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timidobserver 10/30/14 11:09 PM

Alpha Tools removed?
Any information on what happened to Alpha Tools? When I go to the addon page it says removed by the request of the author.

Moosetrax 10/30/14 11:11 PM

Did AlphaLemming Leave?
It looked like his mods had been updated today but when you click the links they say "removed per author's request."

As soon as I hit post I noticed that someone else posted about the same thing shortly before I did. Sorry for the duplicate post.

Cairenn 10/30/14 11:19 PM

His 'update' was to remove all the actual addon code and just post a message of (basically) "I'm done.". So yeah .... :(

paulovaca 10/31/14 05:10 AM

This was a great Add-on to swap armor/skills

Migoda 10/31/14 05:40 AM

Same for CraftStore... its such a great and useful addon. What a pity!

Anex 10/31/14 11:31 AM

I'm so bummed about Craftstore.. -sigh-

spoqster 10/31/14 02:03 PM

Terrible News
This is terrible news!! Both addons were fantastic. Possibly in my top 5. They were amazing!

Halja 10/31/14 02:14 PM

:( Bummer I use Craftstore all the time.

timidobserver 10/31/14 07:54 PM

Pretty lame of him to just up and delete it. I personally don't use either of his addons, but I have a few guildies that were using them.

QuadroTony 11/01/14 08:49 AM

why he did this? its so.... SELFISH!

why not just let it be outdated, mby some1 will pick it up later..... :confused:

Cairenn 11/01/14 10:12 AM

No, it isn't selfish or lame. It's his work and he is allowed to decide he no longer wishes to distribute it. It also can not be picked up by someone else without his permission, it is fully copyright protected. It is always sad to see a popular author leave a game for whatever reason, but their reasons are their own and we can't know what they are. Try to have a little more consideration.

QuadroTony 11/01/14 10:57 AM

so if i reupload the same addon on this site it will be removed

but if i change few lines, and made few fixes, all okay?
like with this

tintinnabule 11/01/14 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 12850)
so if i reupload the same addon on this site it will be removed

but if i change few lines, and made few fixes, all okay?
like with this

All depends original code license.
I don't know that used for this addon.

Randactyl 11/01/14 12:42 PM

CraftStore 2.01 did not include any kind of license info file. It did not even have the README mandated by ZOS.

Files included in the 2.01 zip were:


QuadroTony 11/01/14 12:44 PM

so why Craftstore Reuploaded wad deleted from the site? :confused::confused::confused:

Cairenn 11/01/14 12:49 PM

No license == All Rights Reserved. Therefore no one else can redistribute. As already stated.

Randactyl 11/01/14 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 12855)
so why Craftstore Reuploaded wad deleted from the site? :confused::confused::confused:

I don't know what CraftStore Reuploaded was, but if it was literally just a reupload of the last available version of CraftStore that wouldn't fly.

In theory, someone could rewrite CraftStore and release their version as long as they acknowledge where the inspiration and possibly where some resources originated. That's what I'm working on now with qqFrames (ggFrames replacement).

edit: and there's your answer from Cairenn :)

QuadroTony 11/01/14 01:12 PM

i will prob reupload MailTime after 1.5 with changes to match the API version and other fixes in my todo list
its the similar addon to CraftStore, i guess

TheChessurCat 11/01/14 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 12855)
so why Craftstore Reuploaded wad deleted from the site? :confused::confused::confused:

It was deleted because I didn't get proper permission from @AlphaLemming and was breaking the copyright protection by just doing a straight reupload.

My bad :(

timidobserver 11/02/14 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 12848)
No, it isn't selfish or lame. It's his work and he is allowed to decide he no longer wishes to distribute it. It also can not be picked up by someone else without his permission, it is fully copyright protected. It is always sad to see a popular author leave a game for whatever reason, but their reasons are their own and we can't know what they are. Try to have a little more consideration.

I don't really see the logic in your response. I never questioned whether he is allowed to decide whether he wants to distribute it or not. You are right that it is completely the right of anyone to put up or take down whatever they want just like it is my right to view taking it down with no warning or explanation as lame/selfish.

Morwo 11/03/14 11:25 AM

Alphalemming removed his addons for reasons. k i got it.
but minion does not reconize anymore the addons of him as well?

Cairenn 11/03/14 11:33 AM

Nope, because they've been removed.

Xorvivs 11/11/14 12:25 PM

It would be helpful to minion, if it says something about removed addons.

I want alphatools back, too. I do hope, someone is able to convince the author to give the code+rights to another one.

Valthyr 11/11/14 11:56 PM

Already contacted the author about taking over his addons, his response is as follows:


Originally Posted by @AlphaLemming
Thanks for the offer, but no.

I'am off in ESO until the Champion System is fully established and my Addons CraftStore and AlphaTools not longer for public use, only for friends who appreciate the time i have spared for it.
I not allow any reupload, redesign or use of modifed code. The moderators of this site will take care of it.

So long, wich you luck and fun in ESO.

Anex 11/12/14 01:59 AM

While he is well within his right as an author to do so (and I don't know what made him so bitter to behave the way he is).. it doesn't make me feel like supporting him in the future.

QuadroTony 11/12/14 02:08 AM

well, i will not use his addons anymore even if he come back
his behaviour upset me alot

katkat42 11/12/14 05:21 PM

It sounds like AlphaLemming got burned out on add-on development. It's very understandable; providing stuff for today's gamers can be a thankless task, and dealing with people's entitlement complexes gets very old very fast. Add to that the fact that add-on development is (mostly) unpaid volunteer service, and in service to something that is, after all, only a game, and burnout can happen easily.

Good speed to you, AlphaLemming, and whatever happens, make sure you have fun!

@AlphaLemming 11/13/14 06:18 AM

You hit the point katkat42 and thank you, same to you. In my case it is mostly the fact, that i really optimize my addons for innovative and easy use and nevertheless some player are unable to use it and spamming worthless comments without ever reading the description.

Dingodan 11/13/14 11:44 AM


for me is Alphatool the most needed Addon for ESO. I liked it from the first day and with all updates. I do not really use all options that are implented (toolbar) but the most of them.

I feed sad that you have given up the work on your addon for all user but i like your choice to keep it alive for the player that have honored your work.

I try to use your addon so long as it work with the new ESO updates.

Best Regards,


Randactyl 11/13/14 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by katkat42 (Post 13197)
It sounds like AlphaLemming got burned out on add-on development. It's very understandable; providing stuff for today's gamers can be a thankless task, and dealing with people's entitlement complexes gets very old very fast. Add to that the fact that add-on development is (mostly) unpaid volunteer service, and in service to something that is, after all, only a game, and burnout can happen easily.

Good speed to you, AlphaLemming, and whatever happens, make sure you have fun!


Originally Posted by @AlphaLemming (Post 13204)
You hit the point katkat42 and thank you, same to you. In my case it is mostly the fact, that i really optimize my addons for innovative and easy use and nevertheless some player are unable to use it and spamming worthless comments without ever reading the description.

Ohhhh man do I understand that. As others have said, good luck with future endeavors AlphaLemming. If you do ever decide to rerelease I'd be willing to help swat down trolly comments! :D

Sorgatanis 11/14/14 12:56 AM

Sehr schade, aber verständlich. Ich fand deine beiden AddOns (alphatools & craftstore) klasse.
Alles gute für weitere Projekte.

Viele Grüße

QuadroTony 11/14/14 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by @AlphaLemming (Post 13204)
You hit the point katkat42 and thank you, same to you. In my case it is mostly the fact, that i really optimize my addons for innovative and easy use and nevertheless some player are unable to use it and spamming worthless comments without ever reading the description.

i am a developer of many things at demonbuddy forum, for example
and all i can say from my experience - if you are not prepared to the huge amoun of worthless comments and noobish questions - better stop develop any public things you do, because its not your way, its too hard for you:p

it demands a certain power of will and a lot of patience

merlight 11/14/14 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 13235)
i am a developer of many things at demonbuddy forum, for example
and all i can say from my experience - if you are not prepared to the huge amoun of worthless comments and noobish questions - better stop develop any public things you do, because its not your way, its too hard for you:p

it demands a certain power of will and a lot of patience

I'm not sure whether you're trying to turn this into a flame thread, or just can't find proper words, but you should probably stop right there. It's not up to you to decide what others do with their free time. Don't use his add-ons, that's your choice. Some of us are glad he was here, wish he would continue programming whatever the target audience is, and hope he might come back some day. I was told about AlphaTools when I asked for a way to switch skill-bars for different encounters quickly, only a week or two before he pulled it. Thank Zaav I got it in time!

And by the way, although AlphaTools code looks a bit scary to me, it works. Apparently it wasn't too hard for him.

QuadroTony 11/14/14 05:54 AM

mby i wasnt clear, i just wanna to say - "community developer" its not only developer - its complex, right?
including full support and answers for noob questions/flame in your project topic/thread:p

IMO and from my experience only, everyone has its own point, anyway
no offence please

like an example
its one of my community projects, not for ESO, but still its development work

4817 posts
153 results of "nerfed" (very annoying one, fyi:D)
147 results of "question"
and a lot of "help"/"wtf"
and not only some, but alot of

Originally Posted by @AlphaLemming (Post 13204)
players are unable to use it and spamming worthless comments without ever reading the description.

practically without

Originally Posted by @AlphaLemming
friends who appreciate the time i have spared for it.

so, i dont given up on the 10th page, and dont close/delete the topic... but continue working and helping people with their questions. so doesnt matter how strong you are in C+/.lua/whatever, if you are CM developer, your best side its patience :p
some1 "burnout" in short terms, some1 not
im not calling those people weak, even if i wanted :D


Originally Posted by merlight (Post 13240)
I'm not sure whether you're trying to turn this into a flame thread

man, this topic was in flame from the beginning :(

Cerulean2013 11/14/14 05:01 PM

@AlphaLemming, thank you for making that add-on, was a joy to use, hope your next adventure is a fun one.

Now I think it might be in the best interest to put this thread down, so Mods how about closing it?

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