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BornDownUnder 01/03/15 06:13 AM

The issue with pop-up tooltips seems like background is hidden unintentionally via an addon...

Maybe :SetAlpha(1) or :SetHidden(true) is being set incorrectly by one addon while another addon is attempting to display their portion of the tool-tip. You would need to go through your addons to locate the ones that add data or handle any aspect of the tool-tips.

Is it just tool-tips of items or tool-tips of food/reagents, etc. Narrowing it down could help a lot to resolve the issue with your tool-tips as you could then further eliminate addons that process those particular tool-tips.

The issue with broken/non-functioning key-binds sounds really similar to the Esc key bug, at least to me...

Could it possibly be due to input lag when hitting the key-bind that upsets the function?

Perhaps transitioning from one item to another whilst using the key-bind is a cause to the Interact key-bind ceasing to function?

Do you get any disconnects from 'spamming'? I think it would be interesting if there was found to be a correlation between the two.

I wonder if the key-bind issue can be reproduced without addons.

Of course, due to my limited knowledge of lua I could be talking out of my arse :p

QuadroTony 01/03/15 06:20 AM

no, no disconnects. but i cant see this issue for a few days, mby some updates of other addons fix it

QuadroTony 01/06/15 05:19 AM

issues come back yesterday
still the same with WITHDRAW/DEPOSIT by hotkey, and with undeletable empty mails, this time one difference - no crash on /reloadui

im not given up.. will digger more and deeply :o

Baertram 01/06/15 10:13 AM

Non deletable empty mails appeared for me sometimes too. But only if I had enabled the Wyykyyd's mail return bot AND Mailr at the same time if I remember right.
And the only mails I couldn#t delete were the blue ones from MaiLr then.

QuadroTony 01/06/15 10:15 AM

for mails i have MailR and PostMaster Altered
blue mails from MailR always safe, i need to delete usual mails like reward for Worthy in cyrodiil but i cant sometimes...

QuadroTony 01/17/15 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 18051)

its an error about first problem! cannot using hotkey for deposit
interesting which addon cause this
its my mule character, he using like 50 addons
after reloadui all okay

the same again...

Wykkyd 01/20/15 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 18175)
Non deletable empty mails appeared for me sometimes too. But only if I had enabled the Wyykyyd's mail return bot AND Mailr at the same time if I remember right.
And the only mails I couldn#t delete were the blue ones from MaiLr then.

Shouldn't be the case since 1/2/2015. My last update to MailBox disables certain features if I detect MailR running.

Baertram 01/20/15 06:11 PM

Confirmed. Didn't have this error anymore since some weeks now.

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