Results: 793Comments by: ArtOfShred
File: Lui Extended06/05/20
Dropping another GitHub beta, downl...
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Dropping another GitHub beta, download link here: Fixed some logic issues with Bar Highlight handling, updated Vampire & Werewolf skill lines - needs some testing to make sure everything is working right.
File: Lui Extended06/01/20
Dropping another GitHub beta
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Dropping another beta on GitHub for testing: General: Improved the functionality of unlocking default frames & added many more options (move action bars, synergy, subtitles, bounty/telvar/volendrung tracker, etc) Chat Announcements: Added the option t...
File: Lui Extended06/01/20
Re: Invulnerable enemies
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Does LUI emphasize invulnerable enemies somehow? The base game draws a stone texture when the enemy becomes invincible. Lui enemy frame just prints "- Invulnerable -" instead of health percentage. You need to pay a very close attention to actually see it. In fact I've never seen it in a fight with Saint Olms in Asylum Sanctorium w...
File: Lui Extended05/30/20
Re: LUI Is there, but isn't?
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Just today noticed that none of my LUI things (combat text, bars, etc) are showing. If I go to AddOns, LUI shows up with no issues. If I go to Settings > Addons, LUI is not in the list. (Everything was fine yesterday) I believe I am up to date (through Minion, at least) and get no error messages at load. Very odd. Ideas? Do I...
File: Lui Extended05/29/20
Backbar highlighting prerelease up...
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Backbar highlighting prerelease up on GitHub. If you want to test it out! So far seems pretty issue free and I'm really happy with the implementation. I managed to get double slotted abilities functioning properly. Been playing the game again recently on a ne...
File: Lui Extended05/28/20
Alright I seem to have this working...
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Alright I seem to have this working pretty well. Quick demo of backbar ability tracking support: qzQrerTAaMc There are a few options available: - Toggle on/off (By default backbar abilities won't show unless you enable the new setting) - Toggle desaturation - Hide inactive slots on the backbar I'm also probably just goin...
File: Lui Extended05/28/20
Re: Newb Question - Use LUI for all but ability bars?
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Hi - is there a way to configure LUI (which I love) so it uses the game's original ability bars at the bottom (vs sitting on the middle side)? I've had some eye issues of late and sadly the position blocks my view & ability to play well. Thanks, Shulgi Toggle this setting off to restore the default frames to their normal po...
File: Lui Extended05/27/20
Ever since the Greymore update went...
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Ever since the Greymore update went live i am having weird issues with the chat. All dialogue shows with %s%s whispers %s%s. Is this only happening when LUIE is enabled? LUIE shouldn't modify chat at all, announcements just post messages in chat.
File: Lui Extended05/25/20
It would be cool if we could have l...
Posted By: ArtOfShred
It would be cool if we could have language options, i use a script to make the game English and still have my native language dialogue. But sadly the LUI does not seem to care about that and will not change at all. So because I love LUI I'm kinda forced to use English for everything. If something like this is possible a big thanks....
File: Combat Metrics05/21/20
Since updating to the latest versio...
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Since updating to the latest version the Combat Log doesn't seem to be working. I tried playing around with the settings to fix but can't get it working. Tried disabling all other addons just to make sure it wasn't something funky with another addon interfering with chat handlers and still no luck.
File: Lui Extended05/21/20
Re: Error with LUI Extended started today... Error in body.
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Any idea how to fix this error? user:/AddOns/LuiExtended/Initialize.lua:83: function expected instead of nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/LuiExtended/Initialize.lua:83: in function 'OnAddonOnLoaded' |caaaaaa eventCode = 65536, addonName = "LuiExtended" |r Try reinstalling the addon, files are missing or not...
File: Lui Extended05/20/20
Re: Re: Re: Loot/Currency chat announcements
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Didn't change anything between it working and not working. Though, Libmediaprovider was also updated if that could affect anything (dunno why it would). Hmm, I'll keep an eye out and test out playing around with the settings to see what happens later today. Might be something I accidentally broke, but looking over the changes m...
File: Lui Extended05/20/20
Re: Loot/Currency chat announcements
Posted By: ArtOfShred
For some reason I'm no longer seeing any chat announcements for loot or currency. It worked fine prior to 6.08 Unsure about the other chat announcements, will have to keep an eye out for those. Edit: Odd, it seems that it works fine if I set it to print in specific tabs but not when printing to all tabs. I didn't make any ch...
File: LibMediaProvider05/19/20
Re: Improvements to support the backup font feature
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Hi, this is Calamath. Before making a pull request, I'll post this for improvements to support the new backup fonts feature. >Backup Font It is the function to specify the fallback font file in GuiXML for each font, introduced in update 25. In other words, it is a function to search for missing glyphs not included in Western f...
File: Lui Extended05/19/20
Alright last update before Greymoor...
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Alright last update before Greymoor. Now I've got a ton of prep I need to do to get this ready. I might try to squeeze in a few other minor changes if I can but my priority is just going to be getting all the tooltips/bar highlights/etc fixed for any skills, sets, and monster abilities changed. Hi, i was wondering if you coul...
File: Lui Extended05/16/20
is this a new feature? how to delet...
Posted By: ArtOfShred
is this a new feature? how to delete it? i havent this bar in old version Yeah that is from the new Pet HP bars. There was an issue I didn't notice though when I initially released the update with it - hp bars show for non-combat pets. Update to the latest version and that will go away. Then you can have bars for your pets on...
File: Lui Extended05/14/20
Posted By: ArtOfShred
I'm running the latest build, 6.0.7. And I can't seem to turn off the custom buff icons. The correct variable is set "GenericStatusEffect" and can be toggled through addon settings, so that works. I even removed "SpellCastBuffs.UpdateStatusEffectList()" from the "SpellCastBuffs.Initialize(enabled)" function, still getting custom icon...
File: Lui Extended05/12/20
Re: UI Anchors Moving
Posted By: ArtOfShred
The Loot History and Player Buffs anchors never stay where I put them. The Player Buffs one is currently supposed to be locked to the resource bars but it moves up to overlap with the champion points bar, I have the resource bars set to the pyramid configuration. Also, the loot window anchor hasn't been moved but when it displays l...
File: Lui Extended05/10/20
Posted By: ArtOfShred
- If your custom unit frames are transparent, make sure your folders aren't nested. Your addons folder structure should have an LuiExtended folder with all the component folders below: Code: The addon folder path should be: User\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\LuiExtended Not: User\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\...
File: Lui Extended05/08/20
Re: Still calls it Blacklist in chat if you add something to the Whitelist
Posted By: ArtOfShred
If you add a pet to the Whitelist the chatlog text still reads Blacklist Oh woops missed that. Fixed it on the development build, I'm not gonna worry about updating for just that though, will push it with more changes later. Maybe for Greymoor, maybe before. Is it possible to add the compass to the movable UI elements? Thi...
File: Lui Extended05/08/20
Alright updated and swapped the Pet...
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Alright updated and swapped the Pet Blacklist to a Pet Whitelist. You'll need to either add pets manually by typing the name of the pet - or use the buttons I've added to add specific class pets. Currently the button adds en localization pet names. I'll see about getting this localized for ru and de later. If anyone wants to he...
File: Lui Extended05/08/20
Non-combat pets now with hp bar too...
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Non-combat pets now with hp bar too... Unexpected or ? Hmm, which non-combat pets? I tried equipping a few and didn't see this happen. It's doing it with all my non-combat pets too, along with the banker and merchant NPCs when I summon them. Interesting, non-combat pets only appear on the Live server and not on the PTS. Some...
File: Lui Extended05/08/20
Non-combat pets now with hp bar too...
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Non-combat pets now with hp bar too... Unexpected or ? Hmm, which non-combat pets? I tried equipping a few and didn't see this happen.
File: Lui Extended05/06/20
Working on a little something......
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Working on a little something... EDIT: Working pet frames with a good chunk of options, and the ability to blacklist pets you don't want to show have been added to the development build. I'll be trying to push out an update soon. Trying to finish off a few things before I dive really hard into the devel...
File: Lui Extended05/05/20
Re: Question
Posted By: ArtOfShred
Hello,first thank you. How can i have the same bossframe/compass than your on the first screen. I haven't "use Extender" option ty That's just the default compass with DarkUI. I really should retake those shots w/o DarkUI enabled.