Results: 2Comments by: obsid
File: Tamriel Trade Centre10/29/18
Re: Re: Hacking Attempt
Posted By: obsid
Thanks for the reply but my point is still the same - my email in question was used in 3 places. 1: Google mail (several years) 2: Blizzard (several years) 3: TTC (once, and within an hour of this someone used it to try to access my Blizz account) My security is tight at my end but given the events as they happened I can on...
File: Tamriel Trade Centre10/28/18
Hacking Attempt
Posted By: obsid
So I logged into TTC through Google a few days ago and within an hour of that someone tried to login to my inactive Blizzard account linked directly to that email address. TTC is the ONLY other place it was used. They failed because they didn't have the right password but its a real wakeup call - if the creator himself isn't us...