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sinnereso 04/22/23 07:34 AM

pre or post hook the "travel to player" in context menus
I'd be interested in hooking into the default in-game "travel to player" context menu items in guilds, friends and groups to have them perform my code instead. Mainly just to perform the effect etc before doing it so the game feels more seamless. I have 90% of the code already inplace to handle it anyway with some minor tweaks. The benefits would be the teleport effects and queue when/if still in combat etc which are used by my addon keybinds etc for many functions..

Is this something safe to do without breaking other addons? And does anyone happen to know what I would hook for those? I have trouble with zgoo finding these things. All I see are names like "ZO_MenuItem3" etc but I'm not comfortable assuming its always menuitem3 and not 4 if another addon lists above it etc.

Im thinking this will be a prehook if I'm understanding how these work a bit.

sinnereso 04/22/23 11:27 AM

Been experimenting and have managed to somewhat get the flow im looking for with:


ZO_PreHook("JumpToFriend", function()
                return true

function MyAddon.TravelToPlayer(displayName)
        if displayName ~= nil then

Its obviously not able to retrieve the friends list rowdata and displayname as im unable to figure out how to access that still but workin on it.

Ideally I'll be able to prehook the jumptogroup/friend/guildmember functions themselves which makes this fairly simple but I have a feeling I wont be able to harness the list data and displaynames that way to make it work. I am open to ideas though of course :)

Baertram 04/23/23 05:11 AM

If you do this you most probably make other addon hooks fail to work
Lua Code:
  1. ZO_PreHook("JumpToFriend", function()
  2.         MyAddon.TravelToPlayer()
  3.         return true
  4.     end)

return true makes the original functions top working, never called!
So any other hooks which have been applied after your addon will never be called -> broken
I would not do that. If you want your addon do some early animation then prehook, do your animation stuff and let the original function be called afterwards (no return true!).

sinnereso 04/23/23 07:25 AM

I realize there is a possibility of affecting other addons with something like this so Ive been running it through my head the possible scenarios where an addon might need to perform something after a "jumpto" and the only scenario I can come up with is an "arrival something" because you can't do anything other than output messages or crunch data while teleporting.

So that leaves me with the possibility of affecting other teleport addons. Which is a concern for me but so far I've yet to see any evidence of any of them doing anything after the teleport.

So the way I see it theres 99% chance this is ok since they wont execute my code untill theyres were ready to execute a teleport. And if anything MINE might be affected if they used effects like beammeup which would cuase my code already inplace to detect that and skip right to the teleport anyway. Mine is already designed specifically to deal with just an @NAME to determine if they're group, friend or guildy and execute the appropriate function and skip effects if they've already been used.

mine will be performing 3 things when any player or addon executes a teleport...
1. checks for combat and queues it up untill that ends
2. checks for momento is unlocked and able to be used "this would return not able if beameup fired its linvers trinket for example and skip directly to the jumpto".
3. jumpto

ok now I see where there might be an issue... the jumpto WHO???. Which actually brings me back to the same question. can i harness the original addon or players jumpto(@NAME) that triggered the prehook to pass the @NAME through? Because then I can handle that as well with code already in place todo so.

I think with minimal tweaks to can use that to determine if it was jumptofriend guildy or groupmember and pass it right through and do it.

Can you think of anything that might actually break if done this way? I'm happy to make sure to the best of our ability that it handles just about any scenario from any addon approprately and seamlessly. My intention is just a seamless experience for the end user nomatter how they initiate a jumpto. With this setup beammeup for example would still be able select its teleport target as normal, fire its linvers trinket effect as normal and then hit the jumptotarget which would pass to mine and skip my effects because momento use wouldnt be allowed for sometime and skip right to the jumptotarget. I'd just need to know who the target was from theyre jumptotarget or the users right click "travel to.." from context menus to make it all seamless.

Would something like this grab the @NAME with the "targetName" variable and pass it through to my code?:


ZO_PreHook("JumpToFriend(targetName)", function()
        return true

Im still exploring ideas here. The only issue I can think of so far left is combat. Mine is designed to handle being in combat, if lets say beammeup etc isnt then they would fire theyre effect and then get stopped and queud in my code untill combat ends and then likly fire my effect and teleport. If they ARE designed to handle combat then they should have never made it to the jumptotarget anyway and handled that appropriatly beforehand which would be perfectly fine.

so worst case I can see is a EFFECT - COMBATQUEUE - EFFECT - TELEPORT scenario. best case is seamlessness and noone notices anything unusual. It may be an issue others are already hooking the jumpto's which would be unfortunate if I had to bail on the idea as Id like to position mine as more of a neutral enhancement to all them and a seamlessness for end user. I dont want to and never intended to be a mass teleport addon, just an event or questing "get back to local shrine quick" or directly to 1 specific person. But I do have the code inplace to handle and determine who is where.

ExoY 04/23/23 08:06 AM

Please read Beatrams comment more carefully.....

the important part is: dont return true!

sinnereso 04/23/23 08:18 AM

OH! yeh i did read that but didnt see the bigger picture with it. OK let me experiment with that and see how it works out.. in the meantime I Could really use some help with the @name from the context menu "travel to.." which was sort of the original question.

Is there a way with that prehook I can get the @NAME from the selected user or am I going to need an additional posthook on mouseup? The timing of these in my head gets sketchy. Id still need to get the @NAME for my code to know wtf is going on and handle it accordingly.

Valve 04/23/23 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by sinnereso (Post 47613)
Is there a way with that prehook I can get the @NAME from the selected user or am I going to need an additional posthook on mouseup? The timing of these in my head gets sketchy. Id still need to get the @NAME for my code to know wtf is going on and handle it accordingly.


ZO_PreHook("JumpToFriend", function(displayName)

You get the variable passed through as part of the hook.

So, if you had the above exactly as I've shown and were to travel to me, you would see in chat "@Valve" and the travel-to-player action would go through.

Do whatever you want with the name and that's it. Don't return true or you'll block the original JumpToFriend function from running.

sinnereso 04/23/23 10:35 AM

ok perfect thats exactly what I was looking for thank you :)

sinnereso 04/23/23 11:10 AM

OK return false might not work. Ill need to halt the execution of the original "jumpto.." code by a delay required by the individual effect which i cant or dont know how todo without using:


zo_callLater(function() JumpToFriend(friendName) end, effectDelay)
Otherwise im nearly complete the code tweaks to try it.

with return false.. if i execute the effects the original code will fire the teleport after right away and in most cases wont be able to as the momento is likely still in progress.

is it possible to:


ZO_PreHook("JumpToFriend", function(displayName)
                zo_callLater(function() return false end, effectDelay)

this might make it doable.

Doesnt appear to delay the return. I guess Ill just bail on the idea.. It woulda been cool but without a Lib or something controlling the original function with some delay options fairly between addons I dont think its going to work.

Valve 04/24/23 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by sinnereso (Post 47616)
OK return false might not work. Ill need to halt the execution of the original "jumpto.." code by a delay required by the individual effect which i cant or dont know how todo without using:


zo_callLater(function() JumpToFriend(friendName) end, effectDelay)
Doesnt appear to delay the return. I guess Ill just bail on the idea.. It woulda been cool but without a Lib or something controlling the original function with some delay options fairly between addons I dont think its going to work.

You should still be able to do this if you're willing to halt the initial execution by returning true. You can then use a variable to keep track of whether you want to halt the subsequent "JumpToFriend" execution.

First time it executes, you can return true, trigger the memento and use your `zo_callLater` to execute it again after the memento has finished.


local shouldHaltExecution = true;

local function DoStuff(name)
        shouldHaltExecution = false

ZO_PreHook("JumpToFriend", function(name)
        if shouldHaltExecution then
                zo_callLater(function() DoStuff(name) end, 5000)
                return true
                shouldHaltExecution = true

Calling "JumpToFriend" yourself will trigger the prehook again so be careful with recursion if you're doing this. You'd also be blocking the initial JumpToFriend which seems to be requried for your memento logic.

Baertram 04/24/23 08:22 AM

Also keep in mind that JumpToFriend could be used by ANY addon without the context menus or UI elements you know!
It also trigges if you just do /script JumpToFriend(@TestAccount) in your chat!

So if you want to do something delayed etc. based on entries at the vanilla UI context menus, hook into the context menus and not the final API function that some other addons might use too.

I'm still not sure WHAT EXACTLY you try to achieve here and why, and when? You mentioned a "visual" thing? Is something shown visually too early or too late? And what?

Lua Code:
  1. ZO_PreHook("JumpToFriend", function(displayName)
  2.         MyAddon.TravelToPlayerContext(displayName)
  3.         zo_callLater(function() return false end, effectDelay)
  4.     end)

This will call JumpToFriend and execute the code normal,
call your function MyAddon.TravelToPlayerContext(displayName) (whatever it does. If this calls JumpToFriend you got an endless loop now! :-) ).
including the jump start to your friend at the end of that function call to JumpToFriend.

After that it will return a false which never is passed to the prehook of JumpToFriend as you have called it with zo_callLater in that "closure" of zo_callLater(function() ... end. So the return false will be passed to the PreHook of JumpToFriend but not from that back to the calling code where it would be needed.
But as a return false or nil is not needed at all in a ZO_PreHook it will just do the same as a normal JumpToFriend would do: Jmp to the displayname! Without delay! Normal! ;)

What you thought off was this maybe:

Lua Code:
  1. local preventEndlessLoop = false
  2. ZO_PreHook("JumpToFriend", function(displayName)
  3.     if preventEndlessLoop then return true end --check for endless loop protection as this is called from JumpToFriend ZO_PreHook, and abort here with true -> Abort JumpToFriend
  4.     MyAddon.TravelToPlayerContext(displayName) --call your visual stuff here
  5.     zo_callLater(function()
  6.         preventEndlessLoop = true   --prevent an endless loop as we call JumpToFriend from JumpToFriend ...
  7.         jumpToFriend(displayName)
  8.         preventEndlessLoop = false  -end prevent an endless loop as we call JumpToFriend from JumpToFriend ...
  9.     end, effectDelay) --delay the call to JumpToFriend a bit
  10.     return true --prevent original JumpToFriend
  11.  end)

Still, you got the problemw ith return true here, maybe breaking other addons, maybe not.
I'd rather check if you could skip and PreHook here and achieve whatever you want by other means.

sinnereso 04/24/23 01:15 PM

thank you both for the examples. I halted production on this plan for the moment until i understand it better but will stare at this off and on until I do.

Beartram.. I was simply hoping to hook into every possible way to jumpto to perform the desired effects the user has chosen and is already using in my addon. Which is simply executing a momento and halting the jumpto varying delays based on the momento used. with a return true it worked perfectly but Id also be left responsible for handling any and all jumpto's for any addon as well. In theory that might actually be doable if done right, so they pass right through to the jumpto while only my addon does the extra stuff. This is a primary feature of mine and isnt designed to be turned off so I bailed on it for now but will continue researching.

I halted on it because its really not a critical feature, its more cosmetic doing the effects on jumpto's from guild, group and friends lists mainly and of course the combat queue as well if stuck in combat and executing it when combat ends..

I'm still very new at this so positioning myself into a major library handling other addons teleports etc is not where I want to be. I think I'd rather stay in my corner for now :)

Baertram 04/24/23 01:47 PM

As long as you do the JumpTo in the end somehow, with your addon active, it's a choice of the player.
If he activates your memento feature, and obviously your addon :-), it should be okay.
Just tell them in teh description you do that and it might cause problems.
And effectively do the JumpTo then as normal addons would do (just delayed as you said).

If you eperience problems with other addons you could try apply your hook after other addons hooked the same function by using the
## OptionalDependsOn: <otherAddonName>
tag in your txt file.
That will make the oher addons EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED event fire before yours, and if they did their hooks in there apply them before yours.

It's a bit problematic as you need to know the other addon names, and you need to see where they apply their hooks. They could do it at EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED too, or somewhere else.
But at least it would make their hooks register and fire before your code then, in theory. So if JumpToPlayer is called their code is called first, afterwards yours (as I said: In theory!).

sinnereso 04/24/23 02:38 PM

oh yeh the jumpto is the last function... it checks for combat and waits.. then executes momento if one is enabled or doesn't if not and then jumpto after varied delay based on momento chosen or instantly if effects disabled.

I guess my concern is other addons jumping to specified targets.. the guild/friends lists is no problem but I have to manage to make sure the jump is to they're intended target. Id basically be a middleman for the jumpto for anything attempting to and applying effects if enabled and ABLE to provided the original addon(beammeup fore example) didnt do one alrdy which is fine as i check fi one can be cast and if not just skips to jumpto.

Ill explore the possibilities more and see what I can come up with.

What I want ideally happening is completely not interfering with beammeup, teleport etc and allowing them to perform as normal with theyre effects etc for theyre functions while adding my own spice to my functions and guild/friend/group menu's or any addon just using plain old fashioned jumpto.

Hooking the jumpto i realize is a powerful risky maneuver affecting ANY jumpto's but its also the simplest to deal with as they only accept specific input which I'm already prepared to deal with so it sort of makes sense to me. But maybe I should be looking at hooking the context menu's instead of the jumpto functions which would avoid all this. Its more complicated though having to actually close the friends list 1st etc because u cant use a momento with them open. stuff like that.

sinnereso 04/25/23 08:46 AM

ok ive got a nearly working setup here but hitting a snag on the loop.. because of the delay i need to delay the stoploop as well.

Ideally something like this that works would be perfect:


if MyAddon.travelLoop == false then zo_callLater(function() JumpToGuildMember(displayName), MyAddon.travelLoop = true end, effectDelay) end

I need to get the "MyAddon.travelLoop = true" to fight like instantly after the jumpto like it would in code. Not before and not long after. I supposed I could do another ZO_CallLater for it but would rather not if possible.

Nevermind I see how you did it in your example without the comma.
I think now only issue is passing through the "displayName" through this event"


EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("MyAddon", EVENT_PLAYER_COMBAT_STATE, MyAddon.TeleportPassthroughQueue)
So that when the event fires it passes the original "displayName" used throughout the rest of the function. Then shes ready for serious testing.

Baertram 04/25/23 09:15 AM

Lua Code:
  1. if MyAddon.travelLoop == false then
  2.    MyAddon.travelLoop = true
  3.    zo_callLater(function()
  4.       MyAddon.travelLoop = true
  5.       JumpToGuildMember(displayName)
  6.       MyAddon.travelLoop = false
  7.    end, effectDelay)
  8. end

Like this?
Will call the zo_callLater only if travelLoop is false.
As the 1st call set's it true BEFORE the zo_callLater AND within before the jump,
and then does the zo_calllater where travelLoop gets reset to false again after the JumpToGuildMember is executed again, you should not have any double attempts that way?
You'd have to test this.

Your call to JumpToGuildMember would start the same code again, where it checks if MyAddon.travelLoop == false -> MyAddon.travelLoop = true
directly before the jump again so it should be always true there if the check is done,
until after the call of JumpToGuildMember where it getsr eset to false

sinnereso 04/25/23 09:31 AM

Yeh I think i got that part working ok now...

Where im hitting the snag is the event combat state for the incombat queue for the teleport...

once combat ends its going bonkers and the only issue I can see is the possibility of the displayName variable not being held and passed again to the event_combat_state function once it fires.

and it really doesnt like this:


EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("MyAddon", EVENT_PLAYER_COMBAT_STATE, MyAddon.TeleportPassthroughQueue(displayName))
i realize thats probably not enough context for you... Im trying a few more things here and if they dont work ill go into more detail.

It seems to be running the code as expected except its not delaying the actual jumpto if i return false on the prehook. and if i return true it doesn't jumpto at all, just does the effect and stops.

its the delay i need applied to the actual jumpto not the effects.. Seems no matter which way I do this I cant delay the jumpto with the hook.

Baertram 04/25/23 12:28 PM

I answered that already in one of your past question post:

EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("MyAddon", EVENT_PLAYER_COMBAT_STATE, MyAddon.TeleportPassthroughQueue(displayName))
Wrong function call to MyAddon.TeleportPassthroughQueue(displayName) as this is executed directly as the code is parsed and not as the event fires!
You need to create an anonymous function around it!


EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("MyAddon", EVENT_PLAYER_COMBAT_STATE, function(eventId, param1OfEventPlayerCombatState)

And btw:Where should the event know the displayName from? You need to pass in the correct displayName as the event itsself does not have any displayname, and if it would not be the account name of someone to jump to.

sinnereso 04/25/23 01:37 PM

I agree and think thats where my issue is with the displayName not passing through the event. Well that AND the jumpto firing instantly premature from the original code.

im still messing with it

Baertram 04/25/23 02:08 PM


AND the jumpto firing instantly premature from the original code.
Did you read my last post's 1st part about the anonymous function needed around your function call? This should remove your premature called code issue then, if there isn't another somewhere.

Always hard to guess things, would be easier (as said sometime before) if you post your whole code, all files (1 zip) here. You can attach that to your posts afaik, if you scroll down there should be an attachment button/section. That way we can see what your code atm looks like and what could be wrong.

Add comments in the code to show where the problem occurs, e.g error message or where you know the code runs through, or not.

sinnereso 04/25/23 06:06 PM

I think hooking the entire function is a little too much responsibility for me at this time. I'm gonna look at hooking the travel to player in friends list and guild list context menus I think instead so the jumpto functions work as normal and make sense to me. I'm not sure whos doing more loops the code or me here with this previous idea =p

sinnereso 04/26/23 07:14 AM

I've decided to go the route of pre-hooking the "Travel to Player" context menu item in guild, friend and group lists and executing my code instead if my addon is installed and running. This will leave the original JumpToPlayer() functions intact for other addons to use.

I go crazy with zgoo and mertorch trying to find the objects etc. Its keeps coming up as ZO_MenuItem3 in a toplevel control of ZO_Menus but I cant seem to get a prehook using them in many different ways to even suggest its doing anything at all to the context menu item.. Any suggestions on this?

Baertram 04/26/23 09:42 AM

ZO_Menu is the context menu TLC and ZO_MenuItemn is 1 item in the context menu.
It's correct that you see those.

But also here applies: This is reused in MANY other vanilla code and addons so do not change ZO_MenuItem etc. !as this is rebuild each time! you right click any control and ShowMenu(control) is called!

You need to find the correct "build of those context menus, before ShowMenu is called, for the guild, friend lists and change the code there. If you change it at ZO_Menu (which you won't be able to do as the context menu was build already and the callback functions that are called as you click on one ZO_MenuItem is already there) you most probably get into similar trouble as before AND will break even more addons ;)

So what you need to do is reverse engineering as described in one of my other posts.
Use ZGOO or merTorchbug to get the control below the mouse before the context menu opens.
This will be a ZO_FriendsListRow1 or whatever then
Search for that control's parent e.g. ZO_FreindsList
Then check where in teh vanilla code the AddMenuItem or ShowMenu functions are used and read the code how the lines for the context menu are build there.
You will find a function that you need to overwritte or change then AND it must bea global function, no local (as you cannot access those).

ZO_KeyboardFriendsListManager:FriendsListRow_OnMouseUp(control, button, upInside)
-> ZO_KeyboardFriendsListManager is the class, you need to hook into the global object which get's greated via <object> = <className>:New(...)
-> Object is FRIENDS_LIST

But ZOs also provides a globally acessible function returning that object'S function for you already, which you can easily PreHook and change the context menu accordingly to your needs:
ZO_FriendsListRow_OnMouseUp(control, button, upInside)

BUT AGAIN: If you prehook and return true to hide the original context menu etc. you will maybe destroy other addons or even vanilla code.
You would have to rebuild ALL code from function ZO_KeyboardFriendsListManager:FriendsListRow_OnMouseUp(control, button, upInside) and just replace the context menu entry for "Jump to friend" with yours! So you cannot simply "just replace 1 entry" in there. You need to redefine that function basically....

So do this with care and MUCH testing (this would also be a relief for us who need to check your files and update them every day several times ;) I recommand to change your code and TEST it for a few days before updating the addon each time... Thank you).

Most of the lists like friends list etc. are also suported by LibcustomMenu afaik so instead of altering the original menu entry and trying to overwrite or change it, maybe just try to add a new entry which teleports AND runs your code then? And keep the existing entry where it is?

sinnereso 04/26/23 10:57 AM

I appreciate all the help and sorry for all the updates. I'm new at this and have been working on it nearly steady for 3months.

My goal with this was to improve the user experience by harnessing the jumpto's so the user's chosen teleport effects etc would be fired everywhere but that proved difficult with the jumpto loops. So I thought maybe the group, friends and guild lists might be safer leaving the jumpto function intact and loopless but this seems risky too.

My issue is for this to work I NEED to completely control the jumpto function and delay it varied amounts. I think you've convinced me this is far more of a big deal than I anticipated and I'll likely just bail on the whole idea. At least for now.

Baertram 04/26/23 12:56 PM

As I said, you might leave the original jumpto as it is and just add other context menu entries, "custom ones", below the existing ones, which call your code then, making the jump delayed by calling the API function delayed, etc.

This way you would at least be able to test if everything that you had in mind is even possible and works, before hooking into/replacing/manipulating the code of the API functions itsself.

sinnereso 04/26/23 02:53 PM

Im trying as you suggest registering it EARLY which may suffice. got all three group guild and friends lists working smoothly so far with just a jumpto and no effect/queue yet but thats nearly a copy/past over and that will work too.

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