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Cairenn 04/21/14 02:47 PM

New Moderator!
We'd like to welcome Wykkyd as a new moderator to the site. Our condol, errr, congratu, errr, thanks Wykkyd! Welcome to the insanity!

Ulkesh 04/21/14 02:55 PM

good luck, have fun, and try not to run screaming for the hills!

Dolby 04/21/14 03:34 PM

Welcome Wykkyd! :D

thelegendaryof 04/21/14 04:59 PM

Have a good time Wy! :)

Joviex 04/21/14 05:36 PM

Totally Wykkyd.



Seerah 04/21/14 08:59 PM

Welcome, Wykkyd. :)

Wykkyd 04/21/14 09:00 PM

I... don't know if I should say thanks.

Mitazaki 04/22/14 03:25 AM

Well deserved. gratz :banana:

Bl4ckSh33p 04/22/14 07:44 AM

Don't know if I should congratulate because it sounds totally wicked. :rolleyes:

Halja 04/22/14 12:26 PM

Isn’t becoming a site monerator like getting a tattoo while you are drunk? It’s cool and brave then but in the morning regrets creep in. :p

:banana: Gratz! :banana:

Wykkyd 04/22/14 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Halja (Post 5361)
Isn’t becoming a site monerator like getting a tattoo while you are drunk? It’s cool and brave then but in the morning regrets creep in. :p

:banana: Gratz! :banana:

Trust me... this site is nowhere near as tedious or stressful as owning & moderating the ChimairaWorld forums, which was the official Chimaira band fansite & forum. Held that position (at the loss of personal cash, as I paid for hosting and everything) for the better part of 2 years. It was non-stop frustration. Honestly this community should be a cakewalk.

bsrealm 04/22/14 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Wykkyd (Post 5363)
Honestly this community should be a cakewalk.

Challenge accepted. Calling all addon authors and admins, direct all updates to Wykkyd and randomly mutate words in his addon while uploading!

Cairenn 04/22/14 02:37 PM


(Yes, I hate the minimum character requirement too!)

Attorneyatlawl 04/22/14 08:11 PM

Congrats fellow guildie...

Enjoy the fresh new hell :D. I kid, <3.

ChanceBusta 04/22/14 08:16 PM

Congrats man! Keep up the awesome work!

Vicster0 04/22/14 08:57 PM

Bl4ckSh33p 04/23/14 09:53 AM

Katsurie 04/24/14 06:40 PM

Welcome!! :) :banana:

Stormknight 04/24/14 07:02 PM

Sticking with the clear theme....

Moonraker 04/25/14 09:13 PM

Congratulations & welcome ;)

rajamakii 04/27/14 10:58 AM

Glad to have somebody who actively supports and develop add-ons, and is a well known part of the community!

damn wykkyd, didnt know you had this much free time!

Tonyleila 04/27/14 09:39 PM

Great to see you in the Team Wykkyd! Hope you'll still have time to work on your Awesome addons ;)

awesomebilly 04/30/14 01:31 AM

MAJOR congrats! Super stoked for you. Thank you for all of your hard work.

Wykkyd 05/01/14 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by rajamakii (Post 6113)
damn wykkyd, didnt know you had this much free time!

Fr... f... fre... free time? What's this, then? Is that french? Did you just insult me in french?

rajamakii 05/02/14 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Wykkyd (Post 6665)
Fr... f... fre... free time? What's this, then? Is that french? Did you just insult me in french?

Oui, je suis désolé! Pardonnez-moi! <33

Gëd 05/05/14 07:04 AM

Congrats Wyk -- love your addons, and I use them daily!

I am *** **** sure this ************'s going to ****** MODERATE the **** out this *****!!!!!

Keep up the good work meng. :banana:

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