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dopiate 01/22/15 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Randactyl (Post 18349)
I would argue this is just a different way of skinning the same cat. Using the same parameters it could be said that the traditional subscription model is pay to win in the first place since you are having to pay extra to play (and win) the game you have already bought.

I don't think this sentiment is often expressed because one, it is a decades old practice, and two, someone is probably more likely to go along with something if they don't feel they have a choice.

Switching to a buy to play model with optional subscription introduces another choice and causes customers to make a more complicated decision. Some will feel no sub is better for them, while other feel a sub is better and others still may be torn between the two unable to make a decision. And in the current culture of the internet where every poster is right and all others are literally Hitler, this creates unnecessary contention.

Ok I do have one question, name one F2P, P2W, Pay to Level, or any other model that someone has gotten it right?

I think your player base cares the most when they have a subscription.

I mean fine - sell pets, and costumes but this isn't looking that innocent.


ps I have a long history with this I started with UO and hung in there until the "Ninja" expansion!!! I played WoW and hung in there until the "Panda" expansion and I played Rift until almost anything good you have to pay for one way or another -- so ESO is my Fav of all time so far in game play and play style but I think they have made some bad choices. Why not make 1 mega sever and let the rest of the team work on content?

EmberQuill 01/22/15 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by dopiate (Post 18350)
Ok I do have one question, name one F2P, P2W, Pay to Level, or any other model that someone has gotten it right?

Well, F2P and P2W and other models like that often end up not working, but B2P has been pulled off successfully at least a couple times.

joshmiller83 01/23/15 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by dopiate (Post 18350)
Ok I do have one question, name one F2P, P2W, Pay to Level, or any other model that someone has gotten it right?

Guild Wars 2

timidobserver 01/23/15 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by dopiate (Post 18350)
Ok I do have one question, name one F2P, P2W, Pay to Level, or any other model that someone has gotten it right?

I think your player base cares the most when they have a subscription.

I mean fine - sell pets, and costumes but this isn't looking that innocent.


ps I have a long history with this I started with UO and hung in there until the "Ninja" expansion!!! I played WoW and hung in there until the "Panda" expansion and I played Rift until almost anything good you have to pay for one way or another -- so ESO is my Fav of all time so far in game play and play style but I think they have made some bad choices. Why not make 1 mega sever and let the rest of the team work on content?

It's about money. If the investors don't get their money they won't pay for the game. You can't expect people to lose money to make you happy. We are fortunate that they are trying to be conservative about it and just offer cosmetics and minor boosts.

I have a guild that currently has 128 members of which about 10 are still subbed. It makes complete sense to try to get those other 118 players back in the game in hopes that they may be swayed to drop a few dollars here and there.

It is important to judge the ESO B2P system on its own merits not the merits of the other games you have had a bad experience with.

EmberQuill 01/26/15 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Tierney11290 (Post 18361)
Got it right, but not enough content. The game was awesome to level in and WvWvW was good, but the content released after isn't worthy. It's all one time events and that's it.

I do have trust and confidence in ZOS to keep the game going and keep out p2w items though.

Somewhat ironically, the first major expansion for GW2 was just announced the day after your post.

Also, the original Guild Wars counts as a B2P MMO that succeeded so well that it still has a semi-active player base even after active development ceased a couple years ago.

dopiate 01/26/15 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by timidobserver (Post 18364)
It's about money. If the investors don't get their money they won't pay for the game. You can't expect people to lose money to make you happy. We are fortunate that they are trying to be conservative about it and just offer cosmetics and minor boosts.

I have a guild that currently has 128 members of which about 10 are still subbed. It makes complete sense to try to get those other 118 players back in the game in hopes that they may be swayed to drop a few dollars here and there.

It is important to judge the ESO B2P system on its own merits not the merits of the other games you have had a bad experience with.

I'm keeping an open mind but everything seems very light on actual confirmed content - I guess tomorrow we will know for sure.


QuadroTony 01/26/15 03:38 PM

skill line of Thieves will be added in 1.6
inside info, 100%

Garkin 01/27/15 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 18405)
skill line of Thieves will be added in 1.6
inside info, 100%

You probably mean Legerdemain skill line mentioned in the last article here:


Legerdemain Skill Line

This skill line, which can be found in the “World” category, gains experience as you commit crimes. The abilities you’ll find here will make you even better at your unlawful pursuits, so make sure to check it out if you’re committed to a life of crime!

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