Results: 3Comments by: Solastus
File: CraftStore04/22/15
saved variables was deleted, last v...
Posted By: Solastus
saved variables was deleted, last version error on opening I came in to report the exact same error. No issues when I logged with my main, but my alt threw the error below when she started research and the error above when opening the CraftStore window. user:/AddOns/CraftStore/CraftStore.lua:...
File: Khrill Crafting Post-It04/16/15
Re: Re: Re: FONT too small
Posted By: Solastus
As mentioned below by another poster, I also find the font too tiny on my 24 inch monitor. I tried searching the Lua to make an adjustment but couldn't find where. Thank you for making this useful add-on. I would appreciate help in adjusting the font size. It's on my "todo" list, so for next update ;) (when... I don't know but soon)...
File: Khrill Crafting Post-It03/28/15
Font size request
Posted By: Solastus
Love your addon! The only issue I have is the font size of the quest items are too small for me to comfortably see. I already have the scale option all the way up. I tried adjusting the font myself in the LUA but it didn't change. Perhaps some sort of font size slider in the options?