...
File: rChat01/23/20
Does the "Chat minimized in menus O...
Posted By: Shadowfen
Does the "Chat minimized in menus OFF" setting (in the settings, Chat Window Settings section) not work for that? Nope. :( At least not for me. Does it work for you? Maybe I have some conflicting addon? I tried looking through them all for an option for this, but couldn't find anything related. @.@ No, it doesn't. I'll look into...
File: rChat01/20/20
Would it be possible to add an opti...
Posted By: Shadowfen
Would it be possible to add an option to not minimize the chat when opening npc shops? (I like to see chat log for what trash is being autosold!) Or does anyone know if this option exists in another mod? Does the "Chat minimized in menus OFF" setting (in the settings, Chat Window Settings section) not work for that?
File: Auto Category - Revised01/20/20
But it says that I am using the up...
Posted By: Shadowfen
But it says that I am using the up to date AC - Revised If you look at the screen shots for AC-Revised, you will notice that the Category Edit section is laid out differently from the screenshot that you took from your game. The layout of the Category Edit from your game is the same as the old version. Also, at the top of t...
File: Auto Category - Revised01/19/20
Something is probably really wrong....
Posted By: Shadowfen
Something is probably really wrong. I tried to just put everything made in the Apostle style to the Deconstruct category... and all the categories except container and low level... are gone. I just did this, why all the categories dissapeared? You are using the old addon AutoCategory (probably version 1.34) instead of AutoCa...