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QuadroTony 12/26/14 05:23 AM

How to detect corrupted addon?
i have a situation
1) sometimes i cant withdraw/deposit items by "E" hotkey, only by double-click mouse. Error picture at post #10
2) sometimes when i push on any link from chat, like item/achievement - nothing happends. with all links. I just can see numbers from Price Traker tooltip, but no background/item picture/stats etc

when i meet this issue i cant see any error window(bug eater off)

when i /reloadui all become okay

so i cant turn off alladdons one by one to figure out the problem...
i have 106 addons

TribeofOne 12/26/14 05:33 AM

**off topic***
over 100 addons?! i didnt think there were that many still working here. do you get addons from another site you wouldnt mind sharing?

QuadroTony 12/26/14 05:34 AM

no, only from this site
few unpublished addons from Garkin's Dropbox among them, and also deleted from this site MailTime

Ayantir 12/26/14 05:52 AM

Your problem is that you got too many addons loaded and we can't think on every possibility with all that stuff, don't search more
Make some cleanup in your list :rolleyes:

sirinsidiator 12/26/14 11:25 AM

I use way less addons and still have both problems.

I suspect that pChat's copy handler links might cause the problem with the item and achievement links, but haven't had the time to test it.
No idea about the keybind problem though. Could be any addon that does hook into them.

Ayantir 12/26/14 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 18044)
I use way less addons and still have both problems.

I suspect that pChat's copy handler links might cause the problem with the item and achievement links, but haven't had the time to test it.

Oh yes, had noticed it, was a esoui bug in for 4+ links per line in eso 1.4 and never worked on.. will do.

QuadroTony 12/26/14 12:17 PM

they all important to me=)

mby i can sacrifice few of them :)
but long ago in Skyrim i use more addons and all was okay, different game i know, but interested to find out what happends with eso addons too:)

Garkin 12/26/14 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 18040)
2) sometimes when i push on any link from chat, like item/achievement - nothing happends. with all links. I just can see numbers from Price Traker tooltip, but no background/item picture/stats etc

Do you use CraftCompare addon? Because I believe that this issue started when CraftCompare has started using functions ZO_PlayShowAnimationOnComparisonTooltip(tooltip) and ZO_PlayHideAnimationOnComparisonTooltip(tooltip).
It's not all the time, but time to time when you leave crafting station, PopupTooltip's alpha value is set to zero (it means it is fully transparent). That's the reason why you don't see anything when you click link in the chat.

Try if you're having the same issue as I do - when the issue occurs, type this command to the chat:

/script PopupTooltip:SetAlpha(1)
Does it fix the issue?

QuadroTony 12/26/14 02:41 PM

ok i will test this! ty Garkin.
and yes i use CraftCompare addon

QuadroTony 12/26/14 05:10 PM

its an error about first problem! cannot using hotkey for deposit
interesting which addon cause this
its my mule character, he using like 50 addons
after reloadui all okay

QuadroTony 12/28/14 07:24 AM

so wat is this? last picture
any1 know?

QuadroTony 12/28/14 10:25 AM

DELETE* figure out this

picture upstears still need explanation

Ayantir 12/28/14 10:46 AM

This error can't be analized properly, if you tend to report frequently bugs, could you install Zbug ?

It should have another error hidden (available with this tool with the previous button).

Garkin 12/28/14 05:58 PM

Even better would be copy&paste text from the:
"c:\Users\<name>\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\Logs\interface.log"

QuadroTony 12/28/14 06:02 PM

here this one


2014-12-28T22:00:34.580+02:00 |cff0000Lua Error: EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:603: attempt to access a private function 'PickupInventoryItem' from insecure code
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:603: in function 'TryBankItem'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:1240: in function 'INDEX_ACTION_CALLBACK'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlotActions.lua:94: in function 'ZO_InventorySlotActions:DoPrimaryAction'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/ItemSlotActionController.lua:31: in function 'callback'
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_KeybindStrip/ZO_KeybindStrip.lua:288: in function 'ZO_KeybindStrip:TryHandlingKeybindDown'
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?|r

Balver 12/28/14 09:51 PM

I have the problem with the "E" key a whole while now an tried to find the cause. Because it happens randomly it took its time but now I'm 90% sure it's Craft Research Timer.

katkat42 12/28/14 10:25 PM

I sometimes have that problem too, but I don't use Craft Research Timer. (I use Wykkyd's Toolbar to track craft research times.)

QuadroTony 12/29/14 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Balver (Post 18069)
I have the problem with the "E" key a whole while now an tried to find the cause. Because it happens randomly it took its time but now I'm 90% sure it's Craft Research Timer.

i not use it too. but im using 3 addons for tracking researches
IGOR addon - offline tool
Research Grid - to see what i already know, and styles too
Mer Character Sheet - very nice looking thing, at the "C" menu

Baertram 01/02/15 03:25 PM

Hey QuadroTony,

this error happens here and there if you press the "E" keybinding too fast after another.
I've tried to track it down to the root but wasn't able to.
I expereienced this error in several addons now. It could be any addon that hooks into the keybindings.

Here is a technical explanation of merlight who has tried to find the root too:


Originally Posted by merlight (Post 13458)
> UpdateMouseoverCommand (local in ingame/inventory/inventoryslot.lua)
> ZO_ItemSlotActionsController:New > SetInventorySlot > RefreshKeybindStrip
> ZO_KeybindStrip:UpdateKeybindButtonGroup

I've been digging around this error for so long, but never really succeeded in identifying the primary cause, much less a fix. Any add-on that hooks ZO_InventorySlot_OnMouseEnter might cause it. Doesn't matter how you do that, whether manually or via ZO_PreHook, fact is the function is replaced by an add-on created function, which means everything it calls down the chain isn't allowed to call protected/private functions directly.

When UpdateMouseoverCommand is called for the first time, it calls ZO_ItemSlotActionsController:New, which creates parameters for the primary command. Among those is the callback function:
Lua Code:
  1. callback = function()
  2.             if(self.selectedAction) then
  3.                 self:DoSelectedAction()
  4.             else
  5.                 slotActions:DoPrimaryAction()
  6.             end
  7.         end,

It's an anonymous function, and if created from hooked (non-privileged) ZO_InventorySlot_OnMouseEnter, will be non-privileged as well. I don't know why it sometimes bugs and sometimes not, or why when it bugs I'm able to put items into bank via my custom context-menu command (I'm not hooking OnMouseEnter, but DiscoverSlotActionsFromActionList), via custom chat slash-command, but not via 'E' key. Maybe I should put in some code to reproduce it reliably and dig more, I've given up on this lately ;)

QuadroTony 01/02/15 03:49 PM

mby it happends afte using DoItAll or BankManagerRevived addon, idk. but they transfer items just fine. even if i can do it by E

BornDownUnder 01/03/15 06:13 AM

The issue with pop-up tooltips seems like background is hidden unintentionally via an addon...

Maybe :SetAlpha(1) or :SetHidden(true) is being set incorrectly by one addon while another addon is attempting to display their portion of the tool-tip. You would need to go through your addons to locate the ones that add data or handle any aspect of the tool-tips.

Is it just tool-tips of items or tool-tips of food/reagents, etc. Narrowing it down could help a lot to resolve the issue with your tool-tips as you could then further eliminate addons that process those particular tool-tips.

The issue with broken/non-functioning key-binds sounds really similar to the Esc key bug, at least to me...

Could it possibly be due to input lag when hitting the key-bind that upsets the function?

Perhaps transitioning from one item to another whilst using the key-bind is a cause to the Interact key-bind ceasing to function?

Do you get any disconnects from 'spamming'? I think it would be interesting if there was found to be a correlation between the two.

I wonder if the key-bind issue can be reproduced without addons.

Of course, due to my limited knowledge of lua I could be talking out of my arse :p

QuadroTony 01/03/15 06:20 AM

no, no disconnects. but i cant see this issue for a few days, mby some updates of other addons fix it

QuadroTony 01/06/15 05:19 AM

issues come back yesterday
still the same with WITHDRAW/DEPOSIT by hotkey, and with undeletable empty mails, this time one difference - no crash on /reloadui

im not given up.. will digger more and deeply :o

Baertram 01/06/15 10:13 AM

Non deletable empty mails appeared for me sometimes too. But only if I had enabled the Wyykyyd's mail return bot AND Mailr at the same time if I remember right.
And the only mails I couldn#t delete were the blue ones from MaiLr then.

QuadroTony 01/06/15 10:15 AM

for mails i have MailR and PostMaster Altered
blue mails from MailR always safe, i need to delete usual mails like reward for Worthy in cyrodiil but i cant sometimes...

QuadroTony 01/17/15 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 18051)

its an error about first problem! cannot using hotkey for deposit
interesting which addon cause this
its my mule character, he using like 50 addons
after reloadui all okay

the same again...

Wykkyd 01/20/15 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 18175)
Non deletable empty mails appeared for me sometimes too. But only if I had enabled the Wyykyyd's mail return bot AND Mailr at the same time if I remember right.
And the only mails I couldn#t delete were the blue ones from MaiLr then.

Shouldn't be the case since 1/2/2015. My last update to MailBox disables certain features if I detect MailR running.

Baertram 01/20/15 06:11 PM

Confirmed. Didn't have this error anymore since some weeks now.

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