Results: 5Comments by: uhmorphous
File: Combat Metrics05/30/22
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ability to position add-on
Posted By: uhmorphous
Hi, thanks. It's a small black strip that actually doesn't disappear when I move, it disappears when I go into, say, settings or any other action that freezes the active screen, when I can usually grab a window to reposition it. Hope that helps. Yes, that is the Live Report Window. Its intended to only show out of menus, otherwise...
File: Combat Metrics05/29/22
Re: Re: Ability to position add-on
Posted By: uhmorphous
Hi, and thanks for this add-on. I'm preparing to use it for the first time, and was hoping to be able to reposition it on-screen. Right now it's almost in the middle of the screen, and I'm unable to grab it to reposition, as it disappears when I'm static. For now, I have it disabled so it doesn't show on screen, but when I do use...
File: Combat Metrics05/28/22
Ability to position add-on
Posted By: uhmorphous
Hi, and thanks for this add-on. I'm preparing to use it for the first time, and was hoping to be able to reposition it on-screen. Right now it's almost in the middle of the screen, and I'm unable to grab it to reposition, as it disappears when I'm static. For now, I have it disabled so it doesn't show on screen, but when I do use...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter05/22/22
Lazy Writ Crafter saved you from stealing!
Posted By: uhmorphous
LOL OMG I so appreciated this. I can be spazzy when moving quickly, and I accidentally clicked one of the steal items near the writ crates when spazz-clicking and up pops a message from Dolgubon, "Lazy Writ Crafter saved you from stealing!" and sure enough, I did not inadvertently and regrettably steal of the basket o' goodies. Th...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter05/16/22
Wow! Speedrificus Fabicus!
Posted By: uhmorphous
Sooo many clicks saved. I had no idea it was going to do ALL the things for me, and it made me a little light-headed giddy lo - four characters with 7 writs each means you've saved me a ridonculous number of clicks. Ri. Don. Cu. Lous. Thank you!!!!