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Dolby 04/30/19 07:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is how I was able to install the oracle jdk8 on Pop!_os (since the oracle java ppa is no longer available due to license changes) but should work on most up to date distro's out there.
  • Register for a free Oracle account and download the latest JDK8 tar.gz(jdk-8u211-linux-x64.tar.gz).
  • Download these bash scripts and follow the simple directions to install jdk8 from the tar.gz file you downloaded.
  • Check if java -version shows the correct version:

    dolby@pop-os:~/Downloads/Minion$ java -version
    java version "1.8.0_211"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_211-b12)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.211-b12, mixed mode)

  • Download the Minion jar from and extract the zip into location and folder of your choice.
  • Now run java -jar Minion-jfx.jar in the folder you extracted the zip to

    dolby@pop-os:~/Downloads/Minion$ java -jar Minion-jfx.jar
  • Choose to update Minion and restart. (It won't restart)
  • Before you start minion we need to apply the patch manually. Navigate to the folder you are running minion from and you should see a new folder named "null" grab the Minion-jfx.jar from there and copy over the old Minion-jfx.jar in the parent directory.
  • now start minion again java -jar Minion-jfx.jar and it should work like mine...

maxheadroom2000 05/05/19 04:41 PM

Minion Lives!
Finally, a usable set of instructions that work! You are a saint. :banana:

I am using these instructions with the Steam version of ESO on Linux Mint, and it is working perfectly.

For those that are doing the same, and have no idea where to find the AddOns folder, it is buried in a somewhat weird place. Try turning on "Show hidden files" and look for someplace like this:
~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/306130/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/AddOns

See you in Tamriel!

Dolby 05/17/19 07:31 AM

This is a guide by VERNSTOKED to install Minion with Lutris

calvin.scones 05/20/19 07:19 PM

Java Error
I followed the instructions here, but I am getting an error at running java -jar Minion-jfx.jar

X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
Major opcode of failed request: 151 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request: 24 (X_GLXCreateNewContext)
Value in failed request: 0x0
Serial number of failed request: 29
Current serial number in output stream: 30

I verified that java is the right version, and tried 8u212 as well


Simple reboot fixed this

For anyone finding this post later the issue was that Manjaro/arch uses openJDK, and using:
"archlinux-java set <JRE version>"
fixes the issue, but will error out until after a reboot

Feel free to remove this post if you want since this is a sticky.

ettavolt 08/16/19 01:20 PM

You don't need JRE/JDK from Oracle speicifically, OpenJDK has no difference (but freer license).
Though not all distros provide OpenJFX 8. For Ubuntu-based a possible solution is outlined here:

To run on JDK+JFX 11 Minion will need be converted to modules, it seems. At least that the error I got from trying to launch it in this setup.

Instead of changing the default JDK as calvin.scones suggests, one may simply run

/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/bin/java -jar Minion-jfx.jar

Techwolf 09/09/19 11:55 AM

Just found this thread. I will add my two cents. :-D

I run minion from the command line. What I ended up doing a year and half ago was installed Oracle version 9.0.4 of java as the open source version did not work graphics wise. It did ran, but the UI was all messed up.

My OS is gentoo and CPU is currently Threadripper.

I installed Oracle java using the guild from the wiki:

I su to the steam user. I use a different user from the main to keep things seperate as games have a bad habit of doing things the users does not want. So running a seperate user is recommended on Linux systems.

Manually download the .jar and place in ".wine_Tamriel/drive_c/users/steam/Local Settings/Application Data/Minion/app/" Note on my sytem, I installed it using the .exe and hence why the full path to the normal install. It was later I found the GUI bugs.

I did not set the system wide java as I wanted the default java to be not oracle, so my command line is:


steam@laptop ~ $ /opt/oracle-jre-bin-9.0.4/bin/java -jar ".wine_ESO/drive_c/users/steam/Local Settings/Application Data/Minion/app/Minion-jfx.jar"
Getting minion to find the right place for the addons was tricky and I forgot how I did it. See previous posts for tips on getting minion to find the right place where the addons should be.

I have been running minion like that for over year with only one issue, you must update from the first window, using the update button from sub-windows will not work. Example is clicking on the addon and reading the change log and updateing from there does not work.

Update: Gentoo removed oracle bin version 9.0.4 for security issues. So one may have to manually install version 9.04. Will be testing other versions.

Update 2:
Tested oracle version works
Tested icedtea version 3.13.0: failed with "Error: Could not find or load main class gg.minion.Minion"
Tested openjdk version 11.0.4: failed with "Error: Could not find or load main class gg.minion.Minion
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javafx/application/Application"

Update 3: I revisited this issue and found out the root cause of the error was missing openjfx from openjdk. Search for and install the openjfx package for the distro. For gentoo system, enable and openjfx USE flag and re-emerge openjdk. Got past the error but gets stuck at init. Can get to settings and so on, but the black popup will not go away. Can close the program normally.

Update 4: I revisited this again. Turns out gentoo javafx does not enable webkit. I copied the javafx ebuild to my local setup. Edited the ebuild to enable webkit and re-emerge javafx and openjdk. It now works with openjdk-11.

FIGBird 09/09/19 03:17 PM

The issue I run into with the JAR version is as follows:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: it/sauronsoftware/junique/AlreadyLockedException

I have attempted a few different java versions. I am not entirely sure where the error is, but that looks like a unit testing framework which suggests it is an issue with the JAR file itself. I can post the whole stack if needed.

For reference here is the output from java -version after the bash scripts were used on the originally suggested oracle file.

java version "1.8.0_221"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_221-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.221-b11, mixed mode)

Baertram 09/09/19 10:31 PM

Seems the class it.sauronsoftware.junique.AlreadyLockedException is missing in the jar file, or a jar dependency is missing in the classpath entry of the jar's manifest.
Weird it is working for some and not for others.
Maybe they have the same class somewhere else in there environment variables and you could download it somewhere and add it as well to yours, so it's "globally" known for all jar files?

sirinsidiator 09/10/19 05:02 AM

Sounds more like you are either missing the lib folder accompanying the Minion-jfx.jar or it is not found on the classpath for some reason. You could try to specify it manually like so:

java -cp .;lib -jar Minion-jfx.jar

FIGBird 09/10/19 03:29 PM

My face is a little red at the moment. I somehow managed to extract only the JAR file and missed the lib folder. Works like a charm as soon as I have the dependencies...

Tar000un 01/08/20 07:00 AM

I m running Minion from Lutris as I got the java error and didn't want to dig too long.

But I tilted on :

Originally Posted by ettavolt (Post 38893)
To run on JDK+JFX 11 Minion will need be converted to modules, it seems. At least that the error I got from trying to launch it in this setup.

So I tried more longer and I got this "working" :

wget -O /tmp/
unzip /tmp/ -d /tmp/
java --module-path="/tmp/javafx-sdk-11.0.2/lib/" --add-modules=javafx.swing,,javafx.fxml,,javafx.web \
  --add-reads \
  --add-opens javafx.controls/com.sun.javafx.charts=ALL-UNNAMED \
  --add-opens \
  --add-opens \
  --add-opens \
  --add-opens javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.runtime=ALL-UNNAMED \
-jar Minion-jfx.jar

But addons are not listed after I pointed to the addOns dir. :(

Getting a lot of :

DEBUG 2020-01-08 13:56:19,947 [Thread-9] gg.minion.service.AddOnDetectionService:interrogateDirs(354): PotionMaker - TOC Version: 5.7.9
DEBUG 2020-01-08 13:56:19,947 [Thread-9] gg.minion.service.AddOnDetectionService:detectAddOn(268): No addons match PotionMaker

How do you "convert as module" ?

Baertram 01/08/20 08:19 AM

Minion got some settings at the top right UI corner where you can change the addon directory scan depth. Sometimes increasing this helps.

I can not speak for Unix, only for the Windows versions:
-Use 32bit version even on 64bit OS
-Start as admin to give it access to the user directory
-Allow the minion directory and elder scrolls online directory access (whitelist/exclusion list) in Antivirus/Firewalls

Maybe this helps you for Unix as wlel somehow :confused:

You could also try to stop minion, rename/delete the Minion.xml file!
Then go to your AddOns directory. Remove all addons (move them elsewhere).

Start minion, point to the addon dir.
Download a few addons new.
Close Minion.
Move/Copy the other addons into the AddOns directory again but do not overwrite any files.

Start minion again and check if it scans and updates properly now.

Tar000un 01/10/20 02:28 AM

I recently changed the depth, lowering it. But I tried raising with theses values:
- Concurrent downloads: 4
- Game Scan Depth: 3

Still getting the issue. I can't find "more addon" to download and install a new addon.

I would like to highlight an issue in your list.

Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 39987)
-Start as admin to give it access to the user directory

Running a bin as admin (ie root) is very unsafe.

Instead running as admin, you have to set the proper ACL.
Even largely permissive ACL still better than giving root access to an app.

Baertram 01/10/20 08:54 AM

Okay, thanks. As I said the admin info was for a Windows system :p

ettavolt 06/16/20 10:56 PM

Managed to run Minion on OpenJDK 14 with

java --module-path=/usr/lib/jvm/default/lib/javafx.web.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/default/lib/ --add-modules=javafx.swing,,javafx.fxml,,javafx.web \
  --add-reads \
  --add-opens javafx.controls/com.sun.javafx.charts=ALL-UNNAMED \
  --add-opens \
  --add-opens \
  --add-opens \
  --add-opens javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.runtime=ALL-UNNAMED \
-jar Minion-jfx.jar

If you happen to have no /usr/lib/jvm/default/lib/jrt-fs.jar, you might be able to run with just --module-path=/usr/lib/jvm/default/lib/

Lizzi's Bow 01/15/21 07:24 PM

Why doesn't this work?
/usr/java/jre1.8.0_271/bin/java -jar "/home/lizzias/Downloads/Minion3.0.5-java/Minion-jfx.jar"

download java 8 from here:

easy install follow these instructions:

Change to the directory in which you want to install. Type:
cd directory_path_name
For example, to install the software in the /usr/java/ directory, Type:
cd /usr/java/

Move the .tar.gz archive binary to the current directory.
Unpack the tarball and install Java
tar zxvf jre-8u73-linux-x64.tar.gz

The Java files are installed in a directory called jre1.8.0_73 in the current directory. In this example, it is installed in the /usr/java/jre1.8.0_73 directory. When the installation has completed, you will see the word Done.
Delete the .tar.gz file if you want to save disk space.

thelonghop 04/27/21 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Dolby (Post 37962)
This is how I was able to install the oracle jdk8 on Pop!_os (since the oracle java ppa is no longer available due to license changes) but should work on most up to date distro's out there.
  • Register for a free Oracle account and download the latest JDK8 tar.gz(jdk-8u211-linux-x64.tar.gz).
  • Download these bash scripts and follow the simple directions to install jdk8 from the tar.gz file you downloaded.
  • Check if java -version shows the correct version:

    dolby@pop-os:~/Downloads/Minion$ java -version
    java version "1.8.0_211"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_211-b12)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.211-b12, mixed mode)

  • Download the Minion jar from and extract the zip into location and folder of your choice.
  • Now run java -jar Minion-jfx.jar in the folder you extracted the zip to

    dolby@pop-os:~/Downloads/Minion$ java -jar Minion-jfx.jar
  • Choose to update Minion and restart. (It won't restart)
  • Before you start minion we need to apply the patch manually. Navigate to the folder you are running minion from and you should see a new folder named "null" grab the Minion-jfx.jar from there and copy over the old Minion-jfx.jar in the parent directory.
  • now start minion again java -jar Minion-jfx.jar and it should work like mine...

Could we possibly get a Read Me or current instructions to install the Java version of Minion, specifically for Linux? Or using current Java versions?

Baertram 04/28/21 02:30 AM

Readme = first post by Dolby (which you have quoted already). What is missing?
Additional info = other posts, like other Linux versions, Steam, etc.

Faulon 06/10/21 10:59 PM

What am I missing here?
Okay so ive been following instructions on installing java and what not, currently running the most up to date version of java

openjdk version "1.8.0_292"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_292-8u292-b10-0ubuntu1~20.10-b10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.292-b10, mixed mode)

now when I try and run java -jar Minion-jfx.jar it gives me the following error

Error: Could not find or load main class gg.minion.Minion

I read another post, but the individual was running a version of java not supported. So that would make sense, but I am running the version i thought was compatible with Minion 3.0.5.

I am currently updating ESO so I can't do a system restart just yet to see if that may fix the issue. But I will try a reboot after its completed.

Baertram 06/11/21 01:52 AM

Others having a similar issue had either a corrupt download of the jar containing file, or at least missing subfolders of that downloaded file (like the libs folder).
Try to validate it's the full file and you have extracted all properly.

Faulon 06/11/21 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 44144)
Others having a similar issue had either a corrupt download of the jar containing file, or at least missing subfolders of that downloaded file (like the libs folder).
Try to validate it's the full file and you have extracted all properly.

I come across another post and forgot to insert it here, but it is saying I need the jJavaFX installed. Well I am extremely new to Linux so I have the zip file of the javafx, but I'm three sheets to the wind on installing it correctly. Ive tried extracting it to my usr/local directory, fired up netbeans but its not registering any JavaFX file.

I did run the other option of installing through lutris but it is next to impossible to read and last time I attempted to run it, (which was months ago) minion would simply crash.

I like the instructions from Dolby, but it sounds like I need to install the JavaFX for it to properly install. the .jar

UPDATE: I'm just using the Lutris install instructions to run Minion. I am not going to worry about JvaFX right now, don't need to.

[Daniel] 07/09/21 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Techwolf (Post 39161)
Update 3: I revisited this issue and found out the root cause of the error was missing openjfx from openjdk. Search for and install the openjfx package for the distro. For gentoo system, enable and openjfx USE flag and re-emerge openjdk. Got past the error but gets stuck at init. Can get to settings and so on, but the black popup will not go away. Can close the program normally.

Lots of great information in this thread, but Techwolf's update held the answer I needed to get passed the "Could not find or load main class gg.minion.Minion" error I was getting after first trying to launch Minion.

I'm a relatively new Linux user testing out Manjaro 21.07 (KDE Plasma) as my possible Windows replacement and finding that every moment is a learning opportunity.

Here's what I did (craddle to grave) in case the steps help someone else:
1) Installed ESO via Steam/Proton (steam pre-installed by Manjaro KDE)
2) Copied my pre-existing Windows Addon folder to the new Linux/Steam path... /home/<userid>/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/306130/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/AddOns/
3) Downloaded and extracted the Minion Java archive file to a Minion folder on my desktop
4) Used Manjaro's "Add/Remove Software" to install jre8-openjdk-headless 8.u292-1
5) Opened the Minion Folder on my desktop and launched a terminal from there
6) executed java -jar Minion-jfx.jar... and received the "Could not find or load main class gg.minion.Minion" error
7) Found Techwolf's note and used Manjaro's "Add/Remove Software" to install java8-openjfx 8.u.202-3 (quite possibly the only software I needed to install as it includes the JDK in its dependencies)
8) Returned to the terminal session at the Minion Folder and re-executed java -jar Minion-jfx.jar... Success!
9) copied the Null folder update over the original JAR
10) Returned to the terminal session at the Minion Folder and re-executed java -jar Minion-jfx.jar... Success!
11) I noticed Minions tree for navigating to the addon folder was not showing hidden folders, but found that if I clicked the pencil you could type/paste in your own path... /home/<userid>/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/306130/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/AddOns/
12) I watched in the terminal as it successfully parsed all my addons, but noticed that the UI didn't update with my ESO Addon list
13) Closed Minion and relaunched once more via terminal... java -jar Minion-jfx.jar... Success, ESO and it's addons listed as expected!
14) Added a script to my desktop with the following code so I can click-to-launch (replace your userid for <userid>)

cd /home/<userid>/Desktop/Minion/
java -jar Minion-jfx.jar

Dolby 01/10/22 06:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Just posting an update since its been awhile and I just had to test Minion in Ubuntu 18x.

This is what I did to get Minion running...
  1. Download jdk8 from oracle, you need an account but its free
    Download latest jkd-8u___-linux-x64.tar.gz into your Download directory ~/Downloads
  2. Open up terminal and...
  3. cd ~/Downloads
  4. wget
  5. chmod +x
  6. sudo ./ -f jdk-8u311-linux-x64.tar.gz
    Answer 'y' to all questions
  7. Verify we have jdk8 as default:
    java -version
    java version "1.8.0_311"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_311-b11)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.311-b11, mixed mode)
  8. wget
  9. mkdir minion
  10. unzip -d minion
  11. cd minion
  12. java -jar Minion-jfx.jar
  13. Update Minion and it will quit. There is a bug where it will download the update into a sub directory named "null" inside the minion directory.
  14. cd null
  15. java -jar Minion-jfx.jar

10leej 03/18/22 09:32 AM

Just out of curiousity, would this work with openjdk? If so we could just package it up as flatpak or appimage so we don't have to go through so much work just to get it running.

k33ny 03/24/22 03:15 PM

I've written a script to install Minion-java properly on Lutris (without wine).

k33ny 03/25/22 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by 10leej (Post 45524)
Just out of curiousity, would this work with openjdk? If so we could just package it up as flatpak or appimage so we don't have to go through so much work just to get it running.

Unfortunatelly, this does NOT work with openjdk8. I did manage to make it run with openjdk17 + openjfx17, however only partially as updates would still not work.

Baertram 03/25/22 07:05 AM

Updates of Minion do not work?
Well I'd refrain from not installing the updates and using it like that as the log4j security fixes are only available in the updted Minion 3.0.6+ versions, but not in any 3.0.5 version (or early 3.0.6 versions).

XXXBold 04/05/22 07:03 AM

Can't start minion anymore
3 Attachment(s)
I'm having a weird issue with minion on my Linux machine, I followed the instructions on how to install and also got it working.

Didn't use minion for a while then (about 2 months or so), and now I can't start it anymore.
It keeps throwing exceptions on startup (Only visible when starting from terminal), and the window is not fully shown, just the border. There it hangs forever, see terminal.txt. minion.log is also included, but probably not helpful.

After some testing, I found out that it seems to be an issue with the proprietary NVIDIA Driver, maybe an update broke this. When I switch to the free nouveau driver, I can start minion normally and it works as intended (Systemdetails: system.txt).

I installed it like this: "Minion-jfx.jar" + "lib" and the required java-runtime in the same directory, with a startscript containing the following:

#Start minion addon manager
export PATH=./jdk1.8.0_311/bin:$PATH
export JAVA_HOME=./jdk1.8.0_311
java -jar Minion-jfx.jar

Feel free to ask for more information, I'm glad to help solving this.

Thanks and Regards,


daimon 06/28/22 02:38 PM

Is there like some easy mode *cough* to get Minion workin on Steam Deck ?

Dolby 06/30/22 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by daimon (Post 46243)
Is there like some easy mode *cough* to get Minion workin on Steam Deck ?

Won't get mine until Q3 (soon) :) However I think I can install steamOS on virtualbox and play around so I'll try and find some time to do so.

As long as you can get java 8 installed on it I dont see why it wouldn't work.

daimon 06/30/22 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Dolby (Post 46248)
Won't get mine until Q3 (soon) :) However I think I can install steamOS on virtualbox and play around so I'll try and find some time to do so.

As long as you can get java 8 installed on it I dont see why it wouldn't work.

Heya Dolby! I hope you're doing good old pal :) And good to hear you're getting your deck soon, it's quite cool thingie ^^

Thanks in advance.

Baertram 08/30/22 12:16 AM

If you use Linux and Minion is not working, someone made a simple addon downloader:


I made a simple addon downloader (and maybe a proper manager in future) for Linux. It should work on Steam Deck as well, but I don't have one so I can't try it.


What it does is basically automate the downloading and unzipping for all the addons you list.
There is also button to update TTC prices.

The source code is open so you can check what it does in here:
Also the readme has the instructions, so please read those.

Also here's direct link to the downloads

The app is distributed as an appimage.

If you have any bugs or issues with the app, please create a new issue in the codeberg, it's easier to track that way.

loktai 09/12/22 03:49 PM

Minion 3.05 appears to be broken on Linux - I had minion working just fine, and then suddenly my install was broken. Installing via Lutris fails as does installing via the AUR package available for Manjaro/Arch users.

Seconding the addon downloader as a meanwhile solution.

EDIT: And now it's working... v0v

Zastrix 11/19/22 10:45 PM

I currently am working on a flatpak for Minion. I made it work with a flatpak installation of ESO on Steam. The only current problem I'm facing is that darn auto-update message and the fact that flatpak is Read-only. I did ask for some help on the flathub forums but I'll respond here when an update happens.


Here it is on github, I'll see to add it to flathub these days as soon as I am finished with college tests. The issue is still present and can not be fixed because otherwise it would cause a big safety risk. I'll be able to update it there only when the devs update minion.

I could update it by essentially putting Minion binaries and libs in the repo itself but that would break the EULA afaik so I'm not gonna' do that.

Edit v2:

I realized that that version doesn't actually support aarch64 for people running macs w/ linux so I'm working on that first.

Zastrix 11/21/22 08:24 PM

New update: I managed to make it work on aarch64/ARM64 devices, thankfully I had a high-performance ARM64 ubuntu server with an RDP connection.

The repo itself does not hold any minion code, it downloads it from the website during installation. To actually post it on flathub I do need to permission, so @Baertram, with you being the developer of it, is it alright for me to submit the aforementioned repo to flathub alongside the domain I've put it on `com.mmoui.Minion`?



Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 46517)

edit v2:

You have the github link above so you can check it out and do holler if you're not okay with something!

Baertram 11/22/22 06:42 AM

Hello Zastrix,

I'm not the developer and I'm not involved into Minion by any ways ;) I'm just one of the helping hands around.
Please contact Dolby for that, at best via PM.

Zastrix 11/22/22 12:46 PM

Oh my bad! I saw you on multiple posts and I thought it was like that!

Thanks for the answer! I'm gonna' do that right now!


We are discussing the details over it but Minion will be available on the flathub/system stores eventually!

hanny00 01/26/23 09:37 AM

Hello all, i had yesterday the same Problem as others, Miniongg would not start and it shows an error:
Error: Main class gg.minion.Minion could not be found or loaded

I use Manjaro Linux and i use the aur package.

I found out that Miniongg needs as dependencies: java8-openjfx

to build this it needs python2. I edit the packagebuild from java8-openjfx and delete python2 from the list and build the package, than i install miniongg again

Now i can start miniongg and it works as it should

elzzid 01/30/23 10:10 AM


Did you have python2 installed already perhaps? When I edited the java8-openjfx pkgbuild file to remove the python2 dependency it still gave me an error that seems like it absolutely requires python2. This was on Arch.

-- Found PythonInterp: /home/elzzid/.pyenv/shims/python (found suitable version "3.10.9", minimum required is "2.7.0")
CMake Error at Source/cmake/WebKitCommon.cmake:25 (message):
Python 2 is required, but Python 3 was found.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:147 (include)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/elzzid/.cache/pikaur/build/java8-openjfx/src/rt-8u202-ga/modules/web/build/linux/Release/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file '/home/elzzid/.cache/pikaur/build/java8-openjfx/src/rt-8u202-ga/build.gradle' line: 2584

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':web:compileNativeLinux'.
> Process 'command 'perl'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

Zastrix 05/12/23 03:09 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Just for new people, you might want to look at this github PR it's where I started the post Minion on flathub and just waiting for some information currently. There is a command to install it from the test repository as one of the latest few comments of the PR.

Also, if you're using an Nvidia cards there's no black screen stutters while running Wayland. :banana:

I've added access for ~/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam and ~/Games.

You can add ESO from Steam via this path:


~/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/data/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/306130/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/AddOns
For Lutris I would argue the path is:


~/Games/the-elder-scrolls-online/drive_c/users/$USER/Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/AddOns

Zastrix 05/17/23 05:25 AM

It's on flathub!
Update: It's posted on flathub. It should be in stores if you have flathub set as a source.

To install it via the CLI:

flatpak --user remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
flatpak --user install gg.minion.Minion

Zastrix 06/15/23 02:56 AM

Alternative JRE's
If you don't plan on using the flatpak this is info from my investigation on how to run Minion.
  1. Running the Bellsoft JDK as it has the JavaFX modules baked in.

    The bellsoft JDK (in my experiments 11) has JavaFX baked in and simply installing it will make minion run without an issue. This is, of course, with the JDK, iirc the standard JRE won't work.

  2. 'Making' your own working JRE with OpenJFX.

    Essentially a way to guarantee this works with minimal space usage is by installing OpenJFX on top of your JRE installation. Just install your JRE and then download JavaFX for the required version of your JRE. Let's say JRE 17 as that's the current LTS.

    (Everything is done in this PR:, but I'll be explaining the steps)

    Paths shouldn't matter too much so let's say you downloaded OpenJFX 17 and extract it into:

    Additionaly you need to make sure that your $JAVA_HOME path has been set OR the path for your JRE has been added in the system path.

    Now you should be able to start Minion with this command:


    java -jar --module-path /app/javafx/lib \,javafx.fxml,javafx.web \
        --add-reads \
        --add-opens \
        --add-opens \
        --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED \

    If you get an error similar to: module does not "exports com.sun.javafx.css" to unnamed module @55340952 that means that you need to add another --add-opens. Let's break down the error:


    module X does not "exports Y" to unnamed module @_Z
    This basically means that you have to write --add-opens X/Y=ALL-UNNAMED.


P.S. I made sure to use Java 17 as OpenJFX is supported for ARM based machines, as there might be a chance to run ESO few years into the future on ARM-based archtypes. ESO can be played on ARM based macs iirc.

Nurdles 07/13/23 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Zastrix (Post 47793)
Update: It's posted on flathub. It should be in stores if you have flathub set as a source.

Zastrix, you have restored my sanity and faith in human beings. Running EndeavourOS (an Arch variant) and the flatpak just works. I don't mind the download size as it's not worth wrestling with this Java app on Linux.

'Twould be nice to hear that the devs are actively testing versionNext on at least Ubuntu or Linux Mint, two very popular "mainstream" distros. Otherwise I hope you stick around and are willing to roll up another flatpak for the rest of us. :)

Thank you again, Zastrix, for all your hard work!

Zastrix 07/27/23 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Nurdles (Post 48121)
Zastrix, you have restored my sanity and faith in human beings. Running EndeavourOS (an Arch variant) and the flatpak just works. I don't mind the download size as it's not worth wrestling with this Java app on Linux.

'Twould be nice to hear that the devs are actively testing versionNext on at least Ubuntu or Linux Mint, two very popular "mainstream" distros. Otherwise I hope you stick around and are willing to roll up another flatpak for the rest of us. :)

Thank you again, Zastrix, for all your hard work!

Great to hear! (And I see that this is literally the only time you responded on the forums :D)

I am planning to play ESO for the forseeable future so of course I would try to make a flatpak if that is an option. I wouldn't have too much of a problem with a .deb being available. I do use Fedora but basically everything on my system is a flatpak so not a problem to just make it work in a sandbox!

Zastrix 11/13/23 03:45 PM

Made a quick youtube video on how to setup it up as I saw multiple people recommending going manual setup or whatever:

Baertram 11/13/23 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Zastrix (Post 48915)
Made a quick youtube video on how to setup it up as I saw multiple people recommending going manual setup or whatever:

Thank you, linked that at the troubleshooting sticky thread.

Zastrix 11/14/23 05:22 AM

I've been in contact with Dolby and now Minion is both verified on flathub and it's an official download source under

Edit, DONE: I'm waiting on some PRs for flathub-specific tools to allow permissions for xdg-data/Steam and then I'll merge some branches to make Minion be delivered by the Flathub CDN, causing smaller downloads during updates and an automatic update job via x-checker-data. Meaning no maintenance won't ever be required except in critical changes where data structure or the JRE needs to be changed.

Speaking of the JRE potentially being changed, I've created a template PR for JRE17 LTS so in case it needs to be done it'll literally only take a handful of minutes to do it (primary focus is making it work on aarch64 as well for future Asahi Linux users).

Zastrix 03/30/24 01:13 PM

Fixing the flatpak
Ok seems like flatpak changed some default value which broke the file structure. I'm currently working on PR #16 which should address this for this update and future updates.

Great to see the autodetect for the latest version of Minion works tho.

Techwolf 03/30/24 02:59 PM

Keep in mind of the one issue that affect a lot of folks. The java root cert went bad, expired and affect a lot of folks. I run the java, not .exe, version, so it did not affect me.

Zastrix 04/01/24 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Techwolf (Post 49691)
Keep in mind of the one issue that affect a lot of folks. The java root cert went bad, expired and affect a lot of folks. I run the java, not .exe, version, so it did not affect me.

Oh it didn't affect the flatpak users sure, but I was more commenting on the flatpak (which IS essentially the Java release) because it had the notification of a new update available because I had to release Minion 3.0.12 on flathub (some default variable for archive files needed to be changed, but it's fixed now for future updates).

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