Results: 18Comments by: ihause
File: AutoRefine11/06/20
Could it be possible to have it pos...
Posted By: ihause
Could it be possible to have it post results/statistics even when we refine manually? I think, there is no API for this option. Maybe something was changed, I'm going to check API.
File: AutoRefine11/06/20
Hi, because it's called AutoRefine...
Posted By: ihause
Hi, because it's called AutoRefine I expected it refines automatically. Instead I have to activate it manually. So its more a "everything refine" ;) Option "Start To Refining Automatically" was added in new version. By default is false.
File: AutoRefine06/03/20
I have noticed it doesnt refine eve...
Posted By: ihause
I have noticed it doesnt refine everything, some items from jewelry for exemple. Is that a bug ? It is optional. By default turned off. You can turn on these options in addon settings.
File: AutoRefine02/28/20
Re: Continued updates?
Posted By: ihause
Will we be seeing continued updates for this plugin? Yes. I'm still going to add UI. Thanks for using AutoRefine addon.
File: AutoRefine09/09/19
You're happy with those rates? OMG,...
Posted By: ihause
You're happy with those rates? OMG, I uninstalled this crap after refining 400 platinum dust in one go, and not getting a single grain. Try refining 2-3 at a time, and tell me you still think your rates are good refining in bulk. I'm used to %10 drop rate for gold temper on BS, WW and around 5-8% rate on Clothing and Jewelry. Lawd. :...
File: AutoRefine03/04/19
Only Suppress Error Message, but I...
Posted By: ihause
Only Suppress Error Message, but I have the add-on disabled already to try and see any lua errors, but nothing shows up. Contents from AutoRefine.lua: ... Thank you, ShinWow. I saw strange issue in your save - for jewelrycrafting negative value were saved. So, I'm going to figure out, how it possible, than fix. Unfortun...
File: AutoRefine02/28/19
Hi, any idea why jewelry refining d...
Posted By: ihause
Hi, any idea why jewelry refining doesn't show stats in chat? Blacksmith, Woodworking and Clothing all print stats correctly for me. Just jewelry does this: .... Do u use some bug eater addon? If do, please turn off and send me screen with error. Also u can send me ... \live\SavedVariables\AutoRefine.lua file, I'll try to...
File: AutoRefine01/23/19
anyway to speed up the refine proce...
Posted By: ihause
anyway to speed up the refine process, i know i can refine faster pushing the R button. just curious if there is a way to speed it up in the addon? thanks for your work! u can find line: zo_callLater(doCraft, math.random(500, 1000)) in AutoRefine.lua and try set 100, 500 instead 500, 1000 than reload ui
File: AutoRefine01/04/19
Re: AutoRefine Results
Posted By: ihause
Made a screenshot of my results, maybe it helps anyone. Prices are PC eu but they are missing the Wax etc price in screenshot so I added that. It woud be nice if the addon did the math on buying mats to refine for wax VS selling raw mats and buying wax for it, therefore it woud need to check for the lowest raw price of non max level...
File: AutoRefine10/25/18
Multicraft is not what I'm looking...
Posted By: ihause
Multicraft is not what I'm looking for, that's for the automation of crafting items and has nothing to do with refining raw materials. This addon is related to refining raw materials, and that's what brought me here. ... Ok. I will think about it. Maybe it will be option in settings menu, because I usually sell these items as...
File: AutoRefine10/24/18
This addon doesn't support style ma...
Posted By: ihause
This addon doesn't support style materials and jewelrycrafting grains and pulverized stuff refine, because main purpose of addon to calculate probabilities for getting materials, for style mats and grains is nothing to calculate. There is addon "Multicraft", which can help, if you have many items of one type to refine. Mas...
File: AutoRefine10/21/18
bug with chat print was fixed in 0.1.1
Posted By: ihause
bug with chat print was fixed in 0.1.1
File: AutoRefine10/20/18
Any chance of just automatically re...
Posted By: ihause
Any chance of just automatically refining everything when you open the crafting station? ok. good feature request. It will be option in addon settings.
File: AutoRefine10/20/18
Thks for comments. I will try fix b...
Posted By: ihause
Thks for comments. I will try fix bugs, if there is any more information about issues ( reproducing rate , may be conflict with another addons or localization ) ? about prices )) It is next step. Thx a ton for the addon, really hate to sit and spam REFINE 2000 x so often i dont do it :D But i saw that there was a few error i...
File: CraftStore Gold Road09/01/18
hi people. I have a problem with Cr...
Posted By: ihause
hi people. I have a problem with CraftStore enchanting interface (some stack with nil at the end ) and found out the reason : for x = 1,155 do local btn = WM:CreateControl('CraftStoreFixed_RuneGlyphSectionScrollChildButton'..x,CraftStoreFixed_RuneGlyphSectionScrollChild,CT_BUTTON) btn:SetAnchor(3,nil,3,8,5 + (x-1) * 30) btn:Set...
File: CraftStore Fixed and Improved08/31/18
hi people. I have a problem with Cr...
Posted By: ihause
hi people. I have a problem with CraftStore enchanting interface (some stack with nil at the end ) and found out the reason : for x = 1,155 do local btn = WM:CreateControl('CraftStoreFixed_RuneGlyphSectionScrollChildButton'..x,CraftStoreFixed_RuneGlyphSectionScrollChild,CT_BUTTON) btn:SetAnchor(3,nil,3,8,5 + (x-1) * 30...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter09/25/17
Common writs use a different 'mecha...
Posted By: ihause
Common writs use a different 'mechanism' so to speak, so a non auto start option won't help. For each craft, common writs simply craft something not crafted according to the quest. Since there's only one step in crafting, the quest immediately updates, so next time the addon checks to craft, it sees it doesn't need another of that t...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter09/23/17
Hi. Want to say thank you for your...
Posted By: ihause
Hi. Want to say thank you for your good job. Unfortunately I have one annoying bug with both your addons: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter and Dolgubon's Lazy Set Crafter. Sometimes (20%) addons double first item in queue. For Writ Crafter it happens with master writs. I've never seen this bug with common writs, but for...