Results: 2Comments by: strangerain
File: Dustman07/25/15
Could you try to check if you got l...
Posted By: strangerain
Could you try to check if you got last version ? At line 388, there is nothing now. the call for IsItemNeededForResearch() is at line 443 and the function starts at line 223 wich is after line 214. Last version is 1.5 Thank you. Woops, sorry! I started getting the errors when I updated that same night and went back to an ea...
File: Dustman07/22/15
Have been receiving Dustman errors...
Posted By: strangerain
Have been receiving Dustman errors on looting ever since updating addons. I can't figure out what the problem is and am wondering if it's just a conflict with another addon? :confused: Thank you so much in advance!