Results: 3Comments by: Rykoth
File: Auto Category - Revised07/10/21
Re: Re: I think it broke
Posted By: Rykoth
I love your addon, but it appears to be broken. When I updated and logged in, I get this now when I pull up my inventory. Mind you, using advanced filters and perfect pixel, disabling both did nothing for me. Not sure how to fix it if it is my end! You should disable all of your addons includi...
File: Auto Category - Revised07/10/21
I think it broke
Posted By: Rykoth
I love your addon, but it appears to be broken. When I updated and logged in, I get this now when I pull up my inventory. Mind you, using advanced filters and perfect pixel, disabling both did nothing for me. Not sure how to fix it if it is my end!
File: Lui Extended03/09/19
Is it intentional that UI Hiding doesn't work?
Posted By: Rykoth
Is it intentional that UI Hiding doesn't work? In homes at least? I can't hide the whole UI, but only in player homes >.> Everywhere else it's fine.