Results: 230Comments by: awesomebilly
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/20/14
Re: out of order
Posted By: awesomebilly
The listing from the past day for me does not appear in any discernible order: not price, name of item or buyer, nor time. Perhaps there could be a way to sort the columns, and maybe have them sorted by time sold by default? Thanks, Yeah by time ASC was supposed to be default. I found the issue and I can fix it tonight. I'm sort...
File: Luminary - FishMe - Update 604/20/14
Adding the following foods to junk...
Posted By: awesomebilly
Adding the following foods to junk caused alert to fire off: Liver and Lights, Liverwurst Tart, Century Soup, Guar Quiche, Roast Pig, Sweetmeat Surprise. Awesome! TY. I'll take a look at these items tonight and get an update for it!
File: Luminary - FishMe - Update 604/20/14
Cool new update. From looking at...
Posted By: awesomebilly
Cool new update. From looking at the screenshot, I think you're missing some: Screenshot is only showing crawlers for foul water, but not fish roe also. Also, quick question: The API does not provide a method to check what type of water a certain fishing node is in, correct? You just list what is good where, but the us...
File: Guild Tools [En/Fr]04/20/14
Thank you
Posted By: awesomebilly
Super cool :) I may have missed it, but is it possible to have the alerts except not show offline/online. Instead show: EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(mConfig.appName, EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_ADDED , playerJoined) only?
File: Guild Store Search Extended [En/Fr/De]04/20/14
See it pending :)
Posted By: awesomebilly
Can't wait ;)
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/20/14
Release 2.0
Posted By: awesomebilly
Version 2.0 Released Please update... many many changes!
File: Guild Market Exporter04/20/14
Guild Store History
Posted By: awesomebilly
@zalrenic I doubt you need this, but my Trade Sales History addon is exporting all guild sales and users personal sales into savedVars, I also filter out duplicates by timestamp. Feel free to take a look!
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/19/14
Re: Store Search Broken
Posted By: awesomebilly
Hello, just wanted to let you know that store search break while your add-on is enabled. I attempted to reload ui several times with no fix. I disabled your add-on, reloaded ui, no problems The Guild Store breaks with my addon? What do you mean?
File: Luminary - FishMe - Update 604/19/14
Love the addon! I'm getting the...
Posted By: awesomebilly
Love the addon! I'm getting the Fish Now!! sometimes when I eat food. Not sure if it's specific types of food, but I ate a Trotter Pie and the Fish Now!! alert popped up and the chat alert as well. Also, marking some food as junk causes the alert to show up. I placed Pork Soup and Trotter Pie in the junk and it triggered....
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/17/14
Re: Re: Re: possible feature
Posted By: awesomebilly
Don't know if this does this or if it's doable, but it would also be awesome to have an option to include every sale in your guilds that show in guild history, not just your own. Thanks for the app! you can already see that if you click G hit history tab, then go to sales. I know, but it's only recent sales. It would be great...
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/17/14
How about a clear old sales button?...
Posted By: awesomebilly
How about a clear old sales button? I have enough sold now that I am getting to the point of wanting this feature. Currently it depends on how many sales are in guild history. It lists the top 20 most recent.. usually after a day the sales (From Guild History) are cleared. What or how many old sales do you have? yeah, it d...
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/17/14
Update For the Community
Posted By: awesomebilly
Hello everyone, I try to keep you guys updated ASAP. I've made a release for some features and bug fixes. If you experience any issues please let me know. Great bug reports: List of addons you have installed: The actual error you're displayed Screenshot if possible. The error report is the best. With th...
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/17/14
Re: Re: awesome addon but 1 bug
Posted By: awesomebilly
there is still a bug you can't see what you have sold cause the person from the guild who have buyed somthing from you the letters are into each other but still this is a great addon i'll hope you are fixing this and hope it isn't my computer xD and i can't give you gold uknown player :o and i really appreciate this addon...
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/17/14
How about a clear old sales button?...
Posted By: awesomebilly
How about a clear old sales button? I have enough sold now that I am getting to the point of wanting this feature. Currently it depends on how many sales are in guild history. It lists the top 20 most recent.. usually after a day the sales (From Guild History) are cleared. What or how many old sales do you have? thanks for t...
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/16/14
Re: awesome addon but 1 bug
Posted By: awesomebilly
there is still a bug you can't see what you have sold cause the person from the guild who have buyed somthing from you the letters are into each other but still this is a great addon i'll hope you are fixing this and hope it isn't my computer xD and i can't give you gold uknown player :o and i really appreciate this addon...
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/16/14
How about a clear old sales button?...
Posted By: awesomebilly
How about a clear old sales button? I have enough sold now that I am getting to the point of wanting this feature. Currently it depends on how many sales are in guild history. It lists the top 20 most recent.. usually after a day the sales (From Guild History) are cleared. What or how many old sales do you have?
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/16/14
Re: Thanks
Posted By: awesomebilly
Thanks for your addon. You probably play on US servers, don't you? I tried to send you couple of golds as my "thank you" but say you don't exists. One small future request: is it possible to have clicable links for sold items in overview? Yes, this is on my todo this for sure, very soon. I'm trying to see how to do it, I can...
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/16/14
is there anyway to know which guild...
Posted By: awesomebilly
is there anyway to know which guild store the item was sold from? I've added this :) Please take the update. I was on my lunch, I validated my guild luminary showed up, please let me know if you see your other guilds too, or if its only showing 1 guild for everything. Thanks, AB
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/16/14
is there anyway to know which guild...
Posted By: awesomebilly
is there anyway to know which guild store the item was sold from? Sure, I can add that in the next release.
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/15/14
Look great. Though would be pref...
Posted By: awesomebilly
Look great. Though would be preferable to have this sort of addon integrated into a more comprehensive auction house enhancement addon. EG: Guild Store Search is very useful (near required to find any materials in a reasonable time really) And by the looks of your screenshot, your ui would take up the spot his uses too, so i...
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/15/14
Posted By: awesomebilly
If you still need answers to your questions, the UI does not open when the error occurs. I'm using quite a few other add-ons: Bank Bag Searcher Bank Stuffer BatmanStoreFilter Binder Wykkyd's Framework Wykkyd's Mail Return Bot Wykkyd's Outfitter Wykkyd's Quest Tools ChatMultiWindow Esohead FTC GuildStore insjunkyard I...
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/15/14
Bah. Disregard my attempts at tell...
Posted By: awesomebilly
Bah. Disregard my attempts at telling what happens when or what seems to trigger it. The errors are accurate, but the patterns are random. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it gives me those errors. I would say that reloading the UI helps it work again, but as soon as I do, it would prove me wrong! Thank you so much for these...
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History04/15/14
Bah. Disregard my attempts at tell...
Posted By: awesomebilly
Bah. Disregard my attempts at telling what happens when or what seems to trigger it. The errors are accurate, but the patterns are random. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it gives me those errors. I would say that reloading the UI helps it work again, but as soon as I do, it would prove me wrong! Thank you so much for these...
File: Luminary - FishMe - Update 604/15/14
Maybe you could just change the col...
Posted By: awesomebilly
Maybe you could just change the color of "Reel In" to red instead of a message ;) Actually I'll be updating this to control which color you like. I'll add options menu and a few other features.
File: Luminary - FishMe - Update 604/15/14
Maybe you could just change the col...
Posted By: awesomebilly
Maybe you could just change the color of "Reel In" to red instead of a message ;) It's RED NOW :)