Results: 7Comments by: kihls
File: Votan's Keybinder12/07/18
all my addon keybind options removed
Posted By: kihls
When I installed this, all my addon keybinds were hidden/removed? It didnt transfer anything to my other characters. All my alts are pre-existing, not sure if it wouldn't work in this regard? Regardless, how come all my keybinds were hidden/inaccessible? I deleted the addon and they returned as normal
File: CraftStore Gold Road12/01/18
button not showing
Posted By: kihls
My craftstore button is there, as a transparent square, but not showing the eso olive branch looking bronze colored icon anymore..I've tried reinstalling, turning button on/off etc, any thoughts? I can click the empty space to open the craftstore menu, but would like the physical button showing again
File: Craft Bag Monitor (CBM)11/22/18
how difficult to change to main inventory
Posted By: kihls
How difficult would it be to change the code to read the regular inventory instead of the craft bag? (for non eso+) I have one account with + and one without and would like to still use this to monitor my resource farming/kill loot etc. I can dig in and change the code if you'd assume its just a line or two to designate the inventory...
File: CraftStore Gold Road11/08/18
Can you give me an exact step by st...
Posted By: kihls
Can you give me an exact step by step of how you cause it? Just by clicking the craftstore icon to open the menu. I would uninstall/clear variables, reinstall (either from minion or unpacking myself) same issue This time I turned off all addons, uninstalled, reinstalled, all the text on the right columns showed up, but an error...
File: CraftStore Gold Road11/07/18
Re: Re: all text missing in addon
Posted By: kihls Removed, reinstalled, cleared variable file etc..same happens if I open cooking What language? English
File: CraftStore Gold Road11/07/18
all text missing in addon
Posted By: kihls Removed, reinstalled, cleared variable file etc..same happens if I open cooking
File: Dustman11/02/18
Dustman destroying full soul gems
Posted By: kihls
Hey, When I have destroy junk on, its destroying my stacks of full soul gems.. I don't have them marked as junk (didnt see any where to do this, only empty ones, which is off too) and they aren't in the junk either. Apparently lock picks too.. I thought dustman was -only- suppose to destroy items once they hit junk? After...