Results: 3Comments by: triggie
File: Combat Cloud (Discontinued)05/08/14
Wow this addon is perfect now thank...
Posted By: triggie
Wow this addon is perfect now thank you so much seriously.
File: Combat Cloud (Discontinued)05/07/14
I can.. maybe this week. Hey tha...
Posted By: triggie
I can.. maybe this week. Hey thanks so much!!! soo much better now! One more thing its not a big deal or anything but whenever you have the time could you possibly make it so the damage numbers go in a straight line up like for example: damage /\...
File: Combat Cloud (Discontinued)05/04/14
Hi i was wondering if you could add...
Posted By: triggie
Hi i was wondering if you could add the option so the damage fonts scroll in a straight line instead of going all over the place. I really like this addon alot but i cant stand damage fonts going all over the place. Could you please please add the option so the fonts scroll in a straight line. Im sure many people would love this. Tha...