Results: 3Comments by: missing_sock
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker (Outdated)10/22/14
I'm curious if anybody has or knows...
Posted By: missing_sock
I'm curious if anybody has or knows of any buff icon overview? As in, what buff each icon represents..
File: Save Skill Builds06/08/14
Oh sh-, yeah I kind of.. missed tha...
Posted By: missing_sock
Oh sh-, yeah I kind of.. missed that. :o Sorry for stupid question.. I thought it was all supposed to be done in command lines. <- Returning to noob mode, my default mode. This add-on officially rocks! Thanks :)
File: Save Skill Builds06/08/14
Hi, thanks for a great add-on! Usin...
Posted By: missing_sock
Hi, thanks for a great add-on! Using it a lot. However, Im having issues binding the sets to keys, is it really so that you have to use nrs 1-5 to bind? At least thats what the addon tells me when I want to bind set 1 to F1. Not a very big issue writing the simple commands, but it gets clunky in the middle of or on the way to combat....