Results: 2Comments by: Strife
File: Deome's DataDaedra07/23/14
After this morning's maintenance, I...
Posted By: Strife
After this morning's maintenance, I lost all of the data that has been collected by DataDaedra -- or rather, it's all in the SavedVariables .lua, but the sales history does not seem to be recognized by the addon anymore. Is there any way I can salvage the data?
File: HarvestMap06/10/14
Sudden problem with importing
Posted By: Strife
Hello, I've been using HarvestMap for a while now, and it's very helpful for finding and keeping track of resources. Thank you for creating it! Normally I keep to myself so I wouldn't post here, but I've run into a recent problem with importing data and haven't been able to work around it. Previously, I have had no problems w...