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VirusRenamon 03/13/14 04:41 PM

AddOn path
Where is the AddOn path? I installed ESO on a second internal hard drive, my first being strictly OS stuff, and if its where I installed ESO, I cannot pick the drive?

Xrystal 03/13/14 04:43 PM

<Documents>/Elder Scrolls Online/AddOns/

VirusRenamon 03/13/14 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 1146)
<Documents>/Elder Scrolls Online/AddOns/

I can get to the elder scrolls online folder inside documents, but all I see is a "live" folder. Should I just add a new folder called "AddOns" then point Minion to the new folder? Don't know why it doesn't exist already since I played the last beta and can play the beta this friday.

Dolby 03/13/14 06:16 PM

The path is <Documents>/Elder Scrolls Online/Live/AddOns

Xrystal 03/13/14 06:59 PM

oops, missed the live path .. thanks dolby

VirusRenamon 03/13/14 11:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Dolby (Post 1170)
The path is <Documents>/Elder Scrolls Online/Live/AddOns

Still don't see it, I see Errors, Logs, SavedVariables, Screenshots as folders and AddOnSettings ShareCache.cooked UserSettings as files.

Cairenn 03/14/14 01:07 AM

ESO only creates the AddOn folder after you've logged into the game at least once. Until you've done so there isn't an AddOn folder for Minion to find. Alternately, you can manually create the AddOn folder yourself.

We will have Minion create the folder itself if it isn't found, however we didn't have that functionality ready to go just yet but we didn't want to delay the release just for that.

Myrroddin 03/14/14 01:34 AM

Wait, you have Minion updated? For WoW as well as TESO? No more using outdated Java?

VirusRenamon 03/14/14 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 1213)
ESO only creates the AddOn folder after you've logged into the game at least once. Until you've done so there isn't an AddOn folder for Minion to find. Alternately, you can manually create the AddOn folder yourself.

That's the weird part, I participated in the last beta test before this upcoming one. But alright, I'll go make the folder.

**Edit: Yeah, when I put the folder in that directory, Minion immediately picked it up and didn't question where the directory was.

Cairenn 03/14/14 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Myrroddin (Post 1216)
Wait, you have Minion updated? For WoW as well as TESO? No more using outdated Java?

Actually, only for ESO now. We've got the Windows part almost finished, but not quite ready yet. We'll be posting on WoWI when it is. :)

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