Results: 3Comments by: Orian99
File: Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)12/11/14
Re: Re: Re: Junk ingredients not on shopping list.
Posted By: Orian99
Is there a way to mark all ingredients not on the shopping list as junk? Or maybe another junk management addon that supports sous chef's shopping list? Thanks! For anyone else who would like this feature, I was able to modify the Inventory.lua and add the following after line 53: SetItemIsJunk(bagId, slotIndex, true) It's a...
File: Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)12/11/14
Re: Junk ingredients not on shopping list.
Posted By: Orian99
Is there a way to mark all ingredients not on the shopping list as junk? Or maybe another junk management addon that supports sous chef's shopping list? Thanks! For anyone else who would like this feature, I was able to modify the Inventory.lua and add the following after line 53: SetItemIsJunk(bagId, slotIndex, true) It's a...
File: Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)12/11/14
Junk ingredients not on shopping list.
Posted By: Orian99
Is there a way to mark all ingredients not on the shopping list as junk? Or maybe another junk management addon that supports sous chef's shopping list? Thanks!