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TopfliteB 02/22/14 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Kelnoreem (Post 448)
I noticed most of these Templar builds are heavy in using Magicka, which makes sense, but no one has mentioned using the Fighter Guild Stamina based Silver Bolts for when Magicka is low and Stamina is still high.

On my way to level 15 I found a need an extra damage skill that uses stamina so all magicka would constantly be funneled into healing/Dawns Wrath. Silver bolts has been a fantastic skill and of against Daedric/Undead (which a lot of enemies are) it keeps them in basically an endless knockdown.

Has anyone else tried this?

This is a very viable option, but be careful to keep enough stamina reserved for dodging, especially in dungeons. As fluid a game as ESO is, it's those dodges that really save your life

fishyyy 02/24/14 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Kelnoreem (Post 448)
I noticed most of these Templar builds are heavy in using Magicka, which makes sense, but no one has mentioned using the Fighter Guild Stamina based Silver Bolts for when Magicka is low and Stamina is still high.

On my way to level 15 I found a need an extra damage skill that uses stamina so all magicka would constantly be funneled into healing/Dawns Wrath. Silver bolts has been a fantastic skill and of against Daedric/Undead (which a lot of enemies are) it keeps them in basically an endless knockdown.

Has anyone else tried this?

Did not try this skill but I can imagine it is very useful against Undead/Daedra. I found my own way to encounter that problem. So if I run out of Magica (what will definetly happen) AND want to engage in Combat I simply switch to my 2nd Bar with 1H/Shield: (this is just the 2nd Bar!)

With enough regen. in both of my pools I could keep a Single Target under control as long as I wish :P
But usually IŽd leave dealing damage to others. I think with this option I can do PVE as well as PVP.

Lonyn 02/26/14 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Callsign (Post 140)
My Templar build.

Build is designed to cover a variety of situations without the need to change abilities around. There are a couple of minor/alternative ways to change this build, but this does just about everything you would really need. I find Templar tanking to be the easiest to pick up and most straightforward to learn and understand.

How can you use 54 skill points and still be level 1

kelaan 03/11/14 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Lonyn (Post 574)
How can you use 54 skill points and still be level 1

Character level isn't often important for a talent/skill planning tool. Rarely do we care about "what will I have at level 10/20/30", and instead are wanting to make sure that we can fit in our desired build at max level, or determine what the expected cost will be for a particular build. ("Can I fit in dps and tanking and crafting skills?")

Basically, you can almost always interpret a build that someone links as describing a max-level scenario, unless the person who links it is specifically are talking about a not-max-level scenario.

Cyrus 03/11/14 05:09 PM

Templar Stamina Build
Trying an experiment this weekend, all Stamina no magika. No points in Aedric Spear, Dawn's Wrath or Restoring Light. LOL

One Hand and shield, and Restoration Staff.

Have fun all this weekend.

TopfliteB 03/12/14 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Cyrus (Post 1053)
Trying an experiment this weekend, all Stamina no magika. No points in Aedric Spear, Dawn's Wrath or Restoring Light. LOL

One Hand and shield, and Restoration Staff.

Have fun all this weekend.

fishyyy 03/13/14 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Cyrus (Post 1053)
Trying an experiment this weekend, all Stamina no magika. No points in Aedric Spear, Dawn's Wrath or Restoring Light. LOL

One Hand and shield, and Restoration Staff.

Have fun all this weekend.

The resto staff abilities take mana instead of stamina just fyi
Also you will not be able to use Soul Strike since you will only obtain it towards the end of the Main Quest which is not available to us.
I think overall you could make a better tank/support out of your Templar if you invest heavily in HP and magica.

Lesaint 03/17/14 03:54 AM

Hi everyone, first post on this forum. I tried to plan a little bit in advance what i'll be playing at launch, i used my time in the beta finding and testing some little things that make me wanna play a Paladin style character. Reason why i wanted to play this style of character is the lack of healer and tank in the game. Most of the team i was put into while using the grouping tools, did not have healer or tanks in it. I end up trying to do the dungeons with 4 dps and fail.

So lets go to the core of this post: PALADIN!!!!

So i wanna be a healer that has a lot of survivability, and i want to be able to offtank, maybe sometimes even be the tank.

Regarding this play style i have came to think to distributes my attributes point like that: 3 pts/12 level Stamina, 4 pts/12 level Magicka and 5 pts/12 level Health. I may find playing the game that i will have a too small magicka or stamina pool to play with. Obviously, a smaller magicka pool, means less heal to put up in fight, but i plan to compensate with enchantments on armor, wearing a 5/2 set of heavy/light armor and use either the:

 The Atronach: Increases magicka regeneration
 The Mage: Increases maximum magicka
 The Ritual: Increases healing effectiveness
 The Tower: Increases maximum stamina
Mundus stone.

I have also came to realize playing with staff that the skills line of staff also drains my magicka. So if i end up healing with restauration staff, i couldnt use any of the damaging skills of classes because i would also end up lacking magicka. So to prevent this all of my healing skill will use magicka, and all of my damging/utility/cc skills will use stamina.

So when ill be healing i plan to use a bow, and when i'll be tanking i'll obviously use sword and board.

Please, i would realy like to have any insight as if you think this could be viable in PVE. I wiil need a lots of tweak to play PVP from what i have saw in the game so far, and havent come up with any thought on the subject.

I'm also providing a template of the skils i will bu aiming to use. I know i have fill over a hudred skills point... but mainly i want to look like what my active skills would i plan to used on my bars.

Thank you guys!!!!

NixonInnes 03/18/14 11:09 AM

Build Link

This is what I've been playing/working towards, fairly typical Sw/Sh & RStaff. The main premise for the build is a supportive tank, utilizing lots of active regeneration and cast-able shields. I've not worked out what kinda of stat distribution I'll need, presumably heavy on magicka with all the casts, leaving a reasonable amount of stamina to absorb blocks and spam taunt skills (with the obvious large HP dump).

I'd be interested to find out more about the cast-able shields (i.e. Ward Ally); how effective they are at damage mitigation and how well they are going to scale at end-game. If anyone has any info, then please share, I've not been able to dig up much on them.

A typical fight would go something like:-
RStaff: Apply regens & buffs;
Swap weapon;
Sw/Sh: Taunt, debuff & buffs;
Smack 'em around a lil';
repeat every 6 - 10 secs;

Ward Ally & Radiant Ward are your shortest duration wards, at 6secs.
There are 2 problems associated with playing like this; #1 Magicka, #2 Magicka!
Hah, they're not the same... Kinda.
The first problem stems from having to keep up your wards, and not having enough mana as a resource pool. This can be somewhat overcome by using the wards a little more intelligently and sparingly, as well as statting into it.
The second problem, and more of a concern, is you will not regenerate magicka while your Radient Ward is active. This is where Channeled Focus, Healing Springs & Siphon Spirit will come in... maybe.
Obviously this is all speculation, and I've not tested it!

So... What'd'ya think?

Jram77 03/21/14 12:32 AM

Thinking Templar dps/tank
Hey guys 1st post here:
So i played 3 of the betas, had a great time, mostly played NB which is what i thought i would roll at launch but now im convinced on Temp.

Race- thinking Altmer for the magicka bonuses or Breton (feel free to chime in)

Armor-Basically what im thinking is Templar with heavy/ light armor (5/2), mainly for the survivability and some magicka regen and max effects.

Weapon- going 1H + shield ( will give me added armor and mitigation passives) + Bow (2 stamina based weapons so conserve magicka, 1 close and 1 ranged)

Skill points- mainly magicka/ stam (thinking 3/1)

Skill line- mainly Aedric (mostly dps skills)

Ultimate - Radial sweep (refills fast, can use almost on every mob)

thought process on typical rotation for PVE- piercing javelin (knock down-magicka based), shield charge (gap closer- stamina based), Puncture (lowers armor and spell resist-stamina), Puncturing strikes (finisher-magicka)

AOE mobs- fairly similiar approach with ultimate added in

honestly the pvp version is very similiar- open with sun fire for snare effect- shield charge- puncture- puncturing strikes (good video on templar pvp-

probably add restoring aura to the line for the health and stamina regen

The bow will be added in during times of pve (unsure where, maybe group dungeons for the snare effects and distance) also large scale pvp when i need to sit back and pick people off from a distance or on top of a wall :)

let me know your thoughts or if you can improve here, thx

Zombie_Head 03/23/14 11:05 AM

I did several templar builds, really looks like my all time go to class.

Did one handed and shield, dual wielding and two handed. Light and heavy armours as well....

Its very hard what to do, since you can take a bit of everything and be a bit of everything, or just a plain healer.

What i know is, i do not like to rely too much on magicka, i like high HP and stamina builds to deal damage and survive (damage dealing from weapons).

Most likely, i will go for either a Nord two handed battle axe, one offence, one support and one defence and rely on my battle axe to bring the pain with medium armour.

A full healer with restoration staff and light armour

Or i will go for a dark elf DPS templar and dual wield with light armour.

Still can not decide, but what i know is i love the fighters guild skills (stamina based) and how they are seriously effective against daedra and undead (the knock back and damage).

tls5669 04/07/14 10:39 AM

does restoring aura act like a regen?

StealthStalker 04/09/14 01:39 AM

Here's what I've been using for dungeoning as I level now as a pure healer templar (currently level 39ish).

Both weapons are resto staves.
Weapon 1
Purifying Ritual (Cleansing Ritual Morph)
Mutagen (Regeneration Morph)
Honor The Dead (Rushed Ceremony Morph)
Lingering Ritual (Healing Ritual Morph)
Inner Light

Weapon 2
Purifying Light (Backlash Morph to heal)
Radiant Aura (Restoring Aura Morph - probably will replace this with Blessing of Protection soon, or something else)
Ring of Preservation (Fighter guild, Circle of Protection Morph)
Immovable (Heavy Armor Active)
Inner Light

I am keeping innerlight on both bars, taking up the last slot (never have to toggle except to turn it on), so that it does not fade and I keep it up. I tend to swap weapons very often to apply Purifying light or keep Circle of Protection up. In doing so, I would have to recast innerlight every swap.

With my tests, inner light is amazing. 20% crit from the get go, and then the rest of the passives kick in. I'm wearing 5 piece light armor for the regen and crit rate, so another 5% crit there atm.

I basically keep mutagen on everyone, purifying ritual down for the bonus healing and then keep CoP up as often as possible while throwing around anything else I need.

For bossfights, Purifying light is decent damage when I have the downtime to cast it. Have been getting 1k hits at my level.

Single target heals are covered with Honor the Dead, very well I might add.

Mutagen and Lingering ritual seem to sit at around 20% crit because I keep people topped off as much as possible with it. Where as Honor the Dead sits at around 40-50% crit because I save it for big bursty heals when they're low health.

This is purely for my PvE group Dungeon content. My solo set is completely different. I use one bar for combat while questing, and the second is devoted to skills im leveling. So the skill-leveling bar is up for exploration XP and quest turn ins, while in combat I swap to the primary bar.

PvP bar will be a bit different for sure as well, and really depend on the fight.

I can not recommend wykkyd's outfitter enough once you're able to set it up. I have 3-4 bar layouts I use for different scenarios, and I expect many more to come (Zerg PvP, Solo PvP, Samall Man PvP, etc).

NixonInnes 04/15/14 04:31 PM

Ok, since my last post I've reached the veteran content and have had to change my build a lot.

For those who CBA finding my original post in here:
I used 5xHeavy & 2xLight armor, along with 1H+Shield & Resto Staff. I also took 2H later on for a little more damage while questing.
My stats were distributed at lv50, something along the lines of: 19-20-10

I found this style of play pretty difficult in the vet content. I struggled 2/3rds of the way through VR1 playing with the above setup. Bosses would essentially last long enough with my low DPS to deplete my magicka and stamina, and large groups of mobs did too much damage for me to kill them before they killed me.

I decided to find a new tactic and reset my stats & skillpoints. I moved over to 2xHeavy & 5xLight with a Resto staff. Dropped all my stats into magicka, and use heavy Aedric Spear/Dawns Wrath DPS. I need to balance my gear by mainly wearing health statted items to prevent heavily delving over the softcap, but I am having a much easier time with the vet content now. I can burst down most mob groups and kite bosses pretty successfully.

I played a tanky temp 1 - 50, then found the vet content was pretty hard for me. I re-specced to light-DPS and found it way easier (VR1 - 2 at least).

tiomun 04/15/14 08:48 PM

My Build So far.

I am a bit different I guess.

2 handed sword,
Heavy armor
and mostly stamina for my attributes.

Typically I play along side my wife who is a mage and uses ranged attacks. So I dive in and do some aoe damage while she plucks them off. I have just enough healing to keep us both comfortable in most situations. We like to be aggressive and focus on quests that are more rewarding for us. so we end up in areas above our typical level.

I have not brought this build into pvp yet, but I suspect it may not be great. then again any of my other builds haven't been great in pvp either yet.

[email protected] 04/22/14 01:43 PM

so what would be best dps spec for leveling with some survivability?

jaytlas 04/25/14 08:12 AM

Templar Aoe Leveling build

Originally Posted by [email protected] (Post 5381)
so what would be best dps spec for leveling with some survivability?

Check this post:

Seabhac 04/30/14 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by NixonInnes (Post 4525)
Ok, since my last post I've reached the veteran content and have had to change my build a lot.

For those who CBA finding my original post in here:
I used 5xHeavy & 2xLight armor, along with 1H+Shield & Resto Staff. I also took 2H later on for a little more damage while questing.
My stats were distributed at lv50, something along the lines of: 19-20-10

I found this style of play pretty difficult in the vet content. I struggled 2/3rds of the way through VR1 playing with the above setup. Bosses would essentially last long enough with my low DPS to deplete my magicka and stamina, and large groups of mobs did too much damage for me to kill them before they killed me.

I decided to find a new tactic and reset my stats & skillpoints. I moved over to 2xHeavy & 5xLight with a Resto staff. Dropped all my stats into magicka, and use heavy Aedric Spear/Dawns Wrath DPS. I need to balance my gear by mainly wearing health statted items to prevent heavily delving over the softcap, but I am having a much easier time with the vet content now. I can burst down most mob groups and kite bosses pretty successfully.

I played a tanky temp 1 - 50, then found the vet content was pretty hard for me. I re-specced to light-DPS and found it way easier (VR1 - 2 at least).

I'm running into a similar situation. I ran bow/resto staff till 47 then switched to 1 hand and shield / resto staff. it was ok till part way through vet 1 content and now I'm into vet 2 content and still not quite vet 2 yet.. but finding myself having some difficulty due to elites immune to things like binding spear, total dark, invasion, and many others.. I'm finding myself not doing enough DPS basically. I may try your setup here now.

Abardomas1 07/06/14 08:09 AM

some good tutorial videos for VR templar builds that helped me tweak both my builds once i reached 50 - I'm no longer underpowered! PvP, leveling, DPS, and healers. some have FULL build explanations which was rather helpful.

darkhorse1995 02/17/15 08:34 AM

new to this. help out
hey guys, im new to the whole elder scrolls scene. im getting the game for ps4 (mainly cuz my pc isn't that great and my lil bro hogs it all the time for LOL and path of exile). Anyway, i'm thinking of creating a breton templar with focuses on ranged archery and healing. advice for skill build, weapons and armour?

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