Results: 32Comments by: hurry143
File: Tamriel Trade Centre06/13/24
Missing info for Jewelry crafting mats
Posted By: hurry143
I noticed just this week that the addon has stopped showing data for all jewelry crafting materials. I'm seeing the expected pricing data for everything else. Furthermore, when I select "Price to Chat" for something like Chromium Plating, I get: "TTC Price for C...
File: Skill Blocker05/04/24
Re: Re: Re: Re: Fatecarver
Posted By: hurry143
Hey kalitva! I can take a look at the possibility for this "block when not on max crux", ~but it seems that the lib currently is not being able to block Fatecarver at all, so I'll have to see about at that too~ (seems to be affecting only one of my characters..? weird, could use some input if anyone bumps into this). The "block whil...
File: Skill Blocker04/29/24
Re: Re: Fatecarver
Posted By: hurry143
Hey kalitva! I can take a look at the possibility for this "block when not on max crux", ~but it seems that the lib currently is not being able to block Fatecarver at all, so I'll have to see about at that too~ (seems to be affecting only one of my characters..? weird, could use some input if anyone bumps into this). The "block whil...
File: XL Gear Banker01/20/24
Great time-saving Addon, thank you....
Posted By: hurry143
Great time-saving Addon, thank you. I noticed, it often deletes content (saved sets) from (random) collection pages, emptying them. It seems it's related to the create-set part of the addon, but I have not found out, what causes it exactly, or how to prevent it. At first I thought it deletes from the currently selected collection...
File: Group & Activity Finder Extensions07/19/23
Working? Yes, the unofficial versi...
Posted By: hurry143
Working? Yes, the unofficial version I uploaded back in March should be mostly working -- with the noted exceptions. I'll be uploading another unofficial version in the next few days that will address the issues around the daily reset of random rewards and dungeon pledges.
File: Skill Blocker06/08/23
Thanks, notnear! I get what you'...
Posted By: hurry143
Thanks, notnear! I get what you're saying now. Even when I port into Cyrodil, the skill doesn't become unblocked until I move to a different zone. I guess I assumed that a zone change event would be triggered just by the act of porting into Cyrodil/IC :) I should have just waited for Skill Blocker to eventually do the right thi...
File: Skill Blocker06/07/23
Hey notnear, The following are t...
Posted By: hurry143
Hey notnear, The following are the exact steps I used to reproduce the issue that I'm facing. 1. Exited game. 2. Told Minion to ignore updates for Skill Blocker. 3. Removed NearSkillBlocker folder from the AddOns folder. 4. Removed NearSkillBlocker.lua from the SavedVariables folder. 5. Installed Skill Blocker manually. 6....
File: Skill Blocker06/06/23
"Toggle block on PVP zones" doesn't work without using keybind first
Posted By: hurry143
Hi, Thank you for this useful addon, and it has always worked as expected for me in PVE. My issue has always been with PVP, where a skill would remain blocked in Cyrodil/IC even though I have "Block in PVP" turned OFF for that skill. For example, these are my settings for Magelight:
File: LibSkillBlocker04/14/23
Things are fine with only LibSkillB...
Posted By: hurry143
Things are fine with only LibSkillBlocker enabled. The frame drops only occur when I have Skill Blocker enabled as well. The frame drops occur even when I'm not casting anything at all. The frame drops occur even when my skill bar is empty (although I have configured skills such as Mage Light to be blocked). I'm not 10...
File: LibSkillBlocker04/14/23
Re: FPS drop
Posted By: hurry143
Hello, I've been noticing severe performance drops mainly in the form of FPS loss ever since the latest update. It took me a while to pinpoint which update was causing the issue but I managed to pinpoint it to this one. I have to second this. I started noticing the frame drops almost immediately after Minion updated LibSkillBlo...
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker04/03/23
Thanks for the updates! I also n...
Posted By: hurry143
Thanks for the updates! I also noticed today that the cooldown for Void Bash (Call of the Wild) was no longer being tracked, whether as part of "Your Proc Cooldowns" or "Cooldown Action Bar". I was running 2.5.14 when I spotted this. Reverting to an earlier version like 2.5.8 fixed the issue for me. By the way, would you please...
File: Group & Activity Finder Extensions03/22/23
Re: Re: Fixed to support new DLC dungeons
Posted By: hurry143
Here's the latest unofficial version with all of the previous (unofficial) fixes: I only had to add support for the two new dungeons (Bal Sunnar & Scrivener's Hall). The "Dungeon Finder" and "Schedule" features of this add-on should continue to work as they've done before. Please don't ask me a...
File: Group & Activity Finder Extensions03/14/23
Fixed to support new DLC dungeons
Posted By: hurry143
Here's the latest unofficial version with all of the previous (unofficial) fixes: I only had to add support for the two new dungeons (Bal Sunnar & Scrivener's Hall). The "Dungeon Finder" and "Schedule" features of this add-on should continue to work as they've done before. Please don't ask me a...
File: Group & Activity Finder Extensions11/15/22
Minor fix for Earthen Root Enclave achievement
Posted By: hurry143
Here's the latest unofficial version with all of the previous fixes: a fix for Earthen Root Enclave in the Dungeon Finder: it now correctly identifies whether or not you have the Hardy Hero (no-death) achievement.
File: Group & Activity Finder Extensions11/08/22
I think this fixes the addon for the Firesong update
Posted By: hurry143
I think Troodon80 had the right idea, but it looks like we can fix the latest error by just implementing IsLockedByAvailablityRequirementList() on the GAFE_ActivityFinderLocation_Specific subclass. TLDR: Open the file GroupActivityFinderExtensions\src\modules\activity-finder\trials\sorted-locations-data.lua and add the following...
File: Group & Activity Finder Extensions08/30/22
Set completion for Red Petal Bastion
Posted By: hurry143
I noticed today (after pledges) that Red Petal Bastion was still marked as missing sets, even though I had finished collecting all three dungeon sets. Here's the fix for that :) In src\modules\activity-finder\dungeons\dungeons-activity-data.lua, change the following lines... from: = {id=3016, node=470 ,q=66...
File: Group & Activity Finder Extensions08/29/22
Here's a quick fix (pt 5 of 5)
Posted By: hurry143
Finally... Add the data for the new dungeons src\modules\activity-finder\dungeons\dungeons-activity-data.lua: (Add the following entries to the GAFE_DUNGEONS_ACTIVITY_DATA table -- it doesn't matter where) = {id=3375, node=520 ,q=6835, p=GAFE_PLEDGE_ID.EarthenRootEnclave, hm=false, tt=false, nd=false,...
File: Group & Activity Finder Extensions08/29/22
Here's a quick fix (pt 4 of 5)
Posted By: hurry143
Add the new pledges src\modules\activity-finder\dungeons\pledge-id.lua: GAFE_PLEDGE_ID = { FungalGrottoI = 1, FungalGrottoII = 2, SpindleclutchI = 3, SpindleclutchII = 4, BanishedCellsI = 5, BanishedCellsII = 6, DarkshadeCavernsI = 7, DarkshadeCavernsII = 8...
File: Group & Activity Finder Extensions08/29/22
Here's a quick fix (pt 3 of 5)
Posted By: hurry143
Add the activity IDs of the new dungons src\modules\activity-finder\activity-id.lua: GAFE_ACTIVITY_ID = { -- ZOs NormalFungalGrottoI = 2, VeteranFungalGrottoI = 299, NormalFungalGrottoII = 18, VeteranFungalGrottoII = 312, NormalSpindleclutchI = 3, VeteranSpindleclutchI = 315, Nor...
File: Group & Activity Finder Extensions08/29/22
Here's a quick fix (pt 2 of 5)
Posted By: hurry143
Add the new dungeon sets src\modules\activity-finder\set-id.lua: GAFE_SET_ID = { Sellistrix = 271, LamiasSong = 303, Medusa = 304, UndauntedInfiltrator = 156, PirateSkeleton = 277, BonePiratesTatters = 308, KnightErrantsMail = 309, UndauntedUnweaver = 157, TheTrollKing = 278, Ni...
File: Group & Activity Finder Extensions08/29/22
Here's a quick fix (pt 1 of 5)
Posted By: hurry143
The addon just needed to be updated with the two new DLC dungeons. Here are the additions (highlighted in yellow) that I had to make to get it working again (it basically amounted to adding entries to several tables). This should at least allow the addon to work as before for all the older dungeons. I'll still need to test it out...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter08/25/22
Hide UI setting?
Posted By: hurry143
I can't seem to find the setting to hide/show the UI window. The only way I've been able to hide the UI at all is by selecting "Hide" when the addon prompts me to do so after a fresh install. Even then, the UI window automatically reappears after the next reloadui/login.
File: Group & Activity Finder Extensions08/23/22
Update 35 broke Dungeon Finder
Posted By: hurry143
After the update, I get the following error whenever I click on Dungeon Finder and select Specific Dungeon from the dropdown menu: user:/AddOns/GroupActivityFinderExtensions/src/modules/activity-finder/extender.lua:107: function expected instead of nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/GroupActivityFinderExtensions/src/modules/activ...
File: AUI - Advanced UI08/16/22
Potion ready fix
Posted By: hurry143
Hi, I think the "potion ready" combat message was broken by the High Isle update a little while ago: the "potion ready" message would appear whenever a potion is used, but not when it's ready to be used. The following simple change should fix the problem: Change line 1150 in modules\combat\Combat.lua from: local _, _, canUs...
File: WishList (Set item search&tracker/wanted Gear list)06/30/22
Re: Re: Need update for new gear from High Isle?
Posted By: hurry143
I'm not getting these error messages. I guess you did not update the dependencies to the newest version? Please logout, close the client, update LibSets to the most current version! Login, open the WishList UI and click on the update sets button at the WishList UI. This hopefully will fix the error messages. Yep, you're right...