Results: 29Comments by: Cheshire_Cat
File: PermAlmalexia: Permanent Mementos03/24/24
possibly add 3 new ones?
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Hey there, just found your addon :) Was wondering if you could somehow please add the token of root sunder, juggler's knives and the campfire kit? (campfire one would be really, really great)
File: Memento Refresh03/24/24
help for two please
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Token of Root Sunder and the campfirekit any chance to get these added please?
File: DecoTrack03/10/23
Re: Re: Not showing up
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
So, i have the addon downloaded, did the housing auto tour thing... However the tooltip is not showing up on the top of my screen. i have 2 other tool tips that appear after the question mark at the top of the screen for other addons. Wondering if there just isn't room to user this addon? How do i access it without the tooltip but...
File: DecoTrack03/06/23
Not showing up
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
So, i have the addon downloaded, did the housing auto tour thing... However the tooltip is not showing up on the top of my screen. i have 2 other tool tips that appear after the question mark at the top of the screen for other addons. Wondering if there just isn't room to user this addon? How do i access it without the tooltip but...
File: HarvestMap02/12/23
On/off hotkey?
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Is there a way to turn the 3d markers off and on? Sometimes, when not farming, would like to be able to ride around without seeing them in the environment. Then, when farming, turn it back on to have them visible again.
File: Character Knowledge (Scribing, Motif, Recipe, and Furnishing Plan Tracker)01/29/23
Re: Re: Limit shown
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Hi there, wondering if there is a way, when you open the character knowledge window, to show only the things your character knows? And not the things they do not, please? Or, at least order the things already known at the top? You can sort by the known column. Alternatively, the special search terms of "-" or "+" by themsel...
File: Character Knowledge (Scribing, Motif, Recipe, and Furnishing Plan Tracker)01/27/23
Limit shown
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Hi there, wondering if there is a way, when you open the character knowledge window, to show only the things your character knows? And not the things they do not, please? Or, at least order the things already known at the top?
File: Personal Assistant + Companions01/15/23
Possible addition
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Is there anyway to add a code line somewhere to enable you to add a custom text when the keybind for the assistant is clicked? Rough example, you click on it, and the potential text one could have to post is: Merchant up! or.. whatever... i'd have it more fancy, however, being a role player lol
File: Memento Refresh01/15/23
Token of Root Sunder
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Hey there! How would i get Token of Root Sunder to work, please?
File: OdySupportIcons - Group Role Icons & More01/12/23
Change icon sizes
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Hey there! Is there any way to change JUST say, the healer's icon size? i'd like to have the tank with the largest icon, and a smaller one for the healer. Thank you for making this addon, it's appreciated. :banana:
File: Looping Emotes12/12/22
Not working
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Trying to use this with the /palelord emote doesn't work at all. Doesn't work with ANY emote. Also found, that when trying to use an emote normally with no loop command, it cuts the emote short/interrupts it.
File: Go Home11/26/22
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Only one option available
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
i may be just confused.... However, i'm only able to set ONE location in this addon. i can't set multiple home locations with multiple hotkeys to take me to whichever one i want. Can you give me a screenshot of what you have please? this is all i have when i open it...
File: Go Home11/24/22
Re: Re: Re: Re: Only one option available
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
i may be just confused.... However, i'm only able to set ONE location in this addon. i can't set multiple home locations with multiple hotkeys to take me to whichever one i want. Can you give me a screenshot of what you have please? this is all i have when i open it...
File: Go Home11/24/22
Re: Re: Only one option available
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
i may be just confused.... However, i'm only able to set ONE location in this addon. i can't set multiple home locations with multiple hotkeys to take me to whichever one i want. Can you give me a screenshot of what you have please? this is all i have when i open it...
File: Go Home09/01/22
Only one option available
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
i may be just confused.... However, i'm only able to set ONE location in this addon. i can't set multiple home locations with multiple hotkeys to take me to whichever one i want.
File: RP Profile Viewer06/28/22
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Hi there. Finally took the plunge to try this thing. i miss TRP from WoW terribly, so i hope this will be the new best thing for ESO. Thank you for creating it. i was concerned to not see a settings window in the game options area, however. How does it, (or does it) know which character you are on to sinc with the proper pr...
File: Endeavor Tracker06/21/22
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Thank you for making such a great addon! As i was using it, i was thinking it would be great if there was a way to pick and choose what endeavors were displayed, so there would be less clutter and space taken up on the screen. Perhaps also, the option for the addon to close when all selected endeavors were completed.
File: Custom Idle Animation06/12/22
thank you
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Appreciate your hard work and the update!
File: Custom Idle Animation06/09/22
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Looks like the latest update broke this add-on, unfortunately. Aside from previous variables being deleted, the add-on settings don't seem adjustable. Priority and duration bars do not work and and turning on any animation doesn't "save" it. The Default set seems to keep character in a perpetual state of sadness and slouched over...
File: Sit On Benches06/09/22
No Longer Works
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Doesn't seem to work anymore... an update would be great :) i really loved using this. The chair is showing.
File: AlphaGear 2 (Builds, Gear, Skills, Banking)03/27/22
Recognise Outfit
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Heya, really enjoying this so far. One issue, is that it doesn't seem to recognize when an outfit is on (when saved) as opposed to when it is off and saved. To clarify, i have my main gear Outfitted to look like another style. Have to choose Outfit 1 to turn on this style to hide my normal armor appearance. However, when i...
File: Bunny's Dice Roller03/14/22
Possible changes?
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Grateful for this addon, thank you. Is there a way to change it, so that it automatically posts the results? Even if it perhaps was coded to only show up for those with the addon, maybe in party char or some other channel other than the main one?
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)03/13/22
was excited.. but
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
SO many bells and whistles. All i had been looking for was a way to see a player's character name in guild chat. Something much more simple than this... The amount of figuring out how to make this thing work, has scared me away. Delete this, don't delete that, i'm not a coder... This seems like an addon for a coder who understa...
File: Cowl - helm/hat toggle03/11/22
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
i had already found another addon that already did this. However, i was wondering if it's possible to somehow tweek it to you can choose what hat to equip via the toggle somehow while still having the hide helm option. So, it would hide the helm, but then when hit it would equip the hat of your choice (not necessarily the hat tha...
File: AlphaStyle (Outfit, Mount, Pet, Collectibles)03/08/22
Not Loading/saving styles
Posted By: Cheshire_Cat
Greetings, just found out about this addon and i adore it. However, i found a small issue when trying to save different outfits. The Costumes are working fine. The regular 'saved' outfit works/transitions fine. However, when trying to save actual RP clothing, like the level 1 clothes, it is not saving te change. Example:...