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James405 04/18/14 08:44 PM

"Too Many Anchors processed"
I am not sure how to trouble shoot this error. It seems to have to do with conflicts between addons. The message appears to imply an upper bound on something.

Halja 04/18/14 09:02 PM

This will show up if you have a nested XML defined control set and try to define additional an anchors on one of the children. You can anchor the children at runtime with lua if need to. It's a parser limitation at add-on launch.

marcmy 04/22/14 01:19 AM

Sorry to sound like a newb but what does this mean in layman's terms, and is there a way to fix it? Thanks in advance

BadVolt 04/22/14 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by marcmy (Post 5301)
Sorry to sound like a newb but what does this mean in layman's terms, and is there a way to fix it? Thanks in advance


marcmy 04/22/14 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by BadVolt (Post 5308)

uhh, that doesn't help me... heh... i don't know code. i just play the game.

thelegendaryof 04/22/14 08:59 AM

Well first of all:
  1. Disable all addons
  2. Enable them one by one - reload the UI after enabling each one
  3. Stop enabling addons when the error appears and note the name of the last enabled addon
  4. Check back here for further reference / help (and of course post the addon-name and version noted in step 3.) :

EnSabahNur 04/22/14 11:12 AM

I have the same problem today with several Addons but when i disable the latest Wykkyd's Framework no error pops up.
The Addons i have errors :
ZrMM - Modified
Thurisaz Guild Info
Reticle Settings (Custom Crosshair)

Wykkyd 04/22/14 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by EnSabahNur (Post 5352)
I have the same problem today with several Addons but when i disable the latest Wykkyd's Framework no error pops up.
The Addons i have errors :
ZrMM - Modified
Thurisaz Guild Info
Reticle Settings (Custom Crosshair)

Not enough information there for anyone to figure out why or what. You'd probably lose the errors with one of the other addons disabled too. Without a screenshot or a line of code there's not much I can do to help you at the moment.

Usually when this happens it's multiple addons colliding in LibAddonMenu.

Wykkyd 04/22/14 12:44 PM

With nothing to go on, and stuck at work, I poked around a bit.

ZO_ReticleContainerInteract:SetAnchor(CENTER, ZO_ReticleContainer, CENTER, 35, 250)

^ that is line 1086 of ReticleSettings.lua
That could cause issues if any other addon touches Reticle, because it doesn't first :ClearAnchors()

It also isn't checking to see if the Reticle has the expected anchor before modifying it, which means 2 addons could fight over re-positioning it.

I'll dig more when I get home but I don't use any of the other addons you listed and there are far too many addons for me to test Framework against all of them.

Also this from ZrMM seems like it would cause this very issue:

Line 1005: ctrl:ClearAnchors()
Line 1006: ctrl:SetAnchor(point, ctrlTo, relativePoint)
Line 1007: ctrl:SetAnchor(point, ctrlTo, relativePoint)

Wykkyd 04/22/14 12:56 PM

Also this from Thurisaz Guild Info could cause the same error:

function TI.ReAnchorControl(control, newAnchor, newOffsetX, ...

It doesn't clear the anchor before re-setting it.

Framework could be colliding with any or all of those. But without screenshots I can't be certain.

Wykkyd 04/22/14 03:27 PM

Line 1007 of ZrMM Modified is the culprit. Comment that out (double dash) and the error goes away.

inspyr1314 04/22/14 03:28 PM

I get this error and I use all of those addons (your Framework, Thurisaz's Guild tools, ZrMM, Recicle). I'm sort of newb when it comes to tinkering with addons, so I ask kindly, how do I fix these issues and not have this error occur anymore?

Thanks :3

edit: I posted a few mins too late. Thanks Wykkyd. Though, if you could, can you elaborate on that for someone editing the .lua with notepad(like how do I find line 1007 in notepad) and what you mean when you say "Comment that out (double dash)"?

sorry, very new to editing and these things

Wykkyd 04/22/14 03:37 PM

ctrl:SetAnchor(point, ctrlTo, relativePoint)

Should become THIS:
--ctrl:SetAnchor(point, ctrlTo, relativePoint)

OR you can delete that line entirely. I also posted to the addon dev what he should fix to alleviate the issue. I don't control his addon AND this isn't a bug anyone else can code around and fix, it has to be him.

Biki 04/22/14 03:37 PM

You don't have line numbers in notepad. Get some free more advanced tool, like Notepad++.
Commenting out with double dash means adding "--" in front of the line. One sort of comments in lua start with "--", just as they start with "<!--" in HTML and so on. Everything that is a comment does not get parsed by the game and thus is effectively disabled.

inspyr1314 04/22/14 03:39 PM

Thanks for both your replies. Thanks for the tip to get notepad++ too Biki. Didn't even know it existed.

Have a good day to everyone!

edit: i'm still getting that error. I'm gona disable all addons and reload them one at a time to try and pinpoint this a bit more

Wykkyd 04/22/14 03:41 PM

You can also CTRL+G in Notepad to go to a specific line number, even though it doesn't display them.

inspyr1314 04/22/14 03:49 PM

I disabled and reloaded my addons one at a time and got the error again when I tried to load RecticleSettings. Please let me know what to edit! (i can edit things nao)

edit: while waiting, I loaded RecticleSettings, Thurisaz Guildtools, and ZrMM individually while disabling the other two and got the error as well. T_T

Seerah 04/22/14 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Wykkyd (Post 5359)
Usually when this happens it's multiple addons colliding in LibAddonMenu.

Whaaaa? :confused: First I've heard or seen of this.

Wykkyd 04/22/14 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 5407)
Whaaaa? :confused: First I've heard or seen of this.

Just something I saw in the past. Had to jimmy a few things I was adding a while back (several weeks). No big deal, it's just a place that generates a lot of anchors via a lot of addons. (it certainly wasn't LAM's fault the times I've seen it, that just happened to be the "battleground".)

Wykkyd 04/22/14 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by inspyr1314 (Post 5405)
I disabled and reloaded my addons one at a time and got the error again when I tried to load RecticleSettings. Please let me know what to edit! (i can edit things nao)

edit: while waiting, I loaded RecticleSettings, Thurisaz Guildtools, and ZrMM individually while disabling the other two and got the error as well. T_T

I'm not sure. I loaded all of them and all of my addons, as well as all of the extras included inside TESO Essentials AND a couple more. Once I fixed that one line of code in ZrMM the error went away for me. However, it would be nice if all 3 developers took a look at the lines of code I mentioned in this thread ;)

inspyr1314 04/22/14 04:46 PM

If you could be so kind, a few posts above you mentioned ~~

ZO_ReticleContainerInteract:SetAnchor(CENTER, ZO_ReticleContainer, CENTER, 35, 250)

^ that is line 1086 of ReticleSettings.lua
That could cause issues if any other addon touches Reticle, because it doesn't first :ClearAnchors()


Also this from Thurisaz Guild Info could cause the same error:

function TI.ReAnchorControl(control, newAnchor, newOffsetX, ...

It doesn't clear the anchor before re-setting it.
~~ could you please, in dummy terms, explain to me how to "fix" those two potential problems that you pointed out?


Divona 04/22/14 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by inspyr1314 (Post 5427)
If you could be so kind, a few posts above you mentioned ~~


~~ could you please, in dummy terms, explain to me how to "fix" those two potential problems that you pointed out?


I have uploaded a patch that might help fix the error for Reticle Settings. Pretty much I've now clear anchors before set them. Hope this help.

inspyr1314 04/22/14 06:42 PM

Hi Divona,

I uninstalled my RecticleSettings via minion, then downloaded and installed your patched version but I am still getting that error :(

(I had Thurisaz Guildtools and ZrMM off at the time too as they were causing the same error individually as well)

Sp00sty 04/22/14 08:32 PM

Just to confirm please


Line 1005: ctrl:ClearAnchors()
Line 1006: ctrl:SetAnchor(point, ctrlTo, relativePoint)
Line 1007: ctrl:SetAnchor(point, ctrlTo, relativePoint)
Line 1006 is okay to leave, just can't have two of the same line?

Vicster0 04/22/14 09:06 PM

Something about the dynamic anchors associated with the Tooltips also seem to be capable of causing this error. I don't have much yet, but if you want to see what I mean just create a control and anchor it directly to one of them.

inspyr1314 04/22/14 09:43 PM


he means line 1007 needs to have a double dash so that it isn't parsed. Like so:

Line 1005: ctrl:ClearAnchors()
Line 1006: ctrl:SetAnchor(point, ctrlTo, relativePoint)
Line 1007: --ctrl:SetAnchor(point, ctrlTo, relativePoint)

Sp00sty 04/23/14 06:43 AM


I understood to comment it out, I was just wondering why the first line was okay but the double wasn't.

No need to explain, I don't know enough about Lua coding, it just appeared both lines were doing the same thing but once was okay.


Divona 04/24/14 08:14 AM

It's appear that "Too many anchors processed" cause by installed many of the AddOns that:
  1. Use LibAddonMenu-1.0 library.
  2. Have many options in their settings panel.
When all the AddOns that called upon LibAddonMenu continue to pile up together, you'll like to get the error, as if the game client or library has reach it limit.

Could someone test this theory out by create an AddOns with over 300-500 lines of


and see if the error pop up?

Seerah 04/24/14 01:38 PM

No. This error pops up if you have too many anchors set for a control. It usually occurs when creating a control from a template that already has anchors set to whatever its parent will be. When you try to set your own anchors from the Lua file, the game complains. You just need to use :ClearAnchors() on it first. I have seen it before and fixed it this way.

Shinni 04/24/14 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 5676)
No. This error pops up if you have too many anchors set for a control. It usually occurs when creating a control from a template that already has anchors set to whatever its parent will be. When you try to set your own anchors from the Lua file, the game complains. You just need to use :ClearAnchors() on it first. I have seen it before and fixed it this way.

This error happens as well when there are to many objects on the screen (HarvestMap likes to spam the map with map pins, so it happens sometimes).
So there is either a global limit to anchors or a limit to how often a control can be referenced (2nd argument of SetAnchor) by anchors.

Divona 04/24/14 07:22 PM

Apparently, ClearAnchors() has not been used in LibAddonMenu-1.0. I'm not sure if that's the main problem as I have already try added ClearAnchors() to each line in the library before SetAnchor() and the error still appear.

EDIT: I have managed to find enough AddOns that are using LibAddonMenu, and installed enough of them until it hit the limit for the error to show. If I disable any one of these AddOn, the error disappear.

Seerah 04/24/14 08:39 PM

LAM shouldn't need to use :ClearAnchors(). Options' anchors aren't being re-set anywhere. All :ClearAnchors() is for is to remove the anchors already present before applying new ones.

Divona 04/25/14 10:52 AM

I have managed to reproduced "too many anchors processed" error with this code:

Lua Code:
  1. local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-1.0")
  3. StressTest = {}
  4. local TotalRun = 470
  6. local DROPDOWN_OPTIONS = {
  7.     "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4", "Option 5", "Option 6", "Option 7", "Option 8", "Option 9"
  8. }
  10. function StressTest.Init(eventCode, addOnName)
  12.     if (addOnName ~= "StressTest") then return end
  14.     local panel = LAM:CreateControlPanel( "_stresstest", "Stress Test")
  16.     for count = 1, TotalRun, 1 do
  17.         local headerName = "header" .. tostring(count)
  18.         local headerTitle = "Header " .. tostring(count)
  19.         local chkboxName = "checkbox" .. tostring(count)
  20.         local chkboxTitle = "Check Box " .. tostring(count)
  21.         local sliderName = "slider" .. tostring(count)
  22.         local sliderTitle = "Slider " .. tostring(count)
  23.         local dropdownName = "dropdown" .. tostring(count)
  24.         local dropdownTitle = "Drop Down " .. tostring(count)
  25.         LAM:AddHeader(panel, headerName, headerTitle)
  26.         LAM:AddCheckbox(panel, chkboxName, chkboxTitle, "", function() return true end, function() local value = true end)
  27.         LAM:AddSlider(panel, sliderName, sliderTitle, "", 0, 100, 1, function() return 50 end, function(value) local bin = value end)
  28.         LAM:AddDropdown(panel, dropdownName, dropdownTitle, "", DROPDOWN_OPTIONS, function() return 1 end, function(value) local bin = value end)
  29.     end
  31. end
  33. EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("StressTest", EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, StressTest.Init)

TotalRun under 450 does not created the error. There's no other AddOns enable when I run this Stress Test. I'm not sure if LibAddonMenu is causing it, or could there be some kind of limit set by the game client? As there're more people using lots of AddOns at the same time, this error prone to happen, and should be some advise or some work around if they want to keep install the AddOns that ever exist.

Seerah 04/25/14 11:58 AM

You're creating 1800+ options all on the same panel. o.O

Even assuming they were different panels, all with 25 option settings each, that's still 72+ addons worth.

I'm not saying I won't look into this when I have time, but... This still isn't anything *caused* by LAM. If anything, it may be a client issue.

Vicster0 04/25/14 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 5852)
You're creating 1800+ options all on the same panel. o.O

Even assuming they were different panels, all with 25 option settings each, that's still 72+ addons worth.

I'm not saying I won't look into this when I have time, but... This still isn't anything *caused* by LAM. If anything, it may be a client issue.


I have to agree with Seerah here, this may be a limit, and it it really good to know about limits, but that being said it's kind of a big limit.

Maybe I'm just stating the obvious here, but this appears to be a sort of tree depth issue. Essentially there are just too many children anchoring to parents and the system has an issue with traversing to that depth to determine where things are placed.

Either way, I didn't need 72 addons in WoW, I don't need 72 addons now, and I'm pretty sure I won't EVER need 72 addons. But I suppose... you never know.

Divona 04/25/14 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 5852)
You're creating 1800+ options all on the same panel. o.O

Even assuming they were different panels, all with 25 option settings each, that's still 72+ addons worth.

I'm not saying I won't look into this when I have time, but... This still isn't anything *caused* by LAM. If anything, it may be a client issue.

You can make the error appear by just install the following AddOns:

Wykkyd's Framework
Wykkyd's Full Immersion
Fully Customizable MultiQuests Tracker
Range Reticle
Simple Combat Alerts
Smart Bags
Thurisaz Guild Info

Remove ANY of these AddOns the error will disappear. That's way less than 72+ AddOns. I'm not sure what actually causing it. So any ideas or theories to test and find out the culprit would be very welcome.

Gothrek 04/26/14 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Divona (Post 5913)
You can make the error appear by just install the following AddOns:

Wykkyd's Framework
Wykkyd's Full Immersion
Fully Customizable MultiQuests Tracker
Range Reticle
Simple Combat Alerts
Smart Bags
Thurisaz Guild Info

Remove ANY of these AddOns the error will disappear. That's way less than 72+ AddOns. I'm not sure what actually causing it. So any ideas or theories to test and find out the culprit would be very welcome.

also harvestmap
research assistant

Xrystal 04/26/14 05:25 PM

I am not sure if I can replicate it again as it was a ways back but I am pretty sure I got this message appear once trying to anchor 1 of my newly created frames to another top level frame I had created for the addon with more than 3, if I remember right, anchors.

It may have been coincidence but I looked at my code and just re-wrote it with 2 anchors and not received the error since.

ZJohnnyZ 04/27/14 10:53 AM

Too many anchors processed UI Error
Today is the first time I ever experienced this Error, and it was immediately after installing Loot Filter Remix. Disabling Loot Filter Remix the Error never occurs. I have and have had 21 total addons (many mentioned here already) , and never any issues.

Seerah 04/27/14 02:05 PM

Holy crap, that addon has a lot of options. >< That is one of those use cases where LAM isn't the best choice for their options menu.

/edit: or they have to use different logic for their "mark as junk" feature.

KinderH 04/27/14 05:24 PM

Is it possible that JunkBuster might also cause this kind of error when having a certain amount of "rules" ?

SilverWF 04/28/14 01:28 AM

I'm pretty sure, this is standart API limitation for the anchors.

First seen by me after one of the latest Combat Cloud updates and I've maid little investigation there. Let me quote myself:

I've made some investigation:
I'm just checking off another addons one by one and look if the anchors error happens.
So, here is results:

Error still exists without:
Achievment tracker
Advanced filters
Autohide helmet
Bank Stuffer
Rapid Chant
Fats Report
Wikkid Outfitter
Wikkid Mail Return Bot
Skyshards by Garkin
Group Leader
Inventory Item Borders
PL Combat Indicator
Rainbow Rectile
Softcap Info
Sous Chef
Tooltip Enhance
Tamriel Time
Xtime stamp
ZAM buff display
But if I uncheck 2 or more of this addons - error is gone too

Error didn't pops without:
Advanced Autoloot
AI Research grid
Wikkid Quest tools
Combat Cloud
Combat Log Statistics
Loot Drop
Loot Filter
Research Assistant
Simple Combat Alerts
Tool Box
T's Chat Coloriser
ZR Mini Map

Seems like this is not your addon error - this is ingame API limit for anchors...

Nameious 04/28/14 03:17 AM

:( I just recently started to get this error. Is it just an annoyance and pop up every time you reloadui and zone or is it serious? I wish minon had a installed by date so I can see what I installed last. lol

willgk 04/28/14 10:45 PM

Actually guys, I dont think this is any addons at all... I may be stupid for saying this but i've been getting the same problem, when I was looking into it I decided to do the following step by step:

1. Move all addons to another folder and move them in 1 by 1
2. Look for issues where they didn't clearanchors before setting anchors.
3. Uncheck all addons except for 1 in game then reloadui starting with ZrMinimap.
4. Check addons 1 by 1 to determine what is causing it.

What I found while checking was that Minion.exe's were still open holding onto certain files / folders.
When I killed the executables and reinstalled the addon manually everything started working correctly.

Sp00sty 04/28/14 11:09 PM

I have been doing all manual updates since Early Access and I started getting the error last week.

I have never used Minion, and the errors are still there, and still go away depending on how many and which addons I activate.

Luckily the one error I receive can be dismissed at character login and will not return during that session until I log out or change characters.

Gothrek 04/29/14 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by willgk (Post 6308)
Actually guys, I dont think this is any addons at all... I may be stupid for saying this but i've been getting the same problem, when I was looking into it I decided to do the following step by step:

1. Move all addons to another folder and move them in 1 by 1
2. Look for issues where they didn't clearanchors before setting anchors.
3. Uncheck all addons except for 1 in game then reloadui starting with ZrMinimap.
4. Check addons 1 by 1 to determine what is causing it.

What I found while checking was that Minion.exe's were still open holding onto certain files / folders.
When I killed the executables and reinstalled the addon manually everything started working correctly.

never used minion.
only from the last week i see this problem with various addon (my list just a few posts before)

AstroCat 04/29/14 12:02 PM

I'm seeing this issue now as well, and it only seems to be when I get a certain combo of add ons, and it doesn't have to be too many of them.

Is this just an annoyance or does it actually impede the function of the add ons?

Katsurie 04/29/14 07:53 PM

Getting this error but I think it is a game bug and not a specific addon. It does not seem to affect my gameplay, it's just a minor annoyance upon login. I did do some testing and disabled HarvestMap and it cleared, but it also once cleared with ZrMM and I had ZrMM enabled when HarvestMap got disabled that time. Unless there was some collision? Regardless, there seems to be too many people with AddOns different from the ones I am running for it to be one specific AddOn causing the problem. Unless it is a library?

I really think this goes deeper. I'm not a coder though, would like to be, but not. My knowledge is limited.

Eleventeen 04/30/14 06:45 AM

Get this too.

Stupid API limits.

Is there any way an addon can actaully just 1-time dismiss the initial popup on login?

Because it definetely has no affect on my addons. They all work 100% fine, exactly the same as before when I had fewer, and thus didn't get this.

But yea if the addon devs can work together to fix the issue on their end, that works too..

tho really thing Zenimax should offer an option to dismis/hide this screen. (Limit it to debug logs to show the addon devs, don't force the end user to suffer).

Sideshow 04/30/14 07:00 AM

Sorry, I haven't read the entire thread..
Is this a time issue? Creating too many controls with too many anchors in a too short time?
Would it help if the settings were created in batches?

Divona 04/30/14 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Eleventeen (Post 6458)
Get this too.

Stupid API limits.

Is there any way an addon can actaully just 1-time dismiss the initial popup on login?

Because it definetely has no affect on my addons. They all work 100% fine, exactly the same as before when I had fewer, and thus didn't get this.

But yea if the addon devs can work together to fix the issue on their end, that works too..

tho really thing Zenimax should offer an option to dismis/hide this screen. (Limit it to debug logs to show the addon devs, don't force the end user to suffer).

It seem like some people are using LibDebug to bypass that popup error. The problem still exist, though, as more people continue to expand their AddOns installation on their system.

delta9 05/01/14 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by Divona (Post 6528)
It seem like some people are using LibDebug to bypass that popup error. The problem still exist, though, as more people continue to expand their AddOns installation on their system.

thanks for the tip I will try that, as my addons seem to be working ok, that popup is just very annoying

update - yes this works great

Stormknight 05/02/14 04:23 AM

I just had someone report this error with my AI Research Grid addon.

It uses a fair few anchors clearly as it creates a grid of textures on the screen.

According to the bug report I have received, issuing a single ClearAnchors command for one of my controls stopped the issue happening.

I am away for the next few days, so can't look into this right now, but I wonder if using the ClearAnchors() function for a control has some hidden invocation of anchor garbage collection or something?

Divona 05/02/14 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Stormknight (Post 6683)
I just had someone report this error with my AI Research Grid addon.

It uses a fair few anchors clearly as it creates a grid of textures on the screen.

According to the bug report I have received, issuing a single ClearAnchors command for one of my controls stopped the issue happening.

I am away for the next few days, so can't look into this right now, but I wonder if using the ClearAnchors() function for a control has some hidden invocation of anchor garbage collection or something?

I've tried use ClearAnchors on all of the controls, included the one in LibAddonMenu-1.0 with no success. So, still have no idea. :confused:

Seerah 05/02/14 01:29 PM

Well, again. :ClearAnchors() is for when a control already has anchors set.

Wykkyd 05/02/14 08:32 PM

Majority of the issues I've run across so far are 1 of 3 things:

1 - Different addons re-positioning the same windows without clearing anchors first (these are collisions, and all parties should code around them)
2 - A single addon re-positioning windows without clearing anchors, or simply setting too many duplicate anchors (these I call bugs)
3 - Too many addons with large sets of menu options on their top-level panels in the Settings Menu ( and let's face it, they all use LAM )

1 & 2 should be fixed by the individual authors whenever they can figure it out, and since #1 is an everchanging landscape I don't foresee this issue truly going away permanently. Let's face it, we can't predict what addons users will and won't use.

3 I have a workaround that I think alleviates the issue somewhat and it's in the latest version of the 5 addons I uploaded today which all embed the new LibWykkydFactory (which I will be uploading independently later on). Submenus. It is a "hack" but it works wonders. If you're an author you should go check it out ;)

SektaNZ 05/02/14 08:54 PM

Sounds really good Wykkyd. Hope addon authors take this onboard.

ThadOptimus 05/03/14 11:49 PM

Does this error impact the actual functioning of any addon when it occurs?

AstroCat 05/04/14 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by ThadOptimus (Post 6875)
Does this error impact the actual functioning of any addon when it occurs?

I wondered this as well and so far I haven't had any issues with the mods working when I've gotten the error. Of course I can't say 100% for sure, just how's it's been so far.

zolan 05/04/14 08:48 PM

Shameless plug...

So, there seem to be 2 types of these anchor problems. There are the:

"Someone doned something wrong when writing their addon." errors which are bad.

And there is the:

"For some reason after you have a certain number of addons, the game just throws this error at you but everything continues working fine." errors.

I can't claim to understand the latter one, but I do have a way to make it less annoying.

In comes Zolan's Anchors Away. It is kind of like cold medicine. It doesn't really fix the problem, it just kind of makes the symptoms go away for a bit. All it does is suppress that one specific error.

It does not fix the problem or explain the problem and it even could suppress a real problem. By default it still notifies you in chat if the error happens, but it is better than pulling up a window every time you log in.

Zolan... Bringing you cheap fixes for crappy problems since 2014. :D

Hope this helps until someone smarter than myself figures out what is going on.


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