Results: 43Comments by: Asto
File: AchievementInfo09/22/24
liking this addon so far. only thin...
Posted By: Asto
liking this addon so far. only thing id like is to configure a specific channel for it to output to. is that possible? Thank you :) The addon has to print its messages to the System channel. So with an addon, like for example pChat, you can manage in which tab the System messages are shown:
File: AchievementInfo09/19/24
Thanks for the update, Asto! Love y...
Posted By: Asto
Thanks for the update, Asto! Love your addon! Thank you, nice to hear :) I lost track of updating this addon for a while when my api-change monitoring got wasted. But it's back with a new compatible version now :)
File: AchievementInfo09/19/24
Re: You are missing a S in your bracket style.
Posted By: Asto
Whoops! Thank you!
File: AchievementInfo03/30/22
Will this be updated asap to work w...
Posted By: Asto
Will this be updated asap to work with the patch that's dropping on March 14th that includes account wide achievements? Sry for the delay, but I'm going to upload a new version (4.9) in the next few minutes. Seems to work with accountwide achievements. :banana:
File: AchievementInfo09/11/21
To answer your questions , No I did...
Posted By: Asto
To answer your questions , No I did not receive any error message from the game or otherwise and no to the last one.... Thank you, I'll have to look into this. Very strange since I just do some actions on triggered ESO events / notifications, that should be independent from any other game logic. :confused: What other add-ons do...
File: AchievementInfo09/10/21
I just wanted to let you know that...
Posted By: Asto
I just wanted to let you know that this add on was causing a problem with the Summerset daily quest with Justicar Taninon for the Devine Justicar Achievement. I have been doing the quest daily and not checking progress because I thought it was automatic and didnt think about it. Well a couple of days ago I checked on my progress an...
File: AchievementInfo08/26/21
Can it be that this addon is not co...
Posted By: Asto
Can it be that this addon is not compatible with LibDebugLogger? Meaning that all of the chat outputs are considered "debugging-outputs" and thus get caught by LibDebugLogger and are not shown anymore in the chat tab. That's interesting. Not as far as i know and I can't really reproduce it. I've tried it out and it worked as expe...
File: AchievementInfo03/20/21
Re: Issue since last patch 29
Posted By: Asto
... Just uploaded the fixed version 4.5 - it should be available shortly :banana: I use a German client and pChat, but it doesn't work even without pChat. Next I deactivated the corresponding library (LibChatMessage), but the problem persists. Thank you for the further details. Today, I've checked this again with the German c...
File: AchievementInfo03/20/21
Re: Issue since last patch 29
Posted By: Asto
Hi I've really been enjoying this addon, it was just what I was looking for. Since the recent update, everything works except 'Show details' Option only works if 'Show incomplete details only' is also ON. There are no errors or anything just the Show Details behaviour doesn't seem to be working right. I use pChat too Keep up teh g...
File: AchievementInfo01/13/21
Hi, I like this addon because not o...
Posted By: Asto
Hi, I like this addon because not only does it inform me about the ongoing progress on the achievements, but it also helps me to notice which action is helping me to increase the progress. There is only one thing that I would appreciate if you could change this: Most addons write their information in the channel "system" which I h...
File: AchievementInfo11/02/20
Hello, I use the German client. S...
Posted By: Asto
Hello, I use the German client. Sometimes I see AchievementInfo text which looks a little strange. In most cases it starts with <
File: AchievementInfo11/02/20
Hello, I use the German client. S...
Posted By: Asto
Hello, I use the German client. Sometimes I see AchievementInfo text which looks a little strange. In most cases it starts with <
File: AchievementInfo09/03/20
Re: Chat Channel
Posted By: Asto
Is it possible to add a chat channel selection for the output? I'm not sure if that would be possible. As far as I know do all add-ons use the System Channel. But you can use an add-on like rChat or pChat to enable/disable the System output for each chat tab. The following screenshot is older, but it shows the available "System"...
File: AchievementInfo06/08/20
Re: Re: New Feature: Accountwide Settings
Posted By: Asto
but it doesn’t work as it should. When you turn on the account-wide settings for one character, it should turn on for all characters. Now it must be turn on for each character separately. This behaviour is intended. This way, you can opt-in for account-wide settings, or define your own for some chars. I, for example, like to use a...
File: AchievementInfo06/07/20
New Feature: Accountwide Settings
Posted By: Asto
Could we please get an option to turn on for account-wide settings? :) Would you please consider adding an option for Account Wide Settings Maybe a little bit late, but today I've added accountwide settings in version 4.0 :)
File: AchievementInfo06/01/20
Re: LibStub
Posted By: Asto
LibStub usage is removed but still bundled in the AddOn folder. Why is that? LibStub was used by an included dependency. In version 3.0, I've removed the LibAddonMenu-2.0 dependency from the addon bundle. You have to install LibAddonMenu-2.0 on your own now, if not already done for other addons. So there is no LibStub in my...
File: AchievementInfo03/09/20
Re: Re: Re: Update in chat not showing anymore
Posted By: Asto
I have disabled all addons and made a few tests. AchievementInfo alone works AchievementInfo and rchat (and only these 2) do not. I have no errors, but chat doesnt show achievement incrementation. So the problem is not from AchievementInfo. Love your addon and thanks for taking the time to answer. Thanks for the feedback :)...
File: AchievementInfo02/29/20
Re: Update in chat not showing anymore
Posted By: Asto
Update in chat has disappeared since last patch. No error message. I suspect it has to do with the new version of LibDebugLogger library used by many addons but i'm not sure. If it is, I don't know how to fix this. Too bad it doesn't work for you anymore. I've tried it with different addons and it works fine for me. What addons...
File: AchievementInfo09/02/19
That's not quite the same thing, th...
Posted By: Asto
That's not quite the same thing, though ^^; I've discovered the same "issue" when it comes to deconstructing and fencing/laundering. I mean, if I fence or deconstruct one item, I want that achievement update, but if I fence fifteen items at once (which often happens with AddOns that auto-sells or auto-fences junked items) I don't nee...
File: AchievementInfo02/15/19
Would you please consider adding an...
Posted By: Asto
Would you please consider adding an option for Account Wide Settings. With 15 characters to manage (perhaps 17 after Necromancer) it could only help :) Great idea, struggled with it while changing my test chars too... :D Added it to the list
File: AchievementInfo02/10/19
Re: Achievement Info and System Messages
Posted By: Asto
Hello~ First of all, I love your addon. I love the way it displays ACM's in Chat. I love that you can have it line by line. The only thing i doesn't love is: that it starts to ignore the sytem message options you make. Thank you for the compliment and the detailed report. But I have to admit that I couldn't reproduce th...
File: AchievementInfo02/10/19
Re: German chat info
Posted By: Asto
Hello, I use the german client and also pChat. If there is an achievemnt update, I get the followoing chat output. The first line is okay but the second always looks strange (<>): 1. Aktualisiert: Abenteurerin in Trübmoor (Murkmire) 2. <> in Trübmoor 15/20...
File: AchievementInfo02/10/19
When you get a chance, could you pl...
Posted By: Asto
When you get a chance, could you please update the addon? I don't load outdated addons because I never know if they will cause issues. Thanks. I know new jobs take a toll on family life and extra-curricular activities. Sry for the delay. I'll update it soon :) The comment notifications went into my GMail spam folder........ :(
File: AchievementInfo04/14/18
Hi, thanks for the great addon :)...
Posted By: Asto
Hi, thanks for the great addon :) Would it be possible to set a shortkey for opening the last updated achivement detail window? Sry for my very late response, I'm a little bit busy with my new job. I like that idea, that could be possible, but at the moment I don't have the time to add that feature, but I set it on my list :)
File: AchievementInfo05/10/17
Great addon! Does it possible to s...
Posted By: Asto
Great addon! Does it possible to set a chatspam cooldown option? Usually in the dungeons my chat goes filled with this addon only messages :( something like: if this achievement update was posted in the previous X min, then do not send message to chat. Thank you very much. There should be an option for that in the settings alrea...